She's My Jeanelle!

She's My Jeanelle!

A Poem by Nicolo Marcelo

This is a song I've composed to my beloved lady, Jeanelle! Trivia: This is one of the songs I've composed the quickest, so it is rather quite short but deeply meaningful of course, filled with love!


It took time

Before I realized

That love is strong

Once the truth's in your eyes

The sight of her beauty

Calls my night

The most wonderful night

That came to be

And nothing's wrong,

For I know that she's my lover

Oh nothing's wrong

For she is mine forever

It's truly love

I never hesitate

Cause I trust her

With my mind, my heart, my soul

The sight of my lady

Calls my life

The most wonderful life

That will ever be

And nothing's wrong

For I know that's she's my lover

Oh nothing's wrong

For she is mine forever

My Jeanelle

You are the reason my heart beats!

Oh Jeanelle

You are the hope that my life keeps!

My Jeanelle

You are my lady forever!

My own guardian angel, I love you!

© 2010 Nicolo Marcelo

Author's Note

Nicolo Marcelo
I love this song! :">

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wow, you're crazy for her aren't you, well, its not that obvious xD lol, goodluck xD

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2010
Last Updated on March 1, 2010


Nicolo Marcelo
Nicolo Marcelo

Quezon City, IV, Philippines

My pleasure to join this site! Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is presently when you read this! My name is Nico, uhm nickname perhaps! I am at the age of 15, still young and jump.. more..
