The Mystery Deepens

The Mystery Deepens

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

I left Elizabeth and took Haylee home. I almost slammed the door shut, but didn't. Thank God I didn't. My parents were still up, apparently, and watching the TV so loud that they didn't hear us coming in. I set her down on her bed and woke her up for a few seconds. 


"Haylee, we're home. Wake up." I softly shook her. As tired as I was, I really didn't need to start a fight.


She barely opened her eyes. "Huuhhh?" She said sleepily.


"Wake up. We're home." I said.


"So?" Now she was looking at me with anger.


"So, you need to get ready for bed. Brush your teeth that stuff." I said. I didn't think she'd question, so I had to come up with things.


"I'll do that in the morning." She said, laying her head back on the pillow. Fine.


Come to think of it, I should probably go to sleep now as well. I'd bet that Elizabeth is already sleeping. Hopefully, we'll get up earlier in the morning and set out to find Nathan again. This time, not with Haylee.


With that in my mind, I, also climbed up my bunk bed latter and softly laid my head on my pillow. I slowly went to sleep.




After my brother rudely woke me up, I fell right back to sleep. Man, I was tired. When I woke up, he was still sleeping. Let him sleep. He let me ride on his back all the way home last night. He can have a little more sleep. 


I walked into the kitchen, and made myself a bowl of cereal. I then walked into the TV room and turned on the TV, lowering the volume. After about an hour of watching Chowder, Elijah walked in. He seemed a bit mad that I hadn't woke him up. Then again, he was anything but a morning person. 


"Why do you seem like you're mad at me?" I asked him.


"Because you didn't wake me up," he replied. 


"I thought you'd like more rest after all that happened yesterday." I defended myself.


"Where are Mom and Dad?" 


"Sleeping." I told him.


"Oh. I'm going to make a bowl of cereal and eat it quick. I'd suggest the same thing for you." he said.


"I already ate," I told him, "An hour ago."


"Well then get dressed," he told me, "Quickly."


"Okay, fine. What's it about this time?" I asked, but before he could answer, I ran into my room and shut the door so that I could get into my closet.




When I woke up, Tiberius was still sleeping beside me. I blinked my eyes a few times then reached for my dark blue glasses on my antique nightstand. I got out of bed and walked over to the door and turned on the fanlight. By then, Tiberius woke up. I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out my clothes to wear. After I put those on, I went to the front of the house. Jomama and Grandfarter, my grandparents, were already awake. Grandfarter had left some sausage patties on the stove for me to eat. I plucked one from the dish on the stovetop and walked outside to join them. 


A few minutes later, I asked if I could take Tiberius for a walk. They said yes. 


I walked into the laundry room, where the leashes were kept and grabbed the first one that my hands laid on. I walked outside to the hallway, and told Tiberius to get onto the chair, he did so. I clicked on the leash then headed for the twin doors to our front porch. I walked him across the street to Haylee and Elijah's and knocked on the door.


"You know you could've just asked me to come out." Elijah said, coming outside with Haylee. 


"Yes, but my grandparents are watching. They still don't know."


"I thought you said they did know." He questioned me.


"No, I said my parents knew, not my grandparents." I replied.


"Oh. So where are we going?" Haylee asked me, "What are we going to do today?" She added.


I looked at Elijah and he sent me a message. Same thing as yesterday. I want to leave her home so that she won't slow us down or attract further trouble.


I'll see if I can talk that into her. She really looks like she wants to continue our search though. It may be a bit harder to convince her not to come.


Yeah, I know. That's why I wanted you to tell her, not me. She's not going to listen to me. 


I'll try. Tiberius might be helpful though. I sent to him. I looked down at Tiberius. He perked up.


How? He's just a little dog.


Looks can be misleading, Elijah Hawks. Tiberius sent him.


Your point, Tiberius?


My point is that you don't know how capable I am based on my size.


Okay, fine, Tiberius. You can't that fast, can you?


