I drempt of your beauty last night.
The rose red shirt, ocean blue pants you wore.
Sittin down, glancing around, is how you were.
Leaning over I came, onlooking your intrest.
Finally our eyes meet at one place.
In those light, beautiful green eyes, i was lost.
But I was not hopeless, yet happy.
We stared as your smile grew BIG.
Your smile lighting up the room.
A face as gorgeous as the eyes.
Just then, I heard it, your lips faint whispers.
Your words travel so effortlessly, to them I herd.
That voice ofyours, lingering in my mind.
Trapped to never escape.
Still looking into those beautiful green eyes.
I was lost in them, it seemed timeless.
As had it appeared time froze just for this moment to last.
For this perfect dream turned nightmsr.
In my dream my only phobia came true.
I woke up...
But luckly my dream was true, for on this day.
I awoke to hope, and fact.
I saw those beautiful reen eyes yet again.
As I look in them now, across from you.