![]() The Well with Justin Wells: Episode 1 Pilot. Aka Titanic 2 (Sitcom)A Screenplay by Daniel Rodriguez![]() Inspired by Toast of London. A down on his luck writer is tasked with coming up with a sequel to one of the most modern classic films of all time. (warning, NON PC Humor abundant)![]() THE WELL WITH JUSTIN WELLS PILOT (AKA TITANIC 2) By Daniel Rodriguez EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT THE SOUNDS OF SEX AND MOANING ARE HEARD WITH LIGHTS
FLICKERING. INT. APARTMENT JUSTIN WELLS is sitting on a couch, disassociated from the
non visual sex on television. On the chair next to the couch is HAPPY HILLS who
is watching, eating popcorn, in suspense. HAPPY The acting! JUSTIN (sarcasm) Penthouse is the epitome of acting talent. HAPPY Playboy better watch out. The voices from the television are getting louder and more
frequent. HAPPY And would you not dare say that the writing talent alone... JUSTIN (more sarcasm) Yes. Give that man the Oscar for best writer. HAPPY Would you rather watch the Playboy channel? JUSTIN I am more shocked that we have a female roommate and you are
bold enough to watch this stuff. HAPPY No one has seen Linda for days. Isn't that right Mack? Camera pans to MACK DeMack who is sitting on a third seat,
intensely turned on, trying to maintain his cool. MACK I think she is in her room. HAPPY The story, the intensity! This is marvelous cinema! By the
way Wells, when are you going to be paying me rent? And you to Mr. Demack? MACK Oh s**t! I am late for my tryout! JUSTIN But its ten pm! HAPPY You know, I am sure a writer of your talent could probably
get a pretty penny for a script or two. JUSTIN The day I write articles for Penthouse is the day I reach
the anus of being a writer. A background beat starts to pick up. Like the beginning
notes of a music video. The television sounds have ceased. HAPPY My dear freind. I seemed to have finished my movie grade
popcorn. Would you mind popping by the convenient store and grabbing us an
extra stash? INT. APARTMENT HALL The Beat to "All Day and Night" by Kid Cudi plays
as the camera follows Justin in his journey. Start the music video: Justin starts singing and dancing his journey to the store. JUSTIN (singing) All Day and Night, the lonely writer walks the street at
night. He wonders why he woke up just to look at lights. All he is good for is
to plagiarize... EXT. STREETS - NIGHT Justin looks how his life is limited to a grimy street in
the city of Las Angeles. Justin's song has changed. JUSTIN (singing) Every day i find myself fighting just to eat. Wondering
where my life is taking me. Wondering what good my friends are for. Here I am
alone, residing in something that is barely a home. At night the streets greet
me... A car runs past him honking. JUSTIN And yet I wonder is this is all that there is to be. I
wonder, wonder, wonder, Why I cant get a piece of that Hollywood pie and if
this street is just mine to lie, in this town fighting day to day, to keep the
tax man away, my friends away, and if this is where I am destined to stay. INT. CONVENIENT STORE The song goes back to its main beat. JUSTIN (singing) Day and night, the lonely writer walks the street at night.
The highlight of his day this night is alright. Its such a shame he can't pay
this night... CONVENIENT STORE CLERK You will pay! Clerk takes out a gun. JUSTIN (Singing) Alright alright alright. Ill be on my way if that's okay -
goodnight goodnight goodnight. Justin leaves as the song ends. CONVENIENT STORE CLERK Dick. Intro credits. Title card. TITANIC 2 INT. THE GALLY'S GALLEY - DAY GALLY SHEET, the agent, is sitting on her beautiful chair in
her fancy office. She wears her sunglasses in doors. She has two phones, one to
her left for normal calls. And A red phone, there is a sticker that says DISNEY
EXECS on it. In front of her, Justin is sitting trying to look prim and
proper. JUSTIN You don't feel that this is tasteless at all? GALLY Not at all. In fact its f*****g brilliant. JUSTIN Haven't there been enough sequels as is? GALLY I promise this is a great idea and it can get you on the
map. JUSTIN I am already on the map. GALLY I'm sorry. (takes out phone) Google Maps. Find Justin Wells House, writer, Las Angeles. JUSTIN Oh Come on. GOOGLE MAPS VOICE Error, cannot find Justin Wells, Writer, on google maps. Did
you mean to say Larry Rowe, Writer? JUSTIN F*****g Larry Rowe GALLY F**k's aside. Google knows who he is and can find him on a
map. JUSTIN This is why I use Bing. GALLY Please, Bing is what happens when Lycos and AOL keep
inbreeding. You know I represented the guy who wrote that Bing is better than
Google commercial. Trust me, in no actually poll of people does Bing
"win." JUSTIN How does it know who Larry is in the first place? She takes out a paper list. GALLY Here is a list of all his produced plays and films he has
worked on since last year. JUSTIN I had films made too. GALLY Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 0. JUSTIN I blame the producer. GALLY You crowd funded it yourself and raised a dollar. JUSTIN But I didn't direct it. GALLY No, we had to hire a porn producer to direct. Cut to. Movie scene. EXT. Street. Day Fast and Furious knockoff. A BALD MAN, overweight, is
driving in one car from the 90's. He pulls up to another car with a "YOUNG
