Choosing the wrong web host can slow down your site, cause security issues, and even crash your entire blog! Also, switching web hosts can be a problem. This is why it is so important to make the right choice from the very beginning when you start a blog.
Doesn't matter if you are? you are starting a blog for the first time, or if you are a seasoned blogger looking for the best blog hosting. Either way, you've come to the best resource for comparing the best web hosts !
What to look for on blog hosting
When choosing a web host for your blog, there are 3 important factors to keep in mind:
Uptime - If your site goes down it will damage your traffic and your reputation. Runtime must be at least 99.94%.
Speed - You need hosting for your blog that loads quickly or you will lose readers and search engine rankings.
Customer Support - Your chosen hosting company should have expert support that responds quickly when you need help.