Essays: Whatever Occupies the Mind

Essays: Whatever Occupies the Mind

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

A ramble on contemporary thought and the processes...



Whatever Occupies The Mind

by Dave “Doc” Rogers


The sky is blue. The grass is green. Gravity works.


But for some this is not the case. For some the sky is a cerulean effect of light refraction from a gravimetric hydrogenic mass of particulate matter as it is refracted through the haze we refer to as atmosphere to reflect off of a surface structure of greater density back through the haze to be reflected in minute once again toward the denser surface structure only to be captured within a waiting gulf of absorptive material only to strike against an electromagnetic reactive surface which triggers synaptic responses that run along neural highways to register the video component as a chromatic association. And this combined with atomic masses rotating upon a stellar axis in such coalesced volume as to pull mass into itself rather than toss it away.


To some this is only a physical event.


To some these are emotive happenings that determine the weight of life within their moments.


What determines the relative and associative responses are a historographic cataloguing of similar electromechanical synaptic events resulting in an assumptive historographic response based on an accumulation of data over time with an oft repeated synopsis to the extent it is now believed to be accurate data. Therefore ...


The sky is blue, the grass is green, and gravity works.


It is without doubt that whatever occupies the mind rules the heart.


The heart, a tricky little word of multiple meanings, to which I now add the reference to all that is that makes one one. To the Greek rhetoricals this was the 'psuche,' the breath of essence that once removed removed that which once was the being within the fleshy structure they called human. It is interesting to note that which is referred as being the essence of being is commonly referred with aspirating words, for with the absence of such aspirations soon follows the lack of further existence for the biological shell. Interesting, isn't it?


And to think in all our accumulated synapses of collected thought, averages of experiential data, we have yet to define GOD, solve crime, cure the common cold, remove avarice, provide succor to every lack, or to extend our lives beyond that which is enjoyably tenable.


Instead, we spend our days deceptively filling our heads with gibberish in vain attempts at piety, clarity, sentience, and self glorification. “We are who we are,” is said. As if that alone is enough to silence the questions that remain unanswered. Fools, we are, preferring to live a lie than to accept truth.


“Quid est veritas?”


What is truth? It is a very good question. People, in their historographic catalogues of electromechanical similarities, have self determined that truth is whatever they have determined it to be. That, however, is incorrect. Truth is. Truth is what it is. Truth is truth. Truth is not variable. It remains truth.


A circle is a circle. It remains a connected series of points along a line that is closed upon itself. You can argue that it is a circle, a loop, an ellipse, a hoop, a ring, ... but you cannot take away its truth. It remains a connected series of points along a line that is closed upon itself. We can safely agree that a circle of 360º divided by a line along a center point creates two arcs of 180º and that another line along a perpendicular center point will create two additional arcs of 180º and the entirety creating four 90º angles through the bi-sectioning of the circle and the overlapping of the diametric center points.


Yet people will argue this insanely. If one circular standard is set at 360º and another set at 400º, an argument will ensue over the circle, its proper definitions, and at what metric should standardization be set. It still does not remove the 'truth' that a circle is what it is.


The absence of truth is assumption.


Whether truth is known and overlooked or not known and mental grasping at straws occurs, in the absence of truth ... standards whereby solid, evidentiary proof establishes ... assumption reigns. It is then argued that there is no truth and therefore assumptive reasoning must evoke an answer to further the courses of action, whatever those might be. Assumptive reasoning relies upon the barest of minimals of evidentiary reasoning or no factually based reasoning at all to grasp out of ether some concept deeply held as truth. It still doesn't make it truth.


It doesn't make it truth but it does make it a deeply held belief and an unwillingness to face reality. To them, it has become truth ... even if a lie.


If the concept ... even a delusional one ... is held to firmly and great amounts of mental energy are expended to build up structurally and maintain this concept, it becomes that state of reality for the individual so enervated. They are clouded from the truth by their self preserved delusions. They will function semi normally in society until their dysfunctional truths are confronted or challenged. Then what they have chosen to believe becomes superficial. Some will not meet the challenge. Some will just find another thing about which to be deceived from the truth. Some will argue vehemeously in support of their truth, negating in themselves the truths presented by others or the truth itself. Still, others will be crushed by the confrontation.


The process remains the same.


That which the mind occupies a majority of its time processing results in that thing ruling the heart thereby the actions of the thinker. It is sad that a relatively sane and intelligent person will forego the truth in deference to a lie not based in fact or reality in order to appease some portion of their lives requiring assumptive reasoning.


Whatever occupies the mind rules the heart.


Whatever a person does that dominates their mental faculties will have rule over the core being of that person, and they will find themselves fully receiving the results of efforts ... both positive and negative.


Find the truth, not what is truth just to you. Apply yourself to it. Know the truth. Seek it. Treasure it. Focus on it. Because...


Whatever occupies the mind rules the heart.

© 2008 Dave "Doc" Rogers

Author's Note

Dave "Doc" Rogers
Ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue.

