![]() To my beloved ones (translation below)A Poem by 外人 (Gaijin)![]() An experiment ... hope you like it :)![]() Para ti, mae, escrevo estes versos, obra imperfeita da minha alma agradecida, pois sempre ajudai-me nos momentos complicados de minha curta, estranha, corrida vida. Per te, papà, questi versi da poeta alle prime armi, Sappi che non porto il tuo ricordo nella mia mente, quella pu™ deteriorarsi e il tuo ricordo allontanarmi, lo porter™ nel mio cuore a mo' di ciondolo eternamente. Agradeço-vos, meus primos, pela vossa compania; por fazei-me sorrir cada dia mais do precedente, pelos otimos momentos passados juntos em alegria, por cada lembrança positiva que deram a minha mente. Vi ringrazio, sorelle mie, che illuminate i miei giorni, con tanta pazienza ascoltate i miei sciocchi pensieri, senza esitare, ogni volta, mi date i consigli migliori, per me sempre ci siete e sempre ci siete state volentieri. Desejo, aos meus tios, tudo que ha de positivo, como sempre quiseram o mesmo para seu sobrinho, nao encontro palavras para descrever sentimento tao vivo, quero bem a voces feito fosse vosso proprio filho. Auguro, ai miei migliori amici, ogni sorta di bene, non ho bisogno di vedervi tutti i giorni per sapere che di voi mi potr™ sempre fidare, mai mi lascerete, non importa quanto lontano le nostre strade ci possano portare. A' todos 'meus amigos obrigado por existirem e minha vida com vossa presencia melhorarem. A tutti i miei amici sono infinitamente grato per il loro grosso sostegno che mi fa volare in alto. TRANSLATION: To my beloved ones For you, mum, I write these verses, imperfect piece of my thankful soul, 'cause you always helped me in the complicate moments of my short, weird, fast life. For you, dad, (I write) these verses by a beginner poet, Know I don't bring your memory in my mind, it can fail and make me lose your memory, I will bring it forever in my heart as if it were a locket. I thank you, my cousins, for your company, for making me smile everyday more than the last one, for the great moments we spent happily, for every positive memory you gave to my mind. I thank you, my sisters, for lighting up my days, so patiently you listen to my silly thoughts, and suddenly, everytime, you give me the best advices, You've always been gladly there for me. I wish for my uncles, everything positive, as they always wanted for their nephew, I can't find words to describe such alive feeling, I love you as if I were your own son. I wish for my best friend everything good, I don't need to see you everthing to know I can always trust you, you'll never leave me, no matter how far our lives may bring us. To all my friends, thanks for existing and make my life better with your presence. To all my friends I'm infinitely thankful for your great support that makes me fly high.
© 2013 外人 (Gaijin)Author's Note
Featured Review
15 Reviews Added on January 5, 2013 Last Updated on January 14, 2013 Author![]() 外人 (Gaijin)London, United KingdomAboutWhy do I call myself 外人? 外人 is a foreigner, an outsider, therefore we're all, no matter what, 外人. We all live as foreigners in-between two worlds: The wor.. more..Writing
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