Camille; His for the night

Camille; His for the night

A Story by Dez H.

Chance's time with his red haired vixen before a job.


He lay holding her in his arms after a day together just talking about anything they could think of; he doesn’t do anything like this in fact he hadn’t held anyone close to him in a long time especially her. He had come in the night before to bring her passports she would need for future jobs.  His name is Chance and hers is Camille, the one he taught better how to do a job that he had been doing for years before she brought him back into a world he would had rather not be in. He came back because she showed him that he could make money without doing what he was already good at.

“So I figured I could just kill him while we walked in the park with the concentrated nicotine in his coffee.” She said as she hugged his arms tighter around her.

“That sounds good but I’d rather you wait. Have you studied the resume I sent you?”

“Of course, he is the president of the corporation and all the temps that he hires he takes them to his high rise office to f**k them before he decides to make them his permanent assistants.” She said.


He never wanted to be like this with anyone but he worried about her on certain gigs he sent her on but this one was right up her alley. Get the mark to fall for her because she was just the type he would go for. Her slim sexy body with just the right curves, fire red hair, and so innocently beautiful that if you woke up in the bed lying to her the next morning you couldn’t help but to confess to her that she was the sweetest thing you ever tasted. He knew and even in the next life could never forget it,


“So I know you can do this s**t.” He said looking in the distance at an abstract painting on her wall.  


Closing his eyes he listened to the music she played lowly in the background on surround sound speakers she had in the safe house he set up for her;  James Brown’s “It’s man’s world.”


“You said their names again last night.” She said rubbing his face looking up at him.


She spoke of his deceased wife and two daughters. He dreamed of them often when nightmares didn’t plague his slumber, it was the only way he could see them anymore.


“It’s better than my demons.” He responded.

“I know baby, I just wanted to let you know that if you ever wanted to talk about…”


He interrupts her before she can finish.


“If I ever want to talk about them I’ll let you know.”


He had only did it once, other than that he kept the things he held in his heart in his heart.


“I heard those cats in Florida offered you twice what I’m paying you for gigs.” He said.

“I know where loyalties lay; when you’re out here in the world I’m still your girl and with all that training you set up for me going  state to state I don’t have time for life’s pearls. So when you think I don’t have you on my mind, don’t worry about it. I still think about you and when you’re going to send me on my next gig.”

“So what are you saying? I can trust that you won’t go freelance on me?” He asked.

“Are you crazy, I’m yours until I die. But sometimes a lonely mind gets ill.” She responded.


He trusted her; from the first time they shared their first kiss. Even when she had him duct taped to a chair with a gun pointed in his face for a job that she was initially hired for. He didn’t have that kind of faith in many, but it was something about her; the look in her eyes.


“I have a question for you.” She said looking away.


He didn’t respond he only waited for it.


“Why don’t you send me on the type of jobs you send Xavier on?”


Xavier is his protégé; the first person he taught to be just like him in the world of contract killing. He didn’t want to tell her the truth; he didn’t want say that every woman he ever cared about ended up dead. That on the inside he wished she was just a normal woman that he could just hold close to him like this all the time, to not have in his mind that he would be paying her to go kill another mark when the time came that her type was needed. He just closed his eyes while he thought of an excuse.


“Certain jobs call for a certain profession.” He responded.

“What does that mean?”

“That means that we change the subject Camille.”


She didn’t want to drop it but she knew when not to push her limits with him. He knew she could handle shooting it out if put in a situation; her aim, reflexes, and composure in those moments were extraordinary. But his conscience was already weighed down by his losses and grew tired of seeing the ones he cared for only in his dreams. 


“Next month I’m going to Indianapolis to handle some business for a friend. Do you have any one there that can provide me with some tools?” She asked him.

“Yeah I have connections there that’ll get you what you need. If you need some help I can get Xavier to go with you.”

“No I can handle it.” She responded.

“Let me know if you change your mind.”

“You know you’re problem, you worry too much.”


