Bite me

Bite me

A Chapter by Bloggergirl29

-I bet right about now you are ready to see what the note says so was I but here is where things are about to get weird.....
I began to unfold the note.. at last. I saw Jamon's eyes fixed on my hands as they began to open what we'd been distracted by all day. (I assumed he was also distracted by the note as he had adopted my compulsive behavior when we became friends)(I am a very compulsive person so I had gone through all the possible things it could say by the time lunch was over) I started to read aloud "Dear Amelia--" After a loud whooshing and a few flashes of light interrupted me. 
I in what I assume to be shock reached out for Jamon after a few manly grunts he managed to utter "9-1-1 call 9-1-1,where's the phone?" I instantly indicated it was in my back pocket which from what I could gather was behind me. I tried to reach for it but my arm would not move. I attempted to move the other one but was unable. It was stuck between the seats. Nothing felt broken or hurt then again I felt nothing right now. 
I watched Jamon's labored breathing. In the distance I heard honking and a woman screaming to someone asking, begging really, for help. I tried to do the same but my voice could not reach more than a soft echo of what Jamon was saying in a repetitive loop. I must have blacked out then because when I awoke my father and mother were in the hall with Alfie. I couldn't completely hear what they were speaking but they were upset. My father kept poking Alfie in the chest, Alfie yelling, my mother trying to calm them. Unsuccessful she started to cry, my father on the verge of tears embraced her.
I looked around for a nurse to help me. Or Jamon even. Jamon, I had completely forgotten about him. I tried to shout, yell, or at least talk but all I could manage was a tired sounding whisper. My parents were too preoccupied to notice. At last a nurse came to my side and noticed I was awake but I stopped her before she could notify my mother and father. 
I begged in the loudest voice I could muster up to tell me where Jamon, Demtree was located. She must have figured something was going on because she informed me his room number and the way to get there. I unplugged all she told me to as to not make it sound as if I were flat lining or to faint on the way over to his room. I went through a back hallway all the while not attracting too much attention. 
Maybe this was a normal thing, something that happened often. I got a few strange looks though as I walked past groups. This is when I realized my gown was backless and my underwear said Bite me with fake bite marks on the bum. I giggled a little not minding much. The sling on my arm said car wreck my bum said kinky gone wrong. Which made me laugh even harder. 
As I approached the room number Melanie (the nurse's name) had given me I ran into someone. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Jamon followed by a woman pleading him to lay back down. It took me even longer to comprehend how bad of shape he was in. He was repeating how he needed to find Amelia, Amelia, Slimtiren.

© 2016 Bloggergirl29

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Is Amelia the characters name, I like how personal this chapter gets, more into the character, describing subtly who she is without directly saying so

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you, I enjoy your feedback

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1 Review
Added on April 15, 2016
Last Updated on June 20, 2016



unknown, CT

I am well me I guess.... Always glad to help people Also my personality seems a bit bipolar haha I am sometimes a complete social butterfly or completely anti-social. But no matter what I always con.. more..
