Dance with the Devil

Dance with the Devil

A Story by Destany


October 31, 2012

I don’t like this… Lucifer thought as he paced the long dark hallway outside his personal quarters. The red checkered carpet vanished under his long strides from one side to the other.  The end of the world was close to close for comfort... Lucifer thought as he buried one tan hand into his pale blond hair and strode through the large oak doors and into his personal quarters. A petite woman about twenty years old was lying in the middle of the large bed. Her long dark hair was damp and her eyes were pinched shut as she screamed out in pain. A nurse maid told her she had another moment or two before a beautiful child would be born.

Anya, how is it going?” Lucifer asked the aging older woman.

“A few more minutes and you will have a child of your own. Much like God has Jesus you will have your own flesh and blood.” She responded absently. “That’s it child, just one more large push.” Anya shouted as she rushed into position.

After a time a tiny shrill yell rent the air with it’s fury as the first child was born in Hell. Lucifer jumped from his seat, unaccustomed to the nerves and anxious waiting as Anya cleaned and checked the child. Maria, the child’s mother sat exhausted in the bed.

“I have given you a child. Now you must fulfill your end of the bargain and release me back to Earth to live out my days.” She whispered. Her Green eyes blazed with fury.

Lucifer bowed low. “As you wish, as soon as Anya has declared you fit you will return to Earth and never see your child again.”

Maria nodded, tears filling her eyes, she leaned back and feigned sleep. Lucifer turned to leave and met Anya at the door. “You have a daughter, my lord.” She whispered.

Lucifer glanced down to the tiny bundle Anya held in her aging hands. The child had soft little fingers and ten beautiful tanned toes. Her bright green eyes were wide as she gazed at Lucifer in wonder.

“May I see her?” Lucifer asked nervously. At Anya’s smile of encouragement he held his daughter for the first time. “Would you be her nurse Anya? And help her through all the womanly things that I cannot?”

“I will my lord. It seems the small one is without a name. Do you wish to name her or wait until the mother awakens?”

Maria is never to glimpse my daughter. I will name her, Kali Libintia Darkwood, because she shall wreak chaos on my head and heart. She is sleeping; please take her to the nursery and call upon my brothers.” He murmured, dismissing Anya. 


Five years later


“Daddy, Daddy! You’re back!” Kali yells as she runs across the marble tiled floor of the lobby. Her long black hair streaming like a war banner, arms wide she jumps towards Lucifer.

“Course I am, you didn’t expect me to stay gone long did you?” Lucifer asks as he picks her up and swings her around. “Kali I want you to meet a very good friend of mine. Abaddon, this is my daughter Kali. Kali, this is my friend Abaddon.”

Kali lifted her head from Lucifer’s shoulder and pulled her thumb out of her mouth. “Hi, I’m five.” She whispered shyly.

Abaddon’s gold eyes widened as he looked between Kali and Lucifer. “No, she’s not really yours isn’t she? This is what you did to stop the End?” he whispered.

“What does he mean End? Daddy, I’m yours right?” Kali asked innocently.

Lucifer glared at Abaddon before answering Kali. “Yes you are mine, you are my only child. The End is the end of the world. Five years ago you stopped it when you were born.” Kali’s eyes widened as she took that in. She nodded and laid her head back down.

“I don’t like him Daddy.” She whispered softly into his shoulder as she stuck her thumb into her mouth again.  



Chapter One

October 31, 2030

“Hey Dad you home?” I called from my bed as I brushed out my long black hair. Silence met my question. “Daddy?” I called again as I stood up and stalked towards the door. I glanced down the long hallway as I reached for the silver dagger on my desk.

The hallway was dark and mostly empty like I expected but there was someone or something here. Something not supposed to be here. “I grow tired of this silly game, show yourself before I get angry.”

“It’s only me.” A deep voice sounds from my left. I whirl around in a tight circle, silver dagger flashing.