Yes, faster than any normal human. 


Fine, can you look after and fight for Haylee?


Yes. I've personally met Gertinald and I know how to keep him off her.


You can't die. I said to him, What would Jomama do without you?


I won't. I promise. Now, can we get going? Tiberius said.


Is Haylee coming? I asked Elijah.


"She might as well." He replied out loud so that all of us can hear.


"What?" Haylee questioned us. "What are you people talking about now?"

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about." I said with a look towards Elijah. "We should get going. Let's start off at the Cafe. There might be something there that we missed while trying to rescue Haylee."


So we went to the Cafe On Broadway.


Haylee took the leash from Elizabeth and walked with Tiberius. We gave her a motor scooter and a walkie-talkie so that we could connect with her on the go.

After all was said and done, we went to the Cafe On Broadway. It was starting to fill up. I checked the clock, which read 11:36 a.m. Then I sent Elizabeth a message.

Do you have money with you?

What kind of question is that?

Well do you? 
I avoided her question.


"Then can you buy each of us a drink?"I looked out of the window where we'd left Haylee and Tiberius.

"Fine," she said, and then sent me, but you have to check the wait staff.

"Yes, we don't want to run into her again." I said, emphasizing her.

I looked around; behind the counters were a girl and two males. The girl wasn't Shelby, and Gertinald didn't seem to be either guy.

I then, pretending to look for a good place to sit, I looked at everyone at each table. There were lots of children, but none of their parents looked like either one of our troublesome people.

"They're not here," I said to Elizabeth when I rejoined her back in line.

"Well good, I guess. We could get a place to sit then." she said back. "Go outside and get us a place to sit out there." She was pretending. I was missing something, but I don't know what.

I glanced at the people in line and saw that Gertinald was there. Sorry, I sent back, I didn't check the line.

Ya think? 
She sent me. He's just ahead of us! Then the door opened behind us just as she sent us. 

I checked who it was. Shelby's joining the party. I sent to Elizabeth, Not just him. We have more company, healed.

So the fight begins again. They don't give up, do they? No, they just keep coming at us. Over and over again. Maybe we'll be lucky again. Maybe. I just hope so.


When we arrived, I sat down at a table outside for one reason and one reason only-Tiberius. So they went inside without me.

 I saw them go into a line and Elijah leaving Elizabeth to supposedly find a seat indoors. Only I knew he was looking for clues. I could tell by the look in his eyes. When he looked around, he was definitely looking for clues.

The next time he was back in line, he whispered something to Elizabeth, and then a shadowy look fell across his face. I could tell by the body language he used that someone was there that we don't need to see- my guess being Gertinald and Shelby.

Then sure enough, I too saw them in line. Uh-oh. We shouldn't've come here. It's a trouble shooting place.


After I sent Elijah to look for clues in people at the Cafe, I immediately regretted it. There I was, in a room full of people standing in line with Gertinald.  This guy seriously needs to stop ruining my summer.

About 3 to 5 minutes after he'd left me, Elijah reported back. I moved about three steps since. I motioned for him to look in front of us when he said that they weren't here. How wrong was he? I certainly wished he was right. I don't want to repeat last night, or for that fact, the whole day yesterday.

I went to the front of the line, finally, and ordered a lemon sweet juice, for Haylee, frozen lemonade, for Elijah, and a pomegranate blueberry for me. Oh, and who could forget a brownie? I ordered one, for us to share.

After I ordered, I stepped out onto the patio and joined Haylee and Tiberius.

"I ordered a Lemon sweet Juice for you. They’re good. You’ll really like it." I said to Haylee, and then turned to Elijah, "we'd better do some snooping before we skedaddle." He looked at me and nodded. I saw a flash of worry in his eyes, but he quickly flushed it out.

A second later, a waiter brought out our drinks and brownie. I looked up to make sure it wasn't Shelby.

