![]() Chapter Three: Once Upon A MoonA Chapter by Some Random Person.![]() Keep It Up, Why Don't Ya?![]() Elijah was gone for a long time. It
took me awhile to realize that before I checked my watch. He’s been gone for more
than ten minutes. That was enough time for Haylee to annoyingly grilled me
about liking Elijah. Let me make this clear. I do NOT like Elijah, except as a
friend. It’s been like that for a while. Now that that’s clear, let’s get back
to what was happening in the room. Elijah walked in right after I made
my point of not liking Elijah for the millionth time. “Thank God. What took you
so long?” I spitted out. I knew that Haylee wouldn’t dare questioning me with
Elijah in the room. “What are you talking about? I
wasn’t in there drinking water long,” Elijah said. “Yes you were. You were in there
drinking water for ten minutes,” I told him. “Well, sorry. It didn’t feel like
it.” Elijah replied, and I realized that he was actually listening in on our
conversation. I hoped that nothing he heard hurt him. “Oh, fine. Come on, let’s go back
into the shade,” I suggested. We were standing in the hot, 100-degree summer
sun. “Follow you out,” Elijah replied. I
just hope that I am off the hook. I do not want to be asked any questions
anymore. I led them to the shade of the large probably 200 years old tree and
sat down. I then pulled out my 4th Generation iPod Nano that I loved
dearly, and put on Dynamite. “You still listen to that?” Haylee
asked me. “No, but it’s the only ‘Pop’ song
on this iPod,” I replied. “Oh. Why don’t you have any other
ones?” Haylee asked. “Because I don’t like the others,”
I said as if it was as plain as day, “Duh.” “What kind of music do you like?”
Elijah interjected. “1980s Pop, European New Wave, or
just plain Rock,” I replied. “I grew up listening to that stuff, so it just
stuck.” “So do you like Michael Jackson?”
Gosh, Elijah, you would think I was an old person. “Some of his songs like Thriller
and Beet It,” I replied, “But my favorite song is Life Is A Highway, Footloose,
or Major Tom.” “Uh…” Haylee replied, “What are
those?” I put on Life Is A Highway for her to listen. “This, Haylee, is Life Is A
Highway,” I replied, then changed songs to Footloose. “This is Footloose,” I
changed in the middle of the song again, changing it to Major Tom. “And this is
Major Tom. I think this one is my favorite, but the others are close. I also
like Eye of a Tiger, The Noah Plan, The Final Countdown, Terra Titanic, and
Don’t Stop Believein’. My favorite bands include Peter Schilling, Journey,
Rush, Survivor, and Europe.” I didn’t include some of the others, because there
are just too many, including Def Leppard, Queen, Tommy Tutone, R.E.M. and more.
Like I said, too many. “Who are they?” Haylee asked. Did
their parents ever play any music in that household? “Peter Schilling is the singer of
three of my favorite songs: The Noah Plan, Major Tom, and Terra Titanic.
Journey is famous for Don’t Stop Believein’. Rush is famous for Tom
Sawyer. Survivor, Eye of a Tiger;
Europe, The Final Countdown.” I replied. They’re seriously missing out on some
good music. “So what do you listen to?” I asked Haylee and Elijah. “I don’t really listen to music,”
Haylee replied, looking down at her feet. “Why not?” I asked, forgetting Elijah
was standing there. “Because I don’t,” Haylee looked
like she didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so, unlike her, I quit asking
her. She got up and went inside. I pulled my hair into a sloppy
ponytail and looked around to look for something to do or talk about. I turned
off the music, and pulled out my phone and dialed a number and put it on
speaker. It rang a few times, and went to the answering machine. Stupid Aisha Khan, answer the phone! I yelled in my head. I didn’t think Elijah
heard me until he looked up at me. Is that who
you’re calling again? He sent me. Yes, you
dumbass. I’m bored, that’s who I call. Oh. Right. Back
to boredom. Answer your annoying little cell phone, Aisha! __~*@*~__ “So how was High School this year?”
