![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by DevilInTheFleshMost people would probably call me a witch, which is not true. I am dead. Well, not actually dead, I feel dead because I've lived so long and the pain has caused me to often go into spouts of depression. I'm not suicidal, of course. I am after all, a vampire. You won't believe how many times I've been killed and have come back only to be chased down once again for my blood. I can not be capable neither of aging nor of being killed by conventional means. I have been shot fatally a number of times, crushed by water pressure, burned at the stake, beheaded by a guillotine, and placed in an iron maiden, and each time I've survived and eventually recovered.
I've never really tried to kill myself for that would be the an absolute worthless thing to do. I've always dreamed that someday I could offer my immortality to someone who fears death. I always wanted to be human since any other human would go insane of they had to live as long as over 1,000,000 years, or so. I'm not sure how long I've lived since I've never bothered to keep up with the days or count for that matter. I'm afraid that if I do my immortal life will only increase, silly isn't it? I'm talking now like I've always done just to know that my heart is beating. My name is the most important thing to me, the only connection I have to my mother who abandoned me and died shortly after.
She didn't do because she didn't want me, but due to that she couldn't support two people. I never really had a name when I met the woman who I always called "Mother". I met her at age 3. I was wondering around until I met her. She asked who I was only to have the question repeated back to her. She introduced herself as Martha. I had no idea what a name was. I was just blessed that I could talk some. She named me Vivian and was the only one that cared for me like she was my own mother. I still love her. As I aged, I soon was starving.
What little food we had, she always gave to me. She smiled at me as I ate. When I hit six, she left me. I hated her, but I knew she had a reason. I just wish I could have told her that I loved her before running away that day. I talk to you because you have a name don't you? The only identity that will have people recognize you in society. I'm blessed to have one because others my age did not and often killed themselves. Do you know what it's like to watch the orphans you lived with kill themselves because life and God did not treat them well.
It was so painful for me. When the last of my family ran away leaving me behind since I was dead weight, I traveled on bare feet and soon collapsed from hunger. I believe I laid there for hours or a full day. I was scared that I would die and the vultures would swoop down to feast on what was left of my own decaying carcass. I soon realized that my so called comrades died after leaving me. I wish I could have joined them. Suddenly, the shadow of a young boy loomed over my thin child like body offering me bread. His name was Axel, I found his name weird. He also had two other companions. Both were female. Esme and Ariel. The four of us began to live in a small shack. It was all I needed, I didn't care how small it was. I was very sick when I lived with them and died painfully and slowly. Only then that I wake up with a raw pain in my chest.
Axel looked at me with a show of concern. I asked him how and why I wasn't dead. He revealed to me that he was a vampire. I laughed at his insanity and when not one of them was seeing how it was a joke, my heart stopped. Axel had given me his blood so that I could live. He never did this for Esme and Ariel since they were already vampires. He doesn't know how happy he made me that day that I would live, only to know that I'd never know what it's like to die. The hardest thing was that I had to keep my immortality a secret. Not that I didn't mind living with my "family" for all eternity. I always imagined that I'd be saved and live happily. Then someday find my mother. Finally die after my happy life.
However, that dream was gone. I've watched trillions of people die before my eyes. I'd sigh. I am happy for my life. If not, I'd have never met Axel. As children, we'd steal a lot of food. Back then, economy did not care for orphans. I'm sorry if I'm boring you with all this talk of mine. It's only that I wish I could have a life where I'll know when it's my time. I'm off to my classes now. Before I go, I sound as though I'm only 24, despite that even I know I'm several years older. In my voice you hear an ancient mystery that notes I've lived longer from experience. I can pass for eighteen which is why I'm in college now. I'm looking for Axel, wherever he may be. I walked down the dorm room for boys and make a right all towards the sixth door. I open the door slowly and see Axel sprawled on his bed, a pillow over his face. He's no longer the rail thin child I knew. With a mischievous smile, I crawl onto his bed and shove my finger down his throat. An odd way to wake someone.
After his fit off hacking, his eyes find their way over to me.
"Oh, you've awaken. Good morning Axel!"
"Good morning, Viv," he says. He's the only one whom I allow to call me by that name.
"Give me a break okay?" He lounges back onto his bed.
"Don't go back to sleep!" I land on his chest as he cries in pain. I'm not that heavy. I love to see him in comical light. I tickle him.
"Wakey! Wakey! Wakey! I won't stop!"
"Stop it Vivian!" he laughs.
"C'mon then sleepy head!!"
Axel sleeps a lot. He's a character who hardly shows emotion, only to have no one other than me to shake him from his sleep. He does little to cease my actions. I'm still on top of him as he catches his breath. He does not mind me being on top of him. I've done it plenty of times before in past lives whenever I'd love to see the look in his eyes whenever he sees me on him and an annoyed expression crosses over his handsome sharp face. He still doesn't move after his arm crosses his face.
"What?" he moans.
I lean in even closer so that we're leveled. He'll be staring at my chest when he opens his eyes again.
"That's too close Viv. Get your breasts out of my face."
"I will when you get up from you lazy a*s and come with us to hang out." I'm lying on top of him, my hair wrapped around his neck. This makes him uncomfortable. When we were children he did not mind because it was our game and ours alone. Ever since I hit puberty, it's gotten to a point where he tries to not look at my chest and my face. He jokes saying that I'm flat chested and don't have much going for myself. I'd kick him in his groin for that only to have a throbbing foot. I never did find out exactly what he wore under his pants back then.
"Don't make me do it." I sing as my hand reaches to grab his crouch. I playfully slap his chest to note that I was kidding. I massage his throat and slowly closed in. I'm thirsty. I am often thirsty since I can't and never will kill a human for their blood. Axel doesn't feel pain as I enjoy my meal. He is like a brother to me, the only relative I have in this entire world now that I know I shall never see my mother again. Once I almost bled him dry from a severe hole in my chest in the Vietnam War.
"You're still a virgin, right Viv?"
"Sorry, had to know. After all,..."
"I'm not a horn dog. You know I'm a virgin."
I've had plenty of lovers over the eons. I am not shy to admit it. Both male and female. I've always had Axel there with me to see that I don't even take a pint of their blood. Sometimes I wish that he were never there to watch my every step as though he were afraid that I would kill any mortal that crossed me. I've kept control so he has nothing to worry about. My fangs are dripping Axel's blood. I do not wish to drink from him for that only increases my desire for blood and since I'm not an experienced vampire like him, for he has lived longer than me, the faintest scent of blood will make me go berserk. I could kill an entire nation for blood if I smelled. I've never drank blood other than Axel's for he is my creator and I am to promise him that I won't kill anybody. He makes me glad that I am never alone. After he asked me that I wonder who I should give my virginity too.
I lie next to Axel.
"What are you thinking about?" I ask.
He scratches his nose. I watch the rise and fall of his chest. "Are YOU a virgin Axel?"
"Why are you worried about it?"
"You asked me the same thing."
"This is you Viv, not me."
We head towards class, not speaking another word to another. You won't believe how many people believe that we're lovers. I coldly respond that that could never happen. Hell would have to freeze over before that ever happened. Don't get me wrong, I care about Axel he's not my type. Of course who'll ever by my type. I've had millions of lovers remember and have never gotten into a relationship with any of them. The reason why is that they've all been killed whenever seen with me. © 2010 DevilInTheFlesh |
Added on December 5, 2010 Last Updated on December 5, 2010 Author![]() DevilInTheFleshOzark, ALAboutThe only thing you should know about me is my name and what I write . more..Writing