Running In Heels
I'm set to self destruct
stand back or watch me blow up.
I'm pounding on the door,
yelling "what the f**k do I do this for"?
Why is on my lips.
Pain is in my heart.
My fingers are in my throat.
The guilt is on my mind.
My actions rock the boat,
the boat I call my life.
I fail to see the good
right before my eyes, why isn't it enough?
I'm a stupid self destructive girl
blowing up my life, destroying my world.
I listen to the voices
distinguish them from just noises.
I pay too much attention
to the bad within my head.
I take advantage
of my own weakness, fear and dread.
I'm running in heels,
missing out meals,
binging on horror,
fearing tomorrow.
I'm Helen, mother of two, loving fiance.
Unkind to myself,
love and honor everyone else,
fear, loathe and neglect myself.
Monday 16th March 2009