A Chapter by Vawn
Vawn drifts off into sleep remembering the events of the summer. 
Chapter 1: Memories
"Vawn!" the teacher yells and smacks the book on my desk. "Wake up! Just because you're tired doesn't mean you can sleep in class."
The teacher continue on with her non stop ranting.
"You lucky I let you skip that last assignment!"
Looking at the teacher. "Look up one of your ancestors and write something interesting about him or her then hand it to me."
I attempt to get my work done ...Smack!! "Wake up, Vawn!" The teacher yelled, yet all I heard was laughter. Getting frustrated.
"What the hell? You didn't have to do that." I let go of my composure. I personally believe the teacher likes to bully me, and only me! She's a very young teacher; I mean just graduated this past year.
So she kind of understands what we're going through, but she seems to treat the other kids different from me. I'm the only one she has ever yelled at. Besides the fact she knew I did my work. So I have no clue why she get on my case so much. A few minutes later of non-strenuous thinking I went to sleep again. My mind slowly drifting off.
Around three days before this school year had started. I aimlessly walked around the mall. When I had met some familiar faces. "Yo Vawn! Come here."
The voice echoed over the buzzing mall. I walked in the exact opposite way of the fool who was shouting my name. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Vawn where you going man?" It was my so called friends Blaze and D'mitri. We weren't really friends at all we just hang around each other, since we're usually getting kicked out together.
"Yo Blaze!" I forced a pretend smile. He wrapped his shoulder around my neck.
"Me 'n' D'mitri been waiting for you, bro." Blaze told me in a nonchalant way. Oh great; they're together. I thought to myself. Blaze pointed towards D'mitri. I could see him over there talking to some chicks. Blaze walked over towards him. I reluctantly followed him over there.
For whatever reason whenever I get with these two...trouble somehow finds me. "D'mitri you get their numbers?"
Blaze eagerly ask him "You know it." D'mitri stated. They high five each other.
"How many is that D'mitri?" Blaze asked D'mitri.
"Around five I would say." Finishing that statement D'mitri turned his attention towards me. "Vawn want to play a game?" I let out a huge depression type sigh. In my mind all I could think of was saying f**k off.
"Ok which game is it this time?" Blaze and D'mitri both looked at each other with huge grins.
"Get her Number!" They said it simultaneously. "Do I have to repeat the rules?" I shook my head no. Blaze and D'mitri glanced at each other for a little. I'm guessing there deciding on a girl. They grinned at me "How about her?" They pointed into a crowd of girls. "You see her?" Blaze asked me. I was completely lost, how am I supposed to spot one girl in a mall of at least a hundred of them.
"No I don't see her." He grabbed my head and maneuver it towards her "You see now?" He jerked my head around. I was ready to fight him. He knew I hated that. I ignored the fact that, I was ready to kick his a*s. Knowing full well if this continued I was going to get kicked out of the mall for good this time. Pushing his hands off my head. "How shall we decide the order?" I asked them.
"The same as usual" Blaze responded. The same as usual means plucking straws to decide the order. Of course I drew the short straw. The order was Blaze, D'mitri then me. "I will be over there by the bench" I pointed towards the mahogany bench under the artificial tree. I walked over there and plopped my body on the bench. "Ugh what a long day this will be." I said to myself. Not too long after, I started to hear yelling.
"Apologies now!" I turned my head and seen Blaze yelling at someone. What has this moron done now I thought to myself. Around two minutes had went by, I thought someone would step in. My eyes closed trying to remove myself from reality. I was so wrong in thinking that. Every second the argument escalated. As the argument became louder I could hear D'mitri voice.
"Calm down Blaze, leave that b***h alone!" I could hear D'mitri trying to deteriorate the situation in his own non helping way. What should I do? I really don't want to get up, but I can't let a girl get punched. I lifted myself off the bench and turned around to see Blaze clinching his fist. Damn it Blaze what could she had done to make you want to hit her? I began from a brief walk to a full sprint to try to break it up.
He lifted up his fist and cocked it back; can I really reach them in time? I blanked out. What just happen to me? "Vawn what the hell you doing?" I could hear D'mitri's voice. I reached towards my face, the intense pain surged throughout my body. Did I take a hit for a complete stranger? I thought to myself.
"Vawn! Vawn! Akuma! I know you hear me!" Blaze was ready for a fight since he knew I basically tabooed others from using my last name. When I heard Akuma I finally regained consciousness, and I could see his anger drastically increase by the second.
"Ya I heard you. Why in the hell was you about to hit this girl?" I stared at him with a full intent to fight him.
"None of your mutherfucking business!" D'mitri responded. I spit out a puddle of blood and gradually staggering to get my feet.
"Answer the question Blaze!" I demanded still a little half daze from the Haymaker that brutally connected to my face. He bolted towards me. The girl was behind me so dodging was out of the question. So I stopped Blaze with a straight punch to his face.
I could see blood gushing from his nose and lip. With that moment I knew what ever friendship we had was gone. Suddenly a large force swept me off my feet. The mall security had tackled me to the ground. They aggressively pushed my head into the ground, making the pain drastically greater.
"What the hell!" I shouted in agony. They abruptly lifted me to my feet. I looked around to find the girl; she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she ran I thought to myself. I contemplated many scenarios in my head. I gave each scenario a thorough review before I came to the conclusion they were all useless. How do I end up in these situations?
The security guard jerked my body forward. "Start walking!" The security guard told me. I follow his directions I knew I was in too much trouble to disobey. We walked into a little side room. He let me go. "Sit down!"
