The Ghost Jan 2018 Issue: Two to Tango

The Ghost Jan 2018 Issue: Two to Tango

A Screenplay by Daniel Rodriguez

The Ghost and Malina face off against two smart opponents who may have committed the perfect murder.

The Ghost January 2018 Issue

Two to Tango
By Daniel Rodriguez
Ghost: I hear voices. They tell me to do things. They cry out for vengeance and justice. Only I can answer their call. The dead must find rest. They shall be avenged. I am "The Ghost".

Announcer: The Ghost! 

FX: Wind

Announcer: Fighting for the supernatural, defying those who would take advantage of spirits, and keeping the boundaries safe. When the dead can't speak! 

(Music; something mystical)

Announcer: Born able to communicate with the dead, Rick Hart, Private Eye, has established an agency secretly dedicated to serving those who passed and keeping balance in the two worlds. Should there be a murder most foul, should there be a grave threat to the powers that be. Then prepare for an otherworldly encounter with The Ghost!

FX: Clock counting down the time till it rings midnight. 

Announcer: The fates have set. The time has come for the fantastic mystery ride of paranormal proportions. Two To Tango! Brought to you comercial free by Lunascense.

Veronica: I have created the perfect murder.

Tina: And what my friend is the perfect murder?

Veronica: First off in a murder, odds are heavy on motive. Right?

Tina: A motive is usually what gets the person caught. Whoever had the biggest motive most likely did it. 

Veronica: So lets get rid of that, the victim, and the killer, are complete strangers. Not a husband or a wife.

Tina: But you are going to kill my husband. Right?

Veronica: Right. So far, the only one with a motive then, means and opportunity, would then be you. 

Tina: So you are saying…

Veronica: You will be on vacation when he dies. Away, perfect with an alibi. 

Tina: But what about the other things, and I still have a motive.

Veronica: Well, it would be motive if you knew he was cheating on you. Which you don’t. They cant prove it. Your husband doesn’t even know that you know. You never talked about it with anyone. 

Tina: But you.

Veronica: And motive to a murder only works if there is a murder.

Tina: So you arent going to murder my husband?

Veronica: Oh totally, but if there is no idication that there is a murder, like lets say he is away and there is verified accounts of him being sighted post his passing, that would make it seem like he just ran away. No one would come looking for him.

Tina: He has no debts as of now. So, lets start over.

Veronica: The perfect murder, no one knows the victim is dead, there is no evidence of a crime, the killer has no motive, means, or opportunity. As for how we friends met, not many in any circle know of us being close. We could be perfect strangers with no link between us. On the off chance the body is discovered, time of death established, it wouldn’t befall on you because you don’t know why he was killed. If they linked the affair then they would have to prove how you got someone to do it, which they wont because no one knows we are friends and if they did figure you for the murder, there is no way we have came into contact the month of the crime. 

Tina: No crime, no body, no evidence, no connection, and no MMO. 

Veronica: It is a fool proof plan. There is no way this can fail.

Tina: Why do you say I am the smart one?

Veronica: You are the only person to ever beat me in chess. 

Tina: You weren’t trying.

Veronica: Two months from now.

Tina: That seems far away.

Veronica: Blink, and he will no longer be on this planet. 

Tina: Hehe, even that is too good for him. 

Dramatic Music.

Tyler: It was surreal.

Malina: What was?

FX: Ground Shoveling.

Tyler: I was there but I wasn’t there. She was wearing a mask, that is all I knew of her. That and her voice. She loved to talk. I kept thinking the more she talked to me when I was placed in the trunk, I might be able to find out something about her but I guess I was wrong. She just talked about anything and nothing. 

Malina: Your killer…

Tyler: She must have been mad with power or something in her head must have snapped. But then there I was, sure as the coming sun, I was not going to get out of that alive. The last thing I remember before I died was the door closing on top of me. It was like a coffin. 

