![]() Perseverance past the wickedA Story by Dez H.![]() To get back to his son Chance must remove all obstacles from his life even if it means those he's close to.![]() “It’s been awhile.” Steve said as he looked through the scope of his high powered silenced sniper rifle. “Yeah I’ve been trying to lay low and stay in the backgrounds.” Chance responded. “How’s that been working out for you?” “It was okay for a while then s**t went south.”
With rubber gloved hands, he picked up the binoculars that sat by Steve.
“You see that little white boy sitting on that park bench in the red shirt?” Steve asked. “Yeah I see him.” “Keep your eye on him.”
Chance watched the kid as he looked around; he looked dirty in his blue jeans, dingy red shirt, and a dirty face with bruises but he sat appearing content like he had no care in the world.
“His mother was an ex-girlfriend really nice chick and she was gorgeous; sexy a*s body, some tits to die for, and a personality that I’ll never run into again in my life. I wanted to make her my wife.” Steve said keeping his eye to the scope. “What happened?” “She was too good for me; she had that innocence that with the things I do for money and how immature I was back then I would have only made her bad and I saw it coming so I left her. Ironically after me she met an even worse m**********r got her into heroin and pills. She lost her job and became homeless right before she gave birth to the boy. The dude left while she was in the hospital and she eventually got with another piece of s**t. I lost track of her for a little bit as I did my own thing for a couple years, and one day I was walking down the street and I saw her on the corner with one of those homeless sign. It looked like she had taken an a*s whooping. I stood in the background for hours and watched as people dropped coins all day skipping other bums because she looked so bad, I passed her dropping a hundred dollars and when she saw me she hugged me so tight she almost snapped my neck. I talked to her for a second but kept moving and she’s been on my mind ever since. I’m very good with magic tricks and sleight of hand and did it in a park that I knew her kid went to everyday. I showed and taught him how to do some for nearly a month everyday as I collected change even using him as my assistant to wow passing people. I gave him the money at the end of the day and it helped him eat as she kept doing her thing and he went back to an abandoned house to sit and wait alone for her to come back. With boys if their father is not present they will cling to the nearest man that will pay attention to them teaching the ways of life. He told me s**t that I would never tell another that the f****r did to them both so I knew what I needed to do. I told the boy with a little magic I could make his life better and he was all ears; hell at the age of ten he is already out here selling weed so I knew he had street common sense. One night the boy had a chance at making some real money; fifteen grand for walking past a school at dismissal with a backpack with four bricks of the loudest herb in the city and getting into a specific car. But his mother’s boyfriend had a different agenda though. He had the kid robbed and beat up putting him in the hospital for about a week.”
Chance takes his eyes off the boy looking over at Steve calibrating the scope on the AWM-F sniper rifle with a suppressor attached on the barrel.
“So you’re going to take his a*s out?” He asked. “No that would bring too much unwanted attention so I have a paint tipped bullet in my baby; it won’t kill him but he’ll be hurting for a while. The kid will get some amusement out of it but I plan to just to go get his mother into a rehab spot and take care of the boy until she gets out them trying to get back with her.” “You think it’ll work?” Chance asked. “I really don’t know but it’s worth a try; he’s a good kid and deserves better and if he stays on these streets he’ll end up dead or in prison.” Steve responded still peering through the scope. “Well good luck with that. But seriously can you do this list for me?” “Like it ain’t s**t.” “You still have the same rate per job?” Chance asked looking back into the binoculars at the kid. “Yeah ten grand a head, but for what you did for my mother I’ll only charge you half; thanks again for that too.” “Don’t worry about it; it’s all love.” “You know you can trust me right; I’ll be there for you when it’s time.” Chance helped him out when he was scraping pennies and smoking cigarette butts. “I know you got me player.” “Three heads is usually some confetti.” “You’ll get the whole thing up front; if anything changes in the progress you keep it and disappear until I need you again. I’m going to be dealing with some unpredictable people in these couple days, but this flash drive contains plans from three different outcomes that could go down. Study the hand signals because they will be vital in this. This payout could make you consider taking a vacation after unless you’re up for the backlash I’ll receive.” Chance said. “Okay then. I’m down. You need me and I’m there. But I’m out like an overdue light bill if anything goes wrong. I don’t want problems from the Brotherhood or Buck’s Brotherhood. ” “I got you.” Chance responds. “With the girl though,” “Put her to sleep if she pulls a gun out on me. I know her and she’ll test my limits; but if I can change her mind then I will just pay attention to if I tell you to let her live.” “Okay and the other two?” He asked. “I’ve checked it out myself; it’s good for about five seconds even if one tries to hide from the first shot. Check out the resume it contains everything you’ll need. If I don’t collect on these then I’ll get back to you; you’ll just owe me.” Chance responded. He put down the binoculars and that was all that was said as he walked away from the whole scene. When he got to the alley he just vanished.
He had been his supplier for any ammo, accessories or guns he needed and the two had business to handle. He’s called Blue; because they said he was so dark his next shade would be blue.
“You want a beer?” He asked Chance.
He waved it on and sat down on his couch, when he came back with it he handed to him and the two shook up. They get the formality talk out of the way and the time comes and Chance pulls a small black book out of his pocket. “So that’s it, is it worth it?” Blue asked. Chance tossed it to him and he caught it quickly. “Call randomly any number in that book right now in front me now; if the first one doesn’t make potential money for you then I’ll walk out of that door and even give you a grand for wasting your time.”
Blue just looked at him skeptical but he knew who was how much they had done deals in the past; any kind of guns, accessories or ammo he could trust him to have, but he was about to plug his connect with more now. But business is business and he flipped through the pages and stopped at one his thumb paused on, he eye balled a random number and picked up the phone from his table. He looked at Chance smiling while taking another drink out of his can then he stood up walking away. A man answered, “Yeah this is Blue,” “Ok bet I need to order some flowers.” The man said. Blue looked back at him still eyeing with the same smile before telling the man to hold on, he called his boyfriend in the room to bring a shoe box where they switched and he left the room again. “Okay then,” He said laying it on the table and opening it in front of him. Chance counted the money and they talked for a while before the meeting was over. He walked to his car making a call to a reliable resource. She answered instantly, “Sup baby,” She answered with her boss type grin handling stuff on her end while counting money. “I’m coming through,” He said. “Okay I’ll be waiting booh.”
