Chapter 25 ~ Christmas at Mickey Ray's

Chapter 25 ~ Christmas at Mickey Ray's

A Chapter by Donna DeLong Matthews aka Gold Pen Ghost




Christmas at Mickey Rays
Chapter ~ 25

We sat and pondered of what could we do
for our dearest friend on this blessed day
Something that would be special for us all...
I know! A road trip girls to visit Mickey Ray.

So we dug out our finest Christmas duds
From our pantry we gathered our Christmas meal
figured we would serve crow instead of turkey
I think we've all had enough of a turkey deal

We dusted off the sleigh with plans to leave the next day
Lesa flew in from Nevada and Diana from North Carolina
This in it self is so special for it is the first time the Great Three meet as well
With the sleigh packed, 20 thermos's of coffee we leave Florida

Lesa and Diana cry,Oh dear we don't know how to get there
Girls Girls what do I do when I need directions
I walk into my computer and Google it !!!!
with map in hand we set out with such excited anticipation.

No Lesa I wont make you drive and no interstates I promise

We traveled the east coast beaches until snow was found
Diana put us behind schedule for in the snow she had to roll and play
While Lesa and I put on our long johns and socks
Come on Diana !! There will be time for play once we get to Mickey Rays

Oh I think that is his house just around the bend
What!!! No lights or Christmas decorations
Oh that will never do
We must do our magical creations.

What a joyful meeting it surely was
and you could see in his twinkling eyes
that he never even imagined
that the Ladies Three would pull such a surprise

Group hugs were many and smiles all around
The joy each felt none could not hide
Ray got his coat and saying let me show you around
he hooked up his sleigh and we took a ride

Ray said he was sorry he didn't even have a tree
but it didn't matter for there were no decorations anyway
So out we went in search of the perfect one.
Decorations?  Well the Ladies Tree would find a way

The temptation was too great
we challenged him to a race
Ray quickly fell behind
he just couldn't keep up the pace

So once again it was proven
the Ladies Three are the best
In every instance
they always pass the test

What ! Ray is that your devilish twin
behind that snow bank hiding with snow balls
Well Diana can play with him
but I think I hear hot chocolate and a warm fire call

Ok Ladies its time for some Muskateer Magic
One thing we forgot was tree decorations
so deep we must dig for our best we must do
and present him with our most glorious creation.

For the twinkling lights
we take the sparkle from Rays eyes
The beads are of the friendship bound
between us four guys

Gold balls???
Well that one I'm not gonna touch!!!

Red Bows from the cheer
felt each time we meet on line
and gold stars of hope
we have for all man kind

The gifts beneath the tree
represents what we share each day
and pray our bountiful joy
will forever and ever stay

To show the closeness shared by us four
the twinkling star of love tops it all
as we stand back and admire our work
we give our dear friend, Ray, a beckoning call

We sit by the warming fire
with hot coco in hand
sharing friendship and love
In our fantasy wonder land

Oh the dreaded time has now come
its twenty past  midnight.
We Musketeers four bid a tearful farewell
as we have a group hug holding each other tight

We climb back into our trusty sleigh
not wanting an end to this night
We take just one last look back
as we go out of sight.

Merry Christmas you three
we hear Ray call
Merry Christmas sweet Ray
and Peace on Earth to all

Christmas 2008


It is always this time of year
I find myself reflecting back over
the events of the past year and with
dreams and hopes for the one I am about
to, in God's will, begin.

As I reflect back over the past year I pause
only briefly to draw what positive I can from
every negative. Then on the positive I gather
all my arms can hold and add these to my basket of
joy I carry to next year.

I have so many blessing to be thankful for.
My health and I have a job. So many don't and
I pray that all will keep their faith in knowing
while we may stumble and fall that our precious
Savior will not let us fail.

I am so very blessed with two beautiful daughters
who have, thru the grace and love of God
and wonderful husbands, given me six
of the most awesome grandchildren
any one woman could ever dream to have placed
in her life.

We begin this year with a new President of this
grand land I call home. I pray that he will remain
open to the guidance of our Precious Savior. That
the hungry will be fed... The homeless will have shelter
That those who have lost their jobs will have the means
to support their families provided the them.


I pray for our Military to be brought home


"with job accomplished"


and that they know just how proud and thankful



we are for the service the give to this country


and her people every day...

And then last but certainly not least
My Friends...
It has been proven to me that friends are angels
God sends to earth to hold us up when times get
rough and to enjoy the times of plenty...
Someone to laugh with..
Cry with..
To hold you (yes even across the
many miles that physically separate)
Hugs are not just a physical action

We have weathered so many storms
together and have shared too many laughs to
count. Thank goodness for free long distance
other wise we would have created another national
debt...Regardless of what has risen I've always
been able to look over my shoulder and know
you were right here in my corner and when my
strength would fail there you were out front
fighting it all off until my strength could return.
I love you Girlie Girl

I thank you for being one of the few good
"guys" left. I give you a hard time but you are so
special to my heart and I love you dearly. As with
all men you have your faults (Earnhardt), but Its
ok I love you anyway.
Love You Sugar Britches...