Veronica: Stupid gravel…

Tyler: I was staring at her and she couldn’t see me. I don’t think she knew I was already dead. She just kept talking. I wished she would just shut up.

Veronica: And if you think you had the worst day…

Tyler: I don’t even know why I died.

Malina: So you were kidnapped and taken to the middle of nowhere by a masked stranger and then burried alive in the desert.

Tyler: Death was not instant but I remember the sounds of the dirt piling on. The deafening yelling echoing of my own voice into my ear. I couldn’t breath. It was like I wanted to already be dead rather then experience the dying. It was just so darn horrifying and I just couldn’t stand it. It felt like an eternity with each breath slowly ending my life bit by bit and the voice in my head wouldn’t stop screaming. 

Malina: I would say you are okay now. You have nothing to worry about…

Tyler: But I am still dead, right? I don’t get to come back to life?

Malina: Unfortunately that is not how it works.

Tyler: Well this just bites.

Malina: But how did you find us, you said you were buried.

Tyler: It was like I saw a long light in the distance and I followed it. I saw the masked killer get into her car. You don’t think she knows I am here? Do you?

Malina: People can rarely see or even see ghosts on their own. My brother Rick Hart is an exception. I would go so far to say he is a major rare exception to the rule.

Tyler: So that is what brought me here. Your brother?

Malina: Well I am wondering why you didn’t follow her and maybe you could have figured out who your killer was.

Tyler: It felt like an eternity but a blink of the eye at the same time. I think it was so surreal I just wanted to leave, being around her, I just wanted to get out. 

Rick: Sis, where are you?

Malina: Rick, I am up here!

FX: Walking.

FX: Door opens.

Rick: Where is my assistant when I need her?

Malina: the girl who gushes for you? Yeah she is not here yet.

Rick: I asked her to come in early to check some of my old files and have them ready for me.

Malina: Did you say please?

Rick: Linda doesn’t need a please, she is happy to work for me.

Malina: Please and thank yous are still very nice brother.

Rick: I don’t have time for pleasse and thank yous when I am investigating a murder.

Malina: There is always time, Isnt that right mr. Tyler.

Rick: Don’t you dare take her side sir.

Tyler: What?

Rick: Come now, to the business at hand. So, my name is Rick Hart. And you are?

Tyler: I am Tyler, I am a devoted husband and I would like to think a somewhat decent human being.

Rick: And now you are a ghost. Which means you died. 

Tyler: Burried alive.

Rick: Ouch.

Tyler: Very claustrophobic.

Rick. I bet.

Tyler: You ever been burried alive?

Rick: No. Cant say that I have.

Tyler: Very very claustrophobic. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy…

Rick: But its very claustrophobic?

Tyler: My last moments, I couldn’t see in front of me, and maybe make out less than a centimeter in front of my nose. Not a good time.

Rick: Very Claustrophobic.

Tyler: In a nutshell.

Malina: So you had a horrible death. 

Tyler: Yes. And I can’t shake it. 

Rick: So who killed you?

Tyler: And you are sure you can help?

Rick: I am a private detective with certain skills at my disposal.

Malina: He runs around in a costume calling himself The Ghost.

Tyler: Wait! You are The Ghost?

Rick: Yeah. That am I!

Malina: His ego perks when you talk about his alter ego.

Rick: It isn’t that much ego. But you have heard of me I see. Yes. I have an attunement to the supernatural and I am here to help people like you who don’t have a voice when they pass, find peace, get justice, and hopefully pass on. Without that, there would be no end to spirits who cannot find rest and that would bleed into the world of the living in many horrible ways. I am sure you understand why I do what I do?

Tyler: So you are real?

Rick: And you are a ghost which means there is an afterlife and you are here right now talking to me, so yes, we both are real. 

Malina: So the question goes, you say you are a decent guy but what do you think caused you to get killed?

Tyler: I think it was the lack of oxygen…

Rick: No she means why. Why do you think you were killed?

Tyler: I don’t know.

Rick: Do you have any enemies?