MAN", early 40's, wig to make himself look blonde. BALD MAN You ready? YOUNG MAN We need to stop them Russians from launching the nuke. BALD MAN They killed my brother. YOUNG MAN Let's ride. And Drift! Porn music starts to play. Bald man inserts the keys into
the ignition. He looks at the camera. BALD MAN That's right. Nice and slow. Close up of him rubbing his fingers across the shaft of
the... back to. INT. THE GALLY'S GALLEY - DAY Justin Shudders. GALLY And speaking of porn. Penthouse is looking for writers for
their Dear Penthouse segments. I think it would be a divine fit for you. JUSTIN I don't do porn. GALLY We all do porn. Just in different ways. Seth Rogan does his
porn and three minutes after he is done he is working on his next film. JUSTIN What? GALLY So I take it Penthouse is a no? JUSTIN Its the anus of the writing industry. GALLY Language language. JUSTIN You just dropped an F Bomb not long ago. GALLY I am not going to play your word games. You have an English
degree, I don't. JUSTIN Okay so... GALLY I mean I got a degree that was practical and now I make more
money than you can even imagine. But by all means tell me how you and your
degree makes you smarter than me. JUSTIN Can we move on? GALLY So, Titanic 2. JUSTIN I just don't see why making more money off of such a
tragedy... GALLY They already have a merchandising team working. We have
these action dolls of Jack and Rose. I heard they are even trying to make a
boat that actually breaks in half when applied to cold water. All we need, is
for you to write a working script, sex it up with some naked women, and have a
sit down with James Cameron. JUSTIN Let me think about it. GALLY This could be your big break. JUSTIN You said that about the pro wrestling show. GALLY And how is that going?
They have me writing for the women's locker room. Last week.
Two minutes before the show...they all synchronized. I can still see them
glaring at me. GALLY (not paying attention) And how did that go? JUSTIN (reliving the horror) The show was a blood bath. Men, women, children, and the
roster were all screaming and crying. GALLY Well, I will tell James Cameron, that you will meet with him
at the end of the week with a script. Justin rises from his chair. JUSTIN I will get cracking. GALLY 180 pages. He wants this to be epic. JUSTIN Sure... GALLY Make sure there is a needlessly naked woman in it. They
promised someone prettier this time. JUSTIN Yeah... GALLY And remember to make it apealing enough that they can sell
action figures. Hasboro is paying good money for exclusive rights. Justin is near the door. GALLY And Wells... JUSTIN Yes? GALLY That was a no on Penthouse? Justin leaves. GALLY Enjoy your period-ey wrestling women! EXT. WAREHOUSE- NOON A warehouse with the sounds of pro wrestling going on. On a
billboard sign it says Girls Gon Wrasslin'! INT. WAREHOUSE Justin walks into a the main room. It is an area with empty
chairs, a wannabe rich snob doing blow off a chair with his friend of
questionable tastes. In the center is a wrestling ring with two girls talking
inside. Promoter is talking to his minions on the side of the ring. PROMOTER And that's when she grabs her by her left woo woo. MINION Top or bottom woo woo? PROMOTER Top of course. We need to keep this family friendly! MINION And you are sure that they will be okay with this? PROMOTER I am paying their checks right? MINION There has been talk in the back about the checks bouncing. PROMOTER (changing topic) Justin Welles! JUSTIN Yes sir? PROMOTER So the girls are feeling a little anxious about their next
show. I was thinking you treat a couple of them to a play or something. Teach
them the arts. JUSTIN A play? PROMOTER Inject these b*****s with drama. Also we need to talk about
the next event. I have big plans. I want something epic to happen. Something this
town will talk about for days to come. Write me a good story to sell these
morons. JUSTIN You don't have any idea what this is? PROMOTER Fans are idiots. Its why I hired you. You are a writer, come
up with a story. INT. LOCKER ROOM Justin is sitting with a make shift laptop staring at a
glaring blank screen. He writes the words, "Murder Mystery?" JUSTIN Jack is floating, face down in the water, ice cold, like his
love for his lost love. He has been in fact murdered. To find out what happens
we must go back to story of the Titanic. LADY PUMA That sounds rubbish! Justin flips his laptop down to reveal Lady Puma (Female
masked pro wrestler) JUSTIN Its nothing! LADY PUMA Sounds like you are writing s****y fan fiction. JUSTIN Its not fan-fiction. LADY PUMA Well its s**t and you really want to pull Sunset Boulevard
on a post millennial audience? JUSTIN Time travel? Lady Puma stands staring at him. There is a pause. She slaps him. JUSTIN What the f**k? LADY PUMA And this is why i asked if we could get Larry Rowe to work a
show. Time travel? F*****g really? JUSTIN People like time travel! She slaps him again. LADY PUMA A decade of super hero movies only for time travel and
multiverses all for bullshit and now you want to continue the trend!? JUSTIN How would you do... LADY PUMA If you are going to write a sequel to one of America's
greatest film achievements you better do something original. She grabs him and stares him down. JUSTIN I am trying... LADY PUMA Or I will kick your butt. JUSTIN (breaking down) I didn't even like the original movie. She raises her righteous hand of god for another slap. He shirks into a ball. She lets him go and nods her head.