“What do you want and who are you?” I ask through clenched teeth, forcing my muscles to relax I try to compose myself into what is expected of me now.

“I am Nickolas Regaldi, also known as Michael’s son.” He murmured with a bow.

“How are you Michael’s son? He never had children, besides you look nothing alike with your red hair.” I asked as he straightened from his bow. “Where is he?”

Nickolas shook his head, and started walking towards the lobby. “As an Ark Angel Michael cannot enter Hell without God’s permission, and Lucifer’s, or an offspring of Lucifer’s. So, this is why I was sent to find you. Michael took me as his son because my father passed on a while back; he became my Guardian of sorts.”  

“Why does he wish to enter Hell?”

“He wishes to see me, and you.” A dark voice announced from the black inset speakers above. “I will meet you in the lobby shortly.”

Spinning and without saying a word to Nickolas I sprint off towards the lobby. “Are you coming or not?” I shouted over my shoulder as I turned a corner. I heard deep laughter and heavy footsteps after me.  

Sprinting around corners and down hallways I didn’t even pause to admire the deep rich walls and dark hardwood floors. The dark hardwood ended suddenly and beautiful white marble took its place, I slowed to a walk and paused to catch my breath. Standing in the lobby to my own home felt odd, strange somehow how I had only ever stood here briefly when ever Dad had gone away or come home.

“Finally, Geez you’re so slow.” I yelled as I saw Nickolas sprint around the corner.

“I got lost!” he protested. “I’ll go out to tell Michael that we’re waiting on Lucifer.” He said as he walked past me, a large smile on his face.

“Okay, I’ll come and get you guys when Dad gets here.” I whispered as I sat on a soft blue upholstered couch. I shifted on the couch and wished it were warmer in the cool marble room.

“Kali you should have put on shoes, you know that the cool marble bothers your feet so much.” A dark voice whispers.

Turning I glace over my shoulder. “Dad!” I yelled as I twist in my seat and jump over the back of the couch to hug him.

“I missed you too honey.” he murmured absentmindedly as he guided me towards the lobby entrance.

The heavy oak doors had been specially protected and treated to withstand the heat outside main house. Dad waved his hand and the large doors silently swung in. Nickolas grinned and waved slightly. He looked rugged compared to Michael and Dad. In dark denim jeans and white button down shirt Dad looked ready for a hike or a business meeting. Michael in a white t-shirt and dark denim jeans was presentable and comfortable. While Nickolas in his ripped up and dirty jeans looked more party worthy. Although I looked no better than Nickolas in my old familiar jeans and dark t-shirt, at least I could change.

“You can stay for dinner and no longer. It’s my daughter’s birthday and we have traditions that will be upheld.” Dad intoned towards Michael. “You have to say ‘Come in’ Kali.” He whispered to me.

“Come in” I agreed, then with a wave of my hand. “I’ll go wash up.” I added as I kissed his cheek and walked away.

“Dinners at six be ready by five thirty.” Dad blurted as I rounded the corner to hall way.

I waved my hand in the air to let him know that I had heard him and kept walking. Rounding corners and skipping hallways, I made shortcuts to get where I needed to be. The wash room was large, almost the size of a bedroom, with a huge tub in the middle. I preferred the small shower that was installed in the corner. The walls were a deep green with little yellow highlights, which was my idea. Twenty minutes and a blow-drying session later I was standing in front of the mirror.

Jeans and a t-shirt or skirt and a cute top? Definitely skirt and top I decided. The skirt was longer than others I had, and was a deep purple color; it flowed out around my calves ending right under my knees. The top was white spaghetti straps, with little beading around the collar in a swirl pattern. I sat at the vanity and French braided my hair then lined my eyes with purple eyeliner and called it done.

I padded barefoot down the dark hallway and into the small breakfast area, where I normally ate with Anya and Gerald. Anya was older, and my nurse or companion and only friend. Gerald was a large man who served as my guard when I left the main house.