Tyler: Not that I know of. I would like to think people loved me. Why my wife for instance…

Malina: You have a wife?

Rick: Most of the times in a situation like this, it would be the wife. The secret to not getting murdered is to not get married. Common sense. 

Tyler: My wife couldn’t have done it, why we loved each other madly.

Rick: All the more reason for you to be murdered. 

Tyler: Me and my wife, we were golden. I don’t think should would want to harm me. Why I havent seen her ever utter a bad thought in her life. 

Rick: Well, I guess if we have to start anywhere it would be the wife. But when were you killed, I know you just got here but you seem kind of…

Tyler: I don’t know, I feel like I have been wandering for a long time now. To be honest. I feel like between my death, my out of body experience, and finding this place its been years.

Rick: Could very well be. The dead don’t always have the best concept of time. I have had cases where victims claimed to have just been murdered when the crime happened decades ago. But you are here, I have a feeling there will still be a trail. We can follow it, we can find your killer. I can avenge you. 

Tyler: Please do.

Dramatic Music.

Tina: Another day, this empty house, this freedom. A book and no noise to bother me.

FX: Door knocks.

Tina: Who is there?

FX: Door opens.

Tina: Its no one. Must have been the wind rattling the screen.

FX: Door closes.

Tina: I should just cook myself up something tasty and forget about it.

Ghost: Lady Tina. 

Tina: I know some one is in here. Who is there?

Ghost: Your husband sends his condolences.

Tina: My…husband?

Ghost: How long has he been dead for?

Tina: Where are you? Show yourself?

Ghost: I am right here!

Tina: Ack, a robber!

Ghost: I am The Ghost. I am sure you have heard of me.

Tina: What? A guy dressed up as the cities guardian, is here? How am I to believe that you are the real thing?

Ghost: See the glow between my eyes.

Tina: How are you doing that?

Ghost: It is how I see the other side. It can be a gift I give to others. Or It can be a weapon. 

Tina: They say you can also take the form of some spirits, is that true?

Ghost: Yes. 

Tina: My husband, you tell me he is dead.

Ghost: You did not know?

Tina: All I know is that he had a job offer in another state and he ran off like the plague. I found out it was a lie and he sent me two letters not long after. 

Ghost: May I see these letters?

Tina: They are in this room. This way Mr. Ghost.

FX: Walking. 

Ghost: So you say he ran away. You expect him back?

Tina: I don’t know anymore I am just no longer holding my breath if you will. 

FX: Drawer opens.

FX: Paper shuffling.

Tina: Found it! Here, read these.

FX: Paper shuffling.

Ghost: My dear wife. I have heard rumors of a job opening and they have said that they wanted me. I will go now and I do not know if I shall return. I feel stuck here, and kind of alone, but know that my thoughts will still be with you though you may not be with me. If this is good bye do not look for another note….dated on the twelfth. 

Tina: And?

Ghost: The other one, dated two days later. The job did not pan out, here I will stay. This is truly good bye, I have nothing left of my old life in your home. 

Tina: Harsh right?

Ghost: Do you have anything else written by him?

Tina: He just upped and left me for life a state down the road and I havent heard from him since. 

Ghost: Unlike your husband, I may come back, if we find him that is, our conversation will be on hold.

Tina: Wait, before you go, I need to know. Is he really dead?

Ghost: We havent found the body, but that will all be a matter of soon. Fare well.

FX: Door closes.

Tina: He…was really here. Just here. I never expected The Ghost to be real, and after me of all people.

Dramatic Music.

FX: Paper fliped.

Linda: A game of poker Mr. Hart? Are you sure you should be fraternizing with your secretary like this?

Rick: Not at all. Maybe you can earn extra wages if you win a round.

Linda: You are on.

Malina: Brother, how did the tip to the police in the other county go?

Rick: We have been looking into a disapearance of a husband.

Linda: Have you now?

