Chapter eleven

Chapter eleven

A Chapter by Deneru Yamada

This novel is about a college student whose fate is something she never expected which could change her life forever - that is, to investigate a crime scene that happened within her school.


Alicia's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I stirred from my comforting sleep when the annoying beeps turned into play.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Opening my eyes slowly, I examined the room lazily in my bed. The morning sunshine illuminated the room, entering from the white linen drapes. I shifted my sight towards Audrey's bed. Pillows and covers were neatly placed on top of the bed. She wasn't here anymore.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Oh shoot!" came out from my mouth all of a sudden while sitting in my bed as fast as I could, remembering about the agreement Phin and I made last night. We were supposed to meet in the parking lot at eight o'clock. Seeing the wall clock ticking about thirty minutes past eight already, I panicked. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night after being so engrossed with an online novel. "Crap". Phin must really be mad by now.

I picked up my phone hastily. Phin's calling me. Oh boy. What to do? I'd be done for when I answer his call now. Heck. I'd also be done for if I'll not answer him. Today's going to be the death of me!

"H-Hello?" I stammered, walking towards the bathroom.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AVA?!" Phin bellowed over the phone. I winced.

"I-I'm still in my room." I replied sheepishly.

"WHAT?! For goodness sake Ava, how could you just forget what we agreed last night?!" He barked, frustrated.

"I'm really sorry Phin." I countered, closing the bathroom door. "I'm about to take a shower. Wanna hear me taking my bath?" I whispered. He paused for a moment before speaking.

"You can't be serious."

"Yes I am Phin."

"I'm hanging up. I'll just pick you up in the lobby." He sighed. "You're hopeless Ava."

"W-What?!" I exclaimed, provoked. He hung up before getting the chance to answer me back. Sigh. I don't have any right to get heated after the trouble I've caused this day.

Putting my phone aside, I took a quick fifteen-minute bath, hurriedly brushed my teeth, swiftly changed into simple jeans and shorts, tied my hair in a messy yet decent bun and sprinted towards the lobby. I saw him sitting tranquilly in the couch with eyes closed and arms crossed. I sat beside him as stealthily as I could. Breathing evenly, I felt his tranquility was one with nature. I felt the pang of guilt within me, knowing that he woke up early in the morning just to be in our agreed place on time, and here I was, giving him a much harder time. I shook my head, sighing. What have I done?

He probably noticed someone's beside him when he stirred from his light nap. He opened his eyes and winced upon seeing me. He didn't utter a single word while giving me a weary look on his face.

"Look Phin. I-I didn't mean to forget what we agreed last night. I-I got hooked up reading a novel last night and slept at dawn. What's worse is that I forgot to … set the alarm." I stammered. He didn't react. "I'm sorry Phin." I said sincerely. My voice trailed as I looked down. He sighed and stood up.

"Let's go." Phin commanded.

Without a word, I walked beside him readily. I wanted to convince him how truly sorry I am. The question is, "How?"

We paced towards the parking lot in an eerie silence. Strangely, I missed walking hand-in-hand with him. I understand he's enraged right now that's why he didn't bother doing that. However, I felt the need of lightening up his mood so I tenderly held his right hand with my left. He stiffened for a moment, slowed down but didn't keep his sight away from the straight road. I've always wanted to see the gregariousness of my childhood friend despite all our petty fights.

We almost reached the parking lot when he halted and tightened his grip with my hand. I looked up to him as he gazed into my eyes intently. His seriousness was so overwhelming that my eyes got locked up onto his.

"Don't do that again. You know it isn't that easy."

"Yes Phin. I'll not do that again." I replied with utmost honesty. I didn't want to do anything that would make him this upset anymore. Although I don't know his plan yet, I'm pretty sure I've caused an ample trouble to make him this burdened. He stared at me for a brief while before nodding. Then we continued pacing towards his red sports car, Sunny.

He opened the door for me. I entered meekly and he followed. Then we pulled off quietly.

