![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by DevilInTheFleshSkye was alerted at Zoey's crying and picked up the tiny baby. "Don't cry, I'll protect you. I'm glad he didn't hurt you baby." Zoey's hazel/grey eyes were visible through her slitted eyes as she looked at Skye, still squirming. "Omg, I have to get home, It's 9:16!" Placing Zoey in her stroller, Skye casually walked home, not looking back. There would be hell to pay later from her Aunt from staying out so late . **** "Skye! Where have you been? Zoey! I almost called the police. Do you know what I thought when I realized that you and Zoey weren't in the house? You could have called." Kirsten has waist-length, flowing blond hair, hazel/grey eyes, and full pink lips. She could pass for Skye's mother's twin, which she was. She just dyed her hair and got contacts. It's amazing how Zoey got blond hair when it's not even her mother's real hair color but then again her father did have blond hair himself. "I'm sorry Aunt Kirsten, I just wanted a walk. Zoey was crying all day." "She's just tired. Skye, I don't want you going out in the middle of the night. Haven't you read the newspapers?" Kirsten picked up Zoey who was nuzzling against her mother's chest. "Looks like she's hungry." "I just fed her not too long ago. How can she still be eating?" Skye asked. "Doesn't it hurt when you breast feed her?" Skye and her aunt entered the kitchen. Skye opened the refrigerator to grab herself a sub sandwich form Sub Way. She hadn't eaten all day and the sight of the sandwich made her hungry at last. "The doctor says to breast feed for six weeks and just ignore the pain. it doesn't hut anymore, just kinda tickles. She's still a baby. When I thought that you two were gone, .. I thought about her. She's my only baby, my only child, my first born." Skye watched as Zoey suckled on her mother's breast, feeling a wave of nostalgia of memories of her own mother. Skye blinked away the tears from her eyes. "I'm so exhausted Skye. I can tell you've been sleeping all day. Don't you sleep at night dear?" She didn't answer. If she was home any amount of time, she would know. "I'm going to bed. Good night." Skye rose from her chair and headed upstairs. She didn't hear her aunt's voice calling for her at all once she opened her bed room door and screamed. "What? I'm that hideous? You aren't exactly PlayBoy of The Month yourself girly." "AUNT KIRSTEN!!" Skye shrieked at the top of her lungs. "What's wrong? Oh.." Her aunt paused nervously, looking at the boy with no shirt on on Sky's bed. "I wanted to tell you that there was a guest in your room." Skye pulled on her aunt's arm, slamming her bedroom door. "Alright, spill it. Now." Skye's voice was full of grit and fear. "Skye, you act as though you've seen a ghost. Well, I was at the Juvenile Center and the people there didn't know what to do with him anymore. he punched, kicked, bit, and almost killed one of the patients there. He's escaped countless times and they've never caught him because he would be in the center around midnight. The court says either I keep him or he can go live on the streets. I couldn't help it Skye. he has no where else to go." "So you put Aiden in my room?" Skye blurted out, covering her mouth and mentally slapping herself from being so stupid. "How do you know his name is Aiden?" "I-I-I.... Uhh,.. Well ten years ago I met this guy who looked exactly like him and his name was Aiden so I just called him that. Sorry." Skye massaged her temples. "Please, Skye, he doesn't have anywhere else to go and I'm scared for him. So... he'll have to stay in your room." "What?! Don't we have a guest room?" Please say yes. "Keep your voice down and no, I'm sorry Skye. Please don't be cruel and treat him as our guest. He doesn't have anywhere else to go." Skye slowly opened her door. Aiden was staring at her. He smiled and waved at her. She closed the door. "Fine." she mumbled. "Thank you. Oh, now that he's in your room. Please don't try anything with him." "Aunt Kirsten, I would never try to have sex with him. He's not that cute. If he tries anything, I'll let you know." "I know I can trust you Skye. Now before you judge just get to know him better and I want you to show him around the school." With that Skye again opened her door and Aiden was still shirtless. "Please put a shirt on. You're sleeping on the floor." "Why so mean? I'm sorry about attacking you earlier." Aiden grabbed a large black shirt and slipped into as Skye headed for the bathroom in her room. She also has her own bathroom. With him in her room, what would she do now? He really looks like the guy from ten years ago. Yeah.. he could be his son. The Aiden from the past must have been much older than I thought if he already has a teenage son, thought Skye as her clothes descended towards the floor and the warm water splashed on her. She couldn't believe how tense her muscles were. This room has her scent, Aiden thought. He scanned her room, picking up pictures, articles of clothing, and just smelling her room. "Lilac, honey, and ginger. Nice. With just a hint of cinnamon." Steam filled the room when he saw Skye in plaid shorts and a tank top. He raised an eyebrow and Skye covered her chest. "Don't get so self cautious girly. I'm not interested in your body. I won't try anything." "Good because I don't even know you." He approached her and she step backed bumping into her dresser drawer. "Do you want to?" He gave a cocky grin. Skye pushed past him and climbed into bed. She jumped when she turned to her left. "On the FLOOR. You're not sleeping with me!" "I will stay out side the