She opened up the door giving him a tight hug and he accepted with a smile and laugh. She goes by Livewire; a member of an all-female gang called J.L.G (Just Lovable Girls). He had dealings with her boss and in the mix they connected. With her hot pink hair and gold teeth he had never met a white girl like her finding her sexy but most importantly he trusted her to not shoot him if he turned his back. She would at any given moment be down for anything at his side. He gave her a kiss and presented her with some gifts he brought for her; some beer, a bottle of tequila and a carton of her brand of cigarettes. She showed her appreciation with a kiss on the cheek and a gleaming smile grabbing his hand leading him to another room where he observed another chick sitting on her couch doing lines of coke off of a mirror. Livewire went from happy to instantly perturbed letting go of his hand walking to her snatching her by her hair. “B***h didn’t I tell you not to do that s**t in here? As a matter of fact I’ve got company so get the f**k out!” She yelled. The girl wasted no time leaving and Livewire went from tyrant to demented angel in less than a minute. “I’ve missed you.” She said guiding him to a couch and sitting on his lap.
Chance smiles looking into her eyes knowing that from the heart she is telling the truth. She is hardcore when she wants to be pulling out guns or a knife; she was a perfect shady angel.
“I need to lay low for the night.” “You know I got you baby.” She responds.
She got up and walked to the kitchen leaving him a beer laying there. When she returned she presented a bottle of Jack Daniels, two shot glasses and a smile.
“I’ve been saving this for you.” She said sitting down next to him. “Girl you are what gangster dreams are made of.” He said smiling. Back in the day she could remember being in shoot outs with him and it still turned her on until this day. “What do you need?” She asked. “I might need to handle some s**t in the next couple of days and I just need pillow.” “Then I can have that arranged.” She responded. She is the type that in public is humble but behind the scenes will cause all hell. But her aura was off and he caught a certain vibe for the moment he was stepping into. He just looked in her eyes then peered down at her arm where he saw a bruise. “Is this from your current endeavor?” He asked. She didn’t answer as a knock came from the door but he picked up on her demeanor. He pulled out cigarette and lit it as she let him in. He walked in and Chance peeped out the guy upon entering; tall, dreads, gold teeth and sagging pants but was just another petty thug like he had ran into before. He came in talking crazy to her and paused when he saw Chance on the couch.
“Who the f**k is this n***a?” He asked. “None of your f*****g business just get the rest of your s**t.” She answered. They began to argue walking back to her bedroom where it continued, Chance screwed the top back on the bottle of Jack knowing he didn’t need to drink anymore. In five minutes they came out still feuding when his attention shifted to Chance. “Who the f**k are you dog?” He yelled. Chance just sat there calm staring at him with a mild smile. Livewire tried to draw his attention but it was pointless as he wanted to know who was sitting in her living room approaching closer invading what Chance considered his personal space. He got in his face while talking more but it only took one threat before he got grabbed by his dreads getting his head slammed down to the table beneath him, “What the fu…” A forty-five entered his mouth. “This is who I am,” Chance said looking at him closely. “I will hurt you as fast I put this thing in your mouth; you should be glad I didn’t pull this trigger by now. I do stupid s**t real quick and mathematically deduct on how to get out of it; the type that’ll bring you a clip full of trouble.” The guy was scared and quickly reached at his waste for his gun but Chance beat him to it tossing it to Livewire. “You’re going to leave her alone because I’m here now; yeah I’m her n***a. If you come around again I will pull this trigger and pay for some cleaners to make the rest of your brain to be like it is now, nonexistent.” Chance said. The guy tried to say okay twice before he was interrupted. “I will hurt you.” He said whispering in his ear. The guy just shook his head in agreement showing he understood and Chance released him pulling the gun out of his mouth but still keeping it pointing at him. “Livewire, I ain’t f*****g with you anymore and…” He looked at the gun pointed at him. “Me and you don’t have no problems dog.” He ended as Chance shook his head and waved him away. He picked up his last bag and walked out cursing to himself about them. When the door shut Livewire gave him the middle finger and went to her hero giving him another hug kissing on his cheeks and thanking him. “It’s cool; I just don’t want these fools hurting you.” He said putting his gun away. “I’ll be okay honey.” “Alright, well I have some s**t I need to take care of but I’ll be back later.” He responded standing up. “You gotta handle it right this instant?” “No but I…” She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him to her room.
He put his gloves on before stepping off the elevator at the top of the parking garage observing a clear starry night with a full moon; her name is Camille and he stood in front of her looking into some cold blue eyes. She was his professional killer and was vicious; he once watched her beat down five guys in the parking lot of a bar and her aim with a gun was on point. The last time he saw her she was a redhead but now her hair was blue, to him she was gorgeous but her aura at the time made him ignore all feelings he once had. It was their spot though; at the top of a parking garage of the tallest bank building in Indianapolis with a hide away view of the city. They called it the top of the world because not only is it a place of divine peace at any time of the day but they could handle business discussing resumes without the being interrupted while smoking weed and talking about just life in general. But tonight was different; no toking and joking just because he knew how it was going to end. He looked her in the eyes and she stared deeply back in his; “Well it’s really fucked up to be adding you to this list in my life.” Chance said. “It started like this though.” She responded. She was about to be another woman in his life to die but the first he had to kill. He mentally buried the fact he fell for her and in the beginning he should’ve trusted his gut and let her shoot him in the face. But everybody plays the fool in their lifetime and there were no exceptions for him. But she had sold her loyalties to his worst enemy telling him of his current location so she had to go; they once could say whatever and it would be what he felt was between just them. What really hurts him is that he had made a promise to God that he wouldn’t ever do it again; but he wanted to kill her tonight. Even with that in his mind he knew he had to approach it in a different manner; she talked but he zoned her out wondering if it was a good vantage point with small memories on how she made him laugh and smile. He caught the last few sentences of what she was saying and played it off like he heard the whole thing. “One thing you do need to know is that I never told him where Donovan was.” “We could’ve made history; I trusted you with some s**t I haven’t anybody. Then you went to Gone with it; that hurt. ” Chance said. “I didn’t…” He stops her with just putting up his index finger and shaking his head firmly watching her every move now. She brought a quote to mind his uncle taught him back in the day about passions and real life. He said: “This is the highest quality of the mind. Its very eminence redeems us from being affected by transient and low impulses; there is no higher rule than that over one self. But in this kind of life it will get your a*s killed.” Chance said looking out at the stars. “You fucked up and I came to your aid when Xavier was about to kill you. Gone didn’t even know about that and it’s because I do care about you and…” She started before her interrupted again. “Because you wanted that money; come