Chapter Nineteen: Once Upon A Moon

Chapter Nineteen: Once Upon A Moon

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

After we left the cage, and headed around the street, we ran into Aisha again. 
"You're Aisha, right?" Fred asked.
Aisha looked from me too him suspiciously. "Um..." She hesitated, "Yeah. Yeah I am, why?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing. Listen, you can shadow travel right?" Fred asked. "And you- light travel?" He looked at us expectantly. How the hell did he know?
"Uh-Yeah, I can. Why do you ask?" 
"Travel to my office. Um... Area 51. Take this with you." He handed me a blank piece of paper. 
"Why? What's it for?" I asked Fred.
"So that the guards will let you through. Say that I sent you won't be enough. Have this, and they'll take you in to question you. So, say that you're from the F.B.I. or something, and you'll flash that, and they'll take you in. Got that?"
"Yeah, I think so." I said, then took off, grabbing Aisha to follow me, and ran to the shadows. 
"Elijah!" Aisha called behind me, and I stopped just short of the shadow. "I-uh-I'm n-not a-as f-fast a-as E-Eli-za-beth." She said in between gasps of air. Oh, yeah, I forgot that she was just a wee little human and not like us. 

"Fine, but keep up!" I said, and pushed her into the shadows with me, holding onto her hand so that she'd shadow travel as well. 
We landed in the middle of the desert, barely any wildlife or plantlife on the stretch of land we were on. "Come on, Aisha." I said and started walking up a rocky road away from the highway. I saw a grey pick up, and started walking faster towards it.  We walked for about half an hour and reached the top of one hill, and the pickup began to move slowly towards us. I pushed Aisha behind me. Who knew was driving the pick up. Soon, the pick up came towards us at highway speed and reached us within a minute. The truck was a rusty brown Ford F-150 with dirt and dry air thrown at it. It pulled right in front of us and turned sideways, blocking our path. The driver and passenger got out and held their hands in a pocket under their jacket, signifying that they were armed. I sighed, rolled my eyes and handed the piece of paper to the driver. "Fred sent us." I told them as they read it. What? Why were they reading a blank piece of paper? I'll have to remember to ask Fred when I see him next.
The driver looked up at me. "Come with us." He said plainly and hopped in the truck.
I motioned my head towards the truck to Aisha, and she got in the back. I followed her in the back, which was a tight fit, and let them drive us to Area 51. They weren't in a talking mood, anyways. The ride was pretty boring except the fact that every second you thought that the guys were going to put a silver bullet through your heart.


"Right, sorry. I suppose you know that I'm a time traveler, now, right?" I stared at him but said nothing. "Right. You know. Alrighty. So what can I help you with Elijah and Aisha?"


"Almighty?' I asked, "Who says alrighty?"


"Well, obviously I do. You got a problem with that?" Fred asked me.


I stifled my laughter. "Hu-No !" Then I couldn't hold it anymore, and I started laughing. Aisha and Fred looked at each other, and Aisha rolled her eyes. After about a minute I gave up and shut up. 


Aisha rolled her eyes again. "So anyways, how are we going to help our friend, Elizabeth?" 


"Are you always right to the point?" Fred asked. Aisha just folded her arms and starred at him. "Right, right, alright. Well, we're using her for a very important assignment, so, if you want to help her, just keep yourselves out of trouble. Now, let's talk about what we're going to do with you." He looked pointing straight at me.


"What about me?" I asked the accuser, not sure what I was being accused of exactly.


"You're a werewolf. This organization is solely against werewolves. Therefore, you can't be in our borders." Fred replied. Crap, that guy's crazy. 

Then a thought hit me. "If this organization is "solely against" my kind, then why am I here? Why did you send me?" I couldn't help but wondering.

"I have no clue yet. As for what we're going to do," he sighed, looking me up and down. "I don't know yet."

"Then what's the f*****g point in mentioning it?" I asked, my anger rising by the second.

"Calm down, Eli." Aisha whispered so low that even a werewolf had to strain to hear. "What is the mission with Lizzie?" 

He shuffled his feet and looked at her in the eye. "That's confidential. Need to know basis only."

"Meaning it's probably about me, or another werewolf," I replied. I'm not as dumb as Elizabeth makes me out to be. Maybe lazy, but definetly not dumb.


"Maybe." He replied. One word. Only one word. It is about a werewolf, or about me. 

He lies! 

Oh really? Then what is it about, Lizzie?

It's not that, it's not need-to-know basis!

Oh, so why is he playing it that way?

He's on the board of Trustees. He's conspiring against me and the other Wolves working for him.

So I shouldn't trust him.

Mildly. Trust him until he makes a mistake. Don't trust everything he says, does. Just most of it.

Ok... So basically don't trust him.

Be careful around him, Eli.

Fine. Where the hell are you?

Be careful about swearing inside, Eli.

Don't go all motherly on me!

I'm not. There's a reason that I can't tell right this second.

"Hello?" Aisha's voice snapped me out of the conversation with Lizzie. 

I shook my head like I was tired. "What?" I asked allowing laziness show in my voice.

"Didn't you listen? We've got an assignment." She turned to Fred. 

"What?" I asked. Now I was confused.

"Yeah, we're fighting numerous werewolves. Elizabeth is assigned to Gertinald. Aisha will receive special training because she isn't a werewolf. You are receiving Camele Jennings. She is a vampire/werwolf cross-hybrid. She's teamed up with Gertinald, was an agent of mine, but then went rogue twenty years ago. You need to stop her." Great. I'm about to embark on a mission to kill a rogue vampire hybrid.

© 2012 Some Random Person.

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Added on January 31, 2012
Last Updated on April 7, 2012


Some Random Person.
Some Random Person.

Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TX

So if all of ya'll will help me pay for college, that'd be great... For all you Doctor Who obsessing people... Don't say I hate you. But I do hate those Dale.. more..
