The Aladdin & The Genies Three
Chapter ~ 14

It has just come to me The ever so sweet genies three Have more power when their foot stamps Than this poor helpless aladdin of the lamp
The ladies seem to have me under their spell I just follow along, as they ring their little genie bell What is this intoxicated aladdin of the lamp to do I'm all theirs through and through
Just one little wink of their eye I can only squeak out a little sigh They glide along ever so gracefully Does seem like a good place for me to be
In the old days I would be handing out wishes by the threes These days you would be better wishing on a star than me I just can't seem to help myself you see Well take a good look at these genies three
I am the great Aladdin of the lamp There was a day when I was the champ The Genies write mystical poetry with their pens I'm proud to call these lovely ladies my friends
Talent flows from all three loving hearts The love is there, before the poem even starts Go ahead, read their poetry and you will see You will find yourself in a trance, yes just like me

By Ray Hamilton AKA Mr Wizard Better known as { Not a poet and I know it! } © Copyright 10 / 2008 All rights Reserved

Link to The Great Three Musketeers Please visit these talented ladies
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