Let's lose all control and stay awake through every night...
Let's make a devlish plan with grinning faces...
We should distract our heart and feed it the bad...
Before we heal it we can make it go mad...
Let's pretend to be horny men in our twenties that don't give a damn...
We can give those girls something to happily chant in the night...
And something to cry about in the morning...
Day after day, let's forget what the world calls a man...
Let's puff series of smoke from our mouths and then fall to our knees...
Act like we're in love with a girl to see just how much she wants...
Give her those touches, give her those glorious grunts...
Let's be a lion walking in the city full of prey...
Let's snap our head left and right and have people make way...
The only time to smile is when everyone is fooled...
We look so dominiate and perfect nothing can be wrong...
So weak when we seem so strong...
Let's pretend to be stubborn and not open any doors...
Walk right through them and shake nothing off...
Have the glass reflect our skin because we're so buff...
We can't feel a thing, we can't feel a thing...
Even when we break a heart....
Let's act like we didn't affect the people we use to inspire...
Throw em' into the rising fire...
Let's only bring back to our thoughts the next party tonight..
And tomorrow morning laugh over the usual, hurried fright...
We only know how to go the way the music takes us...
Let's drink rapidly so we can forget we're gonna get a girl we know we are too good for..
Let's dance to maintain the dirty thoughts...
Seductively purr into their soft ear to make them stiff in every bone..
We can become a man sleeping at not just one home...
Let's make the world hate us once they figure out our evil plan...
We are stupid but nobody seems to understand....
We are just learning how to experience life at the worst costs it can get...
Before we have to start over, before we realize it was never it.
But how can we get out?
It's too addicting, too thrilling...
Too deep of thoughts cause us to lose it all...
Let's pretend to continue to think playing the game isn't what's making us fall...