Anya? Gerald?” I called as I rounded the corner to the bright kitchen. Everything was yellow except the silver appliances and the black and white checkered floors. Anya was standing in front of the stove stirring some red mixture while Gerard sat on the floor whittling a small animal. “What are you whittling?” I asked squatting down beside him.

“A small bird, for your birthday.” He replied shortly. Glancing at me before returning to the small bit of wood in his hand. “It will be done and painted tonight.”

“You remember how he always makes you the little birds, sometimes even flowers and dogs. Where is Shadow?” Anya asked as Shadow ran into the kitchen. 

Shadow was a mid sized dog, only two years old now, but in a few more years he would be absolutely huge. He was named shadow for the fact that when we got him he followed me where ever I went and we couldn’t be separated from each other.

“Shadow! Come here boy!” I called as I slapped my thighs. Shadow bounded up to me wagging his long black tail energetically. “You’ve gotten so big, are you hungry? Yeah? Let’s go get you something to eat. Is there any dog food left?” I asked Anya as I walked towards the cabinet.

“Child, if you look you’ll find out.” She responded.

“Besides little bird, why feed him now when he’ll eat part of your food at dinner?” Gerald commented without looking up from his carving.

Gerald, why do you call me ‘little bird’?” I asked as I sat down, abandoning my dog food search.  

“I call you little bird because you were little and wanted to fly so much.” He responded as he petted Shadow. “Now little bird, you need to go say hello to your father.” He added with a nod.

“Will you be joining us for dinner?” I asked Anya and Gerald.

They both nodded. “Now shoo, I’m making your favorites.” Anya added as she pushed me out of the kitchen.

“Fine, I’ll leave, but only because I love your spaghetti. Where is Dad and Michael?” I paused at the kitchen door and glanced back towards Anya.

“Your father is in the den talking to Michael. Go say hello to them.” Gerald ordered from the kitchen floor.

I turned and ran from the kitchen turned left and ran into the wall… that wasn’t there before. Hands on hips I grinned and yelled at the wall. “Dad, Open this door right this instant or I will blow it off!”  

Nothing. My yelling was met with stony silence… I love it when I get to do this… I grinned and lifted one hand from my side like I was blowing a kiss; instead I very gently blew a small gust of wind towards the wall. The wall shook but held the wood splintering in several places. I blew again, this time slightly harder, the wall splintered and shook. I could almost see through to the den in several places, just one more hard puff and the entire wall would fall through.

“Dad? Are you listening to me, I’m gonna do it again if you don’t open this door right this very instant.” I hollered loud enough to be heard above the falling wood.

“Do it!” He yelled back though the splintered wall. I could hear the laughter and smile in his voice.

I blew one last time, calling up the winds of a hurricane; the walls shook and broke apart into small little pieces. Dad stood on the other side of the wall, grinning like a fox while Michael’s jaw had dropped and his eyes widened, whether in fear or shock I couldn’t tell.

“How was that?” I asked my hands on my hips and a smirk on my face.

“It was better than last time but not quite there yet.” He responded then turning to Michael, “Let the games begin. This is a family tradition so please don’t screw it up.”

“Can I at least talk to my niece before you two go off on your own?” he asked Dad.

“Actually we have about twenty minutes before dinner.” I chimed in as I sat in dad’s office chair. “Why don’t we talk now? You don’t mind, do you Daddy?” I asked Dad as I swiveled around in his chair and gave him the puppy dog eyes.

“Nah, the real games don’t start until after dinner anyway. Do you need to speak with me as well or can I go speak with Anya and Gerald?” Dad asked Michael.

“It concerns you as well, but if you wish you may come back before dinner and we will talk?” Michael asked wringing his hands.

“I will be back.” Dad murmured as he brushed a kiss across my forehead and walked through the rubble. “Clean this up before dinner Kali.” He called over his shoulder.