"Thanks," we all said to the waiter. It wasn't Shelby. "She's here, you know." I informed Haylee.

"Don't remind me." She replied back.


So you already knew?" Elizabeth asked Haylee.

"Yeah," Haylee replied, "You can say that."

"Why didn't you inform us?" I asked irritably. Becoming a werewolf sure didn't help with my anger management.

"Because she'd know if I did. She's watching me like a hawk watches its prey." she said. Reasonable enough.


After we talked a bit, Shelby went to work at the cafe. She was a waitress, or shall I say, pretending to be a waitress.


"We should go to some place more private." I said, eyeing Shelby, making sure she wouldn't try anything.


We quickly finished our drinks and ate the brownie when Elizabeth said, "Let's go to the park." I wondered why she’d say that. "More privacy. I'd say the library, but it’s too quiet and we'd have eavesdroppers there." 


Elizabeth got up first, followed by TIberius and Haylee. I was the last person to stand because I wanted to make sure that we weren't going to be followed. "Let's take a long route." I suggested.


"Good idea. We should shake them off our trail." Elizabeth said.


So we circled the downtown once or twice then ended in the Twin Springs City Park. 


"I thought you meant the park by the library." I said, nodding towards the direction of the library. 


"That one is a bit too far to watch the action at the Cafe." Elizabeth replied.


"Clear enough." I said. Then to the look on Haylee's face, "Why we'd be here instead of the other park." She didn't look convinced. I put it out of my mind and decided to look at the fountain.


The fountain in question was originally built in the early 1900s. It was the city's pride. It worked off and on, and finally, a couple of years ago, they hired a person in Little Rock to come and fix it. Only he didn't fix it, instead, he built a new fountain and said he fixed it. Now, even the new fountain didn't work.


So I was starring at a new fountain that replaced the old fountain, and neither of them worked. I got bored at looking at the newer fountain so I went to the garden portion of the park. There were flowers of all kinds there. Daffodils, Daisies, Irises, roses, sunflowers, Lilies, and Tulips. At least, that's all that I could point out. There were a couple of purple flowers that stank like (Excuse the French) Crap.


 I got tired at starring at crappy smelling purple flowers, so I went to the bridge and peeked over the top. There, the creek shined brightly as one or two fish jumped up and down in its waters. There were fountains beautifully shooting water into the creek. I looked further, and at first I thought it was a rock, I saw a turtle move. There, I stood for a while watching the turtle without moving a muscle. Then, to my great grievance, the turtle went down into the water where I could not see him.


So I searched the creek for something else to watch until I saw that a stick moved. I looked closer, and it wasn't at all a stick, it was a water moccasin, the world's deadliest snake. A few minutes of watching the water snake, and Elizabeth abruptly came running into me and pulling me to move on. I was bewildered for a minute, and then realized why. 


We had company. With a white van and a chainsaw. Shelby and Gertinald are sure not letting up, are they?




I know, I know. I shouldn't have grabbed him like that. You're probably thinking that I am crazy and rude for grabbing him like that. Truth, I didn't even know if that van held them, but I did know that we've been here way too long.


Maybe I shouldn't have grabbed him like that. There are, after all, other ways of going. Like maybe telepathy?


Anyways, right after I grabbed him and we were running, I actually saw them in the van. 


I grabbed my Walkie-Talkie and spoke into it. "Ti, go to point BA-NON and stop, Check. Elly, go to point Lie-Cree. Con, go to point Twispri  L.K.E. and drive down low. Ren Four. Triangle disturbed." Code words are fun, don't you think? Ti or Haylee was going to Beethoven Avenue to check and find out information. Hopefully, the van'll follow me, Elly, who was going to the Creek/Library. Con, Elijah was going to be at Twin Springs United Church for reinforcements. This way, we were in a triangle. Of course, communications were disrupted because of some people who are magic, disturbed is a reason. NO communication.