Rick: Yes. Well, we think the husband has been murdered. We have just received word through the grapevine that a body was found, the heat and muddled the time of death. 

Malina: I am sorry to hear that.

Rick: But if I were a genius and I am not, I would have struck and buried the body on the hottest of days. That would make the murder a week before the first letter came in the mail. 

Malina: So you say that he died before the letter was sent which means he didn’t write it.

Rick: But ironically, the note was in his handwriting, we are looking at a talented forger.

Linda: This tale seems gruesome.

Rick: The gruesome cases often are the ones that pay the bills. It is the way of life and the hint. 

Linda: How is it a hint? I am confused. 

Malina: So someone forged his signature and made it seem like he was alive whe he was already dead. And they did this to mess with the wife and or change time of death should this be discovered. 

Rick: I have a feeling we are dealing with a very cunning individual. But all of this points to a reason for a murder don’t you think? This clearly wasn’t random. 

Tyler: It felt random honestly. I don’t know why anyone would want me dead?

Malina: that is what you keep saying but this murder, the killer had to put a lot of effort into burying you, and writing the notes to make your death look like you ran away. 

Tyler: But I did not run away!

Rick: So, I am willing to raise your bet.

Linda: Okay then. I will take another card. Show.

Rick: Looks like you win again. 

Linda: That is because I can read you like a book. You try so hard to have secrets but I will uncover them.

Rick: Maybe you should be the private detective not me.

Linda: No, I like being the secretary and making you think you are the smartest in the room. 

Malina: I think I am thr smartest in the room. 

Rick: No, no no no. We arent going to debate brains. If you want to prove you are smart, how about I put a riddle for you. If you are going to kill someone, why cover up the death at all?

Linda: That would be because the death, I would guess, would be the implication itself. If you know the victim is the victim, it would implicate the killer.

Rick: But, lets say we find out an accurate time of death and the only suspect would…

Malina: Would what?

Rick: She was on vacation. 

Malina: Tina was on vacation. 

Rick: With friends. She couldn’t have done it. If anything the time of death would have exonerated her. I would think if she committed the crime she wouldn’t want to hid any of that. 

Malina: If she commited the crime, she wouldn’t have killed the person and be away at the same time. A person cant be in two places at once. That is just how the world works. 

Rick: Question two then my secretary friend.

Linda: Shoot.

Rick: You murder someone, but you are seen on the other side of the world.

Linda: Double?

Rick: I doubt it.

Linda: Contractor?

Rick: Money trial? 

Malina: We can try and look for a money trial but, he wasn’t a man in debt I don’t think she would benefit financially from killing him.

Tyler: Can we stop acting like my wife murdered me. She should be cleared from suspicion immediately.

Linda: And what motive would this person have?

Rick: Spouse.

Linda: Was he a pig? Theif? Abusive?

Tyler: No.

Rick: No.

Linda: Then why are we suspecting the wife?

Malina: So you think we should clear her?

Rick: So you think the wife wouldn’t be a suspect even though in majority cases…

Linda: I have learned going by majority doesn’t always solve cases, atleast how I have seen you do it.

Rick: Fair point. 

Linda: Do you mind if we turn up the radio?

Rick: Sure.

FX: Radio waves

News: And today we have the state chess champion, Veronica Tillbert in town. She will be playing exhibition matches at the library.

Veronica: Everyone, I look forward….

Tyler: That voice!

Veronica: We are having a tournament in the capital in a week and I really look forward to getting to know the locals and proving that even in a game of kings, This queen can take the prize.

News: Lovely as always isn’t she.

Linda: What a nice sounding lady. And must be smart too.

Tyler: That’s the masked lady!

Malina: What!?

Rick: What did you…

Linda: I mean she is a chess champion…

Tyler: Its her!

Dramatic Music

Veronica: Humming.

FX: Walking.

FX: Car door opens.

Veronica: Three games down, two more venues to go.

Ghost: Hello Veronica Tillbert.

Veronica: Huh, is someone sitting in the back seat?

