The gathering a fortnight ago was on purpose. For the sake of the ominous future. The weariness was visible in their expressions. Lines on the forehead, scattered breath out of rhythm and chapped lips that spoke less and smoked more were all inevitable. The calmness of one of them was disturbing.
My presence there, among the others wasn't pleasing. After all I was one of the converted, definitely not by will yet so. I was prepared for the conditional reproach. I agreed with my conscience not to speak but to listen what they say and accept the demeanour albeit against me. I shivered a bit within for I shouldn't show them that I was rather blue with cold. The darkness was stinking with curses though not for me but for him. His calmness was expected though it disturbed them.
And then he rose on his feet letting his long white hair flow and his voice reverberated through the chilled atmosphere.
"I, who convert you at my will shall not be questioned" - he said.
The murmurs were distinguished but not clear. The groans were scary and their anguish for the probable obvious future was gruesome.
"You will walk away now, converted and living" - he said to me - "for the deads are gone."