Driving along the driveway for a long while, we were still in awkward stillness. I didn't want to say anything, afraid that this might aggravate the situation. Surprisingly, Phin spoke in his casual tone.

"So how was yesterday?"

"Uh " Everything's fine." I responded, slightly nervous.

"Like what exactly is everything Ava? I want to know the details." He said with raised eyebrows.

Knowing Phin, he isn't the type of person who'll be settled with just a simple fact. He always wants to piece out everything before figuring out the outcome.

I told him everything about the mysterious girl, Barbara Watson, of course.

"So you're really scouting that girl, aren't you?" He croaked.

"Don't take it wrongly. I just want to know more about her." I scowled. He chuckled.

"Whatever you say Ava, you're still nosing into Barbara's business." He glanced at me and continued. "In other words, you're a stalker ." He teased. I glared at him.

"H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You're a stalker. That's all I said, plain and simple." He smirked.

"No hidden meaning?"

"Nope." He grinned happily, gripping the steering wheel. I squinted for a while.

"Okay." I sighed in defeat. "I thought you'd imply I'm a homo."

"Now you caught me unguarded with that." He stared at me in utter bewilderment. 

"I never thought of that until now."

"Wow. How innocent was that?" Then we both laughed.

"C'mon Ava. Don't you believe me?"

"I do Phin. That's why I'm laughing." I said, wiping the small tears that formed at the corners of my eyes. Phin beamed, finally.

"Do you really want us to talk about that homo thing again?" He smirked.

"Of course not Phin!" I blurted. Then I paused fleetingly, remembering that incident when Phin was labeled a gay. "But I guess this can't be helped for now."

"W-What do you mean?" He looked at me, apprehensive.

"I'm sure you know by now Phin." I gazed at him. He countered with his numbing silence and puzzling expression. "That you're regarded as a gay." He flinched and halted the car engine at a nearby stop. He closed his eyes and sighed before he admitted.

"Yes, I know."

"Why didn't you tell me?! That's just horrible Phin!"

"You don't have to be bothered. You know I'm not like that, right?"

"C'mon Phin. This is serious!"

"I am serious Ava. Don't bother with it." He stepped the accelerating pedal and continued driving.

"How can I not bother when everyone else is backstabbing you without me knowing?!" I exclaimed, panting. He smiled and patted my head gently without breaking eye contact.

"Knowing that you truly care for me is more than enough Ava."

Now, it's my turn to get defenseless. I was shocked by his sudden move. I felt blood gushing all over my cheeks. My heart beat went fast uncontrollably. What the heck am I feeling now?

"I-I'm your childhood friend. Of course I care." I stammered, looking away from his gaze.

"I know." He uttered while giving a cherubic smile which made me feel more uneasy. C'mon Ava. Don't falter now.

"What do you plan to do?" I croaked, gulping.

"Nothing. Just let it be."

"No Phin. You can't do that." I protested.

"Then tell me what I should do."

I ran out of words for a moment. I paused, thinking deeply.

Come to think of it. There must be some other way that he could escape this. People already know that Phin and I always hang out together " the two girls I met yesterday were proof of that. However, they didn't mention my relation with Phin. Maybe I could take advantage of it.

"Well." I beamed. He waited patiently for my answer.

"Well?" Phin queried with raised eyebrows.

"We could act like we're for real in front of them." I replied, winking. Phin's eyes widened.

"No. You couldn't be serious about that." He shook his head.

"Yes, I am. I'm serious about that Phin." I stated with conviction.

"Ava, I do not want you to bail me out of my vexing situation using that strategy, not any method involving your wellbeing."

"Stop it Phin!" I glared at him. "You always love to do that. You always act as my sentry, savior or the like. You don't have to do that all the time. Please. Let me return the favor just for once." I pleaded. He didn't answer back, not even return my gaze. He drove silently until his car halted. This must be our destination, the famous Hollywood.