Our history is not as extensive but we have covered
a lot of ground in such a short time and it proves
God puts people in your life for a reason. The laughter
and tears we have shared over the past year as well as
the hours on the phone are such treasured moments in
my life. The hours of three and four way phone calls
we have all shared has created such a life long friendship
bond. Well that is what carries me thru each day. You guys
are what anchors me on center and get me thru to the next
day (well Donna you only have one more day to go LOL)
You my dear sweet friend are part of what is my life
and will be until the end of time.
I Love U Bunches Girlie Girl

And last, but far from least

My Sweet Ray...
You have come into my life at such a needed time. You like
Hersh are one of the very few good guys I have had the blessing
to come to know. Your wit keeps me in stitches. I believe
laughter is what heals the torn places in ones soul and you my
dear friend you have healed many of mine. You are such
a treasure in my life and I thank God for you every day. What I
would give if this were not just a fantasy. I would love nothing
better than to surprise you Christmas Day with a visit from your
Three Muskateers...
Love U Bunches

My four dearest friends...
We've walked some mighty rocky roads
and I know that we have many more before us
but with our friendship I know I will reach
the destination God has planned for me and you guys
can take a great deal of pride in knowing that with
out the love and support I receive daily from each of you
I probably would not make it... I love each of you with
all that I am and all that I will ever be. With you guys
by my side I look forward to this up-coming year with
great anticipation of what kind of trouble we can get
into... I'm sure it will be fun whatever it is and isn't that
what life is all about. Making good out of bad? Helping
each other over the rough and rocky times and to drag the
other across it even if they are
kicking and screaming in protest?
The Friendship Motto
"Shake and Bake and I Helped".

Merry Christmas my Friends
And may it be God's will
we all meet January 1st
To do it all over again...
Live Love Laugh and wait for Ray to cry Uncle...
Hugs and Love U Bunches 
 ღ KKD ღ


Christmas at Rays, oh what a nice daydream.
It would be so wonderful if we could all meet
and I believe that one day that we will.

Donna and I have hugged and
what a glorious feeling that is.
In fact if I close my eyes I can still feel them.

May each of you my dearest of friends
find the coming New Year a journey into time
that leaves you with only smiles within your heart
and any tear shed are those of joyful tears

Each of you are so special to my heart

We found each other within the stars
and our friendship is blessed, I have no doubt.  
We were meant to meet and I do believe it was
through divine interventions.

I cannot imagine my life without you in it.

If I had but one wish I could give to you
I would wish that you could truly see yourself as
those of us that love you, sees you to be.

Remember I took your heart from that shelf
many years ago now, and I know it through and through.
Our world would be a far better place if people
loved as deeply as you do, and expect so little
in return for all you give

I can remember the first time
we talked together on the phone.
We really knew very little about each other then.
What a difference a year makes
You will always hold a special place in my heart

If I could give you but one wish
I would wish that you could
find the happiness and peace
that you so desire and smiles for you
will be much easier to find than tears

The ray of laughter and sunshine in a somewhat
world of far too real you have become to each of us.

We have gotten to know your heart through this past year
and it what a joy and a pleasure it has been doing so.

You joined quite a little clan when you ran into we three
We all share a very special bond that binds includes yourself

May you find this year to be "your" year.
Only the best to you my friend.

You all know that this past week
has been very hard on me.
I want to thank each of you for the joy
and caring you have shown me

For us all
I wish for fewer heartaches
and each glass to be always half full

My love to each of you,


As I reflect on Christmas' past it brings back so many memories
and as I go back to when I was a child, what wonderful memories I cherish
and as I grew I learned that Christmas wasn't about the gifts,
but the birth of Jesus, love of family and friends.

Now we are going to Mickey Rays for Christmas this is great
I'm so excited I can hardly wait I hope we see some snow
Even though Donna and Lesa say no
I want to have some fun rolling in the snow
How I love that white stuff.
Christmas time is the wonderful celebration of Christ's birthday
and to spend with family and friends.
I have so much to be thankful for...
My family, whom I love and my new friends God has sent from up above

Donna, Lesa and Ray you mean the world to me
We have been on many adventures but  this one is special
and to spend it together touches my heart no matter how far apart
we may be. You're right here in my heart.

Now Donna has made this trip special
and us three spending it with Mickey Ray is such a blessing.
We have spread our magic all over Rays house.
The trees are trimmed, the stockings hung,
the presents wrapped Ray is making coco
and oh my God its starting to snow,
Donna Lesa and Ray how about a snow ball fight?
That would just put a top on this night.
Then we can go in and sit by the fireplace
and drink some coco sounds good to me.
Donna and Lesa now they don't like snow
but they know how it makes my face all aglow

So we play awhile then go in and warm up Ray's coco is so good
and hits the spot. Hey!  Donna says, how about some Christmas songs.
You start Ray. Oh how we sang and laughed until tears fell from our face.
This was a touching peaceful adventure with lots of love,
good friends and so much  to be thankful for, but the best gift of all
was spending those hours we had together and thanking God
for all he has giving us especially his son Jesus.

