1. Blood Moon

1. Blood Moon

A Chapter by Avangeline Vampire

Chapter One: 
Blood Moon

  When I woke up that night the moon was blood red. That could only mean one thing. It was the night of the Vampire Soiree. I got up and looked over at Dimitri. A night like this also meant it was time to get Dimitri fed again. I was his guardian and lover. So it was my job to give him blood. 

" Kyle?" Dimitri sat up and yawned. 

" Morning." I greet with a smile 

He looks out the window and turns to me. His beautiful electric blue eyes going blood red. All vampires eyes went red during the Blood Moon and when feeding. 

" It's the finally that time of year again. Time for the Soiree..." He said slowly

" Yeah..."

We didn't like the Soiree that much. It's not like we could go together together. We always had to slow dance with other girls we didn't like, wanting to dance with each other for once. 

I walked over to him and sat on his knee's and put my hands behind his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back hard. I pulled away slightly and looked into his blood red eyes. 

" It's also time for you to feed. You've been looking paler than usual." I tell him with a small laugh at the end. 

He doesn't hesitate. I push back my hair from my neck and bare my neck to him. He pulls me close and bites. It hurts at first but that fades away and is replaced with an overwhelming pleasure. 

Tonight felt better than usual. It had been months since we last did a feeding. I longed for him to drink from me. He stood up and pushed me against the wall. I could tell he really wanted this too. 

Heat. Sensation. A feeling I never wanted stop. He held me close to his body. I could hear him taking in my blood. But soon it stopped, and the feelings I felt were sucked away. 

He looked me in the eyes again. His blood red eyes dulling to a less red. We stayed quiet for a moment until we heard the morning wake up. We have classes during the night and sleep during the day. 

We got ready for class and headed out. As we walked I looked up at him. His perfect black hair, flawless features, so angelic. I looked into the window and saw my reflection. Golden hair, emerald green eyes, flawless skin. Not bad. 

I looked down at our schedule. 

Kyle Nyght: Third Year 

1st Hour: Fencing
2nd Hour: Elemental Skills
3rd Hour: Ancient History


4th Hour: Chemistry 
5th Hour: Advanced Sketching
6th Hour: Vampire/Dhampire X Sociology

I sighed. I had all but first hour and third hour with Dimitri. When we parted ways I saw Tina Macelas in the hallway with Brandy Horen. Geez those girls looked like barbie dolls. Unfortunately I had first hour with them. 

I took my usual seat on the bench in the gymnasiam. When Professor Ventio got to class she had someone else with her. 

" Class, this is Maya Zandia. She is new to our academy and I would like it if you could all be nice to her. She's along way from home." 

Ventio murmured a few words to the new girl and she nodded. Maya walked over to me and took the seat on my right. I glanced at her. Long brown hair, pale grey-blue eyes. Nothing that special. I smelled something sweet. I took a breath in and realized it way her. Her blood. It smelled so sweet. 

Yes, I can smell blood, I am a Dhampire-X. Half vampire half human. Vampire mother and Dhampire father makes a Dhampire-X. Dhampire-X's are really rare, since the vampire females don't tend to fall inlove with Dhampire males or let them get a chance to get that close to them. 

Dhampire-X's could drink blood, we had fangs, but we didn't need it like Vampires. We could go almost a year without blood. If just any vampire drank your blood it wouldn't always feel the same. Not as good. Sometimes it would feel normal. Then sometimes it would just feel warm. It took real love from the two to make it feel so wonderful. Only one has to be really in love with the other to make it really good. 

We packed up and headed out to hour two. The whole time Maya followed me. We had second hour together to. I sat next to Dimitri when I got to class and told him all about the new girl. 

" Her name is Maya Zandia, she's a Dhampire. She hasn't been assigned to anyone yet, she seems to have a low rank on training." I tell him 

We both look up as she enters the room with the teacher again. Reintroducing her to everyone who wasn't in first hour with us. She took a seat in front of us. 