Ghost: It is me, The Ghost.

Veronica: Huh…

Ghost: You don’t seem so surprised to meet me. 

Veronica: I have seen stranger things in my life than a man dressed up in a dusty hat and a mask. 

Ghost; Very well, you seem to be a very logical woman.

Veronica:: I have to be. It is a game I am constantly playing after all.

Ghost: Have you ever met a guy named Tyler…

Veronica: I met a couple of Tylers in my life.

Ghost: One of these tylers would be very much dead.

Veronica: You must be talking of a different one, mine are both very much alive last I heard. Why do you ask Mr. Ghost?

Ghost: One such man, has accused you of being his murderer. I would be very careful if I were you. 

Veronica: They say dead men tell no lies. 

Ghost: They do say that.

Veronica: When was the last time you met a dead man who was not honest.

Ghost: You mean a ghost who lies?

Veronica: Everyone lies, I don’t see why ghosts arent any different. After all, is not each person the hero of their own narratice. You claim some ghost named Tyler has reached out to you, do you believe that he is telling the truth that he was killed by me? Would you really put your legacy on the line for a spiteful say so?

Ghost: And what would he be spiteful about?

Veronica: Considering my line of work, if one of my old defeated rivals came after me, and my reputation, I would not be surprised. That is just how this line of work goes. 

Ghost: So you are claiming ignorance?

Veronica: Best type of bliss in the world. Do you agree?

Ghost: I can’t say that I do. But then if you believe ignorance is bliss, then I may need to shatter yours. Though you may wear a mask, you have my eyes upon you and I will see that the debt is paid back. 

Veronica: You are more than welcomed to try, but I am a busy girl, if you don’t wish to kill me, or mutilate my mind with one of your legendary tricks, I am going to be taking my leave. Could you please close the car door on your way out Mr. Ghost.

Dramatic Music.

Veronica: So, who is my next victim?

Malina: Ready Rick? 

Rick: Born ready.

Veronica: Oh hello, and you are?

Rick: Rick Hart, private eye 

Veronica: Oh dear, you are investigating me? What did I do?

Rick: Haha, I am investigating your skill set. They say you are one of the biggest prodigies to cone out in awhile and your genius intelgect extends elsewhere.

Veronica: We are engaging in wits?

Rick: Chess is a game of wits. Is it not?

Veronica:: You seem hungry for a losing.

Rick: I got back up.

Malina: Should be a piece of cake. I will just go into full drive mode.

Rick: I am not bad myself, but it has been awhile since open challenges went on. I thank you for letting me play against you.

Veronica: Well if you want to pretened you are my equal, let us see what you can do.

Rick: We will bring everything we have.

Veronica: You are bringing your heavy pieces out first. A bold move but amateurish.

Malina: If we focus on sacrifices and trading pieces she will out manuever us, she might be stronger.

Veronica: Looks like your rook is going to have to play keep away.

Rick: I am just trying to bait you.

Veronica: Should you be telling me this.

Rick: I like my gameplay very strait forward. 

Veronica: Says the person who is trying to ambush my queen. I would say it is clever but amatuer work.

Rick: Im always high risk high reward.

Veronica: Now that I take this piece.

FX: Clunk.

Rick: Ouch.

Veronica: You must now resort to a plan b.

Malina: She just took the edge of the match. Her queen will start to cause havoc of our lines. She is good.

Rick: Should we focus on the bishops specialty?

Malina: No. I think she is already waiting on that. I cant read her line, but I sense she has checkmate building. She says she wants to see our plan B, but I don’t think a plan B is realistic.

Rick: So failure…

Malina: Failure. She has us completely dominated in three moves, and the rest of the game will follow soon after. 

Veronica: I am disappointed, you look like you want to quit. No plan B?

Rick: I see three ways of getting a stay of execution, but each of those has a major flaw. Maam, Unless you have the skills of a novice, there is no way I can win back this match. You have me. 