Phineas's POV

At long last, we reached Hollywood. However, my mind can't help from being enthralled at Ava's suggestion. We'll be acting as lovers. For real?! This is, for sure, one of the craziest things we've done together! Besides, she wanted to return the favor of always helping her out. To be honest, I never asked for any repayment. I did all those not as a favor but as a friend " a caring childhood friend to be exact. I wanted to tell her these things badly but I'll just save it later. I can't let our argument ruin her brother's surprise this day.

We stopped in the vicinity of the Kodak Hollywood Theatre. A large crowd of people from different walks of life swarmed the area which made my search for Nick much harder. I scanned the place as thoroughly as I could, looking for signs of my best friend. Unfortunately, I could not spot him no matter how much I try to bulge my eyes. Suddenly, Ava pulled the sleeve of my shirt lightly.

"Who are you looking for Phin?"

"I can't tell you yet. Sorry." I said as I searched him in the crowd frantically.

"C'mon. Maybe I can help."

"It's fine. Just wait. Don't worry." I gave a reassuring smile. She simply pouted. There's just no way that I'd spoil the fun now so I had to keep it secret from her.

Finally, after what took forever, I located my best friend in a corner near. He was leaning in a post near the huge structure of the theatre. He's talking to a guy who's probably as tall as him and carrying an SLR camera. I squinted my eyes trying to figure out who's this other guy. Realizing this guy is someone new to me, I patted Ava's shoulder.

"Let's go Ava."

"Where are we going?" She asked earnestly. I smirked in response.

"I have to do this before we're going there." I pulled a large hanky from my pocket and slowly covered it in Ava's eyes.

"Hey. Why are you doing this?" She queried, however, allowing me to wrap her eyes.

"It's part of the drama." I whispered near her ear. She shivered.

"Stop doing that Phin! It tickles!" Ava protested. I giggled. Now I discovered another weakness from her. I held both of her shoulders firmly facing her back.

"Just walk slowly."

"You've got to be kidding me. What if I trip?" She whimpered.

"You won't trip. I'm here. Don't you trust me?"

"Fine."She sighed in defeat and started marching slowly.

Guiding her, I was careful enough not to bump her with the people around us. Nick noticed us and he giggled seeing Ava in this state. The other guy turned to see us too, getting excited. I could sense a dreadful feeling about today's encounter.

Ava and I stopped in a spot just a few strides away from where Nick and that guy were standing.

"We're here?" Ava asked.

"Yep." I answered and slowly untied the hanky. When Ava opened her eyes, Nick greeted her with a warm smile. She gasped.

"Bro!" She exclaimed happily and swiftly hugged her brother.

"C'mon. I know you miss me." Nick chortled.

"Of course! Who wouldn't miss you?" She pulled away. I was glad to see them reunited.

"Haha! So you mean everybody wants to see me?" Nick said, amused.

"Yes. Why not? Duh, even if I have an annoying brother, no one will deny that you're friendly." She countered, raising her eyebrows in response. Nick laughed.

"Whatever you say." Nick shook his head and looked at me. "Thanks for bringing her here. I owe you again."

"No problem Nick." I smiled genially.

"You must owe Phin a lot bro." Ava said teasingly. Nick grinned.

"Yeah." He nodded. I also gave him a quick nod. "Oh. Before I forget, I would like you to meet my classmate. His name is Harvey Smith, an aspiring surgeon and a part time photographer."

"Hi." Harvey uttered.

"Hello." Ava responded. Harvey slid his right hand in front of Ava. She took it and both shook hands.

"You must be Alicia, Felix's younger sister."

"Alice." Ava corrected.

"Oh, okay. Alice." Harvey beamed and Ava took her hands off deftly. She also smiled back. Honestly, I felt strange seeing them talk. The guy seemed over-friendly which made me uncomfortable. I couldn't explain why.

"You must be Phineas, best friend of Felix." He held out his hand in front of me and I took it, making a firm quick hand shake with him. I nodded and he continued. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you too." I countered and took off my hand.

"Okay. Now we're here, why don't we stroll around?" Nick suggested.