Professor Lyle entered the room and began a lesson on basic fire element spells. We took notes and I ripped out a page in my note book and wrote on it. 

She seems a little odd huh?
I passed it to Dimitri and he read it and wrote something. 

Yeah she is. So quiet and kept to herself. Should we introduce our selves? 
Yep. Let's talk to her at lunch.
We focused on the lesson for the remainder of class. She was in my third hour to. I began to think we'd have every class together. 

When it was finally lunch we followed her to the dining hall. She went outside into the courtyard so we did to. Maya was sitting alone under an apple tree. The moon was still blood red. The Soiree tonight. Every teacher was reminding their class about it. 

" Hey Maya." I greeted

She looked up, a little shocked that we were talking to the new girl. 

" Hi..." She replied 

I walked a little closer. " I'm Kyle and this is Dimitri." I said with a smile

Her eyes went a bit wide. " YOUR Kyle and Dimitri? I've heard a lot of people talking about you." 7

I looked at Dimitri. " Really?"

She nodded and tried to smile. She was a really awkward girl, that's for sure. We gestured to the spot next to her and she nodded again and we sat down. 

" So, what school were you at before?" Dimitri asks

She switches to sitting on her knees and looks at Dimitri. " I was home schooled before. So I don't have any social skills. Never had any friends either." 

" Well if you want we'll be your friends." He said

She laughed a little. " Oh my gosh! Dimitri wants to be MY friend!" She says sarcastically

We all laugh. Okay, she's isn't half bad. She has a humor which is great. We talk and joke around the rest of the lunch hour. When I look to my right, I see the barbie girls scowling out the window at Maya. 

What the hell? I shake it off and turn back to the conversation.  When the bell rings we all head to fourth hour together. We went over her schedule, and sure enough we have every class together, almost, we don't have Advance Sketching with her, that's fifth hour. 

When it's finally time for fifth hour Dimitri and I are glad. That's our favorite class. We both just love to draw. Our art is all over the school and in photo sketch albums in the library. 

I decided to work on a sketch of Dimitri. I stole glances at him. I didn't need to, to draw him. I just wanted to. I drew the lines carefully. When I finished the base, I started shading it and going over the lines darker. Then, colouring it in. By the time I finished it looked just like a photo.

I turned it towards Dimitri and he smiled when he saw it. 

" It's amazing Kyle, it looks just like a photo of me." He leaned forward and stole a quick kiss. I blushed and turned back to the canvas. 

When school was finally over everyone was buzzing about the Soiree even more. We went to our dorm to get ready. The Soiree started in less than half an hour. 

I did a last minute check in the full body mirror. Dimitri came up behind me and put his arms around me. 

" You look great." He kissed my neck and held my wrist to his mouth, breaking the skin with his fangs. 

I winced at the pain that never lasted more than a couple seconds. Was this really a good idea before the Soiree? 

" I want you to save a dance for me. We can sneak out into the garden and still hear the music." He said, looking at me

I nodded and we left. The Soiree had already begun when we arrived.  People danced and groups talked. The were very few normal beat songs, mostly slow dances. It WAS  Soiree after all. Many people stood around and mingled. 

I looked around and caught sight of Maya. She was wearing a long flowing blue dress with her brown hair pinned up into a bun. She looked really pretty. We made our way over to her and talked for awhile. 

" Oh, I love this song!" Maya exclaimed when a new song began. 

I listened carefully to what song it was. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. This song was my and Dimitri's song. We met at a Soiree and  saw each other for the first time during this song. It was love at first sight for both of us. 

" Dimitri, would you like to dance with me?" Maya asked sweetly 

" Uhm..." He looked from me to Maya. 

I didn't say anything. What? Maya, why would you ask him that? Did she like him or something? She just met him! She pulled on his sleeve and asked again until he gave it. 

As the walked to the dance floor, I just stood there, frozen in dismay. Dimitri!? Why would you go dance with someone else?! I gripped the cup I was holding until it cracked in my hand and the pieces fell to the floor. 