She points to her eyes and then at him (I am watching you). She walks away. He puts up his screen. He puts the words "Jack" on
there. EAGER BEAVER (off screen) Hey! He slams it shut and looks at a smaller female pro wrestler
with excessive face paint and personality. JUSTIN For God's sake, I am cutting the time machine! EAGER BEAVER They say they don't have any ideas for me. And I don't want
them cutting me from the next show. Can you help me? JUSTIN The Eager Beaver, her friend, Timber Woods. You guys are bad
guys. She does a cute pose. EAGER BEAVER (happily saying her catchphrase) I will eat your children! Fades into. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Fantasy land of the hypothetical story-line. The place is
packed with fans wanting more bloodshed. JUSTIN (VO) First come the heroes, The Goode Squad. Led by Missy
Goode,all that is right and just with the American system. Her partner, Sam the
Man. GOODE and SAM (a butch power-size woman) walk into the ring
with cheers, confetti, and fanfare. JUSTIN They have been undefeated and loved by the audience. Then
come the villains of our story. EAGER BEAVER and TIMBER come out and pose. The audiance boos
them. JUSTIN They are hated immediately. Lately they have been on a
losing streak. Useless, forgotten. They should be booed. We boo them. They are
rejects. They are failures. Who could love two women such as these? They ham their way to the stage. Eager Beaver and Timber talk strategy as Goode waves to the
audiance. Eager comes in only to be floored by Goode. The action seems
one sided through a series of highlights. Timber tags in. Sam hits Timber with a move. HARD! She is
critically injured. JUSTIN Woods goes down. It is now two on one. Eager Beaver taunts despite having a bloody lip. JUSTIN What proceeds is a massacre. Constant unfair beating of the poor girl by the much bigger
and confident Sam. JUSTIN After five minutes, Sam hits her finisher. The match should
be over. But she is not finished. More senseless violence as Eager is being thrown around the
ring. JUSTIN She stopped fighting back. Sam is enjoying the massacre. Goode watches from the ring
corner almost in horror. The crowd has stopped cheering. JUSTIN This has gone on for another ten minutes. And then. There is a pause. Eager is on her hands and knees. She is a
bloody mess. She leans towards Goode and extends her hand. Everyone is
shocked. JUSTIN In a moment of desperation, she leans towards her rival and
reaches out, asking for help. The two share a look, in the background Sam is beginning to
be boo'ed. JUSTIN She tags in. And in one moment, one good guy becomes the
villain, and the bad guy becomes the hero. Eager pulls herself up on the corner to stand while Sam is
in shock that her friend, Goode is standing up to her, challenging her. INT. BAR - NIGHT The bartender is looking on in shame and disappointment. BARTENDER That sucks. Justin rolls his eyes back, he is drunk now and wasn't
expecting that response. JUSTIN It sucks? BARTENDER That's not how pro wrestling works. You can't have a person
tag in their opponent. That is rubbish. Justin looks beyond confused. BARTENDER (angry) You made a bad story! Justin looks like he wants to cry. He looks to his right. There is a Hispanic drunkard. Who
isn't listening. JUSTIN Your thoughts? PATRON Its s**t! Just like all those immigrants... JUSTIN But you are... PATRON I am allowed to self hate, aren't I!? Build a wall! Keep me
out! JUSTIN Please give me what he is having. BARTENDER That would be drugs. I don't sell that. JUSTIN So now I made them happy, I need to find out my Titanic 2 angle.
BARTENDER Why mess with a classic? JUSTIN Hear me out...Aliens... Bartender slaps the s**t out of Justin. JUSTIN Why? BARTENDER I will not live in a world where we bring the ship back with
the help of E f*****g T. JUSTIN How would you do it? BARTENDER Titanic 2. A bartenders story. We close in on a young man,
waking up next to a sexy naked woman. His name, he doesnt need a name. His job,
he serves the rich and powerful on the most beautiful cruise ship ever built.
