And I'm afraid to say,
I'm afraid to stay
And watch the darkness
close in around us those dreams I had
Foggy and barely recollectable,
covered faces
and jet black cloaks
And they came, hands folded..
eyes on the ground..
One by One..
And they'll take us down, deeper
than the depths of Hell,
and no light will escape
No breath will escape the silence
And your body is a black hole
So envelope
Everything that matters
But don't forget your mind, yeah they'll
say "We've all lost our minds!"
And it won't be okay, but that's what they'll say
"Just calm down, it's all okay.."
I always wondered why, any way
Just pretend,
pretend you don't have anything
Not anything
to say,
cause we're not safe
and there is no where to hide
"God, Oh it safe in my mind?"