![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by DevilInTheFlesh"Aiden, please don't cry. Don't cry anymore. I forgive you...." Skye awakened with a cold sweat. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She was dreaming about Aiden? It was hard for her to explain why. "Good morning princess!" Skye scowled at Aiden before kicking herself out of bed. She turned to face him again. "What?" he asked. "I know I've seen you before." "Skye, what are you talking about?" "I was dreaming about you." "Does that mean you like me? I knew it!" he smiled. "No, it was nothing like that. I dreamt that you and I were friends, but I was a child and you were seventeen. I talked to you all the time as the years went by, and I've noticed that you've stayed the same age from the first day we met under a apple tree. Then we started to have feelings for each other. I keep dreaming about us, but it appears that we're in different time zones, like different times. The years going from Medieval Times to.. I can't remember, but it's like a time line. Then I have this last dream where I'm lying in bed and you're crying. Then that's it. I don't know what it means, but it sure was weird." "So, you dream about us being lovers?" "No you idiot! I don't know why, but I have these dreams for ten years now and every time I look at you I keep getting a feeling of deja vu." "You see me all the time Skye. At school, home, or anywhere I just pop up and want to spook ya." he laughed. "But still, I feel like I've seen you before. When I was six-years-old, I met a guy who looked and sound just like you. His name was Aiden too. Yet I still feel as though I've seen you before, I just can't remember when or why. My head hurts now. I don't even know why I'm discussing this with you of all people Aiden." "You've never seen me before Skye prier to to the last two days we met. You're just dreaming about me because you know you love me!" "Jerk." Skye muttered as she slammed the door to her bathroom. Aiden lost his smile slowly before drawing in a deep breath. "You've never seen me before Skye. Not even in your dreams. So please, stop dreaming about me." His voice was serious and cold. He clenched his fists and headed out of Skye's room to take his own shower. ********* "Sarah! There you are! I'm so happy to see you!" Skye hugged her friend who gave her a weak smile in return. "Still depressed about you-know-what?" "Yeah." "Have you told Ashton yet?" "No, I haven't told anybody." "Well you better before you start to show Sarah. What are you going to do?" "I'll have to run away." "You can't do that Sarah! Think about the people that will miss you! What you and your.. you know?" "I'm not sure. I don't want to take another life, but this baby's life has to end now. I'm eating more and more and I don't want my parents to get the wrong idea. You might as well call the Amber Alert Skye, because I'm leaving. I can't stay here." "No. Sarah please. Just talk to somebody about this." Skye was running out of ways to comfort her troubled friend. "I'm sorry Skye, but I'm scared. I'm so scared." Sarah wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm such a wimp," she said. "I always seem to be crying." Skye smiled and patted Sarah's back. The were now headed toward their first period class as soon as the bell rang. Skye caught a glimpse of Aiden before he disappeared behind the corner of her locker. What's up with that? The whole time during class, all Skye could think about was Sarah and her baby. Now if this were a different scenario and it was Skye with a baby, she would confess and not be ashamed that she got pregnant the six months she's been dating her boyfriend. Sarah, you have to tell somebody or else sooner or later everybody will know, At least tell Ashton. He'll understand. I just hope he's not one of those guys that'll bail out as soon as he hears that's he's going to be a daddy. I would feel so sorry for Sarah then. "Who you thinking about?" Aiden asked, poking Skye lightly in her neck. "Mind your own business Aiden. And how do you even know if I'm thinking about someone? Were you eavesdropping on me and Sarah while we were in the bathroom?" "Now why would I do that girly? I could have been waiting for you to get out or barged in to say that class will start soon. Tell your friend Sarah, congratulations on the kid." Aiden winked. Skye bit her bottom lip and clenched her fist until, face red. "You heard all that? You little-" Skye furrowed her eyebrows when she saw that hi slips weren't moving at all. How was he talking to me without moving his lips? she thought, slowly turning back around. Skye took one last glance at Aiden then shook her head. Aiden's POV I watch her turn around completely dumbfounded. She was thinking how I was talking to her without moving my lips. She's the spitting image of her, but her personality is not the same. I don't want her to figure it out too soon already. She's too confused at the moment. I shouldn't have tasted her blood and now I'm tempted to cut her throat. Where did that come from? I couldn't harm her like I did the others years ago. I've gone against my promise to never harm another living soul. I'm sorry, Elizabeth. "Aiden? Are you day dreaming?" Skye asks me with a smile. She has a beautiful smile, her voice is soft, she still has big breasts. I laugh and she gives me a expression as though I've lost my mind. I join her once the bell rings. "You were going to finish our conversation earlier?" I ask standing by her locker. She