Veronica: You could see that far ahead? Not false bravado?

Rick: You won. I concede.

Veronica: Then let us shake hands real quick. 

Rick: A pleasure to match witts with you.

Malina: She is amazing.

Rick: And you might be just as smart as they say.

Malina: Does that mean outside of chess too?

Rick: You might be the smartest person in the room. I concede that now.

Malina: If she is our rival, this is not going to be easy.

Veronica: Thank you Mr. Hart.

Rick: Before I go, my I have your number, I would like for us to duel again. 

Veronica: It is a date.

Dramatic Music. 

Linda: A date!?

Rick: We might have one final match before this all ends.

Malina: Even together we couldn’t beat her. You know, there is a good chance we cant break her.

Rick: So this will tell us wether or not she is the strongest or weak link.

Linda: A date!?

Rick: She is right though, a plan B. Might be necessary. Alright, Linda, I am heading onto my date. Watch the place while we are gone.

FX: Walking out.

FX: Door closes.

Linda: Not like we ever go on a date, but some bimbo from out of town shows up and bam, I am alone in this building while he is out partying with some brainiac.

Veronica: Mr. Hart. Good for you to come, I was getting really excited about the idea of playing you again.

Rick: But you trounced me so bad.

Veronica: You made a bad gamble, you could have played it safe… I would go so far as to say, you were playing with two different kind of fighting styles.

Rick: I was?

Veronica: You were aggressive, bold and jumped before you looked. The term high risk high reward came.

Rick: But you cut off my advances quickly…

Veronica: The other style was that of a careful warrior, building and plotting.

Rick: I call that the Malina strategy.

Malina: Rick, we want to challenge her one more time?

Rick: Your offense was too poised for any set up to build on my end.

Veronica: I couldn’t guess what move you were going to do for but a moment, and it was that unknowing that made me want to play you again. So please.

FX: Sitting.

Rick: The truth is you were trying to determine something from me and what is that?

Veronica: Well, I have my own little secrets obviously, but I saw hints of two people who don’t like to lose. Each compliments the other. 

Malina: She turned our attack and defense both against us.

Rick: Clearly it wasn’t strong enough. 

Veronica: But I also feel like you saw something from me. Or else lets be honest, you wouldn’t invite me out.

Rick: I am having a problem with a thought. Police are baffled, and I have been asked to comment on a case. But answer me this one question and then we can put our pleasantries aside.

Veronica: Five moves.

Rick: Excuse me?

Veronica: Your line of defense, I will obtain victory in five moves. 

Rick: Yes. You are one of the smartest people I ever met. So let me ask you one question, if you are willing to answer it.

Veronica: What is that?

Rick: Do you believe…in the perfect murder?

Dramatic Music.

Tina: I awoke, the next morning…

Tyler: Morning my love.

Tina: I got up, took a shower and made coffee.

Tyler: Breakfast is amazing honey.

Tina: He smiled, and I went off to work. He said he had to stay home and look through the papers. The money we had put aside would temporarily help us through his unemployment, I just nodded and went on.

Tyler: Have a great day at work and know, that I am proud of you.

Tina: At work I got a phone call.

Tyler: Hello, Tina, you there?

Tina: Tyler?

Tyler: I just want you to know, I am so happy, it is good to be back. You don’t have to worry about me leaving.

Tina: You wont leave?

Tyler: No reason for me to. We are bound together, forever.

Tina: I later hung up the phone after a few more sentances. I got back to my work, organizing accounts, and thinking about the hours until I could get home. After the day ended I got into my car and headed to the supermarket to pick up some food for the end of the day. It was nothing unusual. 

FX: Key inserts.

FX: Door opens.

Tyler: Welcome back home honey.

Tina: Hi…honey.

Tyler: What is for dinner.

Tina: Your favorite, Swedish meatballs in a cranberry sauce.

Tyler: Sounds like we have a fun night ahead of us. I got a call back but they didn’t seem interested, I have a good feeling about tomorrow. The whole getting a job thing. 