He has a story, he has a past he is running from. If he plays his cards right,
on this voyage anything can happen. PATRON Now that is f*****g excellent. You! Your story is s**t
Justin. The door opens in the distance. A FAN GIRL randomly pops up from the crowd of people not
paying attention. FAN GIRL Oh my god its Larry Rowe! GODZILLA's THEME SONG Hits! There he stands in all his
glory. Larry Rowe, the kind of d****e-bag that wears shades at night. His head
is low, a cheesy smile as he takes out his cigarette holds his breath, then
lets the smoke exhale from his grin like it would a monster. JUSTIN F*****g Larry Rowe. A NEEDLESS ONLOOKER walks up to Justin. NEEDLESS ONLOOKER Isn't that Larry Rowe the writer, director, and actor? JUSTIN Yes. NEEDLESS ONLOOKER And isn't he starring in a play that he wrote? JUSTIN Yes. Yes. NEEDLESS ONLOOKER And aren't you just a writer? Must make you feel pretty
redundant. Needless Onlooker disappears. Larry takes off his glasses, and we cut to flashes of him
mingling. LARRY ROWE Why yes, I am producing, starring, and directing a play I
wrote. Another flash with him holding a vintage pipe to make him
look elegant. LARRY ROWE Why yes, It hasn't even premiered yet, and its getting rave
reviews. Justin's face is contorting. LARRY ROWE Its a mystery. Did the father kill his son, or did the son kill
his father. There is a delightful twist at the end. Flash to him surrounded by women. LARRY ROWE I can confirm that my bulge size is indeed six. Justin has a murder face growing. Larry turns to the camera. LARRY ROWE Mr. Welles, I am sorry, I didn't see you there. Haha. The camera reveals that Larry was never even facing Justin
but that they are sitting next to each other. JUSTIN I'm behind you. Larry genuinely is surprised and readjusts himself for his
taunting to continue. LARRY ROWE So I take you heard about my play? JUSTIN Yes. I heard about your play. LARRY ROWE And word around town is you are trying to write a sequel to
Titanic. JUSTIN Yes I am. LARRY ROWE And word around town is you have writers block so bad that
you are pulling over hobos to ask for story ideas. JUSTIN Where did you hear that? LARRY ROWE Here is an idea on me, free because we go way back, give up.
God is doing this to punish you and you should be humble and realize you have
no talent. JUSTIN I am sorry, but you said I had no talent? From the guy who
has a picture of Ed Wood above his bed. LARRY ROWE Ed Wood is God! JUSTIN From the guy who pretended to be gay so he could market his
play to get an LGBT audience. What was the play? I am Strait White Man and
That's Okay? LARRY ROWE I am A! Strait White Man.... JUSTIN Your big musical number was called, "Its funny because
he is wearing a dress." LARRY ROWE It was meant as satire. You know, that thing intelligent
people use for comedic effect. The crowd didn't appreciate it. They were not
woke enough. JUSTIN So how goes this play? LARRY ROWE It will make you moisten the loins. JUSTIN My loins are fine. LARRY ROWE Whens the last time you got any? JUSTIN I don't need any. LARRY ROWE Half the cast. JUSTIN You me too'ed half your cast? LARRY ROWE If they said "me too" i am sure it was them high
fiving their breif but epic sexual experiance that has no doubt changed their
lives. JUSTIN You do know what Me Too is, right? LARRY ROWE Its an agreement. You say you like Dos Equis and I say Me
too. JUSTIN Oh dear Jesus. LARRY ROWE Speaking of Dos Equis. Two por favor. One for me, myself,
and I. JUSTIN I am not drunk enough for this. I can still count. LARRY ROWE I hear you working for a group of girls on a pro wrestling
show. Heh, you know, next week, during your big show. My show is premiering at
the theater next door. JUSTIN Coincidence. I wish your show luck. LARRY ROWE When the audience leaves your pathetic soap and wanders
over, just know I will entertain them right for you. Heck, send your girls
over, I will give them a night they will never forget. JUSTIN You sure about that? LARRY ROWE I am so sure that I just dumped all my savings to advertise
my show to the high heavens. Everyone will be talking about it while they
forget sad pathetic talent-less you. Justin takes a shot of something strong. We see from his vision as the world blurs. Larry walks away
while Justin is left to drink his sorrows. JUSTIN Last name, Rowe... INT. JAIL CELL - DAY JUSTIN (continued) First name F*****g. Justin is now in the drunk tank. There are a couple of
people spread out in this sad cell. JUSTIN Oh dear Jesus what did I do? Cut to. INT. BAR -FLASHBACK Justin has lifted a MIDGET (played by a real luchadore) over