I waved my hand slightly wiggling my fingers and letting a small breeze flow from my fingers to move the broken boards from the floor to the fireplace. “Is that better?” I asked sarcastically.

I didn’t get a response from Dad but Michael just sat staring at the wood I had moved. “Do you always act this way?” He asked me, his handsome face deadpanned.

“What way?” I asked innocently spinning in the desk chair.

“Like a child.” He tossed out over his shoulder as he watched the flames of the fire place.

“Hey, I am not a child! You are the adult here and from where I stand you have more to lose by talking to me than I do by talking to you. If you don’t like that fact then I don’t care.” I stated as I spun in the chair.

“I don’t understand you. You were raised to be very spoilt and are given everything you want, why should I expect any less of you? I just wanted to talk to you but you resort to childish actions and antics that I do not wish to deal with.” Michael responded angrily turning to face me. He had raised his hand as if to strike at something or someone.

“Listen Michael, your fixing to cross a line that you don’t want to cross. Do not make me mad, you will live to regret it.” I whispered, my voice filled with venom. “Now what was it you wished to discuss with me?”

Michael nodded his blue eyes flashing anger. “Your Grandfather,” he spat out “wishes to speak with you. About what I don’t know, but he wishes to see you soon.”

“When, where and why. What would I call him if I meet him?” I asked in turn.

“You will meet in Heaven, soon after your birthday. I just told you I don’t know what he wishes to speak to you about. You will call him Alison when you meet him. Do you not pay attention or are you just deaf?”

“You just insulted me more than once… You have overstepped your boundaries as guest in our home. Dinner is in a few moments and you will leave as soon as the last course is served.” I murmured through clenched teeth. “Dad, you may come in now. I’m done, and I will not be speaking with my supposed Grandfather.”

“I don’t know how you managed it…” he wondered as he walked in. “You did what Gabriel tried so hard to do. If Alison wanted to truly talk to her, why did he send you so far? Why on her birthday? Anya is setting the table as we speak, you will leave after dinner. Do you understand, Brother?” Dad asked, throwing in an insult of his own. “Follow us to the dinning room.” His voice had remained soft and gentle, yet it carried a threat in the soft tones.

“Hey Dad? Is this okay for dinner or do you want me to change?” I asked nervously as we walked ahead of Michael.

“No. Your fine, this year is different. You will be getting your wings this evening, the spaghetti straps were a good idea.” He amended.

“She’s getting her wings tonight? Since when was this a part of the plan? Who will be here to give them to her?” Michael babbled from behind us.

I turned and glanced over my shoulder. “Uncle Gabriel of course, he should be waiting in the dinning hall now.” I informed him as we came to the entryway. “Uncle!” I shouted when he came into view. I ran across the dinning hall and threw my arms around him.

“Happy birthday Little one.” He whispered deeply as he swung me around. Putting me back on my feet he noticed Michael. “Brother, Lucifer. I am glad you gave me the honor of giving her the wings.”

Three brothers stood next to each other and were so different.  Lucifer with his calm exterior, blond hair, sharp features and sarcastic personality versus Michael’s dark hair, rounded features and determined personality. Gabriel was totally different though, auburn hair, dark skin and chiseled features, plus all the tattoos that covered his body. They all shared some similar traits, they were all extremely tall, had ice blue eyes and broad shoulders.

“It was my honor; you were the one person she wanted to do it. Sit everyone so that we may eat.” He added as Anya and Gerald came in.

“Everyone please sit. Dinner looks amazing Anya.” I echoed as I took my place between Dad and Gabriel. The spaghetti was made to perfection but that was nothing compared to the mint chocolate chip ice cream Anya had whipped up. “Hey Dad, May I see your wings?” I asked as I scooped the last of the ice cream from my bowl and licked the spoon.

“Why do you want to see my wings?” he asked squinting his eyes at me. Then grinning he stood up from the table and unbuttoned his shirt and draped it over his chair. Gabriel stood and pulled his shirt over his head and threw it at me.

