![]() 1. GraduationA Chapter by Avangeline VampireChapter One: Raven
It's been nearly a month since we were in the 13th Century. I have to say it's good to be back but I do miss my mother and everyone else. JJ and I have been great. Our relationship hasn't changed. If anything, it's only gotten better and we're going to be graduating in two days. Everyone is so excited, my parents are at home still, which is good yet surprising. My sister is also at home, just long enough to see my graduate. JJ's brother and grandparents have decided to stay in this town so he and his sister aren't by them selves anymore. It's Sunday and JJ and I are watching a movie like we usually do on Sunday nights. " Raven, what do you think we should do after we graduate?" JJ asks I pause. " Well... After we graduate I was thinking we should return to the 13th Century..." I suggest and JJ smiles " That's exactly what I want too." He replies, kissing me lightly. I fall asleep in his arms that night and when I woke up the next morning I was at home. How did I get home? I wondered but before anything else I heard my cellphone ringing. JJ.
Good morning sunshine. I'll be waiting for you outside in 10. -JJ
I smiled and shut my phone to get ready for school. Just one more day until graduation. I buttoned up my dark red plaid shirt and shrugged on a black sweater. When I got downstairs my mother was making breakfast. She isn't the best cook but she tries nowadays. Kylie and I sat down at the breakfast table and ate in silence. Mom and Dad were babbling on about my graduation and what I would be doing after. They wanted me to become a lawyer so I could make a good living. Before the said any more I heard a car horn and I ran outside, wanting to get away from them. I hopped into the car and looked at JJ. He was wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans with a plain black T-shirt that outlined his body. I noticed I was blushing so I quickly looked out the window. " Are you excited for graduation?" JJ asks, keeping his eyes focused on the road " Of course! But now my parents are starting to nag me about good colleges like Yale." I reply " Do you WANT to go to college?" I hesitate for a moment. " Well... Not really... I used to, but now I want to stay in the 13th Century..." I tell him, slightly glancing at him He reaches his hand over to me and places it over mine. "That's what we should do then. I never wanted to go to college." JJ says, looking at me with a grin
We arrive right on time and immediately go to class. We aren't getting any work in classes anymore, each class is focused on grad. Lilly and Peter, the guy she was at prom with, are still together. It's great. I felt bad for her, after asking her to prom them rejecting her. Bessie and Mike are dating too. It took them a long time, but they finally told each other how they really felt. And as for Brittany and Girlz, They keep their distance. JJ and I still don't trust Brittany in the slightest and JJ always makes sure she never bothers me. I sat at my desk and just stared out the window, watching the birds flittering around. The sun shone brightly and the leaves on the trees rustled slightly. I closed my eyes for a minute before hearing a voice. ' Raven. Raaaveennn.' An image started to stir in my head, my mother was calling me. ' Raven.' " RAVEN! WAKE UP!" I gasped and looked up. The teach stood before me. Her hands on her hips, taping her foot on the ground angrily. " Sorry..." I mumbled and she turned on her heels. I look at JJ and he was holding back a slight laugh and I just glared at him. I tried to focus the rest of the day but I just couldn't. I was positive I heard my mother calling me. When school was over JJ and I went to the park and sat on the fountain. He laid his head in my lap, like he did when we first began dating. I set one hand on his chest and the other on the edge of the fountain. We discussed graduation and going back to the 13th Century. I told him about hearing my mother's voice but he said it was probably just an illusion and I agreed. I just missed her, that's what I thought. We stayed at the park until dark. We watched the stars shining in the sky and saw a shooting star zoom by. My mother (my real mother), told me that when a shooting star goes by, it's someone going to Heaven. " JJ, do you think we'll go to Heaven one day? Even though we killed people...?" I ask warily " Of course. We both believe in God and we only killed those Dark Ones because they were threatening the lives of good people." JJ assured I sighed and looked down at JJ. His brilliant blue eyes stared back up at me. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me down into a long kiss. JJ sit's up and continues to kiss me. " JJ, s-stop, I ca-can't b-breath-" I gasp JJ slows down and pulls away. I sit there breathing hard. He wraps his arms around me into a hug. " I love you Raven." He whispers in my ear " I love you too." I reply, putting my arms around his shoulders.
The next day was graduation. Everyone spent all day getting ready. Bessie curled her hair and put a red dress on underneath her grad gown. Mike hair sprayed his hair like hell, even though it's to short to do anything with. When everyone was finished getting ready we all piled into JJ's grandparent's car and went to our graduation. My stomach was full of butterflies, I was so nervous, after this, it's all over. No more high school, those days will be over forever. No more getting up early in the mornings and knowing you'll be facing another day of classes, friends, teachers, no. It'll all be done. The next thing most people will face is college. JJ could tell I was nervous because he took my hand in his and smiled at me, telling me it'll be fine with his eyes. As the car pulled up into the parking lot I could see big groups of people. We got out of the car and went in the back way that we were told to go in. All our classmates were there talking and laughing. JJ was still holding my hand and no one was staring. That brought confidence to me that no one even noticed anymore. It was thirty minutes until the graduation ceremony started. We all sat in our assigned seats in front of the stage. One by one students names were called. Finally JJ's name was called. " Jessie-Jasper Castingson." Everyone clapped their hands as JJ made his way up the stage. Taking his diploma and shaking the principles hand. JJ gave a short speech about his high school journey, and then just like that, he was sitting down again. Soon enough my name was called. " Raven Porter." I took a deep breath and walked on stage as everyone clapped. I saw my 'parents' and sister in the audience, sitting with JJ's grandparents, sister, and brother. I, too, gave a small speech that I had worked on with JJ. My dad was video-tapping the whole graduation which made me happy to know I could some day look back on this day. Bessie was after me, Brittany, her friends, Mike, Lilly, and Peter. I have to admit, I was surprised to see Brittany here, I expected her to have to repeat twelve grade since her learning skills are like, zero to none. When graduation was over my parents took us all out for a fancy, formal dinner. It was fun, we talked about high school memories, camping trips, summer vacations. To know all of it was over still shook me up. Bessie and Mike were going to college together in the fall and JJ and I would be returning to the 13th Century. Would we ever see them again? I knew we would return from the 13th century sometimes, but still. After dinner we were all invited to a graduation after party at Mike's place. His parents would be home and there would be controlled drinking. JJ and I arrived together and the house was already packed. We found Mike and Bessie by the fireplace with some other kids from our homeroom. We were having a great time, but that could be ruined in a second. © 2014 Avangeline Vampire |
Added on March 6, 2014 Last Updated on March 6, 2014 Author![]() Avangeline VampireAbouthttp://www.writerscafe.org/Diamondnovelist My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help com.. more..Writing