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Truth. At least my perception of it in this piece. You allow your intelligence to over take your reader. Of course this depends on who your target audience is. I thought for a moment you were going to delve into the philosphy of Greek thought, which excited me. It's something I'm interested in, and could grasp. I struggled to stay with you on this piece,brother. That is not your fault, if people like myself are not your intended reader.
I cannot envision myself curling up in a big comfy chair and reading this. If you want to capture a large group, quite frankly you need to dumb down the piece, or maintain your integrity and lose readers. I understood much of what you wrote, but found myself having to read a line several times. I have no problem admitting it was on a higher shelf than I choose from. I find your brilliance compelling, and would love to see you harness in your writing, which is a mark of a true writer. Many writer's can't, or won't pull back for the sake of readership. It's a question of pride. You either keep up with me, or lay it down. I think that would be a mistake in your case. I've read some beautiful work from you.
The average reader, I believe, would become entangled in your complex thought in this piece. I could be wrong. I sometimes forget my limited intelligence. I would love to read a piece by you on Greek vs Egyptian philosophies on death, culture, religion. This was a brilliant piece slightly beyond my grasp. Rain..

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


You are without a doubt a man of substance and definitely a man of a gifted mind. wow, this truly blew my mind. I found it incredibly absorbing. I had to read it twice. I don't know if I absorbed it all, but I would love to pick it apart as it is fascinating. This is some of what I got out of it. There is so much "truth" to what you say here. The mind an amazing tool. I absolutely loved this lines...

"Assumptive reasoning relies upon the barest of minimals of evidentiary reasoning or no factually based reasoning at all to grasp out of ether some concept deeply held as truth. It still doesn't make it truth....The absence of truth is assumption.

These lines fascinated me.... as the mind is so entangled and so often we jump to conclusions; assumptions.

That which the mind occupies a majority of its time processing results in that thing ruling the heart thereby the actions of the thinker. It is sad that a relatively sane and intelligent person will forego the truth in deference to a lie not based in fact or reality in order to appease some portion of their lives requiring assumptive reasoning.

"Whatever occupies the mind rules the heart." A powerful statement...feeling come and go, but what you mind believes does has a profound effect upon oneself.

I love the way you started this...perspective

An amazing and highly absorbing write. You are a brilliant man.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

smart writing. It's taken me forever to get over here, I am buried lately. I love the short into type sentences coupled with such depth - when my mind is occupied, its normally a series of angst and expletives. peace.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What grammar problems? As a designer of boats One becomes familiar with line drawings. These lines are true.
Were they not the 3D image would not be.
Thus am I familiar with truth. The rest of this essay is based upon belief broken down and examined in it's entirety It is all fundamental truth and a joy to read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I read through to - "Whatever a person does that dominates their mental faculties will have rule over the core being of that person, and they will find themselves fully receiving the results of efforts ... both positive and negative," - then realized I had not been reading but simply scanning over words and paragraphs.

This piece is one that demands attention and thought, not able to be fully enjoyed or appreciated if one does not give it their full attention.

I like how you started out with simple facts - "The sky is blue. The grass is green. Gravity works," - then went into depth about other's reality of the way things are.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this piece, as it got me to step outside the bounds of my "comfort" level and got me thinking.

I'm looking forward to more.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Had to delete my previous review because I went back and re-read the essay. I think you are brilliant, as I have always thought. I completely missed the argument the first time I read it. Predisposition does not necessarily rule cognition. As a matter of fact, if I understand your article, cognitive function ability can enhance predilection and therefore rule tendency of both behavior and preference. Credible argument.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Truth. At least my perception of it in this piece. You allow your intelligence to over take your reader. Of course this depends on who your target audience is. I thought for a moment you were going to delve into the philosphy of Greek thought, which excited me. It's something I'm interested in, and could grasp. I struggled to stay with you on this piece,brother. That is not your fault, if people like myself are not your intended reader.
I cannot envision myself curling up in a big comfy chair and reading this. If you want to capture a large group, quite frankly you need to dumb down the piece, or maintain your integrity and lose readers. I understood much of what you wrote, but found myself having to read a line several times. I have no problem admitting it was on a higher shelf than I choose from. I find your brilliance compelling, and would love to see you harness in your writing, which is a mark of a true writer. Many writer's can't, or won't pull back for the sake of readership. It's a question of pride. You either keep up with me, or lay it down. I think that would be a mistake in your case. I've read some beautiful work from you.
The average reader, I believe, would become entangled in your complex thought in this piece. I could be wrong. I sometimes forget my limited intelligence. I would love to read a piece by you on Greek vs Egyptian philosophies on death, culture, religion. This was a brilliant piece slightly beyond my grasp. Rain..

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on September 20, 2008
Last Updated on October 11, 2008


Dave "Doc" Rogers
Dave "Doc" Rogers

Montgomery, AL

Artist • Author • Poet • Preacher • Creative • I am a thinker, ponderer, assayer of thoughts. I have had a penchant for writing since childhood. I prefer "Doc" as an hommag.. more..