on don’t act like just a normal mark, I never have been.” She once sat across from him at one point ready to shoot him in the head unless he agreed to teach her the things he knew. It was his fault he fell for her like a leap from a sky scraper; she protected his a*s so many times he couldn’t fathom the thought of her doing him wrong ever. “You know what; I really miss my daughters. I used to come home and they would give me such a greeting that would make any bad day instantly turn good. I went out and dealt with my uncle’s enemies almost getting killed by scums of the earth on many occasions, it was a couple of times they jumped on me reinjuring a sutured wound but their love was worth every piece of pain.” Chance said looking out in the distance. “Why is that Xavier can attack you and almost kill you and he’s still at a certain position with you?” She asked. She talks of his close friend and protégé; but he’d always held a higher rank just because Chance trusted him like a ruthless brother and knew he held profession over friendship. “Xavier is the same person like when I first met him; but the difference between you and him is that I always knew he would follow the money; that’s how I taught him. We can fight all day and he can even hunt me down to my very location but he’s a professional; he won’t attack me around my son and he definitely wouldn’t give Gone any info about me because he has a certain level of loyalty.” “Okay then; f**k it,” She said getting mad. She quickly pulled out a knife and thrusted it at him. From there she began slicing and attempting to cut at him harshly with every intention on fatally ending his life but he dodged every try then when he was fed up with her antics with instinct disarmed her kicking the knife away and shoving her firmly against the concrete wall behind her. She paused staring at him smiling taking a step forward pulling out two more from behind her back while cracking her neck. “You know I like it rough.” She said with a wicked smile cracking her neck. “I’m telling you now I don’t give a f**k if you sold your soul to the devil himself; don’t cross me right now Camille.” “Thank you for the hook up with those who trained me in new styles; you want to see what I’ve learned?” “I don’t want to fight you; as a matter I’m giving you a chance to just walk away and maybe kill that f****r for me.” “Can you offer five hundred grand right now?” She asked. “No I can’t.” He answered honestly. “Then it looks like you’re fucked; because you are going to die tonight.” Chance hung his head down and shook it while taking a deep breath then with her two blades came in slicing and jabbing while he dodged and blocked quicker making his adrenaline pump harder as she was able to get a couple of cuts in on him. He quickly disarmed and flipped her over his back slamming her to the ground holding her at the throat. “You don’t want this trouble,” He said warning her once again. Steve sat in the distance peering at them both through his scope. He watched as he let her up but kept a view of Chance’s right hand down at his side giving the peace signal so he waited some more and enjoyed the show. Standing up she stared at him angrily. “Why do you keep playing with me; you’re better than this.” She asked. “I’m giving you chances to move forward; just like when I first met you. We were a good team and when we were alone we owned the world baby. This is not the way things were supposed to go between us; with Xavier I know I’m dealing with a money driven professional, but you did it to get kudos from a piece of s**t. “Honey I’m a Gone girl, I’m with the Brotherhood and always have been; he sent me to do all of this and now it’s time to collect. He was right about you; your heart is your downfall.” “Well looks like I was a fool once again; f**k it you live and learn. “Thanks for all that training though; Gone never did that for me, I learned some good s**t.” She said. He inherited his uncle’s connection and associates after his demise and kept his contacts along with very skilled trainers in multiple styles of self-defense. There is a style called “The Shadow Fist.” He sent her to someone he knew that taught it and now realizes he paid for his own death. The style enhances speed and attacks, and teaches how to deal blows to targets quickly; a very direct and formidable martial art. She came in fast and dealt swift punching combos and he blocked them all and dodged the rest and when he struck it was with open palm counter attacks because his rule was to never to harm a child or woman but she made it hard to stick to it as she caught him with a couple punches. She came in with a fake hit and when he went to block she struck him hard and quick with an elbow to his face, he kicked her in the sternum knocking the wind from her lungs along with pushing her away again so he could rethink his plan of defense against her and to get some distance. She had gotten better learning more than he thought due to the lack of sparring. He paused because she let him as he took a deep breath; “You always underestimated me,” She said glaring at him. He smiled at her proud how good she had gotten. “No, I always knew what you could do.” He said gathering his composure. He thumbed the crease at the corner of his mouth and saw she drew blood even tasting it from an inner busted lip; but spitting it out would leave DNA so he just swallowed it. “That was a good one wasn’t it?” She asked with a cocky smile. “Yeah you’ve gotten better; but let’s try that again baby girl.” “Yeah it’s that time; I’m tired of playing with you.” She said. “Do you remember when we would spar; I always told you what you needed to concentrate on.” She rushed in striking but he just blocked and countered hitting her pressure points slowing her down with every connecting blow. “Your problem was always that you always left all of the pressure points open and if your opponent recognized this would take full advantage of it. But you always went against unskilled rivals that you would conquer with ease. But I’m not them; I know your weaknesses Camille.” He said. “You don’t know s**t.” “I know what you’re doing is pointless for someone who doesn’t give a s**t about you.” “I’m going to kill you for Gone.” She answered coming in for more close combat. After every attempt he hit more pressure points slowing her down grabbing her by the shirt and flinging her away hard back into the wall into an open spot for Steve to take a clear shot. “F**k you Camille; I could’ve made you rich.” “I’m not playing your game Chance, my allegiance is to Gone and always will be; goodnight honey, it’s sad when good things come to an end.” She said pulling a silenced 9mm Glock out. “Do you remember what I told you on that rainy day you were going through s**t? You only had one more time to pull a gun out on me. I’m going to pray for you now.” He said just lowering his head. Steve watched the whole thing and saw when the peace sign turned into a middle finger. Chance lowered his head, he didn’t hear the shot but heard her body fall and the sound of the plastic gun hit the concrete. He knew she was dead and it hurt him walking away because it was another female in his life turned a ghost. He buried her deep inside with the rest then got onto the elevator thinking back to make sure he didn’t leave any trace evidence then just like many before her made up his mind it had to be done. He drove back to Livewire’s apartment where she welcomed him back standing naked when she answered the door. After some hours in her bedroom they laid in her bed holding each other; he lit up a cigarette then took a shot of his Jack. His mind raced on everything presently in his life but he kept his composure staring silently at the ceiling with her in her arms. “What’s on your mind honey?” She asked. “Nothing baby, just thinking about life in general.” He responded. “We’ve know each other for some years and have had our moments like this a couple of times; I trust you because you would never do anything to hurt me, and if at any time you needed me I would be right there for whatever.” “I’ve heard that s**t before; let’s just enjoy this moment.” He responded. He looked at her like the rest, just another one while he kept