Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn sees his mom on the floor, as he is feel with remorse Officer Kain appear and confronts Vawn. P.S couldn't come up with a name for this chapter, but this is Chapter 5 of Mani!


The room pitch black until my eyes adjust to the darkness. There seem to be no struggle, or a robbery. The window half open and blinds open so the light could show through the room. The body, on the floor, I walk a little closer, hoping that it who I didn’t want it be. I roll the body over to get a better look at the face. I instantly look away. I knew it… “Mother!” I let out what I thought would be a huge scream, but came out as a soft whisper.


Hovering over her body, quickly spotting what could be the murder weapon by her side. I pick up the gun and toss it away from her. Desperately searched for a bullet hole, but there was no evidence of a gunshot wound anywhere. No blood either, this didn’t make sense. How could she had possibly died?

Creaking noises echo from the hallway. I ignore the creaking, still in disbelief that my mother dead in front of me. "Put your hands in the air!" A man’s voice broke the silence. I turnaround looking at the end of a barrel directly in front of me. The room light very poor, but I instantly knew who the face belong too.

"Vawn is that you?" The officer sound a little too pleased to find out it’s me. Still absorbing what actually happen here, I sit there quiet. Should I tell him the truth, I didn’t have a good reputation so I doubt he believe me.

"Yes officer Kain, it’s me." Kain still had his gun position towards my face.

"Vawn did you... Did you actually kill your mom?" The officer's gun began to waver. Really, how could he possibly think I would kill my own mother?! We did have a bad relationship, but killing her would be excessive and pointless. My sadness abruptly shift to anger.

"Why in the hell would I kill my own mother?!" My voice grew impatient.

"Vawn calm down. It's only routine. I know you." Kain stop speaking mid-sentence. My right eye gradually began to burn. Sounds of incoming footsteps drew near. A hand wrap around the officer gun. Throwing it to the ground.

A soft whisper swept the cold dead air. "Vawn!" The voice shockingly familiar. "Vawn, do you want to know the truth?" My body dwindle as the words resonate with me. What could he mean the truth? The truth of what? "Why my boy, the truth of who or should I say what you are? The sad truth of your mother’s tragic death." His tone so casual, and without any remorse. He must enjoy tormenting me.

My body quake as the bone chill hand softly rub across my face. "Vawn you're not normal. You're a murderous monster! You just don’t remember." His hands lifted off of my face and the feeling of warmth slowly coming back to it. What does he mean I’m a murder? I haven’t killed anyone!

"Quit f*****g around with me! I’m not a monster or a murderer." This couldn’t be right, it was dead wrong. I did many things I regret in my life, but I wouldn’t go as far as to kill someone… especially not my mother. "Enough of your bullshit! What do you want?"

The man's ranting stop. His calm cool demeanor drastically change. "Bullshit? Bullshit you say? Listen here you little s**t head! You’re a disgusting psychopathic, human being, but you have already noticed that. Haven’t you?" All the words resonate with my soul and with each word it makes more of an lasting impression.

Could this man possibly be telling the truth? His fingers loom over my right eye. Like a hypnotist, he slowly move his hand back and forth. An excruciating pain grasp over my eye. "That eye of yours is proof of what you are. Do you believe that’s normal?" He paused for a moment. He's right, I almost forgot that my eye had drastically change. Why did my eye end up like this in the first place? The questions deeply concern me.

"You're obviously of no use to me. Maybe I should take it away from you." He reached his grimy stick fingers toward my eye. The pain rapidly increase in my right eye as his hands drew near. The pain so overbearing. Slowly my vision faded away. The man say in a sinister laugh... "Good night Vawn! We’ll meet again! Very soon." His hand retracted from my eye and faded into the darkness. My vision gave out on me. All I could see is darkness.

Images play in my mind, my mother’s body dangling on the dresser. The mysterious man calling me a murder. Did all of these things actually happen? Those had to be nightmares. It must all been a bad dream. My eyes open. Looking at the tile ceiling. This wasn’t my room. "Where am I?" I tried getting up, but my limbs was completely numb.

The door burst open. "He’s in here." I heard a women’s voice. I could smell the scent of gunpowder. A figure staring at me from the door way. The figure motion closer when I saw the police badge. My heart sank… "Good afternoon Vawn." The man had a serious tone. "Do you remember who I am?” Staring at his face… nothing immediately coming to me. “And do you remember what you did?" The officer spoke as my eyes adjusting.

What do I remember? Remember about what; this guy didn’t tell me anything just came in barking non-sense. "What are you talking about?" This guy wore his emotions on his sleeve. His face turn apple red.

"Don’t play dumb with me you, know what I’m talking about!" This guy is an idiot, and disturbing me.

"Calm down, this is a hospital, what are you yelling for? I just woke up, and you want me to answer questions? How insensitive are you?" I could see I was irritating him. The veins began to pop up on his face. If I wasn’t under drugs, I probably would care, just a little.

"You're in a lot of trouble you Delinquent." He couldn’t mean, how they knew? I was extremely careful. "Did you kill your mother and officer Samberg?" A brief sigh of relief came over me. They didn’t know I stole that, but the relief, very brief. So those nightmares was real. My mother is dead? I briefly lower my head.