We each had a set of tools, weapons with us. Mine are a razor cross and an exploding ring. Haylee's are a dog named Tiberius, and a silver plated knife. I also tied a cross onto my motor scooter that she was borrowing.


Elijah, of course, had the best tools of all of us. He had a sunflower tied-flashlight and a razor sharp bookmark. The sunflowerflashlight was a specialty. It was made to burn vampires in night or day. For that reason, he didn't need a cross. The flashlight would kill a vampire even if he "Sparkled in the sunlight" and not burned. It would kill a "Day lighter" or whatever else vampires. Vampires would BURN to death by this flashlight.


So, whatever you say, we are now armed and ready for almost whatever they plan to through at us. Hopefully, it's enough to kill them fully.




When I got Elly's call, I was surprised that she'd sent me to BA. That's what I call Beethoven's Avenue. Get used to it, because if I have to mention it, it's BA.


Anyways, I moved there quickly, and thanks to Tiberius, I was protected minimally. Oh, and I had those ‘Improvements’ on me.


I went to the street and found a better area and shut of the scooter. I then took off all the weapons that could be useful and grabbed Ti’s leash.


I knocked on a house that looked lived in. To my surprise, the owner answered.


“Hello?” a growling voice said, answering the door.


“Uh…” I faltered, “Can I ask you a couple of questions about this house?” I asked pointing to the lot we’d been yesterday.


“That drunken yard?” He said, lightened up a bit. He said Drunken, not Junk yard. I hate the language people here sometimes use. “What of it?”


“Well, uh, you see, I was trying to find out who owned it. I have a friend looking for a place, and he’d like this one.” I said, hoping he’d believe me.


Surprisingly, he did. “Oh, that damn drunk yard is owned by an evildoer. You don’t want to cross him.” Funny, he said drunken yard again. Moreover, what’s that about a cross? Previously, I put on my cross from home.  Subconsciously, I reached up to my neck and fingered it.


Still, it took me aback. “What’d you mean?” I asked the man.


“Well, he’s a tempered old legend without self respect. Much like his wife, who lives over there?” He said, pointing across the street.


“Can you give me his name?” I asked, fishing for some information.


“Yeah,” he said, “His name is Gertivarn, but he is more commonly known as Gertinald Cretin. Her name,” he said, then nodding at the house across the street that he previously pointed to, “Is Shelby Hurdle-Cretin.”


So, we were searching their house for leads yesterday. Very interesting. “Can you give me anymore information?” I asked, again fishing for information.


“How many legends do you believe in?” He abruptly asked me.


“Uh…” I said, taken aback. Again. “A few.” I replied after thinking about Elizabeth and Elijah.


“Interesting.” He said, “Well, let me tell you a story.” I waited. He looked at me as if wanting me to say something.


“Okay, what is it about?” I asked. I wanted all the information I can get.


“Once upon a dark time, there was a fierce king named Dracula.” He went on and on in his story about how dreadful and bloody Count Dracula was.


Forty-five minutes later, he finished his story. I looked at my watch. Yikes. It read 8:30 p.m.


I had to go off and try to catch Elizabeth or Elijah. “Thank-you for your time and knowledge,” I said,  “But I’ve really got to go home now.” More like go find them, but wasn’t going to tell him that.


“Well, be careful, young lady. Things in Siloam get crazy after dark.” Creepy. How’d he know all of this? I thought to myself as I walked back to my scooter.


Now, all I need is a nap. I thought while riding my scooter to the library.




When I got to the library, I met up with Elizabeth.


“I’ve got some new information for ya.” I said aloud, watching her carefully.


An hour after separation, Haylee came riding on the scooter as fast as those wheels would turn. Ti was behind her, running as fast as his little legs could carry him.


"What are you doing here?" I asked the incoming rider and dog.


"I’ve got some new information for you," she said, "It may or may not surprise you, but," she went on about her talk with a person who lived on Beethoven Avenue. She told me the long story he told her.