“Don’t check me out” he called as he turned around.

On both of their backs were similar black out lining’s of wings, elaborate and beautiful but nothing compared to what came out of the tattoo. They seemed to shiver violently, then with a small gasp of pain two pairs of wings unfolded out of their backs. Their wings were roughly thirteen feet wide and ruffled slightly, as if a wild breeze was blowing. Gabriel’s wings seemed made of light, white with small patches of gold and light yellows. Dad’s wings seemed made of shadows, mostly black and dark grey with a few small patches of white and gold along the top ruffles.

“Will mine look like that Dad?” I asked softly as I touched one of his wings. It was soft, softer than the most luxurious silks or flowers.

“Most likely it will be a combination of both Light and Dark.” He responded.

“Will they be as dark as yours?” I asked.

“Let’s find out little one.” Gabriel butts in as he grabbed a dark bag from the floor. “Follow me; we will be gone for about an hour.” He added.

We walked through the kitchen and down the hall and after a few twists and turns he stopped at my bedroom door. We all settled on the floor. “Little one, I’m gonna need to see your entire back. That means you need to take it off and undo your bra… I know that’s awkward but your in for the best part of your life.”

“Fine can I at least have a pillow to cover up with?” I asked as Gabriel threw one at me. I pulled off my tank top and unsnapped my bra. “Now what?”

“Now comes the pain… your wings will be tattooed onto your back. I always use black because it’s universal. The ink has nothing to do with the wing color, usually servants of God have gold, and your Dad has a bit of gold because he once was a servant but no more. Your color will depend on your will strength and your own path. Now this might hurt, try not to flinch too much please. That just makes my job harder and I don’t want it to be any harder than it’s going to be anyway.” He advised. “Now, do you want color or just black? Elaborate or simple?” he asked.

“Color please, at least shaded, and not too elaborate but not simple… I don’t want anyone else to have anything similar to it.” I told him.

“Got it, just relax and sit still.” Gabriel told me. A little more than an hour later Gabriel stopped the needle and wiped the last of the blood from my back. “How’s that look brother?” he asked Lucifer.

“Perfect, she’ll love it.” He responded.

Gabriel wiped some clear gooey stuff across my back and stood up. “You’ll be healed in an hour. Don’t let anyone touch it and don’t look at it until it’s healed.” He told me.

“Okay, what do I do until then? If I put my shirt on will it rub off?” I asked him.

“No, we’ll saran wrap it. And tape it down so you can still wear your shirt.” Dad cut in. “I’ll go get it.” He added as he walked out of my room.

“Why green?” Gabriel asked. “Your walls I mean.” He added pointing to the evergreen colored walls.

“You mean why I painted my walls green? I like green, it’s my favorite color. Plus green and white go really well together.” I told him.

“You like hardwood too?” He asked.

“It’s easier to slide around in your socks on hardwood than it is carpet. Duh? Your a genius sometimes Uncle Gabriel.” I added.

“I haven’t done that since I was a child… Let’s do it.” He added smiling as he took off his worn out boots and slid across the floor.

Uncle Gabriel, are you a mind reader?” I asked as I slipped my arms through the holes of my shirt.

“That’s a hard question to answer, but yes I am.” He murmured as he adjusted his sock.

“Oh” was all I said as I stood up.

Holding my t-shirt to my chest I slipped on some polka dotted socks and slid after him. We were sliding across the floor and laughing when Dad walked in and almost dropped the saran wrap. “Geez, I’m gone for five minutes and you guys have all the fun.” He commented as he beckoned me over. “Hold still, Gabriel come tape this down for me please.”

“Why? In about ten minutes it’ll be healed. She should probably go wash it off in the shower real quick. Don’t scrub it, just let the water run over it for a minute.” Gabriel amended.