I asked to break the annoying silence between us all. I was through with it,
and now I’ll be going to College in this small town. JBU was my second choice.
I really wanted to go to Rice University, but didn’t get in. Last year, when I
got the ‘We’re sorry, but you weren’t accepted’ letter, I was moping around the
place for a week. “Hard. I had to study too much. I
had little time for Baseball.” Not as hard as my classes were. I’d bet fifty
dollars that they weren’t as hard as my classes. “Really? Did you do level or AP
classes?” I asked. I did the AP classes starting in Freshman year. “Level,” I guessed that before he
answered me. AP classes were too hard for him. “AP classes were too hard.” See?
I told you. It’s too much for this blonde to understand. “Really? I breezed through mine
easily. Except in Algebra and Geometry. Those were the harder classes. Those
were my only level classes. Everything else was AP,”I couldn’t help but point
it out. “That’s ‘cause you’re too smart.
You skipped a grade or two.” “And I was still able to keep up
with the grade ahead of my age’s classes,” I said to annoy him. I don’t think
it worked that well though, “And I only skipped one grade: Kindergarten,” I
said after I thought about it a little more. “Your point,” he asked a little
rudely. Maybe I did succeed. I didn’t think that would work though… “My point is that I’m smarter than
people think I am,” I replied. I hadn’t thought this far ahead. Shame on me! We sat in silence a little longer.
Haylee walked back outside and sat by me. I asked her the same question. “Oh, work, work, work,” was all she
replied. “How was your first year as a College Freshman?” “Challenging, but fun and very
interesting,” I replied. I loved college. I was finally free. Free from all the
rules and restrictions that parents put on us. I live with my grandmother for
now, but that’s only until I get out of this college. Then I’m moving to
Colorado or someplace colder. I’ve lived in the heat way too long, and I’m
ready to shake it off. “I noticed you didn’t stay around
this neighborhood long,” Elijah replied, startling me. I almost forgot he was
there. He was sad about something that much I caught on. Only, when I tried to
read his mind, he had defenses up. Therefore, he’s had time to fix that. So had
I, but I’ve always had my mind locked with a key and a guard on duty at all
times. “Yes,” I replied, “I was using most
of my time studying and out in the classes I take.” I did nothing else but
study hard to learn. I laughed at myself, this last year I was so antisocial,
it was so unlike me. Why am I being so studious this year? I was never this
studious before. “You?” Haylee asked astonished. “Studious?”
She laughed, and so did I. Elijah just cracked a smile. Something’s definitely
on his mind. “That’s not possible!” Then she started laughing again. I laughed
too, but quickly broke from it. “Why aren’t you laughing, Elijah?”
I asked the moping guy. He looked at Haylee and she left again, saying she’s
getting some water. Oh no. Not this again. “Elizabeth, I have some things on
my mind right now, alright?” “Yes, but you’re being vague. A
little more information wouldn’t do you any harm,” I said. Well, it wouldn’t do
him any harm, would it? “Maybe, maybe not. It’s just I was
thinking about Shelby and Gertinald showing up here the other day,” Elijah
replied. “Oh really? And what, might I ask,
brought that to your mind?” I asked. “Oh nothing. It just popped into my
head for some reason,” he replied. He’s hiding something. I’m sure of it. Is she
happy? Floated into my head. Happy? What was that supposed to mean?
I got distracted at that floating comment, and didn’t notice a car pulling up
into the driveway, nearly running me over. © 2011 Some Random Person.Author's Note
6 Reviews Added on August 17, 2011 Last Updated on August 25, 2011 Previous Versions AuthorSome Random Person.Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TXAboutSo if all of ya'll will help me pay for college, that'd be great... http://www.gofundme.com/jhx73o For all you Doctor Who obsessing people... Don't say I hate you. But I do hate those Dale.. more..Writing
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