Chapter Two: Once Upon A Moon

Chapter Two: Once Upon A Moon

A Chapter by Some Random Person.

Glass of Waiting


“Where are we?” Elizabeth asked me. I would have thought it was obvious.


“We’re at the forest beside the baseball field.” I pointed behind her right ear, “There’s the baseball field.”


“Oh. Come on. We have left Haylee and Nathan there alone. We cannot trust guns against Gertinald or Shelby. Come on!” She pulled my arm and ran towards the houses. When we got there, Haylee was looking for us.


“Did you ask her yet?” Haylee asked me. I shook my head no. “Why not?”


“Just shut up, Haylee, okay?” I sneered. She does not need to be going around ruining things. That is exactly what she’s doing right now.


“Why so mad, Elijah?” Elizabeth asked.


None of your business, Elizabeth. I sent back. Yet. Of course, it was her business, but after what just happened, it was not the time to bring it up.


“Oh, speak out loud, will ya? Sheesh, it’s like I’m inside a book!” Haylee exclaimed, “And an annoying book at that!”


“It’s not our faults that we were turned into werewolves, and you weren’t!” Elizabeth replied to Haylee.


“It’s just unnatural, annoyingly unnatural!” Haylee shouted.


“Well, deal with it. I know you want to be like us, but deal with it.” I rather liked being the only werewolf in the family. It sets me apart from the rest of them.


“Elijah, don’t be so harsh on Haylee,” Elizabeth replied, “She’s only a human.”


“An annoying human at that,” I commented.


“Quit it, Elijah,” Haylee uttered. “there’s no need for you to boast on it.”


“Especially since you’re still having problems controlling your issues,” Elizabeth added


“Issues? What issues?” I asked unbelieving, “I have no issues, except for Haylee and her annoyingness.”


“Your anger, you’re unable to control your changing, your inability to tell some people you love that you love them.” Haylee counted off on her fingers.


“Shut up.” I said plainly.


“Wait, I’m not done. You’re constant nagging, your inability to finish what you started, your unable to sit down and read a tiny book. I can name more, if you’d like,” Haylee continued. Elizabeth just laughed.


“Shut the heck up!” I screeched. I hadn’t noticed that my throat was this dry. Instead of taking the cue and getting up for some water, I just stood there and took the pain. How stupid could I get?


“Go get some water.” Elizabeth commanded me.


“No, I’m fine,” I replied annoyed.


“No really, you need some water. I’ll deal with this human,” she said, nodding her head towards Haylee.


“Fine, I’ll get some water.” I said giving up. I got up, and went into the house for a glass of water. I filled up a glass wondering about how Elizabeth was going handle Haylee. I sat down drinking the water thinking about it and somehow I wondered into Haylee’s mind.


“He hasn’t asked you yet, has he?” Haylee asked.


“Asked me what?” Elizabeth asked Haylee. Elizabeth didn’t know? I hope Haylee doesn’t spoil the moment. Shelby and Gertinald already spoiled it when I tried.


“Asked you out, of course.” Haylee, don’t you dare spoil it!


“What? You’re crazy,” Elizabeth said. Oh, so she doesn’t like me does she?


“Not on the point, Elizabeth,” Elizabeth’s blindness was annoying Haylee.


“Oh, so you do admit to being crazy?” Elizabeth laughed. I could actually hear the laughter through the glass.


“That’s not the point. Come on, Elizabeth. Stop changing the subject every time this comes into discussion.” I really want to listen in. I had no idea Haylee was talking about this stuff to Elizabeth behind my back. I wanted to hear the answer, really badly.


Elizabeth sighed, “Fine, I’ll be serious.”


“Thank-you. Now, do you, or do you not like Elijah?” Finally, the moment of truth.


“As a friend, yes,” Elizabeth replied.


“Stop making this hard for you. Do you, or do you not like Elijah?” Haylee repeated.


“I like him as a friend!” Elizabeth repeated once more.


“Fine, I’ll reword my question. Do you like Elijah as something more than a friend?” Haylee asked.


“Not really.” She replied, “Just as a friend.” I sighed a letdown breath. Wait a second, she may just be telling Haylee that, but Haylee can’t read her mind, can she? I wondered out of Haylee’s mind and tried to get into Elizabeth’s, but her mind is heavily guarded; I could not get through. Oh, come on! I’m only trying to find out if you like me or not! I thought to myself.


I couldn’t help but try. I was going to find out if she liked me. I’m going to break into her brain sometime soon. Haylee’s helpful, but I get the feeling that Elizabeth may be lying to her. That’s also a feeling Haylee gets, because she asked again.


“No, Haylee. I don’t like your brother except as a friend,” Elizabeth said more sincerely. I don’t know why, but I keep thinking that she’s lying to her. She’s been lying, if she does like me, for more than a decade.


“Are you sure?” Haylee asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.


“Yes, Haylee. Where the heck is your brother?” Elizabeth changed the subject.


“I don’t know. Tell me the truth, Elizabeth. Do you like him?” Haylee persisted. Hmm… Remember last year when Elizabeth was annoying me to tell Haylee? I guess this is sweet vengeance. I sat there, listening in on their conversation, sipping on my warmer water. It used to be cold, but I stood here in the kitchen long enough for it to heat up.


“As a friend, yes,” Elizabeth replied, getting annoyed. “Why do you keep asking me the same question over and over?”


“Because I have a feeling that you’re lying. I think you like him more then you’re letting on,” Haylee said truthfully.


“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. The point is, I only like Elijah as a friend, nothing more or less,” Elizabeth replied to Haylee’s comment. It’s killing me inside, not knowing if she’s lying. Maybe I should wait until I know for sure, or when I’m sure she’s in a good mood.


I think I’m tired of nursing my water. I put my cup in the sink and went back to them before Haylee had a chance to reply. I couldn’t take it much longer, I was going back. No more listening; no more knowing.

© 2011 Some Random Person.

Author's Note

Some Random Person.
:D So I added onto this chapter, obviously.

1. Do you like it?

2. What do you think is going to happen now?

3. Should I add some ghosts into the story?

4. What else do you want to add?

5. Review?

My Review

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1. I like it a lot.
2. Gertinald and Shelby are going to show up.
3. That would be fun :P
4. Nothing really. I don't know.
5. I think this was well written and awesome. I can't wait to read on.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I so don't like answer questions, but I will answer true. This needs so be put in thrid person. Plus it would add to its poetential if you add ghost. Please request me again when you did thoughs two things I said for you to do.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A lot of interesting conversation in this chapter. I like the conflicts in the conversation. Ghost can ask mystery and a different direction for the story. I like the human feel of the people of this chapter. A very good chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1. YES

Posted 13 Years Ago

1. Yes!

2. No clue.

3. Ehh... why not?

4. No clue!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2011
Last Updated on August 15, 2011


Some Random Person.
Some Random Person.

Ravenclaw House, The Library, Messaline, Midnight, colonizing the New Earth, TX

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