"Sure." Ava agreed cheerfully. Harvey and I nodded.

We began walking leisurely. Harvey took pictures to his heart's content, probably taking the opportunity of being here in Hollywood. Along the way, we managed to stop at a restaurant and ate together.

After a long while, Nick tugged my shirt when Ava and Harvey didn't notice us from behind. I nodded. I understood what he meant. He needed me to go with him. Though I didn't like the thought of leaving Ava with Harvey, I just can't refuse my best friend.

"Harvey, please look out for my sister. I have to go with Phin somewhere." Nick requested.

"Sure. No problem." Harvey replied.

"Where are you going?" Ava inquired.

"Secret." Nick winked at Ava. He glanced at me and I smirked.

"You two always love to sneak out without me." Ava whimpered.

"You can't have him all the time Alicia." Nick backfired and Ava winced, surprised by what he said. I can't help but smile at the sight. "Besides, it's boy business." Nick continued.

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes. "Boy business. Right. How about Harvey? Isn't he a guy? Or he's " " She looked wearily at Harvey. Harvey gave a confused look. I understood what she's about to say. That is, Harvey is a homo or gay. Widening my eyes, I immediately spoke in order to stop her.

"Harvey has nothing to do with it." I said, rudely interrupting Ava.

"Oh, sorry about that." She said sheepishly.

"What are you two talking about?" Nick asked, looking as perplexed as Harvey.

"N-Nothing special Nick. Trust me." I chuckled, slightly nervous. Nick squinted at us for a while then sighed.

"Okay. C'mon." Nick signaled as he patted my back. I nodded and followed him. I felt so relieved we escaped that weird situation.

Now that Ava and Harvey are out of sight, Nick blurted his curiosity.

"Tell me what exactly was that Phin."

"Trust me Nick." I sighed. "You wouldn't want to know." I warned him.

"Now you're making me feel like I'm not your best friend anymore." He said, upset. I felt guilty for what I did so I decided to tell him. I sighed once more before I spoke.

"Ava was supposed to say that Harvey is a gay."

"Wow. That's a total blow." Nick said, flinching.

"See? I told you." I laughed. He then joined me. A few minutes later, we arrived in front of a stuff toy shop.

"We're here." He stated triumphantly.

"Are you serious?!" I grimaced. I swear I doubted Nick's virility at the moment.

"Idiot. It's not what you think it is." Nick said defensively. "I'm going to buy Alicia a present. I wanted to be a good brother to him even if I'm away."

"Good to hear that." I sighed in relief. "I thought I lost you already, Nick."

"Ha! Don't even have second thoughts about me Phin. You should know me better than anyone else." He alleged pointedly. True enough, doubting his manhood was a wrong move. I've known him for God knows how long so I shouldn't question that about him.

"Then why did you bring me here for?" I queried as we entered the shop.

"To pick the present of course." He answered smugly. "You should know Alicia better than I do now."

"Believe me. She hasn't changed a bit Nick." I smirked, taking a run down on the pile of stuff toys.

"C'mon Phin. Don't give me a hard time." He selected the brown medium-sized teddy bear with a heart in the middle. "How about this? Will she like this?"

"Hhmm…" I examined the teddy bear. "I guess Ava would like it better if it has a larger size, fluffier and is white in color." I picked a teddy bear with the mentioned qualities. "Like this."

"Perfect. I wasn't wrong about choosing you, Phin." Nick said, elatedly. Then we went to the counter to pay for it.

Pacing our way to where we initially stayed, Nick and I spent chatting and laughing together, trying to relive some of our childhood memories. After a brief while, I spotted Ava and Harvey in one corner just a few strides away from us. My stomach turned helplessly. Ava seemingly had a good time with him, being taken as Harvey's portrait model or so.

"Wow. I didn't know Alicia's good in that." Nick expressed, amused.

"Yeah." I croaked, slightly disgruntled.

"Hey! You sure are having fun there." Nick called when Ava and Harvey paused.