his head. MIDGET Put me down you freak! JUSTIN (massively drunk off his a*s) I am going to teach you to fly! MIDGET Your going to hurt me! JUSTIN You will be my Peter Pan! MIDGET (starts to scream) AGH! JUSTIN We go to Neverland! Ho! Close up as Midget screams for his life. INT. JAIL CELL - NOW Justin winces at the memory. He walks over. To his left a prisoner looks at him. PRISONER What did you do man? JUSTIN I think I tried to play fetch with a midget. INT. BAR - THEN Midget falls on the top of the bar. INT. JAIL CELL - NOW PRISONER How did you get that black eye? JUSTIN (realizing he has been beaten up) Black eye? INT. BAR Midget gets up instantly puts up a fighting pose. JUSTIN It looks serious. How cute. The fire in his eyes burn with death. The Midget jumps off and decks Justin to the floor. Justin tries to get up only for the midget to baseball slide
next to his face and then twists his body slamming his feet across Justin's
chin. INT. JAIL CELL - NOW JUSTIN Did I lose? INT. BAR Justin, Battered, is huddled in a ball while the midget gets
up on a table. Poses for the audience. He jumps. MIDGET (yelling in anger) AH! JUSTIN (screaming in terror) AH! INT. JAIL CELL - NOW JUSTIN Ah s**t I am going to be late for my meeting with James
Cameron! F**k! I don't even have a script yet. PRISONER 2 Hey man, you that guy that got in a fight with the midget
right? JUSTIN Wait, you know about that? The television on the left of the jail wall randomly pops
on. A seedy news show complete with cheesy intro of the two newscasters
comes on the television. NEWS SPOKESPERSON And now your favorite show in the world. Matt And Kate. MATT (coming from the telivision) Welcome to a post drunk rendition of Matt and Kate. I am
Matt. KATE (from telivision) And... MATT She is Kate. Both Justin and TV Kate both take a second to realize the
burn of her being cuckholded on live television. KATE And.. MATT Our first story tonight. Midgets in wrestling? Is it
exploitative, or a work of PR genius? You asked us? We have the answer. Last
night... The footage on camera shows the midget from the bar kicking
Justin's butt all over the camera. MIDGET You want me to ride the pony? Midget in the bar jumps on Justins back and starts slapping
his a*s. MIDGET Ill show you how to ride... the f*****g pony. JUSTIN Dear God make "it" stop! Justin in the video curls in a ball and... JUSTIN (in video, crying) Mommy! Mommy! CROWD IN VIDEO MIDGET! MIDGET! MIDGET! The midget shows his pro wrestling roots as it poses for the
crowd and they eat it up. KATE This video was uploaded to the internet last night. JUSTIN Oh dear Jesus. KATE And has gone viral. JUSTIN No. KATE With over a million hits. Already. MATT That is correct. Poor Justin Welles, seen here in this sad
mugshot. A pathetic Mugshot of Justin pops up. PRISONER Hey that's you! MATT Is our bigot... There is a sound of a donkey. RANDOM TV VOICE YOU JACKASS! MATT Of the week. KATE (as if speaking to Justin) Why don't you go back to Germany with all the other rejects
you a*s hole? Justin just looks on in horror. PRISONER Dude, you are an a*****e. JUSTIN All I tried to do is see if I could make him fly!? KATE We worked hard. And now for a commercial break! MATT That's my line. And now. A break!
MATT (not as audible) Why do you have to put me down on live television? KATE This show isn't about you. MATT (almost non audible) B***h. Commercial insert. EXT. CHURCH The "church" is actually a trendy urban theater
building. LARRY ROWE (voice only) Passion. Two hands are holding Larry Rowe is dressed horrifically in french aristocratic
garb and make up. LARRY ROWE (posh) I love you. LARRY ROWE (voice only) Romance. Larry Rowe puts his hand over his head as if he is feeling
"emotional" LARRY ROWE (in character) If you are going to romance me. Be gentle. LARRY ROWE (voice only) A Larry Rowe production. Starring Larry Rowe. Larry's character dramatically turns towards the camera and
poses gracefully like an old Hollywood starlet. LARRY ROWE (voice only) A Love Story. Cheesy 70's pulp lettering comes on the screen with the
title of the play super imposed. LARRY ROWE (voice only, fine print) Written by Larry Rowe. All refunds are non existent. Hashtag
sorry not sorry. INT. JAIL CELL - CONTINUOUS JUSTIN He must have broke the bank for those previews. PRISONER You wont see that level of a budget in a Justin Welles
Production. JUSTIN I am a writer, I don't have a production company. PRISONER Maybe if you stopped being so poor you could. JUSTIN Seriously what is this your business? PRISONER I am just saying... The news comes back on. TOM And now back from our commercial break. KATE In a followup to our story. Local Midget and destroyer of
Bigots like Justin Welles, "Midget" Shows a Picture of the Midget KATE Has been signed an exclusive contract with the a local predominately
womens wrestling show Midget is shown at a press conference. MIDGET I am proud to announce that starting tonight I will be
wrestling with Girls Gon Wrasslin' and will be headlining their recent events.
