4. White Room

4. White Room

A Chapter by Avangeline Vampire

Chapter Four: JJ





 I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. I got up and looked outside. It was a clear sky. When I went downstairs Zoey was buttering toast and pouring cereal.


" Morning JJ, I made you breakfast." She said with a smile

I slumped down into my chair and looked at her.

" Are you feeling okay? You never make breakfast for me." I say suspiciously.

Zoey's smile goes into a sad face. " I know about Raven so I thought I'd just be generous.

Raven... I thought that could have been a dream... " Thanks..." I muttered

When I finished I got ready for school. It would be so empty without Raven there.




" Hey JJ! How's Raven!?" Is the first thing I heard from Bessie and Mike.

" Well, the doc said he'd heal fine but that the cuts would leave a few scars..." I told them

They looked at each other. " Well, at least he's okay!" They could notice how upset I was and knew I'd be like this all day. And true, I would be like this until Rave was back.


In third period Brittany was talking to her group in class.

" So, there I am, just talking to him, he like, gets all mad, then, that's when the glass breaks! Talk about unhumanly!" She said

I carefully listened to what she said. " I bet he has some kinda magic then!" Her best friend Misty gasped

Everyone there started murmuring in agreement.


" We HAVE to stay clear of him when he gets back or he might hurt us!!" Everyone agreed again.

The look on Brittany's face was pure satisfaction. So this is what she wants!? To get people to turn their backs on Raven AGAIN!? I got up from my seat and walked over to the other side of the room.

" Brittany!" I yelled

She turned to face me and her face lit up.


" Oh JJ!! Hi there. What's up?" She said in a flirty tone

I kept a straight face which isn't hard around someone has annoying as her.

" Are you really going to make people hate him again?" I asked furiously

"JJ! I would NEVER! I love that little guy." She tried to say with happiness

I just stared her down. " I heard what you said."

Brittany's expression went into shock. "H-how could you of-? You sit on the other side of the room?!" She was very confused now.

" Lay off of Raven or else."

She made a sly smile. " What can you do? I'm a girl, you can't hurt a girl."

" Maybe not, but I'm not afraid to hurt a monster." I told her in a cold tone that made her just freeze.


I retook my seat and sat in silence the rest of class. When school was finally out, I rushed to the bus that stopped at the hospital. Floor 5 was where JJ was moved.


When I got there he was reading.

" Hey Rave." I said

He turned and smiled at me. " Hey."

I pulled a chair to his bedside.

" How are you feeling?" I asked concerned

He shrugged. " Pain comes and goes. Sometimes the cut across my chest feels like a gun shot." He kept a weak smile on his face when he said that.


I sighed. Raven, my Raven, a wonderful person. Why do all the good people get hurt!? If I could, I'd take his place in an instant.

" Don't worry JJ, I'll be fine." he told me. " So how was school?"

No way. I couldn't tell him about what Brittany was planning! It would hurt him to much. " Oh, just another day..." I lied


For the next couple hours we talked and watched a movie. When it was 8:30pm I left him. He seemed very tired. So was I. So when I finally got home I immediately went to bed even though it was really early.





The next day was the same. Dull. Dull. Dull. Thank goodness we had a long weekend starting tomorrow. The weekend then monday and tuesday off. I planned on seeing Raven everyday. I was going to bring him his favorite book series.


Brittany continued to tell everyone about Raven and his alleged magic, and more and more people turned their backs to him. Even though he isn't even here and they haven't heard his side of the story.


So on Saturday afternoon I took the bus back to the hospital and Raven was over-joyed with the books. He and I watched our favorite movie series together on tv, I told him how concerned our friends were for him, and we even decorated his arm cast and laughed at my failed drawing attempts. It felt like everything was back to normal. But that didn't last long at all...


Raven gasped and wrapped his arms around his chest, breathing hard.

" Raven! What's wrong!?"

He was shaking now. " Ugh... It- It hurts. The cut..." He cried

I ran out of the room to find a doctor and nurses. A minute later the stormed into the room with medical supplies. I desperately wanted to ask what happened but I knew i'd just be bothering them if I did. Raven's breathing was hard and he was sweating. I couldn't see what was going on because doctors and nurses surrounded him.


An hour later the doctor confirmed it was under control. What was under control? Beats me, they never told me. Raven just laid there. Sleeping. Who knew cuts could cause just commotion for doctors and themselves.


Raven's parents were contacted but they never did come. Those two made me sick. How could they not care that there son almost died!? I have never met someone so heartless.


I had called Rave's sister Kylie and told her everything that had just happened. She was so scared for Rave that she actually said she'd some home. I convinced her not to, since she was in the middle of a prep-exams. I also called my sister to tell her I was going to spend the night at the hospital.


I looked at the clock. 5:30. I sat on the couch and just watched Raven. You'd think it would be boring but it wasn't. Though I was just sitting there, I didn't mind.


Around 6:45pm Raven started to wake up and I was right there  by his side in a second.


"Hmmm... W-What happened?" He asked slowly

" I don't know. The doctors took care of it though. You said you had a serious pain in you chest. I imagine it was bad since they had more than two doctors here." I told him


He closed his eyes again. " Did my mom and dad ever come?"

"No... I'm sorry... But I called your sister. She's very concerned about you... Call her when you can, she said."


He just nodded. I pet his head. The way I did when he was twelve and had a fever. Eventually I fell asleep next to him.


That night I had a dream. It was in a place I'd never seen before. There was a huge glowing blue and purple tree in the back. A lady stood in front of it. Her mouth was moving, I just couldn't hear her. So I got closer.


" Jessie-Jasper." I heard her say


Why did she know my name? Well duh, it's just a dream.


" Jessie-Jasper, Please, take my son from this grave place. He is in danger." The woman began to cry, " Please, save him. Take him to the place where all good things are."


'What? Who is she? What place? Where all good things are?' Then it hit me. Where all good things are, the first place I could think of was Heaven. I tried to talk to her but she continued.

" You are special Jessie-Jasper Castingson. You are not like most humans. Neither is my son. You both must flee. You will be welcomed here." And that was all she said, next, I awoke in a startle. I was breathing heavily. I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face.


' Who was she? Is this for real? I've only seen stuff like this in the movies!' I looked in the mirror at Raven sleeping. Is he really in-danger here? I looked at myself. Rare blue eyes, natural golden-blonde hair, What's so special about me?


'"You and Raven are special"' The woman's words rang in my ears. It dawned on me then, the suddenly breaking glass, the woman saying we're special, was this really magic? Was I still dreaming? No. I was 100% awake, and this was 100% real.

© 2014 Avangeline Vampire

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Added on March 5, 2014
Last Updated on March 5, 2014


Avangeline Vampire
Avangeline Vampire

http://www.writerscafe.org/Diamondnovelist My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help com.. more..
