Well, I for one, am absolutely appalled by the people of my state and there horrendous and plainly prejudiced choice to outlaw same sex marriage.This is not simply a minor infraction or blemish on the state's moral character, but in immense gash upon its image and and dubious act of evil that has eradicated human rights. This is not fleeting, this is as much of an outrage as any other oppression of civil rights that has been thrust upon the country as any of those in the 20th century that have been galvanized in the minds of all American's as horrible acts from a horrible time that could never be forgiven. This proposition has single handedly eliminated fundamental rights for entire group of people in our state. It has deprived them of the ability to join in matrimony and make the ultimate commitment of a couple, it has stolen, not simply denied, it has stolen this ablity to take part in the profond bond of marriage. Not only that, it has swept away their rights to recieve benefits as a married couple, their ability to visit eachother in deteriorating conditions of health in the hospital, and it may well even revoke the marriage licsenses of homosexual couples who already have been married. And what makes this devious and un-American act even more disgusting, it was not invoked by the state or federal government, but it was voted for by the people of California. This speaks of a deep moral imprefection in the fabric of our state. How can any man or woman who wishes to say that he or she beleives in equality and thus the very basis of liberty that makes America so wonderful, and yet vote to eleminate one of the most valued rights of a human being, a right that no other creature on this green earth knows, the right to marry and join in profound partnership with the one you love. Love, of all uniquly human abilities, is no place for politics, it is no place for polls and election ballots and news programs and candidates to be intruding into. Those who were for Prop 8. spoke of the sanctity of marriage... if you want to talk about the sanctity of marriage then lets talk about keeping politics out of personal life and voting out of natural given rights. Just as no heterosexual would want a state voting on somthing so relevent to their sexual orientation and so directly imposing upon their rights as human beings, neither would any homosexual because no matter what some would have you beleive, these people are human beings too and they deserve rights jsut like you and I and no individual's opinion or vote should be able to say otherwise, not in our country, not in America. Let love, not law, decide the sanctity of marriage. A nation intolerent is a nation divided, and that if anything is the opposite of patriotism because we are the United, not the divided, the United States of America, and we are better than this.