The security guard was shouting and spit a bunch of spit in my face. I quickly wiped it off my face. "Nasty a*s." I mumbled under my breath.
"What you say?" He quickly responded. His breath made me nauseous. I slid my hands down my pocket "Want some gum? You need it bad." He clinched his fist. "That's enough Vector!" A stern voice shouted from a nearby room. "You lucky you damn delinquent!" He snarled at me. I smiled at the officer "And a good day to you too sir!" Turning my head away from him. I walked inside the room.
I saw D'mitri and the girl on the bench sitting opposite of each other, but Blaze was unconscious on the bed with fresh blood on his rainbow colored shirt. I smiled just a little "Wipe that smile off your face son." A man in a business suit shifted his attention towards me. "Come and sit down." I quickly obeyed the man.
Taking my seat next to the girl. D'mitri shot me a dirty look as I walked around him. The man gradually started to grasp the situation at hand. D'mitri told his side of the story, which was pretty irrelevant sense he had no clue what happened. Blaze was still unconscious so no answer from him. The girl must have told her story already because the man looked at me.
"What about you?" The man asked me. Everyone that was conscious in the vicinity shifted their attention towards me.
"I seen a girl in trouble , so I decided to act." The man gather his notes together. Everyone looked at me dumbfounded.
"Is that really all?" The man asked me. "Ya that's all sir. Why would I lie?"
The man sat back into the chair. He must have been surprised about my answer. After ten minutes he said "Your free to go son. Son wake up!" He tapped me on the shoulders. I fell asleep again.
Getting up out the chair I decided to take a long stretch. I walked out of the room. A smooth fragile hand grabbed the back of my jacket. "Thank you." A soft voice tickle my ear. I turned around. It was the girl from the incident.
"Ya umm no problem." It was a awkward moment so some part of me decided it was a good idea to ask her out. She had been through a lot so the least I could do is yet to cheer her up. "Would you like to go to lunch with me?" I could tell the question threw her off guard.
She stood there silent for a moment. "I completely understand if you say no." I quickly added. Why did I ask this girl out? I thought to myself.
"O-O-Ok. Where would we be going?" I couldn't really give her any answer; I wasn't hungry, nor did I have a taste for anything.
"You can decide." So after I gave her belongings we went to the food court. The aroma of the food court could make anyone instantly hungry. They had freshly cook pizza, seasoned chicken, grilled lobsters and many more stuff. I actually got hungry. She led me towards the burger place.
I followed close behind. Looking at her from behind, she had long black hair, with a brilliant shine to it whenever the light hit her hair at a certain spot. You could see there was some dark yellowish streaks in her hair.
She had a nice figure which could definitely be seen with the type of clothing she had on. We got close to store there wasn't much of a line. Maybe a five to ten minute wait at most. We approached the cashier. "Hi may I take your order?" The cashier eagerly stated, he was definitely glaring at her breast.
"I would like a number two combo with water." She stated politely.
"Could you please repeat that order ma'am?" The cashier was probably right she didn't really project her voice.
"I would like a number two combo with water please!" She projected her voice brilliantly this time. You would have to be deaf not to hear that.
"Could you please repeat that order again ma'am." What was wrong with this guy, he should have heard her that time. I looked at the girl. I noticed she had a habit of bouncing up and down. Which made her breasts do the same. The cashier obviously wasn't listening to a word she was saying. He made her repeat that again. It confirm my suspicion. That creep was starring at her breast.
I got annoyed at the situation. Not really because he was staring at her breast, but because the situation started to annoy me. So I moved past her and up to the cashier; I grabbed his shirt and leaned him closer to me and stated "Look you f*****g pervert, I had a long day, would you get your a*s in gear and get her f*****g order right so we can leave. If you didn't hear her the first five times then maybe you would listen to me. She wants a number two combo with water. How hard is it for you to get that simple order right." I let go of his shirt. He was frighten as he stuttered as he repeated the order to me.
"Right so you wanted a number two combo. With water and that's it right?" His voice was shaky. Though it didn't bother me a bit. "That's all." I replied. "Ok that would be eight dollars and ninety eight cents."
I pulled out ten dollars and gave it to the cashier. I said sarcastically "Thank you! You can keep the change." In my most uplifting voice. I grabbed the tray of food and went to find a table. The court room was so pack people was standing up eating. I didn't want to have to balance my food, eat, and hold a conversation all at the same time so I suggested to the girl.
"I know this sudden and all, but would you like to eat in my car?"
I asked with complete confidence she would turn me down. "I u-u-um ok." She was rubbing her legs together which made me sure that she was nervous. So I decided to motion her; I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the mall and to my car. So many scenarios ran through my head each one felt more likely than the last. Finally outside of the mall we had to walk a good way across the parking lot to my car. So as we walked across the parking lot. All I heard was a horn, a scream and after that was complete darkness.
© 2015 Vawn
What happens next?!? wow that was good! I hope you are making something to continue it. looking just at the content I think you have a great story going here. If this was the start of a book I would definitely buy it. Looking at grammar and writing style, it's a little hard to follow but a good editor can fix that with no problem. Any editor who reads this would love to help you write the rest of it as well, I'm sure. Completely hooked, can't wait for the next part of the story!
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 4, 2014
Last Updated on January 1, 2015
Tags: Vawn, Mani, Powers, Super_Powers, Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Tragedy, Horror
VawnMilwaukee, WI
I am an aspiring author and a big time Anime fan. My inspiration stems heavenly from both the real world and Anime.
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