raises an eyebrow, rolling her beautiful icy blue eyes. "You better not tell anybody about the conversation between me and Sarah or you'll be walking funny." "If that is what you wish. I wouldn't forgive myself if my Lil'Skye got hurt," I say, placing my hands on her shoulders. "Since when I am your Lil'Skye?" she swaps my hand away angrily. "Ahh, I love it when you treat me then. You're sexy when you're heartless Skye." I push her back by the forehead. I receive a punch in the stomach and glad it wasn't my crouch this time. ******** "Zoey's crying again." "I got her, I don't need your help Aiden." Skye patted the infant's back to soothe her but she only wailed louder. Aiden took her out of Skye's arms. "Hey there you, remember me? You are so adorable." Zoey yawned and smacked her tiny mouth against Aiden's chest. Skye was surprised. "You're good with kids. She's never calmed down except when around me or my Aunt Kirsten. May I ask you something?" "Sure." "When you arrived here, did you live anywhere near here?" "No, just moved here like two days before I arrived to your house." "So, you're living here temporarily?" "Yes. DO you want me to?" Skye blushed. "You're staying in my house. So yeah, but not because I care. It's because my aunt expects me to give you a chance. So far you've annoyed me from day one. So I guess you're okay. Do you miss your parents like ever?" she asked. "My parents are dead. They've been dead for a long, long, long, time now." Skye looked aghast at her faux pas. Her hand rose partially to her mouth. "It's alright, I never really knew them. I've been alone a long time." he took her hand and lowered it gently. She's alone, too, that was why she cared so much, he thought. Her hand was soft and thin; it pricked him softly. He felt her tug on his hand. "I know, that's why you never would have met me." Skye thought where did that come from? Good thing it was a whisper. She massaged her temples. Okay, what's going on here? Why am I saying these things? What possesses me to do so and why aren't his lips moving? I have to lay off the spicy foods seriously. This must be all some sort of weird dream. it's like I know him. He feels so familiar and I can't even remember. Know! Skye Watson get a hold of yourself! You've only know this guy for almost three days now and you think you know him. Even though you dream about the two of you together, there's no way! he's the son of the Aiden you knew ten years ago. Skye convinced herself before resting Zoey in her crib. What was I thinking about just now? I need a nap. Skye was quiet the whole trip to her room. She crawls into bed, surprised to see Aiden in her chair. "Feeling sick?" he asks. His lips are moving, so I'm not crazy. I must be so stressed today. But I could have sworn that his lips weren't moving earlier. "You could say that. I'm going to bed okay. I'm really tired." "Oh, then it must be cramps." Skye throws a pillow at him which he catches with ease. "I was kidding! Don't get sensitive girly." Skye closed her eyes and dreamt. London. 1867 "What's the matter?" Aiden asks. The young sixteen-year-old girl gives him a smile. She has long flowing, waist-length dark brown/chestnut hair, full pink lips, and icy blue eyes, the spinning image of Skye herself. "Oh nothing. I just remember all our years together and I'm so ever fortunate to be with you Aiden. Aiden, if something happens to me..-" The girl rises from her bed and caresses his face. "I want you to promise me that you won't kill any more humans. That breaks my heart." "If that is what you wish Elizabeth." "You're always saying that. I enjoy your company. I know you have a habit of calling me by my middle name, but you should call me by my real name." Elizabeth laughs. Aiden gives her a small smile in return. "When you were a child, you didn't like it when others called you by your first name, it was only I that could do so. Now you're just full of smiles lately as you've grown Elizabeth." "I was a child then. Thank you for walking me home." "I'd do anything for you." "I know you would." "I've lived so long Aiden. When I first opened my eyes to this world, I've witnessed so much pain, war, death, sickness, I've seen no point in our own kind living like this. I guess you could call me insane, no wonder mortals die. No one, like us, should live this long. There's no such thing as immortality. The hell of living forever and ever, but I have you, the most precious to me. I want you to promise me something. When this is all over, will-" ****** "Skye." he said softly, like distant bees. He looked at a now awakened Skye, trapped in her eyes again, feeing impelled. "I don't think I'll ever have a chance to go to sleep. Why do I dream about you all the time Aiden? I don't even remember any of the things in my dreams. But it's like you're always by my side." "Elizabeth," he breathed. "Who's she?" Skye asked. "Nothing. It's nothing." "Don't you ever get tired Aiden? Don't you ever sleep? School is hectic on me sometimes." "I don't need much sleep. I like to stay up late. I watch you sleep. You're so adorable." "Don't start Aiden." Skye relaxed on her pillow once more before having a vision of Aiden with fangs. I'm paranoid and need to be committed, she thought before falling asleep. ************* Aiden ![]() © 2010 DevilInTheFlesh |
1 Review Added on September 12, 2010 Last Updated on September 12, 2010 Author![]() DevilInTheFleshOzark, ALAboutThe only thing you should know about me is my name and what I write . more..Writing