Yes it was a magical night none of us will ever forget.
As the night comes to an end and its time to go
one thing we will carry back with us across the miles
is the love the wonderful friendship we all 4 have
and that's the greatest gift of all.

So now we must go, but we will be back next year
to celebrate the magical love and friendship
we give each other each and every day.
Big hugs and the promise of a repeat next year.
Then off we go...
What a great time we had that we will never forget.

I am so blessed and so thankful for so much in my life.
God is so good.
Donna Lesa and Ray
I'm so thankful for your friendship
Merry Christmas my dear friends
may this new year bring you peace love and happiness.
I love you guys
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday Jesus.


God Bless Us Everyone
Celine Dion


© 2010 Donna DeLong Matthews aka Gold Pen Ghost

My Review

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Well, if only ... if only ... is what I think of each time I come to this write. I am so sorry Donna I am so late coming
to this to leave my thoughts. We three know the behind the scenes of this write and we also know
how completely sincere were our words that entered below your beautiful graphics here.

I would love to be able to reach through the miles and have a truly wonderful group hug. I am in desperated need
it seems these days and you are always here for me.

My Christamas wish for all of us, is to somehow find Christmas. Everyone deserves the feeling of Christmas. My
wish for all of you would be just that. The reason for the season is what we celebrate and our Savior brought
love and he also brought four people together in a very special way. I thank him every day for that gift.

Beautiful, beautiful work Donna and I would capitalize work because that is truly what it is, but to you I know
it is also a great joy, and anything that finds its way to your heart as joy lifts my heart with joy as well.

Now I got to leave cause I am feeling those little wet spots coming to my cheeks.

Love you Girlie Girl

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Whoa! What a fantabulous write! This really warmed the cockles of my heart, so see the special and binding love you
all have for each other. Its a rare and precious thing, hang on to it because it rarely happens in this lifetime.

I laughed, I had tears, I was in awe of this beautiful, creative and blessed "epic". It was an epic of gigantic
proportions of what can happen when people open their hearts in honesty and love, it is so lovely to see.
To know that you have close friends who will never stray, no matter what happens, is a blessing indeed.

Keep on my dear friends sharing "the love" to each other and spreading it around to us. You are an inspiration and joy to know, every single one of you!!

Love and light always,

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My Dear sweet Ray
You are truly a gentleman and great friend us three ladies are so blessed to have your friendship
YOU are truly special and us three ladies wish you a very MERRY Christmas day and blessed New Year
my sisters what beauty you write from your hearts i love you nothing can tear down the friendship us four share love you all

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My Dear Sweet Man
You have no idea how deeply and sweetly
you touch each of our hearts on a daily basis
You are a rare breed... One of the few good guys
left and all three of us treasure that and hold you
deeply witn in our hearts. Please know not many
are able to penetrate our circle that we keep for
protection so know that now you are in you will not
be allowed to leave. In simple words...
We love and treasure you dearly...
Your Ladies Three...

Posted 16 Years Ago

This write brought a tear to the eye
It is me that is blessed to have the privilege to know
The three best lady friends I have ever had
Thank you to all three
I love you guys
Merry Christmas
Hugs Ray

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well, if only ... if only ... is what I think of each time I come to this write. I am so sorry Donna I am so late coming
to this to leave my thoughts. We three know the behind the scenes of this write and we also know
how completely sincere were our words that entered below your beautiful graphics here.

I would love to be able to reach through the miles and have a truly wonderful group hug. I am in desperated need
it seems these days and you are always here for me.

My Christamas wish for all of us, is to somehow find Christmas. Everyone deserves the feeling of Christmas. My
wish for all of you would be just that. The reason for the season is what we celebrate and our Savior brought
love and he also brought four people together in a very special way. I thank him every day for that gift.

Beautiful, beautiful work Donna and I would capitalize work because that is truly what it is, but to you I know
it is also a great joy, and anything that finds its way to your heart as joy lifts my heart with joy as well.

Now I got to leave cause I am feeling those little wet spots coming to my cheeks.

Love you Girlie Girl

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so wonderful, enjoyed this...Kim

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on November 28, 2008
Last Updated on May 20, 2010

Mickey Ray Meets The Three Muskateers


Donna DeLong Matthews aka Gold Pen Ghost
Donna DeLong Matthews aka Gold Pen Ghost

Port Orange, FL

Welcome Reflections Of My Heart All the poems on my site have come straight from the heart, my heart. Some are true life experiences, some are fears, and some are dreams for the future.. more..