sheets like a gentlemen. I promise I won't touch you, unless you want me to. All you have to do is ask girly." Oh my god, this guy is full of himself isn't he? Skye rolled her eyes, turned off her light, and fell into a deep slumber. "Goodnight, Skye." Aiden whispered. ****************** Skye left the library early. It was no use sitting there doing nothing. She had stared at the wall, out the window, and at the clock; anything but Aiden. Ever since she introduced him to the school, all the girls have been drooling over him like love sick puppy dogs and asking her to give them his number. She was too embarrassed to tell them that he was living with her. The last thing she needed was her phone ringing at all hours of the night hearing Aiden sweet talk these desperate girls. It may sound like she was jealous but that was the last emotion she wanted to feel for him. She didn't like him not one bit. He was poking her in the back of her head all the time, passing her notes, anything to get her attention or just to mess with her. Even Sarah had fell for his charms, but he wasn't her type considering that she already had a boyfriend. I can't start screwing up in school, her aunt has enough worries. "Damn!" she muttered as she fumbled with her locker. It was stuck which was never. She felt like kicking the stupid thing. Yet she just stood there glaring at it. "It won't melt, no matter how long you stare at it. Even though it should have under all that ugly on your face," came a voice at her side. "Aiden! Haven't you caused me enough trouble today? Why do you sneak up on me quietly?" "You've got to sneak about to surprise those that are the easiest to scare. Like girly girls like you." "Whatever." Skye whispered. "Skye!" "Sarah. Are you cutting classes?" "No. I never cut class. I'd love to but I don't want to grow up to be a bimbo with no common sense, then have sex with some random guy only to wake up with my panties down my ankles and a murder hang over." "That makes sense. Anyway this is Aiden, unless you have already seen him." "Where? I don't see Aiden. I would love to because he's a hottie." "Sarah, he's right here?" Skye looked bewildered to not see Aiden there at all. Where did go that fast? "I swear he was right there Sarah." "Alright if you say so. Come with me t ![]() Skye Lingheart(left) "There's nothing going on between us. He's a cousin visiting for a while until further notice. He drives me crazy though." "He's still cute." They stood in front of the mirrors, and Sarah pulled out a comb to arrange her silky blond hair. She had a heart shaped face, button nose, and a beautiful hour glass figure. Not to mention her dark brown eyes. "You'd think they'd replace these damn mirrors," she said angrily. "They're all cracked." Then she stopped the pretense of combing and turned to face Skye, who saw her friend's face change suddenly. Uh-oh, Skye thought. "Skye, the reason I asked you to come with me to the bathroom is because I have something that you should know." her voice was shaking. "Sarah was wrong?" Skye placed an arm on her friend's shoulders. "Well, I've been going out with Ashton for six months now and he's the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's not like the other guys. But... there's something else I should have told you last night." "You broke up with you. I'm so sorry Sarah." "No, it's not that Skye. I was scared to tell you but.. you need to find out." Sarah pulled off her shirt, standing in her bra now. She took Skye's hand and placed it on her stomach. A moment of silence as Skye felt a firm heartbeat, but barely, yet could still tell. Her eyes widened to the size of golf balls. "No. No. Hell no Sarah! This is impossible!" "No it's not. Remember Skye it takes two to make a baby." "You're... pregnant?" Sarah solemnly shook her head, crying as she put her shirt back on. "What happened?" "Well, he didn't force me, it just happened. We've been going out for six months now and I told him I was ready. Knowing him he'd do anything for me and next thing you know we were having sex. It happened like a week ago alright? Then I started getting sick, like real sick and it wasn't a stomach virus. I bought a pregnancy test without my parents knowing and I waited fifteen minutes. The test came out positive and I just wanted to die Skye. I haven't even told my parents or Ashton. You have to swear you won't tell anybody. Only you can know this." "Sarah.. I..." "Please. I'm scared to tell anybody else and my dad said he would kill Ashton if I ever got pregnant. I'll have to get an abortion." "How?" "I can get my cousin to sign me in and not tell a soul. She was suppose to get one too but kept her baby. I don't want to be a teen mom Skye, I'm only sixteen. I'm not ready to quit school. But... I.." "You what?" "I don't want to drop out of school. I have to get rid of this baby." "Sarah, think about this for a moment. Tell Ashton first then your parents." "You know Skye? I've always pitied teen moms, shaking my head on how they were able to get knocked up so easily. Now I'm one of them. No one will understand how this feels. I feel as though I've failed my parents. I'm so scared Skye. I'm sorry. but I have to go." "Sarah wait!" Sarah ran out of the bathroom the second period lunch was signaled. Damn, damn, damn, Skye thought. The door burst open and a group of preps crowded in. They were all glaring at Skye. "What's your relationship to Aiden?" Morgan asked jeeringly. "He's my cousin out of town." "Really? Good. Because if he weren't, you need to stay away from him. He's mine you stupid b***h. There's no way you could ever