Another unkept promise falls down as the wind goes..
It's the most heart-breaking you another worthless time to run away..
You lost sight of where to look in because the days just made matters worse..
You thought everything was sliced from a painful curse..
But you never yearned for something deeper..
You figured you couldn't turn and that you were stuck within the noisy crowd..
Being just another face that gives up in chaos and drops to the ground..
You can't stop thinking siliently over the love that was in your heart and how it remains unknown...
It's like a fan watching her hero disappear into another zone when he was once so close..
Near to her very breath and heart, drugging her with excitment..
You think everything has misguided you from what you're suppose to feel..
You're looking for a beautiful outlet to let go into what is real..
Like a helpless child, you search for happiness to reappear....