"So anything else?" I asked.


"Yes, Shelby and Gertinald are married.  Gertinald real name is Gertivarn. His last name is Cretin. Shelby's last name is Hurdle-Cretin."" She informed me.


"You're right," I said blandly, "It did surprise me a bit."


"So what happened over here?" She asked me.


"Nothing, surprisingly. It's been quiet here for a long time." I said, watching her.


"So what have you been doing?" She, again, nosily asked me.


"People watching, keeping an eye on Cafe on Broadway." I told her, basically summing up what had happened. 


"People watching?" She sent me an imploring look. "Who?"


"Random people who happened to be at the library or at the park or lodge." I said, edgy was definitely showing. When was the last time I ate?


"I see," she said, "Anything interesting?" She questioned me, getting further on my nerves.


"Well," I thought for a second, then replied, "Not much, surprisingly." I thought some more. "I think there was more trouble going on with Elijah, though." I was not going to tell her about that. Not a chance.


"I mean, since neither of us got trouble, they had to follow someone, and who'd better than a young werewolf who's currently unstable?" I said.


"Well, what about you? I mean, weren't you changed about the same time?" 


"Well, yes, and no. I was changed an hour before he was. Besides, I'm a girl, and studies show that girls are more mature, or are easier to understand, than boys are. He's just going through some rough times, so don't be harsh on him, okay?" Now why the heck did I say that much? 


"Uh.." She looked puzzled. "Alright, but that's what brothers and sisters are for, to annoy each other. You should know that." 


"Point being, I don't have a sibling, remember?" I pointed out.


"Okay, okay, I'll be nicer to him, alright?" 





"Let's go find him."


"He could be anywhere!" I whined and argued. "Oh, alright. But let me at least buy a half pizza at Frateli's since me”m starving." Frateli's was my favorite pizza place ever. The owners were brothers who taught at the John Brown University and on their off hours, worked there. They, apparently, were trained to cook Italian in Italy. They also served Gelatos, which were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! They always have the best flavors, and they taste as if they just made them there. 




Before we left, I checked my watch and looked around. There was a couple, college aged, kissing in the darker corner of the library. I really wish that people would just get a room. We've got innocent eyes here! (I.e. Haylee)




That ugly white van with the chainsaw on top followed me. Because they were on my trail, I went to the highway, 412 and ran. I quickly ran into the nearest restaurant that I could find, and I ran inside and went straight to the restroom.


Weren't they supposed to go after Haylee or Elizabeth, not me? I thought as I ran in Callahan's Steak House and Bar.


Only, I was in a hurry and unfortunately, I wasn't exactly looking to where I was going. Yeah, I didn't go to the men's restroom. A bit unfortunate, don't ya think? I, on contrary, went into the women's room. Not a place for me, thank-you very much. I was wondering why there were three stalls instead of two, which there was in the men's. Yes and why did this lady come into this restroom?


Seconds later, I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom, so I went into the stall next to the big stall and locked the stall door. The bathroom door opened and two ladies came in. I am in the girl's room, aren't I? I saw a lady- waiter, kind of old, white hair, black shirt with the name "Callahan's" on it. She walked into the big stall and locked her stall door. Shelby was the other lady. She walked into the smaller stall next to me and locked her stall door. I thought quickly, and decided it best to leave now. I flushed the toilet and unlocked the door. I quickly ran to the door to see if anyone was waiting to get me, but no one was there. I quickly opened the door, and ran to the front of the restroom and went out. There, I saw a white van with all the windows but the front row covered in white paint. I looked to the roof and saw the devil chainsaw there.


I ran to the drivers' seat, and looked at the lock. The lock was not locked. Before I touch the van, I looked at the keyhole, which, happily, there were keys, just waiting for me to turn them and go. 


I looked behind me, and saw that, yes, good, no one is following me now. I opened the door, and hopped on in, turning the keys to get going. I backed out of the spot and out of the resturaunt parking lot and onto Highway 412.