You can see me starting on their next show. Fans take pictures. Justin in the jail cell looks shocked and mortified. EXT. JAMES CAMERON STUDIOS - DAY A magnificent building made of gold. A ground sweeper is
doing tragic sweeping work while two upper class jockey boys ride by on their
horses. JOCKEY And i said, 401k? I didn't know you were a peasant. The two d****e laugh and ride along. The grounds keeper
stops, touches the building. GROUNDSKEEPER (in awe) Oooh. He puts his head back down in submission and continues his
way. In massive letters ala David Fincher. "JAMES CAMERON
STUDIOS" A taxi rides up with Justin Welles who looks somehow even
sadder than he did in the previous scene. The audience can almost smell the
overnight sweat and body order. Justin took a prison bar of soap and does a
quick dab under his armpit. TAXI DRIVER Looks like you got yourself a golden ticket. But be careful.
You will have to walk on foot from here. I wish you luck. Justin gets out of the cab. He looks up... in front of the
building, the massive David Fincher letters are still in front of him on the
building. JUSTIN F**k I am late... A kid walks by with an "Alien" balloon like cheap
merch one buys from disney land. KID Hey mom its that racist. MOTHER The word is "prejudice a*****e" honey. Midgets
aren't a race. KID (pointing) A*****e. MOTHER I love you, you are going to grow into a fine human being
one day. JUSTIN I don't have time. Justin does a quick inventory of his stuff. He pulls out a
shabby looking briefcase with unkempt notes and papers inside. As Justin runs in the building. New Fincher-esque words
apear, "Justin Welles is 3 hours late." INT. GUILLERMO DEL TORO'S OFFICE The clock is ticking. Justin looks on in confusion. The camera flashes to the gruffly bad a*s face of Ron
mother-f*****g Pearl... "GUILLERMO DEL TORO". It says that's his name
on the name card holder. The movie exec looks like he wants to eat Justin alive. He
has a massive poker face and you can almost hear "Clay's" deep voice
wanting to come forth. JUSTIN So um... "Guillermo" busts forth with a heavy fake Spanish
accent and cheesy smile. GUILLERMO DEL TORO (as played by Ron Pearlman) Yes. I love this script. So tell me how did you come up with
it? JUSTIN I had a hang over. GUILLERMO DEL TORO And your use of toilet paper as printing paper, really helps
sell the grit and realism of a second titanic movie. How did you find
inspiration in coming up with such a dark ending. JUSTIN Everyone dies. GUILLERMO DEL TORO I know but... JUSTIN Literally no one is alive today who was on that f*****g
boat. GUILLERMO DEL TORO And that is what makes it so good. But before we go forward.
How would you describe the mood that the audience wants to feel? JUSTIN Despair. GUILLERMO DEL TORO Okay, yes yes. JUSTIN There is only despair. Its a boat. People die. Those who
survive, die. We get a random b***h naked so we can make money off these dead
people. GUILLERMO DEL TORO So yes. I love everything about this. Absolutely. JUSTIN So where is James Cameron? GUILLERMO DEL TORO He decided ultimately he needed to raise two billion dollars
to increase the CG effects so he can work on Avatar 2. Apparently there are not
enough ones and zeros going into his 16k camera that he wants to invent. JUSTIN Why can't we just use practical effects? GUILLERMO DEL TORO You are free to tell him that. But no one has seen him in
three years. Guillermo receives a text on his butt phone. He pulls out
his phone. JUSTIN What is that? GUILLERMO DEL TORO He says to ask you if we can increase the chi chi count. JUSTIN No. Its perfectly plotted and perfectly paced. GUILLERMO DEL TORO He wont be happy to hear that. JUSTIN So he outsourced the job to you? GUILLERMO DEL TORO His non existent movie just takes up so much of his old man
time. But I really look forward to working with you. . JUSTIN Well I look forward to working with you. Justin gets up to shake his hand. Guillermo puts a big fat
cigar in his mouth instead and just bats an eyelash in confusion to Justin,
extending his hand. Justin realizes that he isn't going to shake hands with any
big name producer/director on this day. JUSTIN (to himself) And the despair continues. RON PEARLMAN Real quick before you go. Can you give a man some gas money?
