CUE Chapter 1- The Cast's all here.

CUE Chapter 1- The Cast's all here.

A Chapter by Despada

Vincent Dye, Finds himself begining his First Day of Junior year , on a high note. As he get's himself situated into is classes.


C''mon wake up already, this is like the 5th time i've had to come back in here. Vincent Get up! Geez mom, im up, im up. im promise, says vincent as he makes his way across the hall to the  bathroom. Woah! dude i look like s**t. says vincent to himself as he brushes his teeth. Hurry up , you only got 15 minutes before your bus pulls up, not to mention Amilia is waiting  for you at the bus stop. Okay, im almost done, no worries.

( Amilia is a childhood friend of vincent, they never were sexually interested in one another , Amilia had better things on mind, And vincent , well vincent just had alot of other thing on mind all together.)  Ok mom, im heading out. yells vincent as he grabs his backpack, an heads out the door. Don't Forget! come home as soon as school gets out. i gotta head over to your aunts, she says she has school supplies for you. And while i am out be sure to stay inside. Okay mom will do , replies Vincent. partially hearing what his mom is yelling from the porch, as he begans to apporach Amilia.

       Hey , Sorry to keep you waiting. This mornings already hectic huh?  Yea , its okay, i so know what you mean, Blake (Amilia's older brother of two years) practically hibernated in the bathroom this morning. Seems he had some kind of job interview or something for a buisness by the name of "Golleta Inc." (pronouced - Goal- Let-A). Well at least were both here on time. says Vincent with a smile. Yea first day of junior year here we come!


       Welcome Back students, aswell as our new coming Freshmen. To Adamentium High. We hope you enjoy your year, and if there are any problems or concerns in finding your classes , please see your way to the guidance room , to the left of the office. This is your principle Mr.Orre (pronouced -Ore) Saying "Have a great first week".  Oh so hey I'ma go ahead on over to my first class to get the best seat. cya in lunch. says amilia as she waves bye an makes her way off ,As if to be an exspert in " a first day". Come to think of it i missed breakfest , might aswell make my way over to the lunchroom , and i can even see if theres anyone i know from last year. says Vincent to himself, as he looks around through the mass of confused faces, an new people. To find the easiest route to the lunchroom.

       Hey! Stop pushing geez, Dude's watch out, Move it! this isint a Line at kingsdominion. Says a deep voice making its way through the crowd , from the direction of the entrance of the building. As vincent continues to make his way towards the lunchroom ,and the halls begin to clear, he heres the sound of books dropping , pappers scattering across the floor ,and a pencil thats rolling in his direction. Hey, is this yours?  says Vincent as he hands the pencil to the guy whos scrambling to gather his things in time , before the bell strikes. Yea thanks. Replies the young male. Who has hair of the darkest shade of black, an eyes as blue as a neon light. And lips so pink, you'd think they were as soft as clouds.

Need any help?  (Before the young man could reply, the bell sounds) aww crap, im gonna be late , and if Mrs. Vy is the same as last year, it wouldnt even make a diffrent if it as even by 3 minutes. Sorry bro , urgh thanks again cya around, yells the boy as he make his way down the hall leaving trails of notebook paper following behind. Vincent thinks to himself ( dunno why but even though that guy was so obviously un-smooth , and a total mess, i still found him ... sort of cute.)


                                 Oh Crap im gonna be late! better get to class.

       Welcome class, take your seats. Anywhere you'd like is fine with me. My name is Prof.Reveal. And you all should know this by now , but this is chemistry. (Just as the preffesor finnishes his sentence Vincent enters the room) Ahh nice of you to join us Mr. Dye. Hopefully your nothing like your sister Isabelle was last year. please take you seat over here up front near the window. (Vincent had not noticed at first , during the beginning of class, but he began to think more an more of the guy he lent help to in the hall way, not to long ago.)  Ok class! yells prof. Reveal. Im gonna have the newbies here introduce themselves. And if you have already been here before an would still like to introduce your self, it would be find with me , an the floors all yours. (Time flew by, hours into minutes , minutes into seconds, but it felt as though this year would be alot better than my last.) just as Vincent began to process this thought , a Loud boy appeared in front of the class to introduce himself. and Vincent full attention went straight on him) Sup guys!?  Im Imiliyo
(Pronounced - E-mil-Lee-Yo)  And this will be my very first year here at Adamentium High, aswell as in the States in general, I am from brazil, And i can't wait to start my year with all you guys , lets all enjoy it together. Said the young , boy with a huge smile on his face, as the rest of the room cheered him on. Yep this will definitly be a year to remember.

       ( after 2 hours of introductions, guidlines, and grouping, Class is finally dismissed at the sound of the bell.)

       Wow Prof. Reveal can really ramble. no wonder isabella always came home with a migrain , says Vincent as he mumbles to him self. Making his way toward the lunch room for first lunch. Hey! over here gorgous , yells Amilia from across the lunchroom, as she approaches. (she can really be embrassing sometimes.) hey ima go hop in line right quick , meet you at our usuall spot. Okay ,says vincent, okay meet ya there, replied Amilia.


      CUE -1  Casts all here





© 2010 Despada

Author's Note

I hope i got the image of the first day of school across, Aswell as , the point that every name that i say will be of great importance, to the story , thus the reason i chose the title of my chapter - Casts all here

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Got some grammar mistakes. and you also need to separate dialogue with quatation marks, but keep writing, I'm liking it so far

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 20, 2010
Last Updated on August 20, 2010



Spotsylvannia, Fredricksburg, VA

Sup , Names Corey French. At work im known as COco. an at Home its core. umm im a pretty calm an collected person 90% of the time , but when im around people i know i can let loose with, im the wildes.. more..

On Cue On Cue

A Book by Despada