"Son did you kill them or..." I interrupted the officer. "No! Why would I kill my mother, you f*****g jackass?" The officer cherry red face told it all. I bet he was ready to just shoot pull out his gun and shoot me, he seem to have just got done shooting something not too long ago.

"Look you little impudent little s**t! You were the only one alive in the middle of that mess." Officer Samberg, he’s dead? How could that be, was it that man? I look in the mirror. I had an eye patch on my right eye. I slowly lift my eye patch. The bottom of it became exposed. What the hell? The eye wasn't turquoise anymore.

It turn to a dark sapphire. I instantly lower the eye patch. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing this strange part of my body. Maybe that man was right, maybe I am a monster. The officer began to mumble under his breath. Oh wow I forgot that man was still there. A knock came to the door. "Who is it?" I yell "It’s me Ana!" I look at the police officer with a full heartedly smile "Well since you didn’t put me under arrest, than I guess I can invite her in? Or would you like to arrest me?”

The officer let out a snarl. "I’ll be back. So don’t get comfortable!" His footsteps like mini boulders hitting the ground as he charge out the door.

"Hey officer!" I shout, and he turnaround. "Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!" Slamming the door hard behind him. I couldn’t help but laugh. I figure I need some type of amusement. A few minutes later Ana walk through the door, while it slowly close behind her.

"Aku? What have you gotten yourself into this time? Did they find out you stole from our principle?" Chuckling inside, she had the same thought. Sadly she didn’t know a thing. I look at her.

"What’s wrong Aku?" I could tell she sensed something wrong with me, but I realize tears flow down my face. She instantly ran towards me and wrap her arms around me. Her perfume fill my nostrils, and the warm feeling swept over my body. After my hectic day, I finally feel relax. Her arms slowly unwrap from around me. She remove her head from my shoulder. Tears pouring down her face.

"What’s wrong Ana?" Why was she crying? She wipe her face and began to talk.

"It’s nothing Aku!" I knew immediately she was lying to me. I don’t know if she notice this herself, but the only time she randomly start crying is when she hiding something from me. The sad memories, began to flood my head, like the time when her mother died.

I remember the day perfectly it was six years ago. When I was just about to turn ten years old. Ms. Gaines had died. Ana got the news over the phone from a nanny she had. She cried almost the whole day, when she got the news. I know she still miss Ms. Gaines.

She was a kind hearted, caring person. The police never found the murderer that killed her. Which lead to one of the reasons I seriously hate the Feds. They closed the case only after a few days. After Ana told me that I was furious.

I stormed down to the police station, and beg the police to continue the search. They laughed and mocked me while I was in tears begging. I was desperate, I couldn’t accept the fact they gave up so easily. I lunged at the nearest police officer, and started to punch him in the leg. He kicked me in the stomach so hard I gave a quick gasp. All the a*****e police officers laugh their heart away.

"Stupid little brat. Mind your damn business." After getting the wind knocked out of me, I decided I wasn’t going to leave until I could go back to Ana and tell her the cops was still searching. I slowly got to my feet, and prepared to fight the officer. I punched the officer in his private area. The officer went straight down.

At that time I wasn’t the best fighter, and he was a grown man. So I use the thing that would instantly bring him down. The officer screamed in pain. "You little b*****d!" A hand grab the back of my white tee. The hand lifted me off of the ground. I was a good three feet off of the ground. My shirt became my own noose, causing me to choke.

The man threw me towards a nearby wall. Pain shrieked through my body. I nearly feel unconscious. The officer walked towards me. "You gone learn your place you mutt!" The man said in a stern, strict voice. He lifted his right leg off the ground, and violently kick me in my gut. He continued to kick me each one became a little less powerful. I couldn't take it anymore, and fainted.

"AKU! Are you ok?" I could hear Ana voice. She shook me for a few seconds. I woke up from my nightmare. "Yea, sorry Angel! I think the drugs getting to me." She look relieve and gave me a bright smile. Suddenly her hand slowly reach my eye patch.

"Why do you have this on you?" No I couldn't let her see my eye. My arms still numb damn it. I had no way of stopping her. What would she think of me? "Angel Stop!"

© 2014 Vawn

Author's Note

Ok, so I would like you to pay close attention to the flashback when mom sees Ana mom. I think it might be confusing because I switch the tense from present, to past to indicate the flash back. Let me know if it works well!

Hope you enjoy reading and continue reading Mani!


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nice, new chapter. just notice the name was vawn akuma. as in devil/monster akuma? could it be his power are based on this? hehe, just speculating.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

;) lol well I want ruin the surprise, but nice that you pick up his last name! :)
Ikaria Icarus

10 Years Ago

Owh its close but no cigar eh. hahaha. lets see how the story goes than. would love stuff like s.cry.. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 31, 2014
Last Updated on December 31, 2014
Tags: Dark, Mani, Vawn, humor, Tragedy, death



Milwaukee, WI

I am an aspiring author and a big time Anime fan. My inspiration stems heavenly from both the real world and Anime. Send me a read request and I will get to it with a review at my earliest conveyan.. more..

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A Poem by Vawn