The note

The note

A Chapter by Bloggergirl29

I sit quietly in the shower, this is the time in which I gathered my strength and came up with some of my writing materials. (though none of them made it out of the dozen notebook I hide in my drawers.) After I stepped out of the warm shower, which had long since stopped. I patted myself dry or at least as much as I could manage with the towel that resembled a wash cloth more than anything. I gathered my clothes and cellphone. After which I stepped out into the breezy hall. I heard a strange rattling from outside of the front door. the shadow on the blinds resembled Alfie. (Alfie is a close family friend) Seeing him so near startled me, I ran up the stairs as fast as I could manage. 
(Being partially naked was a real motivator to move.) By the time I was into my room he'd gotten through the door and started hollering for my parents. They gathered in the living room as far as I could tell. I quickly dressed myself as decently as possible. I did so because the only time Alfie came to our home was when he was upset or if something bad had happened. (Or for a beer.) I could tell from what little I heard while scrambling around my room it wasn't for a beer. He had a serious and secretive hushed tone to his voice. I slowly crept down the stairs, and though I usually didn't pay much attention to the outside occurrences. (outside being not within the walls of my bedroom.) (I am Semi-anti social.) 
I sometimes came out of my enclosure often to see what there is, what has changed. Sometimes I would come back with a restored faith in humanity or even just a slice of pizza either was alright with me. I came to the last step where I couldn't be seen by my parents and still be able to hear. (It took me years to master this as my steps are old, creaky and my parents have paranoid personalities.)
I only heard a few bits but from what I could make out was Alfie was angry with one of our friends. My parents were calmly responding which just frustrated him.
 He screamed they were taking the other person's side and were shutting him out. He took my parents reaction of not replying as a confirmation. He started angrily walking toward the door which gave him a clear view of me. His face was angry until he saw me, after that his face went into some sort of devilishly evil smirk, as though I'd heard exactly what I was supposed to.That night my parents stayed in their room and I, mine. At school the following day I looked through the menu. Because our school has the cliche awful lunch I decided on a packaged ham and cheese sandwich which I had no intentions of eating. 
When I got to the register I reached into my pocket and pulled out two crumpled dollar bills Mrs.Philips looks un-amused as usual so I give her my cheesiest grin which she never reacted to. (Mrs.Philips is a very bland woman whom has worked at the school since my parents went here)(though then she was still a mrs. then, now she just keeps the title) She had this odd ability to give me goosebumps whenever she speaks. 
Though this time she hadn't spoken so I moved forward stepping toward my table when Jamon stepped in front of me blocking it. (Jamon is Alfie's son or nephew, I have never really asked)I figured it was to bring up what my parents and Alfie'd fought about. However he just stood there for about ten solid seconds looking around as if someone actually cared what he was going to say. Two fifteen year olds speaking didn't usually attract much attention unless one was slicing the other up. At that time they may get a few curious glances. When he finished doing this about five times he uncovered a note from his hands which had been hidden by his over sized sweater sleeves. 
I must have given a puzzled look because he said in his most hushed whispering voice "Don't read this to anybody." Putting extreme emphasis on the anybody. He slowly took my hand and placed the note in it as I stood motionless my brow furrowed. He slowly hugged me as he did so I heard his voice crackle and say "I'm sorry." Just before I could ask what he was sorry for he'd stepped into a large crowd of students... I sat down tucking the note in my pocket still in shock, "What did Jamon just say?" Alisa said in her "you two are in love but don't know it yet" voice. "He hugged her!" shrieked in a quiet voice as for not to alert the vice principal who seemed to have a problem with any direct contact. I blocked out their girly questionings the whole twelve minutes we had left of lunch.

© 2016 Bloggergirl29

My Review

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If you didn't explain so much in the parenthesis you could write a full book. nice chapter, you are very descriptive, maybe make the reader infer more to draw them into the story, make them live in the amazing world you created, maybe start with a back story, maybe a name? you have me quite curious this character is, I will with certainty read on

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on June 20, 2016



unknown, CT

I am well me I guess.... Always glad to help people Also my personality seems a bit bipolar haha I am sometimes a complete social butterfly or completely anti-social. But no matter what I always con.. more..