Paid parking is a b***h in this studio. Justin double takes. He then leaves. RON PEARLMAN ...mother f****r... He blows out a puff of smoke on his cigar and closes his
eyes. He laughs to himself briefly INT. STUDIO WAITING ROOM Justin can see the sun wanting to set. RECEPTIONIST Excuse me. Mr. Welles? JUSTIN Yes? RECEPTIONIST Just received word. The studio is halting production on
Titanic 2. Mr. Cameron is wanting to shift all production staff to Aliens 7. We
would like to thank you for your time an effort on trying to help. JUSTIN My check? RECEPTIONIST Considering the project was never actually green lit, there
is no budget to give you a check from. The opening to "Suicide is Painless" (the theme
song from the film MASH) starts. Justin looks out to the setting sun as the song continues. MASH is playing on a telivision in the background. INT. LOCKER ROOM - THAT NIGHT Eager Beaver is staring at Justin, smiling at him. EAGER BEAVER So how did it go? The music to "Suicide is Painless" continues to
play, this time even more loudly. JUSTIN I went to jail, I had to pay a fine. I literally wrote a
screenplay on toilet paper, and i had to pay for a taxi both ways for a movie
that wont get made with a script that I didn't get paid to write. I literally
lost money on this entire endeavor. EAGER BEAVER Well you can look at the bright side of things. The chorus of the song hits loudly. JUSTIN For God's sake! can someone turn down the television! CHEESY TV ANNOUNCER Its the MASH marathon. All day, twenty four hours of the
MASH movie. You will want to watch it again and again, and again. The song continues. Justin rolls his eyes. PROMOTER Holy s**t f**k. Did you see the crowd out there. You hire
one short retard and the world goes crazy! JUSTIN! JUSTIN Yes? PROMOTER The woo-woos. Have you thought about it? JUSTIN I haven't had much time to think. I just wrote an 180 page
script out of ply TP. PROMOTER So how are we ending the show?
What do you mean?
We got the hottest thing since sliced toast and f*****g
whats his name is renting out a theater show next door. Trying to put us out of
business. Larry whats-his-f**k. JUSTIN Larry Rowe. PROMOTER We must have touching woo-woos! It's the only way we beat
out.. I mean have you seen those ads? He knows what the f**k is going on. JUSTIN No more talk of woo-woos. top or bottom. PROMOTER You have no ambition. You! EAGER BEAVER Yes? PROMOTER Thoughts? EAGER BEAVER (unsure) "I will eat your children"? PROMOTER Sigh, these women are mindless. JUSTIN The show will write itself. LADY PUMA (to Justin) If you so much mention me and woo-woo, I will kick your
butt. JUSTIN The show ends with the new guy fighting Fatzilla. So just
have the new guy win. INT. THEATER - MOMENTS LATER LARRY ROWE Where are the people? The audiance is empty. The Janitor walks by eating a candy
bar. JANITOR Hey. LARRY ROWE What are you doing? We need to gett ready for the show. JANITOR What show? LARRY ROWE We are opening tonight! JANITOR (throwing the wrapper on the floor) You are? Why? No one is coming. Larry looks in shock at the Janitor dropping trash. JANITOR Someone should pick that up. He walks away. An ACTRESS in epic garb for the show runs by him. LARRY ROWE Where you going? ACTRESS They have a midget next door! Its the battle between height
versus Fatzilla in all her glory! I aint missing that! Larry, dumbfounded, watches as an entire random cast of
costumed actors walk out. Larry looks out and sees one person in the audience. LARRY ROWE The show must go on. AUDIENCE MEMBER I am a critic for the paper. I'm just here to write about
how badly this show is going to bomb. LARRY ROWE F**k my life. AUDIENCE MEMBER How much of your life savings did you waste in this s**t
show anyways? The readers will want know. INT. WAREHOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Girls Gon' Wrasslin is holding their show. The crowd seems
to be in it. Girls in the ring are chest slapping each other. PROMOTER How we going to top this? I never seen this place so booked!
Justin! Justin looks up. He has a paper in his hand. PROMOTER What happens next? JUSTIN Um... There is a loud sound. The ref counts at the camera. REF 1. 2. 3! The crowd goes crazy. PROMOTER I am worried if we don't give them a fun twist, they will go
on a spree. JUSTIN I really don't care anymore. Do you have my money? PROMOTER My banks loan bounced. JUSTIN Um...wait what? PROMOTER I'll have the check clear after the paycheck after next. It
should be fine. Now, think about how we are going to close this show! ANNOUNCER And now ladies and gentlemen. THE MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! The MIDGET comes out. Poses for the audience. And then walks
to the ring. ANNOUNCER From the City of Angels, He is the Little Destroyer! The Midget poses and then stares at Justin. FLASH OF JUSTIN CURLED IN A BALL AT BAR Justin gulps. ANNOUNCER And now. THE MAIN EVENTRESS! She is big, she is a monster.