“Good, idea. Just put on something comfortable when you get out. You’re going to change anyway.” Dad added as he and Gabriel walked out of my room. “We’ll be back in ten minutes.” He called over his shoulder as he shut the heavy oak door.

I turned and gathered my comfiest sweat pants and a loose t-shirt and went to take a shower. I piled all of my hair on top of my head to keep it from getting wet again and secured it with a giant hair clip. The hot water rushing over my back stung as it washed away the goop on my back. After a few minutes of water I got out and gently patted my back with the towel and put on my clean clothes, letting my hair down I walked into my bedroom to find that Gabriel and Dad weren’t back yet. I sat on my bed and opened my sketchbook; I started a new sketch on a blank sheet. It was all loopy, yet it turned out to be a lily, my favorite flower, with a few strands of ivy leaves surrounding it. I was finishing the last of the shading when there was a slight quiet knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in.” I called as I finished the shading on a lily leaf.

Dad walked over and grabbed my sketchbook. “Your going to need a new one pretty soon, should we get it bound like this one or a different color?” he asked as he showed Uncle Gabriel my lily.

“I think it should be bound like this one, please. I like this color, but we have to keep putting different numbers on them.” I told him. “What do you think?” I asked Uncle Gabriel.

“I think it’s very realistic, I love it… aren’t you glad I put some lilies in your tattoo?” he added as he pulled the back of my shirt up. “Yup, it’s all healed. Let’s go downstairs and show everybody your new tattoo!” he exclaimed as he bounded out of the room.

“Does he always act like a little kid?” I asked dad as I shut my bedroom light off.

Dad nodded his blond head before responding. “Well, at least since you were born. He used to be real stuck up and snobby but you came along and he became a true uncle. I think at that point his inner child was released.”

I nodded along like I was supposed to then shook my head. “How was he stuck up and snobby?” I asked. “He’s only ever been sweet to me.” I whispered as we walked back down to the dinning hall.

Gabriel isn’t just God’s servant or my brother, He’s the best at what he does and everybody knows it. Since he’s gotten to know you he’s figured out that it isn’t about how good you are, it’s about the people.” Dad turned to look at me, and then smiling sadly he opened the dining hall door. “Meet your family, the rest of your family.” He amended.

There was a group of people surrounding a giant cake. It was white with green icing leaves and flowers blooming around the words spelling out “Happy Birthday Kali”. There were dozens if not hundreds of people there including: Amitiel of truth, Anahita of fertility, Abariel of ceremonies, Formalhaut of the winter solstice and his brothers and many many others.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY KALI!!” they all shouted in unison.

“Thank you guys so much for coming…” I trailed off. “What are you guys doing here? Half of you hate the other half and I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable…”

“We’re here to see you get your wings” Micheal supplied as he marched forward. “It’s a rare thing to see someone get wings; much less a female… there aren’t many female angels that’s for sure.”

Abariel stepped forward, his long white robes fluttering around him. “Are you ready to begin child?” I nodded. “Then kneel and let us begin. Do not worry about your clothes; they will change when you get your wings.”

I knelt on the cool hardwood floor and bowed my head. “Repeat after me child.” Abariel murmured the ancient prayer.

 “This breath is a promise. A gift of love and Loyalty. The tides turn; all things change and are reborn. The earth suffers and endurs; the ocean trembles, waiting for renewals. Fair things parish and innocence dies. But hope survives, this is the way of truth.” I gasped the last word as a sharp pain bit through my back. My back arched as my head fell back and a strangled cry broke through my clenched teeth. I felt the brush of something incredibly soft against my lower back and the gentle swoosh of the wind brushing through my hair.

“Very well Kali, very well. You may stand now.” Abariel whispered into the air as he melted back into the crowd.

I stood and watched in amazement as Angels and Deamons alike knelt to the floor and bowed their heads to me. “What’s going on?” I whispered to Dad.

“You’re now the heir to Hell” he whispered back.

Abariel stepped forward. “You may now look at what you have become.” He whispered.