his forty-five under his pillow. “Remember when I shot that dude in the knee because I knew he was dirty? I’ve got your back; tell me something I don’t know about you Chance.” Tonight taught him a valuable lesson; those that can hurt you will. He didn’t want to feel that way about her but he couldn’t help it; the damage was already done. “I quit killing because of a promise I made to God.” He said. “Do you think you’ll still get into heaven?” She asked him holding him from behind as he sat on the edge of her bed. He thought about it for a second then looked at her; it was like it was two plus two when he answered. “I’ve sent a lot of hellish souls to their judgement; we have somewhat of an understanding.” He responded. His phone rang and he saw it was for a video chat for his son. He got out of the bed and walked to her bathroom instantly, when he answered it was his son smiling the screen of his phone. “What’s up my boy?” He asked smiling. “Hi dad!” Donovan said. He once had two little girls; Iyana and Falisha. They were murdered and he hasn’t been the same since, He was set up when his son was born and promised to give him a different life. He loved seeing his face and missed being with him every breath he took, but he had to protect him right now and doing that included keeping him far away. He had a plan and if it worked it would only be a couple of weeks before he would disappear with him. He talked to him about as much he could before his son interrupted. “Guess what dad; Uncle D. got me that new game I wanted and...” He went on for twenty minutes and Chance just listened sitting on the edge of the tub staying strong with laughs to cover the pain he felt inside. “Did he, do you like it?” He asked. “It’s the best; I can…” He started to tell his father everything and listening to every word he didn’t know it was enjoyment his father needed to hear. After telling everything he could think of about the game he told his father that he missed him. Chance hurt in his soul not being around like he should be and every part of him was tormented by his absence for his boy but he just took a deep breath and smiled the pain away. “I’ll see you soon son.” He replied. “Ok daddy, I can’t wait to see you and I love you.” “I love you too little man,” He responded before his friend showed his face on the screen. His friend’s name is Derrick and they’ve been close since they met as neighbors on the other half of a duplex before Chance moved away. He was at one point the only person except his son he talked to for a couple of years and when it was time for Chance uproot from safe house to another was ready to watch his back with a gun in hand. People he knew due to the way he grew up were crooked, backstabbing and untrusted he was the only person he knew that was genuinely a good person. He knew when it was time to get his son somewhere safe he would be right there. He told Donovan to go play the game and the little boy didn’t hesitate yelling out that he loved his father again. “We need to talk bro; before you come back for this little man over here, s**t has to be finished on your end.” He said. “I know and I’m trying but…” He got interrupted. “No trying Chance; if you don’t have all of your ends tied, I’ll be the last one you fight. That boy deserves better than what you’ll bring.” He knows his friend is telling the truth and can’t even argue with the lecture he was receiving. Derrick is like an older brother; he is one year older and ironically his birthday is a day after his. He stood up from the tub and walked to the mirror looking at his own reflection; while hearing how his friend felt knowing he was a piece of s**t with a mix of feeling sorry for himself gave he gave himself the finger before walking away. Sitting on the toilet he rubbed his face before replying. “I’m going to have it right before I get my boy back, but until then hold it down for me and if anything happens to me I’ve set up a trust fund.” “He’s scared of you.” Derrick said. He hung his head low knowing his son deserved better so that’s what he was trying to become for him and him alone. “I’ll handle this s**t.” “Then I trust your word. Come back correct or don’t come back at all.” Derrick replied. “Is the money I’ve been giving you enough for everything?” “Yeah and the extra you sent last month came in handy.” “If you or my boy need anything just let me know at any time until I get there. I’m trying to make this quick with no ties to me being around.” “Your son needs his father.” Derrick replied. “I know big bro; I’ll talk to you soon. If my boy wants to me; call the secondary number.” His friend just hung up and he took the sim card out of the phone and flushed it then broke the phone putting it in the sink and running water on it as he sat on the toilet with his head in his hands contemplating his life and shedding a couple of tears. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror again with wet red eyes then took shot from a glass on the sink. He made sure he was alright before he went back to where Livewire waited on him; she patted her hand on the bed where she wanted him to lay and he didn’t hesitate collapsing mentally exhausted knowing he had more to come in just hours. “Just lay down and rest; if there is anything I can do for you just let me know.” She said rubbing his head. “Yeah if you’re going to kill me slit my throat when I go to sleep; that’s what you can do for me.” She laughed and shook her head. “I wouldn’t ever do that; I’d do anything to protect you. I wish you would’ve put me on instead of that redhead b***h and s**t would’ve been a lot different for you right now.” She responded. She reached over in a close drawer and pulled out a first aid kit, from there she stitched up his cuts and even gave him pain medicine. Afterward he just laid down facing away from her and she held on to him running her fingers across all of the scars he had on his upper torso asking about them and listening to his stories while he dosed off. He woke up to her voice yelling while he faced the opposite direction. “What the f**k are you doing in here?” She asked thumbing back the hammer on her 38. Special revolver. “Hey bro; your girl has a nice set of tits.” “I couldn’t agree with you more.” Chance said rubbing his eyes reaching for a cigarette on the nightstand beside him. Livewire is not at all impressed with the whole thing. “M**********r I’m about to blow your brains out.” She said upset. “Calm down if I wanted to kill you it would’ve been done; I’m just here to see my best friend.”
Chance pulled his forty-five from under his pillow.
“This is my best friend, so unless you are here to see him you better have a good excuse to be sitting in that chair because you have irritated him and a sexy butt naked girl with a gun.” Chance said blowing out the smoke he inhaled. His Name is Buck and he is one of Chance’s closest associates. They had history, some of it good and other times kind of shaky but at the end of the night Buck would kill a man over him. “I just wanted to see if you wanted to grab some breakfast before our excursion,” He stated. Chance calmly reached out and lowered Livewire’s gun. “Calm down baby; he could’ve got us.” He said kissing her on the cheek. She was very angry and it showed with the grimace on her face and the tension he held. “What the f**k is he doing in my place?” She asked while bringing the blanket up to cover her nakedness. “Because if you knew him; you would know he can be an a*****e like that sometimes.” Chance said while yawning. “Believe me I know who he is; but why is he here?” She asked. “Because that’s what we do.” Chance answered sitting up rubbing her back. “I’ll shoot this f****r.” “I know you will baby; but give him a pass today.” “For you this time I will, but this is how boys get shot in the face.” She said not taking her eyes off of Buck. He sat up with a mild smile because he knew she really wanted to shoot him. “I thought my boy might want some breakfast after a wild night with you.” “I don’t eat breakfast so I’ll meet you at the spot at the time we discussed.” Chance said. “Are you sure?” Buck asked. “I’m cancer.” Chance answered. “Okay I’ll see you there.” Buck said standing up and walking out of the room.
