7. Truth Be Told

7. Truth Be Told

A Chapter by Avangeline Vampire

Chapter Seven: JJ





I continued to look out the window. I must tell him about the dream. Perhaps this 'specialness' about him caused the glass to shatter.


" Raven... The night I spent with you here at the hospital, I had a dream." I sighed " About a woman. She was standing infront of a beatiful tree. I think she was you mother."


Raven's eyes widen.


" She told me to take you from this grave place. To take you to the land where all things are good. She also said me and you aren't like most human beings. That we're special. Have certain powers. And I think those powers are what caused the window to break."


He look very confused, then stiffled a laugh. " JJ, it was only a dream. Magic isn't real.'


I turned to look at me. " Rave, I think this is for real. Lately i've been able to sense someones mood, their aura. It wasn't just  a dream, you mother came to me for a reason. To get you away from this place."


Raven shook his head. " Get some rest, maybe you'll be better tomorrow." He turned out the light and rolled over to his side, his back towards me.


I ploped down on the couch. 'Please, send me another dream, send Raven the same dream. I need him to believe me.'


The moment I fell asleep I saw the woman again.


" Jessie-Jasper, You must take him away soon. Bad things are going to happen. Again. It's just going to get worse unless you both leave."


" He won't believe me. I tried." I said to her

" I will go to him. After that, take him far away."


She disappeared and I fell back into sleep.




" JJ, JJ wake up!" Raven whispered

I opened my eyes and saw him hovering over me.

" Hmmm? What is it?" I asked still half asleep

He grinned, " I saw her JJ, my mother, she was there. I believe you now!"

I sat up quickly and he sat down next to me.


" It was amazing JJ, she took me to where I was born, where I lived when I was a baby. And why she had to give me up..."


He looked at me.


" She told me when my dad disappeared... She couldn't take care of both of us. She wanted what was best for me so she gave me to the orphange... A few months later... She died..." He was crying now. Tears streamed down his perfect skin.


I put my hand on the back of his neck and kissed his forhead. He wiped his tears and smiled again.


" Magic is real. It's every where. All sorts of magic."


Our eyes locked. I pulled him in closer and kissed him.


* AHEM * We whiped around to see a doctor and a nurse standing there.


" Raven, we looked at the test results. And you can leave when JJ's sister comes to get you both." Thats all he said and left. Probably akward for him.


Raven looked back at me and we both laughed.


When we got to my house we went to my room. Now I had to tell him that his mother came to me again.


We sat down on my bed. " Rave, she came to me too last night."


" She did? What did she say?" He asked curiously


" She told me to take you from this place again... If we stay, more bad things will happen to you. To us." I explained


He sat back. " Did she say why?"


I shook my head. " No... She only said I must take you far away from Kingston. Immediatly. She worried for you Raven. We have to listen to her." I egged


He looked back up at me. " I believe you. She said the same thing to me. That there's danger here and we can't stay here."


I crawled over the bed to him. " I promise to protect you from anything and everything."


He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck. " I love you." He whispered in my ear


I put my arms around his waist. " I love you too."


He kissed me softy on the lips. I pulled him closer and pressed our lips together harder. I ran my tounge along his lips and he opened them slightly for me. I could hear his heartbeat against me. Could he hear mine?


" Nhmm, JJ... I-I can't breath..." He gasped


" Then don't..."


I slowly pushed him back against the head board.

" JJ..." He breathed quietly

"JJ!?!" A girls voice shrieked


I turned around quickly in a startle. Zoey stood there in the doorway holding the door open.


She peered around me. " Omigod! Raven!? Wha-!? What are you two-?!" She stammered. She couldn't even finish her sentance she was so horrified


" Oh god!!" She slammed the door closed and ran out.

I slowly looked back at Raven. He looked at me in shock to.


" Well... Now she knows?" I said with a confused laugh and Raven laughed to and shrugged.

I rested my forhead against his and smiled. He kept his arms around me and I laid down beside him. We stayed like this all night. Well, almost all night...


In the middle of the night I heard a scream. It woke both Raven and I up in an instant. Raven may not look it, but he can be a scaredy-cat. He gripped my arm and looked around. We went downstairs carefully.


I looked around the corner into the living room. A strange hooded person stood in the living room. My sister was on the other side of the room. I deeced us down into the kitchen under the table.


" Stay here..." I whispered

I quietly went to the livingroom/kitchen doorway. The person was holding Zoey into the air, his hand around her neck.


" Tell me where he is!!! I know he's here!!!" The man growled in an almost animal-like way

She shook her head. " I won't tell you!" She croaked


I saw her spot me. I put my finger over my lips and she looked back to the creature. I snuck my way over to the side of the couch. I grabbed a vase and ran behind him and smashed it over his head. He crippled to the ground and Zoey fell. I pulled her into the kitchen. The man was unconsious. I'd guess he'd be like that for a half hour from the impact the vase put on his head.


We ran up to my room. " Okay, we have to leave now!" Raven nodded but Zoey was clueless.

" What? Why? Just call the police!"

" No Zoey! You don't get and we have no time to explain! Pack your stuff NOW!" Without question she ran to her room. I pulled a black suitcase out and shoved cloths in and certani stuff I'll tell you about later on.


I put a few empty notebooks in and pens. I looked at Raven. He was making sure Zoey was packing too. I looked at the photo albums. 'It'll just be extra weight...'  I told myself. But I couldn't leave them. I shoved them into the remaing space and ziped the bag up. I grabbed our jackets and flung Raven his. We ran outside and put the suitcases in the trunk and left. Zoey wasn't able to drive because she was so scared so I had to even though I wasn't fully liscenced.


We stopped at Ravens house and packed his stuff, he grabbed his dogs leash and clipped it to her. We put his case in too and left for good. Who knows if we'll ever come back to Kingston.



© 2014 Avangeline Vampire

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Added on March 5, 2014
Last Updated on March 5, 2014


Avangeline Vampire
Avangeline Vampire

http://www.writerscafe.org/Diamondnovelist My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help com.. more..
