There's a sacred hush in the forest
As the sun slowly sinks in the west
And each creature around
Makes barely a sound
While scurrying off to their nests
Yet the wind from the east seems restless
As though sensing a danger near
and the fervent pleas
of each wayward breeze
Beseech the heavens to hear
But nothing has stirred in the forest
No answer appears in the sky
While the world is asleep
This evil still creeps
And each hope of survival dies.
A shadow falls on the mountain
The threat of disaster looms
And the scent in the air
with each crackle and glare
Foretell of an impending doom
Too late the creatures awaken
and rush to get out of the way
with hearts that are racing
from the death they are facing
in the place where they once had played
Oh friends have you ever listened
To the sounds of a forest in pain?
Have you ever watched
as each tree was lost
And the creatures devoured in flames?
Did you turn your eyes to the heavens
and whisper a silent prayer?
For whoever decreed
This terible deed
May the wrath of the Lord be theirs
And when this horror is over
and you gaze at the barren land,
Does your heart near break
as you witness the waste
of a forest that once was grand?
Oh wind with your mournful wailing
Sing your dirge to the dying pines.
For all that remains
Are the smoldering flames
Of a place that was truly devine.