![]() Chapter Nine: Once Upon A MoonA Chapter by Some Random Person.![]() (Walking N' Eavesdropping/Colorado)![]() “Elizabeth took me to her friend’s
house,” I replied to my panicked mother. “It’s no big deal! Mom, I’m Eighteen!
You’ve got to stop treating me like a baby!” She looked up, opened her mouth, and
then closed it. Nathan came into the room and kicked me. Mom just ran into her
room and shut the door. I walked over to the couch and threw a pillow on the
ground. I then plopped on the flowery couch. Nathan came over and threw a
pillow at my head, but before it made contact, I swung my arm and hit the
pillow. I then picked up my leg and kicked the boy. Nathan finally left the
room. I turned on the TV and silently fell asleep. Next thing I know, my father is
pushing me awake. I quickly jump up and over the couch. I left the house
without saying anything to anyone. I ran outside and ran downtown and ran some
more. I needed to clear my mind. Suddenly, I turn a corner and find Elizabeth
and Aisha walking the streets. For fear of them noticing me, I turned around
and ran away. I briefly wondered why they were here and how Aisha was here. Before I could think about it, I
turned around and listened in on their conversation. “Hey Aisha!” Elizabeth exclaimed, “Guess
what?” “What?” Aisha asked, grinning. “You-know-who asked me out!”
Elizabeth exclaimed happily. You-know-who? Isn’t that the evil guy in Harry
Potter? What was she talking about? “What did you say?” Aisha asked
Elizabeth as they sat down on a park bench. Elizabeth looked down and replied,
“I didn’t. He asked at a bad time. We were kind of on the run from the people I
told you about,” Elizabeth answered. “So what are you going to answer?”
Aisha asked. I listened closer. I ran to the tree that was closest to them. She looked down again. “I don’t
know, Aisha. He kinda asked at the wrong time.” “You’re worried, aren’t you?” Aisha
asked. Elizabeth murmured something inaudible, and Aisha replied, “You’ll
figure it out. You always do. You’re one of the smartest people I know. You
know what? Avoid the mention. If it happens again, or he asks you, come to me.” Instead of answering, Elizabeth
just gazed at the fountain. A second later, Elizabeth and Aisha disappeared. I
stood there, trying to figure out what to do next. I wondered why they referred
to me as You-know-who, and why they were here. So many questions were in my
head, I couldn’t focus on one. __~*@*~__ The next day, I woke up to a mad
household. Mom and Dad were yelling at each other, and Nathan was flinging
pancakes all over creating a mess for Mom and Haylee to clean up. I ran outside
without eating breakfast. I ran over to Elizabeth’s and asked
her to come outside. We walked over to the park where I saw Aisha and her were
last night, and sat at the same exact bench they did. Then I broke the silence. “So will you go out with me?” I
held my breath without realizing it. I let it go when Elizabeth started to
ME ALONE?” Elizabeth exclaimed. I looked around and saw Shelby and Gertinald.
Holy Crap indeed. Those guys seriously need to stop bursting in. I
shadow-ported home. I’m sorry to say that I left Elizabeth there. Hopefully,
she shadow-ported somewhere safe. To
make sure, I decided to go back and look for her or to assist her in any way I
could. I shadow-ported to the park and saw
that Elizabeth and Gertinald fighting while Shelby was at the farmers market. I
snuck behind Gertinald and kicked him between his legs then on his back. He jumped
around and swung his arm around. I blocked it, and Elizabeth jumped up and
kicked his head. The two of us were in full combat mode against Gertinald. Soon, though, Shelby came in and
jumped on Elizabeth. I swung a shot at her and kicked Gertinald at the same
time. My legs cramped up, but I did not moan or show weakness. Elizabeth and I
broke off the fight, ran towards a tree and shadow-traveled to Aisha’s. “Why are we here?” I asked her, “I
thought we were going back home.” “This was the first place I thought
of, and I’m really tired,” Elizabeth replied. We popped into her room and
Elizabeth called her best friend. Aisha popped in the doorway. “Oh, I see you
brought company,” was Aisha’s welcome. “We were just in a fight again with
Shelby and Gertinald. They’re ruining it. My vacation, everything,” complained
Elizabeth. “I see,” Aisha said, “What can I
help you with?” She asked when she sat on her bed against the wall next to her
window. “Later. I just needed to rest.
Here, take my arm.” “Wait, I have to go tell my parents
I’m going somewhere.” She ran downstairs. She said something in another
language that I didn’t know, and her parents said something in the same
language. She came back upstairs, and
ran back down. Elizabeth grabbed my arm and we went outside. We met Aisha under the carport and
teleported to a mountainy place. “Welcome to Colorado,” Elizabeth said, “One of
my favorite places I’ve been to.” Aisha broke off and looked around.
There were snow piles over the tops of the mountains. It was the middle of
June, and there were snowcaps on the mountains. I sighed as I took in the
sight. “Come on,” Elizabeth shouted at Aisha
and me. “I’ve reserved a hotel room. Um, Elijah? I hope you don’t mind sleeping
on the couch.” Then we teleported to a local Holiday Inn and registered. We went up and and got our room. Aisha and Elizabeth
were going to have the beds, while I was going to sleep on the couch. © 2011 Some Random Person.Author's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 1, 2011 Last Updated on September 1, 2011 AuthorSome Random Person.Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TXAboutSo if all of ya'll will help me pay for college, that'd be great... http://www.gofundme.com/jhx73o For all you Doctor Who obsessing people... Don't say I hate you. But I do hate those Dale.. more..Writing