Especially during OUR song! When I noticed how much fun they seemed to be having I got really upset and mad at him. Half the Soiree ended and there continued to dance together. 

" Looks like Dimitri found himself a new doll." Anna said as she came over to stand next to me

I didn't say anything. 

Anna was a good friend. A real tomboy, she looked good in a dress. We've known Anna since we were kids. She always trained hard for her vampire best friend Victoria. 

I looked back at Dimitri and Maya. She hand moved her left hand onto his chest and gave him such a sweet smile. I clenched my teeth and fists until I couldn't stand it. I ran out of the room and out into the garden. Dimitri noticed me. 

" Kyle!? Wait!" He ran after me but I was faster. I ducked behind a rose wall and sat on the silver bench that was there. 

Stupid Dimitri!! Why would he do this!? We always came out to this garden together. No one else ever was here. It was invisible to there eyes. No one cared about this place, so it became our secret place.

" Kyle, why did you run out? Me dancing with Maya doesn't mean anything!" He said when he found me

" You seemed so happy though... She was all over you..." I muttered

He sat by my and lifted my head to face him. " She's only a friend. We have only known her a few hours. I will ALWAYS love you." 

Tears beaded up in my eyes, he wiped them away with his hand and stared into my eyes. My heart was beating fast as he lowered himself to me. 

" I'll love you for thousand years and more." He whispered as he kissed me. 

" I love you Dimitri." I said back as we kissed 

I'll love you for a thousand years and more too. 

© 2014 Avangeline Vampire

My Review

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Hi, Avangaline.
I like how this story is going. (I did a search, and this was one of the first stories I found. :D )
I read part way through, my interest kind of fizzled out trying to really remember each character. The girls need to be able to stand out and put an impression on readers for them to actually stick, otherwise (like in my case) they become "stuff that's in the way of the story"

It sort of discourages readers from going on with reading. But I still like your creativity! You really know what you're writing about and the story means a lot to you, I can see that in the way you write.
First person writing was never really my favorite way to read fiction, but that's just my personal opinion. You don't need to change it if you prefer it this way, or if third person is too boring.

If you don't mind, there are some weird phrasing that I would like to help smooth out with an example:

" It's also time for you to feed. You've been looking paler than usual." I tell him with a small laugh at the end.

This can be remedied with this ))
I told him, laughing lightly.

I commented quietly, unable to hold down a laugh.

Just something to pay attention too.
I skimmed passed everything due to the whole "stuff in the way" thing. While it's nice to be able to want to write every detail, some readers who are lazy or just want action wouldn't mind time skips or starting stories from different points in the timeline of the story in the author's head.
Now, I'm not you, and I don't know anything about the story, so you don't need to take my advice to heart. It's nothing personal, it's just what I want to share with you. You can do whatever you want with what I say. :)

In my opinion, it would have been perfectly appropriate to start the story at the Soirée, after they met Maya, with a few actions at the beginning and a little briefing over of the red moon, the vampire and Dhampire facts toward the middle, and a little more action, then some more reflecting of the important details readers need to know, like how Kyle and Dimitri met Maya and where and who Maya was.
Just alternative ideas in order to start the story. No need to change anything though.

However, there was some kind of oddity that I saw when I was skimming through the middle of the story, where Dimitri and Kyle were introducing themselves to Maya.

Her eyes went a bit wide. " YOUR Kyle and Dimitri? I've heard a lot of people talking about you." 7

I spotted a number 7 at the end of the sentence, which seemed odd.

Other than that, the concept and idea of the story is thoroughly interesting and imaginative, very original for me at least. I'll be sure to check out more of the chapters in the future. The only real issues I had was the first person format (which other readers could completely enjoy) and how easily side characters were forgotten, or didn't stick out more than they should have.

Carry on, and have fun. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 5, 2014
Last Updated on March 5, 2014


Avangeline Vampire
Avangeline Vampire

http://www.writerscafe.org/Diamondnovelist My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help com.. more..
