![]() Chapter 12: Final ChapterA Chapter by Denise
The four friends awoken early to prepare for their journey back to Kubar's layer. Late that night, Shon flew into a near by town and stole clothes, shoes, and other needed supplies from a small store front. Jennifer didn't approve of stealing, but it felt good to get out of the clothes she had been wearing for the past three days straight. They ate trout for breakfast, then climbed up the side of the waterfall and at the top, they found a small boat. Shon and Tyler carried the boat away from the rushing waves so that they or the boat wouldn't be taken by the waterfall. From there, they all boarded the boat and sailed toward The Great Wall of Kilamar- Kubar's gigantic wall that seperates the deathly hollows of Hell from the surface of the Earth.
As they sailed down the stream, Jennifer explained the plan.
"Alright you guys. This is how it's gonna go: Shon and I will take out Kubar's gaurds while the two of you release the slaves. Do whatever you have to do to get in and get out, but just don't get caught. When you make it past the wall, head north- you'll reach Panga Village. Stay there. The villagers will provide food and shelter and anything else you all may need. Shon and I will finish off Kubar and meet up with you guys outside the layer."
"Jennifer, what are you talking about?! We need to all stay together in case something goes wrong," Shon said.
"We will- after we kill Kubar. Tyler has no powers so he'll be no use up against Kubar- no offense."
"None taken," Tyler said.
"And Suri? She can still help," Shon stated.
"Yeah, but this is our fight, not Suri's. I need you with me."
"I don't mind Shon. I'll just help Tyler get the slaves out and to the village. Just make sure you hit Kubar extra hard for me," Suri said, not bothered by Jennifer's plan.
They all agreed to the plan, and as it got later into the night, they each took turns on night watch while the others got some sleep. It was only a matter of time till they reached Kilamar, just as the sun was just beginning to set over the colorful horizon. They reached shallow water where they left the boat and continued their journey on foot. After walking almost for almost an hour, they finally made it to The Great Wall of Kilamar. They all stared at the wall, almost second guessing the whole idea. This could be suicide.
"Okay, I know what you're thinking. But we can do this. We make a great team together so nothing can stop us from giving the slaves the freedom they deserve and ending Kubar's life once and for all," Jennifer said trying to give them a little encouragement. "Hands in." Jennifer's hand went in, Tyler's was next, and then Suri's.
"Come on, Shon," Tyler said, "we can do this."
Shon finally gave in and agreed to the plan. They began the plan that night. Shon found the rock that opened the wall and one at a time, they snuck inside. The guards were nowhere in sight, neither were the slaves.
"Where is everyone?" Suri asked.
"What time is it?" Tyler responded.
"About 8 o'clock. Why?"
"Every night the slaves have to meet for gathering where two people are chosen to fight each other. This shows Kubar who is stronger and who's weaker."
"Why?" Shon asked.
"Kubar only wants the strongest of us. He has to see who can take a hit after a long day of work."
"What happens to those who lose?"
"They're put to death. That's just how it is. Survival of the fittest."
"Does the same rules apply to the the children as well?" Suri asked.
"It's no different," Tyler replied.
Shon, Suri, and Jennifer looked at each other in anguish. It had just become even more important that they stop Kubar before he could kill another innocent person. Shon found the rock that opened the ginormous wall to Kubar's hell and they slowly walked in. Tyler and Suri departed from the siblings to the slaves holding quarters where they would wait for them to return. Shon and Jennifer walked ahead where they came in contact with some gaurds and took them out, making sure they did it as quietly and quickly as possible. Soon, they reached the fighting area. Kubar was there.
"So, what do we do now?" Shon asked as he saw the guards postitioned at the only exit and surrounding Kubar.
"We'll have to take out the gaurds first so they don't harm the slaves. Then I'll direct them toward the slave quarters where Tyler and Suri will lead them out of the wall. But we'll have to hurry. Remember, I can't stay in this heat too long or my powers will give out," Jennifer explained.