Tina: Just don’t give up.

Tyler: I wont. I love you.

Tina: I…love….you too…Wait… this is wrong.

FX: Door Slides open.

FX: Dialtone.

Tina: Hello! Hello!

Veronica: Yes?

Tina: Veronica!

Veronica: Hey! What are you doing calling? Is everything alright?

Tina: You killed him right!?

Veronica: What?

Tina: We need to meet up!

FX: Plates clang

Veronica: This diner was the best I could come up with. You said this was an emergency.

Tina: I know we said we wouldn’t do this.

Veronica: If there is something wrong we need to figure this out.

Tina: The perfect murder, and I am the one who is putting this in danger by having us meet in public.

Veronica: You’re my best friend. 

Tina: You are my best friend too.

Veronica: So tell me, what is on your mind?

Tina: You killed him, right?

Veronica: Yes. Burried him in the desert. I heard they found his body but couldn’t identify it. 

Tina: He was home today when I woke up.

Veronica: He was what?

Tina: In the bed. Acting like everything was normal. He wanted breakfast, wished me luck to work. Called me from work, and then commented that I shouldn’t worry about him running off to another town for another job or soul searching.

Veronica: Are you alright?

Tina: I forged those letters! Yet he is acting like they were written by him. 

Veronica: You are seeing things!

Tina: Tyler is un-killed. 

Veronica: I assure you he is very much dead.

Tina: Then who am I talking to?

FX: Door opens

Tyler: Welcome home honey. Where did you go?

Tina: I went to see a friend.

Tyler: Ah. That is good that you get out.

Tina: I need you to cut the act.

Tyler: Excuse me? Cut what act?

Tina: The Ghost. I know it is you. You yourself said, that you can take on the forms of the deceased.

Tyler: I am not…
Ghost:        not…The Ghost.

Tina: So, the illusion is gone.

Ghost: Tyler, he had a hard time you know.

Tina: He did?

Ghost: Meeting you, talking and confronting you. That was all him. But the truth is, you would never have known it was me if not for one fact.

Tina: What? I don’t understand what you are talking about and what you are doing here!

Ghost: You wouldn’t has suspected it was me if you didn’t know your husband was already dead.

Tina: I… wait….

Ghost: Yet how could you know he was dead? By some stranger showing up and telling you, based on no evidence that such was true? Even you believed after our conversation that he was off in another town. You even showed me evidence on those notes that have his handwriting that they were his. My word clearly didn’t sway your faith in his life, and yet you knew that I could not be him. It was a scientific impossibility, that the man who claimed he came back and laid next you was your husband. That is because you knew. 

Tina: You can’t prove any of this!

Ghost: I have another power, not many people know this one of mine but that is because a lot of people do not know much about me. You see I have secret invisible friends that cane help me. I had a friend of mine go with you to your meeting with your friend Veronica.

Tina: Who?

Ghost: And I quote…I forged those letters, and “Tyler is un-killed”. I really like that last one.

Tina: So, what happens? You think you have it all figured out?

Ghost: Just one last piece of the puzzle. Veronica, come out please?

Veronica: Well done Mr. Ghost.

Ghost: Why thank you.

Veronica: Us meeting was folly on our end but I feel that our downfall would have come about one way or another. Am I right?

Ghost: Several moves ahead as usual I see. So now we know the who’s lets get to the why.

Veronica: Are the police on their way?

Ghost: Yes they are.

Tina: Tyler cheated on me.

Tyler: What!

Tina: I found her love letter in his coat pocket. He must have forgotten to throw it out.

Tyler: She read that! Oh no…

Tina: I even followed him once.

Tyler: This can’t be…

Tina: They were kissing and more. I knew then and there that he had to die. 

Veronica: So she called me.

Tina: She knew I would have killed him by myself but figured she had another way. What she called the perfect murder.