Livewire walked him to the door with only the blanket wrapped around her and her gun in her hand cocked and ready and locked all deadbolts including chaining too. When she came back to the bedroom Chance sat on the edge of her bed with his gun at his side dropping the cigarette in an empty beer bottle from the night before. “So what are you making for breakfast?” Chance asked her. “I thought you didn’t eat in the morning.” She replied smiling. “If I wasn’t pressed for time I’d take another bite out of you, but some coffee and a couple of eggs will do for now.” Chance said smiling at her.
He ate, showered, and got dressed checking his clip before sliding it into the holster at his side last. He walked to the door and she stepped in front of him before he grabbed the door knob. “When will I see you again?” She asked. “I don’t know how things are going to play out; I might have to make a quick move when this meeting is over.” He answered moving her to the side. “That’s not fair; let me go with you and watch your back like the old days.” “You did it well too sweetheart; but I have to do this one alone.” He responded running his fingers through her hair. She knew he was a gangster and that’s what kept her wanting him. “You know if you need me I’m right here.” Livewire said giving him a hug. He smiled and kissed her on top of her head slow and long. “I’ll hit you up when I can, I promise.” He whispered then walked out.
He always knew he would be able to get to him without going through a hail of gun fire on any other day sliding on his rubber gloves. But this day was different, it happened every year on this date; when his brother was killed in a prison riot. If Chance ever wanted to kill him it would this day due to the lack of his peons and when it’s only his driver and him. His name is Gone and he is the boss of a crime syndicate named The Brotherhood Mafia and they’ve been nemesis for over twenty years. They call him that because he’s mental and known as a narcissistic a*****e that is ruthless and can be extremely unpredictable. He and Chance have despised each other since youth fighting in the school playground, and whenever they are in person it is always obvious either with smart comments, fighting or a gun being presented with threats on what they really wanted to do to end the rivalry. The black Lincoln Continental with midnight tinted windows sat in front of a church in the middle of St. Peter’s cemetery with Chance and his two close affiliates he shared a dysfunctional friendship with. He sat in the passenger seat and the one behind the wheel is his protégé Xavier; the light skinned young man he brought into the life but has recently been in an altercation with; their bond is too close so trusting each other on certain levels is still there. In the back seat is the man he woke up seeing and grew up since ten years old; the two were so close everyone believed they were real brothers going by the name Buck. With him s**t stayed happening; he ran a syndicate in Texas that is another branch of the Brotherhood making him a lot of money transporting various drugs across the border and even a couple across seas. Buck asked him to come along to help him then told him about what was going on after he was already in the midst of it all. “So did you hear about Des Horton,” Buck asked looking at Chance. He ran a syndicate in the mid-west and was a very powerful man when it came to influences among bosses; Chance helped his daughter a twelve year old genius cyber hacker get him out of some s**t. “What happened?” “That little b***h found her a boyfriend he didn’t approve of and they clashed; daddy’s girl turned on him when she found out she wasn’t his biologically then hacked into his accounts dividing money between her, the siblings and his crazy a*s wife. She slipped something in his coffee and he had seizure in the kitchen where he died.” “By the way Xavier; there is now a resume on her if you want it.” He added. “No I’m good; I don’t f**k with kid’s man. That’s a twelve year old girl.” Xavier said waving it away. “First of all she is thirteen now and for a hundred grand I’d give a nun an abortion.” Buck responded like it was nothing. Last time Chance saw his mother he asked her to pray for him; because the man that raised him taught him it was syndicate family and money above all , so majority of who he knew were crooked but these two sinuous a******s were his closest. If he needed them on some real s**t they would be there, so it was the same gratitude he showed them on the way to get his son; plus he was getting paid for it. “Who’s taking over his plugs?” Chance asked. “Right here baby boy; and I’m going to warn you right now don’t try and protect that little c**t because my boy won’t hesitate to take your a*s out too.” Buck responded. “If she’s around me at the time whoever you send I’ll give them a passport to hell, but if not; leave me out of this s**t.” “Good to hear; it’ll be just one less headache then.” Buck said smiling at him. “I’m going to have to come out there and chill for a little bit with you; I have an associate that’ll train me in the new fighting style I’ve been trying to studying in Houston.” Xavier said. “I could make you money if you do some gigs for me; I’ve got boys that’ll run up in spots for pennies but I’ll keep it in the family first because I know it’ll be done professionally.” Buck responded. “What the f**k do you have to talk to him about for you to bring me along in your s**t, what the hell is this?” Chance asked. “I have some business to handle with him; he went to your ex-b***h’s new employer to find out recent s**t about your whereabouts and you hate each other. So I figured I could benefit because I’m about to
piss him off as well. As far as you being concerned, if you feel prone kill him then I don’t give a f**k and I will still end up on top because I’ll take his s**t as well. You know he wants you dead and he’d be that one that would f**k up any attempt of contentment you want in your life. If you want to kill him, do it now and save yourself bullshit for the future; correct me if I’m wrong but the last time you both met to just fight it out, a hit squad came for him and you had to shoot your way out of his s**t. Kill his a*s today and I won’t give a s**t but I called Xavier’s a*s because he is worth spending the money for finishing anything that needs to be closed.” “No you have him around just in case I tried to kill your a*s. As far as Gone is concerned I could kill him without you or a gun.” Buck and Xavier started to laugh. “I almost put you down; if it wasn’t for your little b***h interfering I would’ve ended you.” Xavier said. “I taught you and her a*****e; there would have been no way you would’ve walked out of that apartment; and that’s a promise.” Chance responded. “With what your Tai Chi; please except your demise as it would’ve been.” “If we weren’t on a money maker right now Xavier I would get out of this car and I would put you in one of these empty holes in this grave yard.” “We can do this now.” “Open your door and it’s on.” Chance replied staring at him. “You two sound like two old b*****s right now; save that s**t and don’t f**k my s**t up and you two can kill each other then. I don’t even underestimate Gone’s crazy a*s so I don’t understand how you still do.” Buck asked Chance. “Because I know him; if he really wanted me he knows how to get to at me and he’s proved that on many occasions.” Chance said looking in the distance among headstones for him to return to his ride. “I’m about to kill his main plug because he is my middle man that violated; I don’t want war in this truce s**t we’ve got going especially with Des Dead, but I won’t run from it if presented. I’m going to let him know what’s getting ready to happen, so if this the only time I can get to this f****r you might as well be there too. That little redhead b***h you had turned on you because the money he brought out on your a*s.” Buck said. “I want to know why I didn’t get that gig to take