The road is becoming deserted and everything seems so out of place as i'm trying to gather the strength to see your sad but beautiful face
For that very face is what had that amazing heart
That very smile is what surrounded every dark corner with everlasting glow..
Those very words are what had the powerful words of what God wanted us to know
That very gesture of love is what touched us all and made us all run into the Lord
Now thanks to you he's holding us in his strong, gentle arms not far away from his heart..
Not far away from his love that can heal us..
Though misery is all what beams against my confused mind I know there is a reason why we must leave everything behind
We can walk through any city, and look at strangers we don't know but that won't take away the fact that when somebody cries..another cries
When one hug is given, another is given as well
When one heart is torn, another heart is torn too
But there's still love in the pain and in everything we do
The beauty we still have is the memories and all the smiles it brings
And the echoing voices of when we worshipped together, hand in hand, cherishing the moment of when nothing else mattered..
So keep everything in, keep everything close, and feel every I love you and every laugh redeem your heart with a new beginning from the Lord