Harvey and Ava turned to see us with widening smiles. I, on the other hand, wore a plain expression, hiding the teddy bear at my back.

"Where have you two been?" Ava inquired, with raised eyebrows.

"Well, I have something for you." Nick replied, beaming.

"Really? What is it?" She asked excitedly. Nick faced me and gave a quick nod. I understood and revealed Nick's gift. Ava gasped cheerfully as she came near me to grab the teddy.

"It's so beautiful." She said, hugging the teddy more tightly. "Thank you bro."

"No problem. You should also thank Phin for choosing that." Nick winked at her. Ava looked at me and grinned. I nodded and smiled in response.

Minutes flew by and whether we liked it or not, we had to make a call for the day and part ways. Nick and Harvey went somewhere else. Conversely, Ava and I had to turn a different route back to our school dorm. It was late in the afternoon.

Driving our way back to the dorm, my mind was busily preoccupied. No matter how hard I try to forget the scene when Harvey threw a wink at Ava and she giggled back, I simply couldn't get it off my mind. Again, my stomach turned. It totally got on my nerves. I couldn't understand why I'm acting such right now. Seriously, I have to stay cool. I gripped the steering wheel more tightly, trying to appease my senses.

Unexpectedly, my mind drifted to that issue Ava and I had earlier. Maybe I really had to talk this out with her now. How serious was she about us acting real lovers? Admittedly, I had primarily thought of this plan. However, I did not pursue since I could not afford to put her into more mess, now that she's nosing Barbara's business. If Ava's really serious about this, then I have no other choice but to go with the flow.

My thoughts were snapped all of a sudden when Ava spoke.

"Thanks." She grinned.

"For what?" I scowled, processing what she just said.

"Teddy bear" She wagged the teddy's hand in a waving motion. "Duh. Have you 

forgotten about this already?" She giggled. Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Man, how long was I spacing out?

"S-Sorry about that." I gulped, looking straight in the driveway.

"Fine." She chuckled, embracing the teddy. "You know Phin, I'm thinking of giving this teddy bear a name."

"Oh yeah? What do you want to call that teddy then?" I queried, amused of the thought.

"Archer." She beamed. "I want to name him Archer."

"Nice name. Why do you want to call him that?" I said, smiling. So Ava decided herself that this teddy will be a boy.

"When I saw him, he's like an archer who charmed my heart." She snickered.

"Geez. That sounds like cupid. Why don't you call him cupid?" I scoffed facetiously.

"Nah. I find it too cheesy." She shook her head for a while. "Archer is much cooler, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I think so too." I nodded. "By the way, I have something important to tell you." I managed to halt the car on a nearby stop.

"What is it?"Ava asked, playing with her teddy. I suspired, grasping the steering wheel tighter.

"You don't have to worry about returning any favor to me." I gazed at her with seriousness. She paused and returned my gaze. We stared at each other for a long while before she said anything.

"Phin, please don't get me wrong. I-I just wanted to help you." Her voice trailed.

"So you're not kidding when you told me about us acting out as lovers?" I questioned her, straight to the point. She nodded.

"I mean what I said Phin." She responded with finality. I sighed.

"Alright. Then I guess I have no choice but to play along with you." I said reassuringly.

© 2013 Deneru Yamada

Author's Note

Deneru Yamada
x x x This chapter is not meant to offend homosexuals. The main gist here is about someone being pinned of something he/she isn't. x x x

x x x Spoilers: The story is near the much awaited murder scene. Thanks for reading and your patience! I owe you a lot guys! x x x

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Added on January 3, 2013
Last Updated on January 5, 2013
Tags: detective fiction, mystery, crime, suspense, humor


Deneru Yamada
Deneru Yamada

♥ I got this pen name Deneru 'cause I find it unique. It's just a name that came to my mind (I dunno how it got there). But it somehow tells my avid nature of Japanese anime. I am a certified J.. more..

Chapter one Chapter one

A Chapter by Deneru Yamada