her a*s out.” Xavier said looking over at Chance. “Because I didn’t know who was out to collect on me and you are not reliable on my personal list that I would trust sit in the distance for me right now.” Xavier understood the reply and knew his mentor’s mind state so he doesn’t take offence by the comment. “What was that in the needle you put in his driver?” Chance asked. “It was a little cocktail I bought off some Czech associates I have; he’ll be out for about eight hours.” “You owe me for getting him here today.” Buck said looking at Chance. “First of all I don’t owe you s**t; and second if he doesn’t do anything I consider stupid I won’t take his life today along with you two b******s.” They had individual and multiple moments together he could remember so while at the same time comfortable around them he still watched their every movement because at any moment if they sensed a flaw in his character would’ve took advantage of it. “I just don’t want you f*****g up my s**t.” Buck said. “If that was the case you wouldn’t have invited me on this little field trip but the fact is that you like drama so you want to see how this type of scenario would play out.” He responds giving him a nonchalant exterior. “Isn’t your big day coming up in the next couple days?” Buck asked. “Yeah so what, it’s just another day.” “Man whatever, it’s the day you were born; you name it and I’ll make sure you have it my n***a.” “All I want is something I asked for Christmas for the last couple of years and haven’t gotten yet; a soul.” He said smugly smiling. “Okay then that’s what you’ll get.” Buck replied. “Oh I know I will soon.” Chance replied. “Do you want to ask Gone, because he is on his way,” Xavier said getting ready. Gone is the worse type of person you could ever want to discuss matters with. He is narcissistic, smart with a savvy mix, cocky and arrogant ending with being very mental. His coffee in the morning was mixed with liquid codeine while smoking weed, he was very known for making eradicate decisions. The driver is light skinned and is physically shaped like him so it was nothing to play the part all the way to opening the door and getting him inside the vehicle. Gone got in and smiled at the sight of Buck first then it grew more sarcastic seeing his adversary in the front seat. “So if I pull out my s**t to shoot you in the face right now this will be the last day of my life?” He asked immediately. “Yeah pretty much,” Chance responded looking at him while lighting a cigarette. “I’m here to talk to you about business, he’s here because…” Chance interrupted Buck. “Just don’t do anything stupid and I won’t have to shoot you in the face, keep your hands visible and if you make a sudden move I will double tap you.” His chrome forty-five with the silencer on it pointed directly at him. Gone doesn’t say anything only staring into his eyes, they all know he would kill him before any other thought. They also knew he was on a couple of mollies and at least three blunts by that moment so it was tense; Chance hadn’t killed anyone in almost nine years and he prided himself promising to the Lord, but he is tempted go back and had a feeling he would be back asking for forgiveness. “Buck what the f**k do you want to talk to me about?” He said still eye balling Chance. “Your plug is my middle man and he has fucked up so it’s time for a change. I’m taking his a*s out of the equation and now you’ll start going through my people. For the initial inconvenience I’ll give you a ten percent discount on the first three deliveries but after that it’s the same price.” Buck responds. “F**k you; this is already my f*****g zone. Do you think I’m stupid?” “No, but I do know I’m the only one that’ll f**k with you right now; especially since you shot that Mexican in the head after he said some s**t you didn’t like.” Gone didn’t answer right back like he would usually would with a smart a*s comment; he looked around with a slight snarl on his face instead. Chance glanced over at Xavier and they shared a quick moment because it was no secret about the hate he had. “You know my temper is short, so don’t go there with me Buck; you are lucky you caught me right now because even at eight in the morning you would need a bullet proof vest and a genie to get to me. You know my conscience is absent with no reason or voice and I don’t give a f**k about crime forensics. I offend you pieces of s**t that can’t touch me but that’s your problem. I don’t get it all but I get what I’m due; so when it comes down to it I get mine. You are a leech Buck; you’ll bleed the next man until he is dry and then you will move on, as a matter of fact we still have our own business me and you have to handle.” Gone replied. “And we will; but right now we’re going to do this.” “I know you’re tired of hearing it but I’m a threat to your s**t Buck, I started The Brotherhood and if you have a problem with it; f**k you. I can kill you on any day and just like your two other cohorts, I not God control that you breathe and I promise it wouldn’t cost me a dollar to stop that. I’ve got boys that would do you in for a gram of powder but I just want to be there when you take your last breaths; Buck and Chance mostly because Xavier you’re just a bug to me.” “Can we do this peacefully or is it going to get difficult?” Buck replied with his arms out like an invitation. “You bore me.” Gone said looking in Chance’s direction instead. “How’s your two daughters and wife?” He asked with a sarcastic smile. “Damn,” Xavier said looking out the window. “Sorry n***a I forgot they died; how is your son?” He asked smiling with his head cocked to the side like he cared. When he was tempted he would say the same Psalms bible quote to himself: I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. “He’s doing good but would be better if I put a bullet in between your eyes.” He responded motioning the silenced forty-five caliber at him. “You better do it now because when I see you again it won’t be this calm.” Gone said seriously peering into his eyes.
The devil is in his ear whispering to kill him twice tugging at his lobe.
“Kill him and I’ll lead you through this; you already know how this s**t is going to play out, add him to the list and it’ll save you a headache. You know he’s one of your obstacles anyway.” Two quick shots and it is over; a double tap and his brains were stained on the back window, Chance prayed and prayed over it but the problem is that the forty- five didn’t. Buck wasn’t surprised as he got sprayed little pieces of brain fragments but Xavier flinched not thinking he would do it. Then time stopped; “My son, if you do this you will walk amongst the dead. It’s bad enough you’re here but he’s not worth it.” He heard God in the other ear. He blinked and the a*****e still sat there with a grimy smile. Chance took a deep breath and just looked at him with a smile. The sound of a harmonica playing the blues came from Gone and they all stared at him. “You’re going to want me to answer this or this car will be shot the f**k up even with me in it from my orders.” Gone said. They all had to think fast but Chance spoke first. “Answer that s**t but reach for it slow, then you’ll put it on speaker phone; say anything funny and I’ll end you, between you and me you know I want you to test me.” He didn’t like it at all but did just what he was told with a devilish grin on his face. “Yeah,” He answered. “Just checking on you sir; is everything gravy?” The voice asked. Gone quickly eyeballed the three around him. “Yeah I’m good; go ahead and go back to the spot because I need to handle some s**t. But I’m with Buck right now; so if you don’t hear from me in an hour, go to his mother’s house and kill that b***h.” He said with a nonchalant composure. “Yes sir.” He hung up the phone. “Where’s my driver?” He asked. “He’s in the trunk; he’s still alive.” Xavier responded. “That’s too bad you should have killed him to save me the trouble.” “Take out your own trash, you ain’t paying me.” Xavier responded.
