Wake up the next day about five times,
the last time I tried to get up it felt like a lifetime...
Finally I force my body out of bed,
mainly slowed by the piercing pain in my head.
Feet bare flat on the floor.
Stare in the mirror looking at the horror,
blood drained skin,
bags under my eyes,
after the night before it aint no surprise,
try to stride to the door,
but it forgot to open it,
and I still haven’t put my clothes on yet.
Two shirts,
old hoody...
Loose fitting robe,
and a pair of thick socks,
gap of skin exposed between them
and the bottom of the sweat pants
dry mouth,
sore eyes,
and another surprise,
gotta change that top shirt,
wore it night before,
smells like booze,
got lipstick on it,
but I’m unaware of who’s.
“I think I played poker last night, how much did I loose?”
Im pissed off,
a little sad but I gotta suffocate it.
Walk to my medicine cabinet,
no more aspirin.
Nobody here knows where I was,
or that I was even gone.
They don’t even think I drink,
but they would think different
had they saw me vomit in the kitchen sink...
There’s no more coffee to wake me up,
everybody drank it,
now there’s just tea
throw it in the microwave,
press auto time number three.
Try to race to the kitchen,
to beat that beep before comes,
but im too late.
As the noise scares my eyes from their sockets,
my phone screams as text message from my pocket,
muster up the courage to look at who it is,
Its Taylor and he seems rather pissed off.
“Dude, WTF was that <- nite??”
Didn’t take the time to respond,
fingers aren’t yet nimble enough
to press those tiny buttons.
I guess I’ll just leave it for later,
ignore the problem,
hope it wont stay there.
Finish my tea,
get something to eat,
rinse my breath out,
brush my teeth.
I can do it,
and I will
Start this day at 12:53.