Something to think about on the 4th of July

Something to think about on the 4th of July

A Story by Dave "Doc" Rogers

An essay, some thoughts around the 4th of July

Something to think about on the 4th of July
An essay by Dave Doc Rogers
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In the United States of America, after nearly 250 years, the daring and importance of this date in history has lost a lot of its trepidation and fear.

It was said in Continental Congress that “We shall hang together or surely we shall hang separately.”

The consequence of daring the most powerful empire on Earth, the consequence to their lives and the lives of their children, the consequence of actually doing what they have only talked about doing from the safety of clandestine meetings and friendly cities, the consequence in their modern time was very real… Death and forfeit of all property and family to the Crown…that means the wife and kids would be either killed or made slaves to the King of England.

The discussions were made.

Drafts and revisions penned and repenned.

Jefferson’s words with Adams’ edits became a final document presented in Philadelphia for review by representatives from every colony.

President John Hancock stood in audacity as he signed his name in large letters in hopes the King of England would be able to see his name clearly.

Each man present who signed knew he signed his death warrant should they fail.

Over the course of the next seven years, many who signed were caught, captured, killed, or had their homes, livelihood, and property destroyed.

The costs laid into the document were futures, spilled blood of families, atrocities in the name of King and Country, and lives forever changed.

The Fourth of July may have been a date upon which a document was approved and signed, but its impact had at great cost purchased freedom from an unhearing king and Parliament.

Freedom was not free.

Freedom was purchased in the daring, blood, sweat, and tears of people of different origins coming together in the common idea of self government and of the People to choose for themselves the pursuit of life, liberty, and of happiness.

The American colonies were made up of First Nations peoples, Europeans, and Africans who all fought to free the land from foreign rule.

Over seven grueling years with little hope and many prayers the American colonies succeeded in fighting a war of attrition and winning a truce and a surrender at Yorktown.

But, that was not the end of it.

Recovery was difficult.

Arguments were made over how their new government should work.

Six more years of interim governments and arguments and difficulties ensued before a finalized Constitution was submitted for “We the People” to approve. Finally in 1791, the US Constitution was ratified by the colonies, now states, and a new government moved forward with George Washington elected as its first President.

The United States of America has been less than perfect over the intervening years, but it has continued to improve.

The costs of freedom may have started in the 1700s, but the price has been paid in every generation since.

There have been threats to the American people, both internally and externally. The American people have risen to those challenges in every generation, and will continue to do so.

The hopes and dreams of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the families and communities that sent them there remain with us today: that at some point a free people will live lives in pursuit of liberty and happiness, and not at the costs of others.

As we in this era celebrate with fireworks, cook outs, parties, and enjoying time with family and friends, let us not forget those men, women, children, slave, bond, and free who paid at great personal cost the liberties and freedoms we now enjoy.

Be safe. Enjoy this national holiday.

And never forget, the prices paid by normal people like you and I who could no longer accept tyranny and an unhearing government.

�" �" �"

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

© 2024 Dave "Doc" Rogers

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Added on July 5, 2024
Last Updated on July 5, 2024
Tags: 4th of july, declaration of independence


Dave "Doc" Rogers
Dave "Doc" Rogers

Montgomery, AL

Artist • Author • Poet • Preacher • Creative • I am a thinker, ponderer, assayer of thoughts. I have had a penchant for writing since childhood. I prefer "Doc" as an hommag.. more..