Buck tossed an envelope on Gone’s lap and watched quietly as he opened it taking out pictures and looking at each one in silence. “You know Detective Ashley Briggs right, she has a good resume; you two look real comfortable around each other, hell I even have one of you with a genuine smile; ain’t ever seen that before. It may be a truce going on but this type of s**t could shake up some s**t.” Gone laughed and tossed the pictures back letting them scatter on his lap. “Are you handing me these to show me what you jack off to at night; get this the f**k out of my face,” He tossed the photos into Buck’s lap. “If you want something on me get some recent s**t, that is old now and has ran its course and as far as her; go ahead and f**k with her, she can take care of herself plus she’s a Federal Agent dumbass go ahead and f**k with her I want see that. But if I don’t except your terms I have to expect blackmail; that’s low even on your standards.” “No I’ll hold on to this until you really piss me off then f**k your s**t up. I don’t give a f**k when it was from, but if this was put out it would bring some type of problem to you or that b***h.” Buck said. Xavier started the car and began to drive leaving the cemetery. “Buck you know I’m going to kill you one day like your punk a*s friend in front of me; Xavier my boy Red is going to get your a*s.” Gone said. “Tell him to bring it.” Xavier responded. “Yeah I know he’ll try, but in the meantime do you want to make some money m**********r?” Buck asked. “Chance I’m going to kill you.” He said still concentrating on him. “I can recall all three of you trying, but I’m still sitting here.” He replied. “How do you know that this isn’t it? We could have you here right here now; and finish you b***h.” Gone said. Chance knows Buck and Xavier could both do him harm when it came down to money; but he knew his boy wanted this shipment money more. “F**k what you’re talking about, we got business to handle.” Buck said immediately. “Shut up b***h, I’ll get back to your proposal in a couple days.” Gone looks away from the whole situation like it was just an annoyance to his peace for the moment. “Do you think I fear you m**********r; I’ve been through too much hell here; I should’ve you shot already.” Chance said. “Do you think I’m going to beg you not to n***a; I don’t even beg my pardon.” Gone responded frustrated about the situation. “I have better things to do than to go to hell for you today.” “You’re already going with me along with these other two; you think that just because suddenly you stopped killing and found God that you’ll be forgiven for all those that you made bleed? No n***a; I hope you aren’t afraid of the dark because you’re going to burn like the rest of us, but I’m just going to make sure you two m***********s go out as painful as possible,” “I’m not worried about Gone; as a matter of fact if Xavier pulls this car over right now we can answer the question between us on who is going to live longer.” Chance said. “Okay then f**k it, I’m down to see that. Tell me where to go and I’ll park this b***h.” Xavier said smiling waiting to hear directions. “No, we’re not parking s**t; keep f*****g driving and handle that she on your own time not mine. The last time I checked you two are getting paid for this so this is my time you’re on.” Buck said. “This is your time n***a; okay let me be worth your money because you need every f*****g dollar. First, Horton’s little girl is now in the Brotherhood family so that resume you thought was out there is now canceled. Now I’m about to hurt your feeling; Des Horton’s s**t is now my s**t.” “That’s bullshit; that’s right next to my zone.” Buck said. “Yeah I know; and you are coming to me because you are having issues with one of yours right now, so I’ll take this one for the Brotherhood. I don’t like change and you should know that by now,” Buck was very upset and it could be shown on his face. “You look a little sick; Xavier could pull over so you can throw up if you need to.” Gone was having fun and Chance spotted the look on his face like he wasn’t done. Like the plan was supposed to go they pulled into some area behind a silo factory away from everything. Gone reached but slowed down when Chance thumbed back the hammer on the gun, when he slowly pulled out a roll of money wrapped in a rubber band he just smiled. He then tossed it to Xavier; “I’ll give you a hundred grand if you shoot Buck in the face.” He said. It was like lightening as fast he moved; by the time Buck reached Xavier had a Beretta 92 with a silencer on it in his face. Chance’s eyes widened at the sight but Gone loved it, “Did you see that s**t?” He yelled laughing hype in the moment. “How much is this in front of me?” He asked Gone. “Five grand,” “That’s just my retainer; give me half now.” Xavier said. “Do you think I have that in my pocket?” Xavier pulled out his phone with his other hand holding it up. “Transfer that s**t.” Xavier said staring at Buck. Gone got off on the whole situation and it showed in his movements and smile on his face. “Chance, I hate you; but you created a beast. I should’ve used you a long time ago boy!” He yelled more. “Bullshit walks Gone; what do you want to do?” Xavier asked. Gone soaked up every moment but knew when it came to a head but it didn’t wipe that grimace on his face away. “Nah, f**k that s**t; why pay you for something I want to enjoy myself doing? Good show though.” He said clapping. Xavier and Buck eyeballed each other for a second. “You know it’s nothing personal right?” Xavier asked him. “I already know bro; but that was quick as f**k.” Buck replied laughing. They all shared an eerie laugh at the moment but after it was done it was just an uncomfortable silence like what was going to happen next. “Now that’s what I call worth a day’s payment; but I’m not done,” Gone said. “Chance you know a woman by the name of Sky don’t you?” He asked him. She was Donovan’s mother; he shared one night with her then heard three years later about her having his son and dying during child birth. “What about her Gone?” He asked. “You know he killed that b***h don’t you; do you just go off what he tells you? No you idiot he killed her right after he set you up so he could have some insurance, but I’m pretty sure you know that part by now.” “F**k that; don’t listen to that bullshit Chance he’s getting off on this s**t now.” Buck said. “I’m not hearing you Gone; the sins of my brother will fall on him when it’s time. You two have business to handle so I suggest we just stick to that right now.” Chance said. “You’re right; that why I’m calling a sit down in two days and Buck you better have your big boned a*s there. It’s time that everybody learns their place in this whole thing because in a truce we have all became relaxed. Chance in a week on this day me and you will meet on the top of that hill where that weeping willow sits in St. Peter’s Cemetery where your wife and two daughters are buried; I’ll give you a proper death,” Gone declared. “By the way did you like that gift I gave you, she was fun wasn’t she; I could hardly hold that kitten without her scratching me.” He asked. “Yeah that was cute, I’ll be there at six forty-five; that’s when the sun rises and there is no staff around.” Chance replied. “If you’re