i like where it's going i think. is this meant to have the ambiguous ending? it feels a lot like a jab at an ex with an internet porn addiction, with much farther reaching connotations. holla back girl :) but seriously though, nice, original topic, personable writing on an topic thats not very personable, and an actual rhyme scheme
I like this. Interesting, evocative. Contrasts the old with the new, modern with the primitive, scientific illumination with religious superstition; fear comes again into our new age of reason.
i like where it's going i think. is this meant to have the ambiguous ending? it feels a lot like a jab at an ex with an internet porn addiction, with much farther reaching connotations. holla back girl :) but seriously though, nice, original topic, personable writing on an topic thats not very personable, and an actual rhyme scheme
No doubt about it. Technology reigns... and it's not always a good thing. Interesting topic. Good point and very well written. Actually, the "worship of new gods" is a pretty prevalent thing with no good to eventually come of it, and lots of damage happening along the way. I think this piece is a lot more profound that what initially meets the eye. Excellent job.
I write , mainly poetry, about anything and everything. I have written song lyrics and seem to be addicted to rhyming. I hate writing blurbs for blogs as I never know what to say...
I often confuse.. more..