score a guy like that in like ever. A man would have to be desperate or blind to go out with you." "You're right Morgan. I mean c'mon, he's definitely an excellent reward for you after blowing the entire basketball team, I guess he's number one." Morgan's jaw dropped. "I did not blow job the-" Skye cut her off. "Don't lie you little skank. You gave them blow jobs after Ashton's brother wouldn't take your s****y butt. You're so desperate to find a new guy all the time it's ridiculous. You only see boys as eye candy and just have a one night stand with them, they're nothing special to you. You've even blown jobbed every new guy that's come to this school based on their looks. I will be damned if I ever let you blow job Aiden. He' s better than that. Now excuse me." Skye swept out of the bathroom. Things were back to normal. In the cafeteria Skye didn't see Sarah at all at their usual table near the back door. Instead Aiden sat across from her. She didn't even notice until now. He sat with his fingers bridged across his face. She was remembering what she said about him being better and wondered where that came from. She didn't even like him. I wonder what color his eyes are, she thought then slapped herself mentally for the thought. "Do you ever cut your hair?" Skye asked. "Well, there was a time when it reached past my shoulders. That was the only time I ever cut my hair. Oh, and if you're wondering about my bangs, I like it this way. You're also wondering what color my eyes are. I'll show you." His voice was deep as he said this as he lifted up his bangs and revealed beautiful deep shaded amber eyes to Skye. Skye smiled with a nod. "Cool eyes. I've never really seen anybody with amber eyes before." "So, where's your friend Sarah?" "I don't know. I guess she went home." "You got some hot friends here." Skye snorted. "Are you serious? These girls will open their legs for any boy that has looks and gives them a second glance." "Jealous are we?" "Oh yes Aiden, I'm so jealous. I must say I'm very jealous. I want to open my legs to every hot guy I see and then grow up to be a disease ridden stripper or hooker. I can't wait. I might so do that. Oh, I might even give them blow jobs until my jaw breaks. Yes, I would so do that." "Seriously? Alright then! Open your legs!" Skye kicked him hard in the crotch and he kneeled over in pain, but not falling to the floor. "I was being sarcastic you dumb a*s! You are so.. grrrr! You're impossible." "I was kidding Skye," he groaned. "Yeah right jerk." "Can you massage my balls?" She kicked him in the crotch again. "You're a f****n a*****e Aiden. You're a disgusting chauvinistic pig!" Skye stormed off ,leaving Aiden in serious pain. Where does he lay off? I knew he was just like the rest of these boys who have a penis for a brain. ********** Skye flopped on her couch, as usual her aunt wasn't home and Zoey was sound asleep. She left the door open but didn't care. She was too exhausted. Sarah wouldn't answer her phone it was like a twenty minute drive to her house. She walked to the kitchen. It was getting late, almost midnight. Time really does fly. Skye reached for the jar of pickles in the cabinet and pulled a knife from the drawer, then some carrots, meat, and cucumbers. She didn't know what she was going to make out of this, but she could make a burger. She was chopping up real good. Not that her aunt couldn't cook, she never had the time and Skye learned to cook from watching her back when her uncle was still in the picture. I'm home!" Skye jolted and cursed under her breath. He had scared her and to top it off, there was a gash in her hand now. Great. It was bleeding profusely. She needed the first aid kit. "What ya cooking?" Aiden asked. "Nothing anymore I cut myself." Aiden watch the crimson liquid fall from her arm and came to her aid. "Let me take a look at that." "You're trying to help me after I kicked you in the balls? Twice." "Yeah. That hurt by the way." "I just need the first aid kit and I'll be fine." Skye felt a yank on her arm as Aiden lifted her bleeding hand to his mouth and licked it. "Aiden, that's going to get it more infected." She watched as he licked from her forearm, wrist, and hand. Then in the same cycle until he sucked her hand. "Aiden, knock it off. That kinda tickles and it's disgusting because your tongue is licking my hand too. Now let me go." The grip on her hand tightened. "Aiden let me go. Please. You're hurting me. Aiden! Stop!" Aiden reached inside the drawer for a band-aid, pressing it onto Skye's hand. "I'm sorry, Skye, That was way out of hand. I just heard that you can also lick a cut like yours clean. Sorry about that. I'm sorry Skye." "It's alright really." Aiden bored his eyes into her. "You taste and look just like her." he whispered before dropping Skye's hand and heading upstairs. Skye's heart raced tremendously. Aiden... ** Aiden looked in the after turning off the faucet. "That was too close." He looked in the mirror. His own reflection showed him having the appearance of having blood red eyes and needle point fangs reaching towards his chin. "That was way too close. I'm not repeating history." The red eyes disappeared and the fangs shrank into normal human teeth. Aiden marched out of the bathroom towards Skye's room. She was already asleep. Closing the door and turning off the lights he sat in Sky's chair, watching her sleep the whole night. © 2010 DevilInTheFlesh |
1 Review Added on September 12, 2010 Last Updated on September 12, 2010 Author![]() DevilInTheFleshOzark, ALAboutThe only thing you should know about me is my name and what I write . more..Writing