not there I’m going to your boy’s house and killing him then snatching that half-breed up by his neck until you show up.” “I said I’ll be there; leave my son out of it.” Chance responded snarling. Gone took a sip of his coffee and twitched a couple times afterward. “You know that’s that codeine in that s**t,” Buck said. Gone snapped out of it then gave him the middle finger in his face. “Are you my doctor; shut the f**k up!” Gone replied irritated. “What time is the sit down and where will it be?” Buck asked holding in his resentment. “When and where I say it’s going to be; you’ll know believe that and you best have something better to say than today. Xavier, I got a job if you’re interested.” “You know how to get ahold of me.” Xavier responded. “So what now b*****s?” Gone asked. Xavier started the car and drove away; from that point they all stayed silent until they pulled up in front of a police station where they just looked at him and he stared back like they were kidding. “I can’t wait to make you all bleed; Xavier my driver better still be alive or I’m going to f**k you up.” He said. “He’ll be fine Gone; you can pick him and your car up at the top of the parking garage of the Harrison Bank parking garage later on.” Xavier replied. “You heard what I said.” He opened the door and got out of the car and they drove away. Chance just shook his about the whole thing first before he spoke, “Where’s my money?” He asked. “Damn that was crazy; but you two handled yourself though, that was like the old days.” Buck said smiling. “Where’s my f*****g money?” Chance asked again. Buck reached and noticed his friend never put the gun away. He pulled out an envelope and tossed it to him. “Do you want to count it?” He asked. “Do I need too?” He got asked in return. “Calm down man; I got a plan for his a*s.” Buck said. “What are you talking about?” Chance asked. “We are going to kill him.” “Who is we?” Xavier asked. “Three hundred grand for you both; I’m talking about you two and me.” Buck responded. “When,” “After this sit down I’ll have this all figured out.” Buck answered. “That means he don’t know s**t; Xavier let’s park this s**t, I have the rest of my night ahead of me.” Chance said. “Yeah Buck when you got something let me know and I’ll be down.” Xavier said and drove into the parking garage. They got to the top and Buck tossed Xavier his money. “You see that new silver Audi A8 over there guys; when you become bosses you’ll be able to drive one of those.” Buck said opening his door. Xavier and Chance followed suit getting out. “You know Chance if you don’t want to wait until next week to see that a*****e I could…” Buck started then suddenly a bullet struck Xavier between the eyes. He fell to the ground and Buck and Chance instantly ducked behind the car drawing their guns. Buck yelled it first, “He had us set up; that m**********r said he was going to do it!” Buck yelled. Chance stayed quiet waiting on his next move. “He’s got a sniper out there; he can’t get us both so if you run that way I’m going for my car because it’s bullet proof then I’ll drive up and pick you up.” Buck said. “Okay on the count of three; one…two…” Chance didn’t even get three out before Buck took off running; he did moving around to make hard target but when he turned around and saw Chance just standing there looking at him he then knew what was going on. “You motherfu…” He started raising his gun at him but it was too late. The shot wasn’t heard but it was correctly placed where it supposed to be as he fell on the concrete with a bullet at his temple and afterwards Steve packed up walking away. Chance walked to the front seat and opened the trunk from the glove compartment. The driver was scared and balled up when he saw him standing there with the gun in his hand. He told him to get lost and just grabbed the gas can next to him; from there he burned it walking away then drove Buck’s new Audi away from the scene. He called Livewire and she had him meet her at her friend’s spot; an apartment complex owned by her crew. He walked in with her and was greeted by one of the other high ranking divas with two Rottweilers standing next to her. They call her Shine and he knew her as well greeting her with a smile and hug, “It’s good to see you; I heard your funeral was nice.” She said laughing. “It’s good to see you again miss lady.” He said smiling. She made her dogs sit right at her side with just a snap; they knew his scent so they didn’t attack and when her two sons walked into the room, one talking and the other texting they instantly recognized him; “What’s up unc.” They both said grabbing his hand shaking up with him. “Nephews; it’s good to see you again.” He responded. “Boys I need you to go to the spots and collect.” Shine said. They obeyed giving her a kiss walking away saying they loved her before they exited. “What do you need Chance?” She asked looking at him. “A bed and a bottle brandy for the night.” He responded. “Third floor and the fifth door on the right. I’ll have your drink in five minutes. ” He walked up the stairs livewire escorting him the whole way. He passed some familiar faces with some he didn’t know observing all women some naked and others with just bra and panties on but all strapped with guns. When she got to the door with him she got close to him with a smile on her face. “I could keep you company tonight.” Livewire said. His phone rang and it was the leader of their crew named Pinky; he answered. “While you’re safe in one of my spots; we need to talk tomorrow before you move on and I want to meet at the same place where the first job you did for me occurred.” She said. “What time?” He asked. “Before noon; you call me.” She responded. He hung up and looked at the sparkling smile of the silver grill Livewire presented. “Not tonight honey; I need to be alone.” He walked in and shut the door behind him. He called the little hacker girl. “Is it done? He asked. “Yeah all their money is in your account, but I took thirty percent instead of twenty.” She said. “That wasn’t our agreement.” “With all of the firewalls I had to get through with all five of the accounts be glad I didn’t take more; don’t worry you’re still getting a lot. You know we can’t talk anymore right,” She said. “I know, thank you Anique.” He said and hung up Livewire brought him his drink and tried to get in again but he needed this time to himself; he took a huge swig just trying to cope with what he had done sitting on the edge of his bed. He pulled out his nickel plated forty-five and contemplated on putting it in his mouth then his phone rang. He saw the number and answered it hearing his son; “Dad do you remember when we used to say prayers?” “Yes I do,” He answered. “Can we say them tonight?” “Yes we can son.” He prayed that night with his son and tears ran from his eyes by the time he said Amen. He was going to be with his son again and no one was going to stop that promise he made.
© 2017 Dez H.Author's Note
1 Review Added on February 13, 2017 Last Updated on February 13, 2017 Author![]() Dez H.Indpls., INAboutTo the man with an ear for verbal delicacies- the man who searches painfully for the perfect word, and puts the way of saying a thing above the thing said- there is in writing the constant joy of sudd.. more..Writing