Eventually, I turned off the highway, and onto a road called Lincoln Maine. I just hope that they're not following. I quickly turned onto Twin Springs and went to the station Elizabeth assigned me to.


I sat down for a little minute, and then realized that if I had a white van with a chainsaw on top, I would be easily seen. So I got back in the van and drove it downtown, to the Siloam Springs Key Lodge #7 parking lot and left it there, with the keys. Then I ran back to the station Elizabeth assigned me, knowing that she saw. 


It was already past oh, 8? When they finally came to me. Apparently, Haylee went back to Elizabeth's spot after an hour and a half alone in the BDA. Yes, I like to add Dark in BA's initials. No, I'm not going to clench onto my bookmark. No thank you.

We went back to the church to see if Elijah was there. When we came, I knew he'd be holding his bookmark. As it turned out, I was right, he was holding his bookmark. No clutching. He was it harder than anyone could imagine possible without being cut.


As we got closer, I could see how he was relieved it was us. He had a large red mark that outlined his face. Something definitely happened. 


"What happened to you?" I asked him when we stopped close enough to talk to him.


"Well," he started off, "Instead of following either of you, those evildoers followed me. I ran away, and I hid in the girls’ bathroom at Callahan's." Callahan's is a steak house on Highway 412.


"Uh, Elijah," Elizabeth said. "Why did you go to the girls' room and not the boys'?"


"That, uh, was kind of an accident," he said, shifting his feet. Something was making him nervous. I wonder what? "But it was good that I did. Gertinald went into the boys' room, so I was able to steal their car. I eventually lost them."


I waited for a minute, but Elizabeth didn't ask the question, so I did. "And, Elijah, exactly where is this car that you stole now?" 


Elizabeth answered for him. "He came by the lodge and parked left it there. It would be easy to find him if they're looking for a white van. Makes since. They'd be looking for their car more than you, although, I'm sure, that if they got a hold of you, they'd be more than happy." 


"Thanks, Elizabeth, for clearing that up for me." I told her.


"You're welcome."


"Nice to know..." Elizabeth quickly shot me a look. "Okay, okay. Gosh! So I went to the BA and knocked on a door to find out some information. Do ya want to know what information I got out of him?" Before he could reply, I interrupted him with my interesting tale of the house-knock. "So Shelby and Gertinald are married but living separate." I finished


"So?" Elijah seamed uninterested in it. "What of it?"


"So, they're the ones who created the species of werewolves!  Don't you get it? They've been married for hundreds of years! That means he probably knew Noah, from The Bible." I said to Mr. I Don't Care.


"Actually, he's Count Dracula's son." Elizabeth corrected me. "He's a hybrid of Werewolf, Vampire, and Fairy. Count Dracula's mother was Eve's last-born daughter. Dracula is a vampire, as in the legends, right? He bit and created many more vampires. Then Dracula met Sanja and they had more than twenty children until he ran mad and accidentally killed her. Sanja was a Fairy-Werewolf hybrid herself. So that's how Gertinald can block our minds." She stopped for a second. "He turns other people into werewolves or vampires by turning himself into one. That's why I'm a werewolf, not a werewolf hybrid." Finally, she finished.


Shocked by all the new information, Elijah just sat there, starring, open-mouthed.


"It's a long story that you already know, Elijah." Elizabeth told His Stockiness. Then she mouthed something to him.




Why was he acting like this? He knew exactly where, how I got the information! I mouthed the word rape, to jog his memory a bit. Hopefully it'll work...


"Uh... Oh yeah..." He sounded off track. "Uh.... Okay. So what happened with you the past hour?" he asked me.


"Nothing, nothing at all, surprisingly." I said. "I just people watched and kept an eye on the Cafe." I said to him. "Oh, and before you ask, nothing happened there, surprisingly."


Was that you with the white van at the lodge? I couldn't help but ask him that, since it was on my mind for the whole entire time.