Veronica: We met at a sleep away camp when I was going through an adoption. We were childhood friends and yet, the world did not know us in the same sentence. That is what made it easy to be in contact and have not a single soul outside of the two of us know the other. 

Tina: He was going to leave me. He hasn’t told her,  yet, but I saw the draft of the letter he was planning to male her. So we had to move quickly. 

Veronica: I said yes I would kill him and I came up with the plan. Like a game of chess every gambit had a perfect counter. She had the motive, so we kept the affair a secret. She had the opportunity so I did it instead physically away from her. We did this while she was on vacation so there was no human way that the mastermind could be linked to it. Then we hid the body so no one would even know if he was away from the world. All these people in this globe and when one isignificant life disappears, then the world moves on without a blink. 

FX: Sirens approaching.

Ghost: It seems we are nearing the final curtain. 

Veronica: I am ready to accept what I did. I will confess to the police.

Ghost: This story does not end on that note.

Veronica: It doesn’t?

Ghost: Tyler, he cannot move on, not because he was murdered, but the trauma of his death, it has seized his soul. And you are not sorry, you are happy that you stood up for your friend.

Veronica: I am…

Ghost: And so his soul wont find rest, until you feel…what he felt.

Veronica: What?

Tina: Unhand her!

Ghost: And you, you organized all of this. The two of you are no doubt smarter and ahead of me, at almost every twist in this case. So I had to cheat. Now, you who organized this, and corrupted your friend into playing your sick game, you get to watch.

Tina: I said unhand her.

Ghost: As for you. You will get to know what its like to be barried alive until your anxiety is so bad it causes your heart to stop. 

Veronica: I…I can’t breath.

Tina: Fight it!

Veronica: Someone! Help me!

Ghost: And you, you watch and know you did this to your best friend. Feel powerless to save her. 

Tina: Snap out of it!

Veronica: (choking)

Tina: I said snap…


Tina: Snap out of it. Move. Why wont you move?

Ghost: She is alive, but I can’t say the same for her state of mind. Experiancing death is one of the hardest things to live through. Burried alive, in a state of massive panic and claustrophobia, her mind couldn’t take it.

Tina: (slowly sobs) Veronica…wake up…

Ghost: And now, he can finally rest in peace. 

Sirens getting louder.

Ghost: Thus ends this chapter. If you ever care about your friends again, don’t have them do your dirty work. And honestly, I have yet to come across anyone that believes in the perfect murder.

Tina: Veronica…get….up….its me…tina…your friend…

Dramatic Music.

Fade out.

Malina: Rick, not many times I see you do that.

Rick: Break a persons mind?

Malina: Make them suffer their victims fate. Was it really necessary though?

Rick: I think so. Why?

Malina: She wasn’t an entirely bad person.

Rick: No she wasn’t. She had a lot of good qualites. She was a great friend who would move heaven or earth.

Malina: So did she deserve what came her way?

Rick: She is very smart and strong willed. It is not a death sentence. If her spirit is truly as strong as her mind, then I have no doubt she will slowly crawl her way back. 

Malina: And if she doesn’t?

Rick: Well, I gave her more consideration than she showed her victim. 

Malina: Rick.

Rick: Yes sis?

Malina: If she were to wake up, would you call on her?

Rick: Inteligence…it is a highly attractive quality. I will be rooting for her.

Dramatic Music.

Fade out.
Announcer: The Ghost and all characters are copyright by Supernatural Magazine Monthly. All characters living or dead are fictitious and all similarities are practically coincidental. All rights reserved.


© 2018 Daniel Rodriguez

Author's Note

Daniel Rodriguez
Enjoy! Happy New Years

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Added on January 1, 2018
Last Updated on January 1, 2018
Tags: Mystery, drama, adventure, script, radio, paranormal


Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez

Phoenix, AZ

Hello, my name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez and I am a wannabe writer. I am 27 years old and have been actively writing for the past 12-13 years. I enjoy writing scripts and breaking out into niche gen.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Daniel Rodriguez