But he knew it’s the times you don’t worry, that are when things go wrong. She stood up from where they were laying and walked to her kitchen as he went to the bathroom. When he came out she handed him a tumbler with Jack Daniels in it before walking to the piano by her patio door. Sitting down she pressed a couple of keys first before playing a song she had learned from her father at an early age. Chance stood behind her watching and listening to what made his mind seem to relax to as he took a small nip of his drink and lit a cigarette.


“I like to hear when you play that.” He said before he gulped the rest of it down.


He rubbed his beard at the bottom of his goatee to fight the urge of running his fingers through her red hair. When she played for him it always took his mind to a peaceful place where it so rarely got to go. Always bogged down with being cautious about who was going to find out he wasn’t really dead, wondering when another job would be coming up, or just hoping his son wouldn’t turn out to be like him when he grew up. He had always been a man of many thoughts then looked at his watch.


“It’s about time for you to get ready for your date.” He said really not wanting her to stop.


She stopped playing right in the middle of the melody and stood up turning to him then stared into his eyes before walking away to her bedroom. He hadn’t had weakness since his wife but it was something about how she looked at him that made all intentions on being that merciless b*****d everyone knew go south. He had to remain a professional and that’s what kept running through his head as he rolled his neck hearing and feeling the kinks snap through it. He heard the shower start before his phone rang and he answered it.


“I need to talk to Adam Parker.” The voice said.

“You have the wrong number.” He said hanging up.


Opening up his phone and removing his Sim card he replaced it with one he kept in his wallet in between the picture of his two daughters and the one of his son. The phone rang five minutes later and the same voice was on it again.


“I need to know if your band can play at my club next Friday.”

“Yeah I can get them to do that; are there any special requests that I need to put on the playlist?” He asked.

“Yeah I have some songs that I know my audience would like to hear.”

“Alright then Fax it to my office and I’ll be in touch.”


The conversation was over as he hung up. He switched the cards back and walked to the bathroom where she was taking a shower. Using a towel lying on the sink he wiped the steam that gathered on her mirror. He rubbed the stubble on his face while glancing at her silhouette behind the shower curtain.


“I might have something for you next week.” He said.

“Sounds good; just don’t change your mind and give it to Xavier.” Camille responded.

“It depends on if I feel like if you can handle it.”

“Don’t make me kick your a*s.” She said turning off the water.

She could fight; he had seen her in action before.  She knew seven different fighting styles and he had four more in mind he wanted her to learn.

“I love it when you talk dirty while in the shower.” He said smiling taking one more look in the mirror when she pulled back the curtain now displaying her naked body before he handed her a towel watching her from behind as she walked to her dim lit bedroom.

He followed her seeing her removing it and smiled as he exited going to pour himself another drink while she got dressed.


“I’m serious Chance, I want it.” She said from the room.

“I’ll take a look at it when I get back and decide on what route needs to be taken, but until then concentrate at the matter at hand.”


Sometimes he sent Xavier on a job for himself; other times he would give her one of her own like this one right here, but there were a lot of times he wanted them to work together just so they could watch each other’s back. But when it came down to it, they both never let him down.

“Will you come here a minute?” She called out to him.


He walked in and was left speechless at first sight when he saw her in what she was wearing for the night. The dark purple cocktail dress with black stilettos he had bought for her made eyes peer at every curve she possessed. 


“So what do you think?” She asked him.


He was caught up in the moment but didn’t want to stare too long with his mouth open before licking then biting his bottom lip.


“You look like a briefcase full of hundred dollar bills Shortstop.”

She smiled and blushed from the compliment and her grin made him do the same.


“You like doing that don’t you?” She asked.

“What?” He asked playing stupid for the moment.

“Shut up and put this on me.”


She walked closer to him with a necklace hanging from her palm handing it to him then turned around pulling her hair up. He fastened the clasp catching a whiff of a fragrance that she had on.


“What is that?” He asked bringing his nose close to her neck inhaling.

“It’s that Bond Girl.”


