This is the most fun I've had reading a poem in a VERY long time. It makes you want to read it over and over again. "He's mad as a hatter, with tongue he did splatter" mad as a hatter is right! but in the best way possible. You have a natural ability to select just the right time to tongue twist the reader "only this shaky, shallow, shadow could" and when to break away from the rhyme altogether at the end. "I'm Spam, cheap ham, wet willy Uncle Sam" was a definite laugh out loud.
This is the most fun I've had reading a poem in a VERY long time. It makes you want to read it over and over again. "He's mad as a hatter, with tongue he did splatter" mad as a hatter is right! but in the best way possible. You have a natural ability to select just the right time to tongue twist the reader "only this shaky, shallow, shadow could" and when to break away from the rhyme altogether at the end. "I'm Spam, cheap ham, wet willy Uncle Sam" was a definite laugh out loud.
Most people on WritersCafe that have written pieces like this, always made my slow mind go into a state of utter confusion. But I think you pulled this off well. Witty, clever, and cute.
This was such a fun time. I wanted to read it over & over. (: Best lines : "Oh my, what's the matter? / He's mad as a hatter, with tongue he did splatter, / Itty not bitty, naughty kitty, / Laughing giddy, yet so pretty." GREAT JOB WITH THIS!
How Dr.Seuss might sound if he extended his vocabulary (all because you mention 'ham' lol).
This is fun to read, as the flow just carries the reader along; their mind bouncing over the tongue-twisting madness. I like how there's a break from the rhymes at the end, as it makes it more of a finalising exit.