Great waves crash not on seabed but on
Tile floors and questions we ask seem to have no
Answer that is definite. Always ambiguous its an
Either/or and though we may hunger for more we
May never be sure for thus is the nature of great
Waves that crash down on tile floors.
Great waves crash down on tile floors that are the color
of sand in my shoes, as I sing old tunes and rhythms of blues
What does my life mean to you or to me or for that
Matter to anybody when uncertainty knocks on my front
Door and unknowing is always in supply and never in
Demand much like the sand… in my shoes.
Great waves crash on tile floors when wise men know as
Much about knowing as canker sores and lack of truth rocks
My core I think I shall turn to He Who Is for he must know
More about being no more… if anyone knows, if anyone
Is sure then He must know why Great waves crash down on
Tile floors.
He must know why time runs out and stands still, He must know
Why vampiric people have their fill, of innocent blood, it gives me
The chills when I think about the destruction that sates itself with
Pure lives, and the tears that innocence itself cries. Why does African
Babies starve batting flies out of their eyes? Why children are destroyed
Before birth, Why others starve and here we die from growing in girth?
He must know why foolish pride begins when we are done playing with
our children’s toys and why I speak and no one want To hear my voice,
why truth isn’t good enough but instead our choice is to construct illusions
with our hands, why the stuff of dreams does not live in reality and why I
am so mad at me. I will turn to He Who Is for He must know why my heart
is so very sore. He must know why Great Waves crash down on tile floors.