"Alright. Here we go," Shon said nervously.
They put the plan into action. Shon let out a blast of fire in every direction. The guards began to scream out commands to the others to shoot at Shon as he flew above them. The slaves began to panic and run toward the ungaurded exits. Jennifer told them to run to their quarters.
"Why should we go back there? I'm getting out of here," someone yelled.
"Yea. Why should we listen to you. Get out of the way!" another yelled.
The slaves began to become rowdy and angry. Jennifer didn't know what to do, so she showed them who she was. She closed her eyes and turned ice all over. The slaves were in shock and amazement.
"I'm here to help you. My name's Jennifer," she said.
The slaves calmed down and agreed to head back to their quarters. Relieved that the slaves were now cooperating, Jennifer powered down.
"Jennifer! I could use a little help!" Shon exclaimed as he tried to fight Kubar.
Jennifer ran over to help Shon. They tried everything they could think of to take down Kubar, but he was just too strong. They hid behind a wall to take a breather.
"What do we do now?!" Shon asked exhausted from flying in circles.
Jennifer looked around the room to see what they could use to their advantage. She had an idea. Shon ran from behind the wall and began to jump up and down while yelling at Kubar.
"Hey! Yea, I'm talkin' to you! That's all you got? I've seen your slaves fight better than that," Shon exclaimed.
Kubar ran towards Shon and he went back behind the wall. Kubar hit his head on the giant wall and the walls around them began to tremble. Shon continued to do this and Kubar continued to charge at the wall, causing the layer to shake. After a few more blows, the ceiling began to come down in the cave. Shon and Jennifer ran toward the exit and for the big wall. Kubar tried to dodge the lava rocks as they fell, but he was just too big. He was crushed by the rocks. Shon and Jennifer ran as fast as they could. The wall was still open. They were almost there, but Jennifer was becoming weak. She fell to the ground. Shon turned around and saw her lying there.
"Come on Jen! We're almost there!" Shon yelled trying to hold back his tears.
"Go ahead... You still have a chance," Jennifer said in short breaths.
"No, I'm not going to lose you again!"
Shon picked Jennifer up and carried her toward the wall. It began to close before them. He ran faster and faster, but the wall closed even faster. Then suddenly, he flew toward the wall and landed on his back. They made it.
"Shon. Shon. Are you okay?" a voice asked.
He woke up to see Suri's bright blue eyes staring right at him.
"I am now," he said.
The slaves began to cheer. They were free. Tyler helped Jennifer up and she walked over to give her little brother a big hug.
"Thank you very much for freeing my people. No longer will we have to be beaten and work endless hours for Kubar. We're free!" Tyler said sincerely.
Tyler gave his good-byes and led the slaves to Panga Village.
"So," said Suri,"I guess this is goodbye for now."
"What do you mean? Why don't you just come with me and Jennifer? We could really use you on our team," Shon asked.
"As good as that sounds, I'll have to pass it up for now. I need to get back to my father in Aspen. I know he's probably worried sick about me. But I won't ever forget about this exciting adventure you and your sister took me on. Here's my number. Call me whenever you get the chance, okay?"
Suri wrote her number down in the mud and gave Shon a kiss on the cheek. She said goodbye to Jennifer and ran ahead to catch up with Tyler.
Shon looked at the numbers in the mud, trying to get them in his head, but then suddenly, Jennifer stepped over it with her boot, erasing it from the dirt.
"Hey! You did that on purpose!" Shon said in anger.
"No, I didn't," Jennifer said sarcastically.
"Yes you did!"
"No, I didn't."
"Yes you did!"
The two walked through the night, arguing of course, on to their next assignment. They never really know where life will take them. But as long as it takes them there together, they're happy with that.
© 2013 Denise |
Added on May 13, 2010 Last Updated on May 2, 2013 Previous Versions Author![]() DeniseOrlando, FLAboutsexy,love basketball,outgoing,love shopping,love to be with family&friends more..Writing