He smiled before backing away from her.


“So Agent, how are you going to do this mission tonight?” He asked her.

“He’s taking me to that new upscale Italian restaurant that just opened up downtown,


A slow song began to play lowly in the background and she wraps her arms around herself and slowly starts to move her hips side to side dancing.


“He whispered in my ear that he wanted to take me dancing, so I figure we go and do that for a little bit. After that we are going to take a walk through the park while he tries to sweet talk his way into me a little more.”


She slowly makes her way closer to him.


“We go back to his condo where his initial motives lie. After I let him do some more suave politicking, I   ask him to put on some music, you know to set the mood. I let him continue to let him think he’s getting closer to the treasure. He’s a fan of espressos so I slow him down telling him to make us up a couple of White Russians with it in it. I take a sip and dribble a little on my attire then send him to get me a moist cloth and I put the nicotine in his. Send you the confirmation then slip out in his personal elevator that has no cameras to keep his wife from finding out how many he actually sneaks in there. Jafar will be waiting in his cab a block away and that’s it.” She said confidently.

“And if it doesn’t go the way you have planned what’s your plan B?”

“You know my plan B baby; I improvise.” She responded.


She was good at it; a skill possessed way before she met him.


“Remember natural causes.”

“Oh don’t worry I have other methods to get the job done Chance. I won’t disappoint you, have I ever?”

“I can’t say that you have.” He said smiling at her.

“Then trust that I’ve got this.”


She walked back closer to him until they stood face to face and eye to eye.


“Will you be here when I get back?” She asked.

“No, I’ve got a red eye to catch tonight. Gotta get back to my son.”

“How is that little cute guy?”

“He’s good, but I know I need to spend some more time with him. I’ve been too preoccupied with other s**t.” He responded looking away from her thinking about it.

“You’re a good father Chance.”

“A good father would still have all of children in his life.”

“Your mistakes are in your past and even if you can’t forgive yourself for it, they still knew that you loved them. Besides, you don’t do that s**t anymore. That’s what you have us for now.” She said putting her hand on his face making him look back at her.

"Another life, we would’ve made history together." He said running two fingers down her cheek.

He stared in her eyes and knew she understood how he felt. The heels she was wearing brought her to his height so she leaned in and lightly pecked him on the lips. Suddenly a knock came from the door and they both knew what time it was.


"You will be the death of me, but what a beautiful death it will be." Chance whispered in her ear.


She rubbed his cheek one more time before walking towards her door. He made his way to her dark bedroom slowly and quietly shutting the door a little, then could hear the marks voice as he greeted her adding a compliment as well. After hearing their exit he made his way to her window standing back observing the car he had parked in front of her building. When they got to it he saw him open her door and close it before walking to the driver’s side. Camille sported a smile as she looked up out of the car window up at her window. She couldn't see him but knew he was looking down at her and she blew him quick kiss before they pulled off. Many thoughts flash through his head, a long time back closure had come to him that she could never belong to him. Everything between them had to remain professional because the last woman that held his heart he lost and no matter how much of his mentality and soul he made emotionless by the things he had done he still hurt when she took her own life because he had lost his best friend. Camille had a special place in his heart but to her he would never admit it so when he got to spend time with her it was his own serene moments in his life. He didn’t get to do it as often as when he first met her but he knew what it was when he found out what she was. But he left her condo with a smile and was satisfied until they were to encounter each other again because he took solace that last night she was his for the night.



© 2014 Dez H.

Author's Note

Dez H.
I know it's been a while but i'm still out here. Still got brain food for you all. Enjoy and let me know what you think about what I've cooked up for your mental appetites.

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I won 1st place in a contest for this one. Yea Boy!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 17, 2014
Last Updated on October 17, 2014


Dez H.
Dez H.

Indpls., IN

To the man with an ear for verbal delicacies- the man who searches painfully for the perfect word, and puts the way of saying a thing above the thing said- there is in writing the constant joy of sudd.. more..