I turned and faced my Dad. “How does it look?”

“Amazing… nothing I’ve ever seen before.” He whispered back. “Now look at yourself.” He encouraged me, pointing towards a large gold framed mirror hanging on the wall.

So, I looked, and liked what I saw. My wings were roughly ten feet wide; a deep jet black fringed the edges of the feathers and faded into a soft white. They weren’t white like Michael’s or Gabriel’s, but were a softer tone than those in God’s service. I swiveled and glanced down at my new attire. A light gauzy material floated around me, it was a soft gray and near transparent at the edges.

“Can I change the clothing?” I asked nobody in general.

Gabriel answered for me. “It changes into whatever you want it to be.”

“Good” I whispered.

I focused on the image I had in my head and slowly let loose some of the pent up energy residing in my soul. The cloth changed into leather, worn down soft white leather, pants and a halter top with a low backing. I spun on my bare feet and grinned, I like this image a lot better than that stupid gauzy dress… “What do you think?” I asked Gabriel.

“That’s more you than anything else I’ve seen so far. I like it, now everybody leaves and you, your father, Michael and I will teach you some fundamentals.”

The room slowly emptied as people I had never seen before wished me a happy birthday and good luck on my learning. When the room was empty Michael turned to me.

“First you will learn to fly, flap those wings young one.” He murmured in his deep baritone voice.

“How do I do that?” I asked as I flexed the left wing then the right in a circular motion.

“What you just did, put a lot of muscle into it and you’ll have to keep doing it until you get the hang of it. We could always throw you off the roof, but considering where we are that’s not a very bright idea is it Brother?” Michael asked Lucifer.

“Actually it is a very good idea, let’s do it.” Lucifer replied. “She hasn’t been out of the house lately and things have died down out there, besides it’s the best way to figure it out. Honey go gear up and meet us on the roof.”

“I’ll be right back.” I replied as I sprinted away.

I ran around the corner and into the weapons room next to the kitchen. I focused my mind on the tight fitting white leather pants and halter top I normally wore and smiled when I saw that I was wearing what I pictured. I slid on my white leather heeled boots and strapped on some of my weapons. I took Kint from the wall; Kint was a long broad sword that was given to my father by God, then my father to me. I strapped Kint to my back and sprinted out into the hall way and up a set of stairs while tying my hair into a high ponytail.

“I’m here!” I called as I opened the door to the roof. Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer stood  next to the edge talking with their wings out spread. I bounded up to them “Let’s go.”

“Let me get this straight, you’re going to swan dive off of a ten story building into that hot mess? And you’re going to let her?” Michael asked with a shocked look in his eyes.

“Yes, yes I am. Just give me thirty seconds to figure out where I’m landing.” I responded.

“I can’t really stop her.” Dad intoned towards Michael.

Glancing down a shot of excitement ran through me as I realized it was market day. People milled about, shopping and selling, the voices of stall owners could be heard even from here selling anything from jewelry to live animals. Even with all the heat and the closeness of the stalls there  were dozens if not hundreds of people running back and forth to different stalls, and I was landing right in the middle of the chaos.

I smiled to myself. “I’ll see you when you guys land.” I yelled as I launched myself over the edge of the building and dove straight for the hot liquid lava that surrounded our home.

“What the Hell are you doing?” Michael yelled after me.

I ignored him and focused on how fast I was flying. I snapped open my wings and glided just over the hot molten lava and into the fray of people watching as the two Arc Angels and their King and Princess launched themselves of a building. Cheering erupted from the people as they realized who was now flying above them. I landed among the worst of the fray and quickly pulled in my wings. I watched in amazement as Dad and my uncles landed several yards from me. I smiled as I noted that Dad snapped his wings in before he landed.

“Kali” Dad yelled. “Where are you?”

I jumped above the fray of cheering people and waved my arms. “Over here!” I kept yelling. Finally he saw me and motioned for me to join him. “Give me a minute!” I hollered to him as I made my way towards him.