Yes, why do you ask?


Whose was it?


Gertinald and Shelby's.


No, that can't be right.


Why not?


"Because I saw them drive by in another white van after you left the car there." I accidentally said a loud.


I didn't notice I said anything aloud until Haylee spoke up. "What are you two talking about?"


"Oh um..." I said looking at Elijah. Should we tell her? I messaged him.  




What should we do then?


Distract her?




I don't know! 


She's her sister, how could you not know?


I don't know how to distract her!


Oh, come on!




Say something quickly, though!


What? Why?


Because, she's your sister, and I can't think of anything to say!


You annoy me.


With pride and joy.


"Uh..." he started out.”Nothing, Haylee. We're not talking about anything."


"Uh huh. Sure." Haylee said, annoyed. "Fine, be that way."


"Really, Haylee, it's nothing that you need to know!" I chipped in.


"Lizzie's right. It's nothing that you need to know." He turned to me. "Shouldn't we go back home?"


Don't you dare use that nickname, Elijah Hawks!




"Yes, we probably should." I said to him, annoyed.


We went back home and went to his porch to discuss some things. Not anything about the van, just random stuff like, "I'm bored. What should we do?" 


Suddenly, I hear something in the woods.


"Shh!" Elijah shushed Haylee. Apparently he heard too.


Listen! He sent me. Listen!


Listen to what, Nature?


No, really listen!




Because someone's listening to us.


Ah.... I get it.


"What?" Haylee looked from me to Elijah.


We exchanged looks. Your turn.


"Nothing," I finally said. "Nothing."

"Tell me!" she cried. "Tell me now!"


"Hales," he said, "We would tell you, but we can't."


"We're sorry, Haylee." I continued for him. "But we really can't tell you."


"What do you mean you can't tell me?" 


Did she sleep well last night?


No, she woke up five or six times last night. Why?


Perfect, just perfect. 


"We mean we can't tell you." I said calmly. "Let's go have a look around."


"I don't thi-" he caught on. "Oh, okay."


"You don't think what?" Haylee questioned him.


"Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore." we said at the same time.


"Nothing?" She questioned us, but mainly him. "Nothing? It didn't seem nothing!''


"Well it is nothing." I said. "Nothing at all.''


She rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever. We're looking around for what, exactly?" Finally, a good question!


"Well, seeing as this is the home of a kidnapped person, there may be some clues." I looked at Elijah. "Uh, Elijah? Do you think that you can maybe sneak me inside? Without your parents noticing, that is?"


"No... But maybe after they're asleep." He replied.


I smothered a sigh. "That’ll take too long." I said.


"Well, what about your flashlight?" Haylee asked.


"Yes, but the flashlight is inside. It'll take too long to get it." I thought a second. "Maybe we can go without a flashlight. Haylee, you can look inside. Elijah, take the backyard. I'll take your front yard."




"Got it."


So we searched the grounds in search of any signs, any clues. Did we find anything? No, not unless you call tired a clue. Yes, you can say that I may have been excessively annoying, or rude, but I’m tired.


I told them to stop, that I was tired. Did they listen to me? No. Not exactly.


“Really, guys. Can’t we please stop and go to sleep?” I said.


“I’d rather not sleep in the grass and leaves outside.” Elizabeth said, then at my glare, “I’m joking, gosh. No, actually, we can search the perimeter. Don’t give me that look, only one more time, just in case there isn’t something there.” She looked at Elijah expectantly.


“I agree with Elizabeth,” he said. “Don’t give me that look, Hales. I think we should search the perimeter more than one more time, but that’s just me.”


I smothered a sigh. “Fine!”  I said. “Be that way!”


We searched one time, and then they let me go to bed. Elijah and Elizabeth stayed out.  I briefly wondered what they were doing, but really wanted to go to bed, so I plopped on my bed and fell fast asleep.