FATZILLA! JUSTIN Generic Big Girl Name.... PROMOTER They love it. FATZILLA (not that fat) comes to the ring. The shadow of the
monster eclipses the male wrestler in the ring. They get ready to start and the bell rings. Nothing. The crowd goes from intense to simmering. It dies down. PROMOTER Why aren't they fighting!? JUSTIN Something big. Dramatic needs to happen. PROMOTER Like what? The door busts open and a light shines through with a figure
in black shadow stands in the doorway. LARRY ROWE This show is over! PROMOTER Who the hell is this? JUSTIN Larry? LARRY ROWE F****n' Larry Rowe! You sons of b*****s ruined my opening
night. A wind blows and a news paper hits Larry's feet. He looks
down. Headline says ROWE'S SHOW FLOPS! FEMALE WRESTLING HITS RAVE REVIEWS! Larry walks to the ring. LARRY ROWE (to the Midget) You ruined my life! I put everything I had. No. No. People
don't want to see a viral star fight a full grown sumo b***h. The crowd boos. LARRY ROWE Ok. The show will be starting soon. I need all of you to get
out of here and go next door and give me your money. Crowd boos. LARRY ROWE You owe me your hard earned money. Come on! The crowd boos. FATZILLA Can I kill him now? MIDGET This is my moment. What are you doing? LARRY ROWE No one cares about you shorty! Crowd Boos fiercely. PROMOTER (to Justin) You are a genius! Justin looks as if to say, "I AM?" The Locker Room of Female Wrestlers come out. The crowd cheers. LARRY ROWE No. Back off! This is my day! This is my show! You can't
take this from me! Fatzilla walks towards him. LARRY ROWE You stay back fatty. I don't want to catch your heart
disease. How do you even look at yourself in the mirror.
The crowd boos harshly. PROMOTER (eating this up) Did he just make her sympathetic? JUSTIN (to himself) Only Larry... Larry gets a whiff of something. A disturbance in the
atmosphere of sorts. Larry locks eyes with Justin. LARRY ROWE And youuuuu. JUSTIN Eff Em Ell LARRY ROWE You had to get your a*s kicked to upstage me. Welles, You
stopped my night, so I will return the favor. I aint moving. No. Not at all. PROMOTER And then? JUSTIN And then what? MIDGET Am I supposed to do something? FATZILLA Do I just stand here? They start looking at Justin. The camera seems to center on
him. LADY PUMA What are we supposed to do? FATZILLA Do I say something? MIDGET I feel like I need a line. JUSTIN I don't know what happens next. LARRY ROWE I aint budging. The world goes silent. Justin takes out a laptop. He walks to the ring and gets in.
He gets a table placed in front of him and he sits down. LARRY ROWE (smirking) What you going to do? Justin looks down at his screen. JUSTIN (to Fatzilla) Clothesline him. LARRY ROWE Huh? Larry gets floored by the bulldozer that is her momentum as
she runs him into the ground. JUSTIN Having their show disrupted the women rush the ring. The girls storm the ring. JUSTIN A highlight reel as a series of random finisher and big
moves as Larry Rowe begs for mercy. A MONTAGE OF POWER MOVES BEING PREFORMED ON LARRY ROWE. JUSTIN You, do your diving splash. The midget gets on top of the turnbuckle. Larry looks up in the exact same way Justin looked in horror
earlier. Midets lands and the audiance errupts. Larry can't move as he is trying to regain his sense of
self. JUSTIN Sit on his face. Larry looks up. Fatzilla is on the ring corner and drops her
entire body in sitting position as she lands on his head. Larry's body goes limp. The crowd is losing it completely. There is confetti and
streamers. It is mayhem. Music swells as the scene becomes surreal. The action is
happening despite Justin's presence. JUSTIN (Singing) This is where I am. I am here. The crowd is full of blood lust in slow motion. JUSTIN I stand here this is where I exist. This where I am, I am
here. A fake show with fake characters. Coming and going with their exits and
entrances. But this is where I am, I am here. Another day spinning in a
melodrama not staring me. Why am I here? Does anyone know the answer? But this
is where I am, I am here. People are smiling and laughing yet no one sees me.
Is this what I have to offer the world? Larry is still under a massive butt, not moving. LARRY ROWE (muffling noises a decent size solo
verse) JUSTIN (still singing) How will I face my cost of living, and make it through the
next day? The world breaks apart as he is... INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT HAPPY So do you have rent? Justin walks into his bedroom. He looks up and there is
Gally. She hands him a wad of cash. They disapear like a stage scene change. As Justin is alone,
with his laptop. JUSTIN (narrating his typing) Dear Penthouse. I never thought this would happen to me. Justin looks to the camera. Perhaps hopeful. JUSTIN But I am here. End. © 2021 Daniel RodriguezAuthor's Note
Added on February 18, 2021 Last Updated on February 18, 2021 Tags: Comedy, sitcom, pilot, Hollywood, adult humor Author![]() Daniel RodriguezPhoenix, AZAboutHello, my name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez and I am a wannabe writer. I am 27 years old and have been actively writing for the past 12-13 years. I enjoy writing scripts and breaking out into niche gen.. more..Writing