I was grabbed from behind, I didn’t hear him approach in the crowd, I didn’t see him. He grabbed my throat with his gray-green fingers and dug in. He was trying to kill me, not for the first time. My hands flew to my throat trying to pry the gray-green hands from my throat.

“Abaddon! What the hell do you think your doing to my Daughter?!” Dad hollered. He was angry, his face was red and a vein was sticking out of his temple. “Let her go. I don’t want to hurt you for this, you’ve been a good friend for a long while, why would you do this?”

Abaddon laughed a low but squeaky laugh and tightened his grip on my throat. “She is the one thing that could persuade you to do anything I want; I don’t understand why people haven’t thought to use her before. She is after all just a female at tha-”

“I do not want to hurt you.” I whispered brokenly cutting him off.  

His grip on my throat tightened even more, I could barely breathe at this point. “You will be mine princess, I will have you in anyway I want.” He breathed into my ear.

My body went numb, I couldn’t feel anything anymore. So, I did what I was told never to do, I fed the burning ball of fear in my chest with everything I was holding in. I felt my face burn with shame and disgust; I fed that shame with anger at being over taken. I felt white hot flames heat my face and work themselves down my body, covering my entire being but never burning me. They burned white hot and scorched Abaddon’s hand. He dropped my throat and leapt back from me holding his hand to his chest, it was black and shriveled.

“I told you that I did not want to hurt you, but you have insulted me in the worst possible way. You will leave my homeland and if I ever see you again I will not harm you…” I smiled a soft smile. “I will kill you.”

Dad walked up next to me but did not touch me. “Leave, ever return and you will wish you had not, if you survive that long.”

Michael stood next to Dad and nodded. “I ever see you in Heaven and the wrath of God will lie upon your head.”

Gabriel appeared behind Abaddon. “I better not have to say anything to you…” he intoned.

Abaddon turned and fled, leaving all of us standing in a lopsided circle. I looked down at my hands, white hot flames licked at my skin. I could feel that it was supposed to be hot but couldn’t actually feel the heat.

Eyes wide I glanced at Dad. “What is wrong with me? What did I just do?” I glanced back down at my body. “How do I stop it?”

Gabriel grinned. “If you had looked at your tattoo before you whipped out your wings you would have seen the flames around it. You essentially carry a small measure of the Flame of Heaven, nobody can harm you. You also have the power over wind, earth, water, fire of course, spirits and part of each land. You rule Hell; you’re the Grandchild to God and are part human, so naturally you rule a small portion of each.”

“So how do I stop it?” I asked.

“Think of water. Water is the opposite of fire, Right?” Gabriel answered looking from me to Michael. “Let’s see what you can teach her.”

“About what?” Michael asked. “I tried teaching her about flying but that plan flew out the window a while ago.” He responded sarcastically.

I calmly blocked them out of my mind while I thought about water and rain, damp earth and rivers, floods and finally oceans. The white flames slowly died down on my body, receding until they covered just my hands. The flames left a sooty black ash on my body, almost like a tribal tattoo. I laughed as I stepped up to a well in the road and pulled the bucket of water up to me, grabbed a rag from the side and wiped my hands and face off. The soot was still visible but closer to my natural skin color, this time I soaked the rag and bathed my hair in it too.  

“What are you doing Little one?” Michael asked from behind me.

© 2011 Destany

Author's Note

What do i need to adjust?
Where could i speed it up or slow it down?
What could i do to make it better?

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well nothing, u did graet with every thing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 12, 2011
Last Updated on July 13, 2011
Tags: devil, fantasy, adventure, angels, demons



St.Louis, MO

I am 18 years old and in the United States. I have a brood of siblings, aunts, uncles, ect... I love to write, sing, dance, read, drive, run and box. I love children and have a wonderful fiance who lo.. more..

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A Poem by Destany