Meanwhile, I was in Dreamland, I was sure of that.


A dark mist covered the street. Trees were moving their leaves gracefully. An alleyway opened in front of me with no exit. Behind me, the alleyway closed me in. There was a tiny speck of light behind me. I walked forward, stopping at every single little step. Every step that I took, the trees came closer to me, closing in on me, making it impossible to escape.

Something suddenly moves. “Who’s there?” I yell. The thing comes closer to me. I step back. He steps closer two paces.

“Haylee” A voice whispers. “Haylee” It whispers again.

“I said who’s there!” I yelled again. I feel sweat come down my face. I turn around and run as fast as I can. Something blocked me. I’m trapped. “What is it with you people?” I yell at the person behind me, then turned around and started running that way. Again, I’m blocked.


“Haylee!” I hear again, this time slightly louder. “Haylee, what are you doing?” I turned around. Shadows still turning. I then jumped out of the alley and into a ton of forest trees and ivy. I ran further and further, but I seem to be going in circles. “Haylee!” I hear again. “Haylee, wake up!”


I woke up, on the floor, sweaty and at the feet of my mother.  “What happened, Mom?” I asked her.


“You were having a nightmare,” she told me. I sat up, and she sat down on my bed. “Do you want to talk about?”


“No. I’d rather not.” I told her.


“Then do you mind telling me about Elijah and Elizabeth?” She said. It was more of an order than a question.


“If Elijah hasn’t told you, then I don’t think I should,” I said.


“He told me that he and Elizabeth were in trouble. Mind expanding?”


“No. I’m sorry; Mom, but I can’t tell you anything.”


“Well, if you want to tell me, please do.” She got up and left. I sighed a relief; she didn’t push me too hard, Thank God.


“Wait.” I said suddenly. “Mom, they are in trouble. We called the police on it, but they can’t-won’t help them. I’m involved too, but that’s it. That’s all I can tell you.”

She looked a little worried, but cleared up quickly. “Alright. If you want to tell me more, please do.” She turned around and left me in my room.


I got up, went back into bed, and went to sleep. However, this time, I wasn’t having a nightmare.




5 hours later, it’s 8 a.m.  I wake up without wanting to. I got out of bed, defeated with exhaustion. I walked out of my room. I looked over to my brothers’ bedroom and saw that both their beds were empty and unmade. I walked into the kitchen, poured me a bowl of cereal, and then walked into the TV room.

No one was there. I rushed eating my cereal, ran back to my room, and got dressed quickly. I am going to find them, even if it’s the last thing I do as a pure human, I’m going to find my brothers. 



I woke up quickly and through my clothes on. I went outside then called Elizabeth to come out. I have a good feeling that this day will be productive.  When Elizabeth came out, it shattered my feeling of the day going to be productive.


“What?” she said as she walked out. She wore a no-sleeve top with flowers all over it and a pair of light blue flare jeans. She didn’t have her glasses on, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. Her wrists carried a blue bracelet, two red scrunches, and a blue digital watch. “Come on, we’ve got to get going now.”


“Okay.” I said, surprised. “Where are we going today?”

“Wherever are we going today?” I asked her.


“Elijah, not ‘wherever are we going today,’ it’s ‘wherever are we going to go today,”  she corrected me.


“Grammar Police” I said under my breath.


“What’s that?” she asked, smiling at me.


“Nothing,” I said, “Nothing, Elizabeth.”


“You think so?” she said, “Elijah, let’s go to this Mexican resturaunt to get a drink. I need to talk to the owner.”


“Alright.” I had no idea about what was about to happen. This is going to be a long, long day.

© 2011 Some Random Person.

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Some Random Person.
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Added on September 15, 2011
Last Updated on September 15, 2011


Some Random Person.
Some Random Person.

Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TX

So if all of ya'll will help me pay for college, that'd be great... For all you Doctor Who obsessing people... Don't say I hate you. But I do hate those Dale.. more..
