Echoes of a Dreary Past
A Book by CT
It's a big universe... a dark universe, filled with inexplicable things, incomprehensible things... worlds of darkness, horrible monstrosities, and twisted realms of fantasy. Welcome to the game. 
© 2011 CT
Author's Note
This story was originally written in second-person, but I didn't really like the style and so am switching to a more traditional third-person, albeit retaining the present tense, which is unusual for me.
Added on July 13, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011
Tags: arm, fox, eldritch, game, fantasy, horror, second-person, darkness, phone, ipod, blackness, store, shop, school, bus
Previous Versions
CTSomewhere Within The Confines of a Dismal Reality, MI
Just another traveler on the ever-winding road of Life... more..