Chapter ten

Chapter ten

A Chapter by Deneru Yamada

This novel is about a college student whose fate is something she never expected which could change her life forever - that is, to investigate a crime scene that happened within her school.


Alicia's POV

Reading a novel restfully in my bed facing my laptop, my thoughts turned deeply engrossed that I didn't mind skipping today's early morn breakfast. I've always been a bookworm ever since. Whenever I have nothing else to do, I'd lock myself in my bedroom and allow myself to get hooked up with any interesting novel I could search online.

Second to reading, another favorite pastime of mine is painting. I'd love to experiment with colors and use my imagination to the fullest using this art skill. However, I rarely do this hobby during my leisure times. Often times the not, I only paint to my heart's content whenever I'm remarkably inspired to do so. Now is particularly special since I've found a new inspiration who happens to be that mysterious girl. Before I get to face my laptop, I finished an abstract painting which I hanged in a wall near my bed.

Speaking of that girl, I do not know her true name yet. I had honestly been dying to know her name ever since I knew that she's a student in this university. Well, as of now, I certainly have a way to fathom that girl's name " that is, with the help of my workmate, Doris. Knowing that Doris is a fine arts major student, she'll be my sure ticket to unraveling that mysterious girl's identity. I've convinced Doris to accompany me this afternoon to their college building. I haven't exactly told her everything about my real intention. Thank God she didn't ask much about it.

Just then my newly bought iphone, which laid flat beside me, beeped. Phin surprisingly purchased me an iphone yesterday after that incident " when I went to the Fine Arts building all alone doing the sleuthing. Indeed, I could say that he's extremely thoughtful for buying me one.

Come to think of it, my mom offered to buy me an iphone just before this school year's opening but I declined. I do not wish to have lots of distractions especially now that I'm in my junior year. I need much focusing with my studies and all. Before life's complication came, I was settled of having only my laptop with me and using emails to communicate with people.

When Phin brought me to a nearby mall yesterday night, I tried compromising him that I'd buy an iphone myself some other time but he insisted that I need to have one now. He seemed to be unreasonably worried about my safety after almost getting lost on my way back to the girl's dormitory. Without much further ado, he bought me this iphone I'm holding right now and I didn't complain anymore. Truly, I felt so much blessed to have a life savior.

I opened the inbox and read Phin's message, "Meet me in the parking lot at 2 pm". I was taken aback at his prompt command. He's preposterously unpredictable. I texted him, "I can't. I'm going out with Doris. Sorry." A few seconds later, he replied saying "Alright. Be vacant tomorrow. You're going with me." I shook my head. Seriously, what's he planning with me now? I typed my message in response "What do you want from me? ". Then he answered back "I won't tell. You'll know it tomorrow anyway. You may think of it as your date with me." and inserted a winking emoticon. I sighed in disbelief. Surely, this man is hopeless. I texted one more time "Whatever Phin. Just text me the details this evening. Don't disturb me any longer. I'm busy." Finally, he texted his last message saying "Okay then. See you tomorrow."

Well, I could say that having a phone nowadays is really convenient. I might as well embrace and take advantage to the fullest these changes that technology has to offer these days. I put down my phone back to where it originally laid. I leaned on the pillow resting at my back and looked blankly at the ceiling. I'm tired of all his surprises. I do not want to think anymore about all the crazy ideas Phin has for me from now on. Starting today, I have resolved just to go with the flow. Anyway, he is someone I trust profoundly so no worries.

My busy thoughts were snapped curtly upon Audrey's arrival.

"Hey there." Audrey said, beaming.

"Hey." I smiled back warmly.

"Why'd you zone out for?" She asked while closing the door.

"N-Nothing special." I shrugged as I continued. "You know I love to do that whenever I'm alone, Audrey."

"Yeah right." Audrey replied as she chuckled. I carried on with my business, fiddling online novels and various internet sites. Audrey went near me. Unexpectedly, she handed me a bundle of breakfast.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to skip your meals?" She reminded me with raised eyebrows. I remained speechless for some time, honestly touched by her deed. Then I spoke.

"S-Sorry … and thank you for this." I responded meekly, putting a sincere smile on my lips. She sighed while sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Fine. You're welcome." Then we both laughed. I set aside my belongings and began eating.

"Nice painting, Alice." She praised, pointing at my finished art piece.


"Your painting is so intricate and easily captivates any viewer's heart." Audrey commented, watching my work intently. She happens to be a hobbyist like me. Her main interests are painting and photography even though she's an education student major in Mathematics. That's something unique from us. We both took up a course quite opposite to our hobbies.

"Thanks again my dear best friend." I uttered.

"No problem." Then she noticed of my iphone. She inquired delightfully "Wait. Is that yours?! Let me see!"

"Haha! Don't get too excited Audrey."

"Who wouldn't be surprised Alice?! I mean, everyone knows that you're not into texting and here you are, having an iphone all of a sudden?!"

"C'mon. It's not so much a big deal, isn't it? Phin bought that for me out of necessity." I blurted absentmindedly.

"P-Phin did?!" She exclaimed with eyes wide open. Uh-oh! I shouldn't have said that. Audrey's going to forcefully let me admit what I've done to trigger Phin's sudden act. Then I'll end up telling her about my sleuthing plans with that girl. No way. I shouldn't tell her, not now at the very least.

"W-Well, he said I needed to have one. H-He's tired of waiting for me in the lobby every time he wants to hang out with me." That was a valid reason. Good thinking my lovely brain.

"Oh, that makes sense." She nodded, forming an evil grin in her lips.

"Hey. What are you thinking now?"

"Phin must like you that much." Audrey emphasized the word like and then giggled. Oh dear, looks like I'm in more trouble.

"Stop fantasizing. Don't even think of it wrongly."

"I understand how you feel Alice. You're still in denial phase."

"Whatever Audrey. Whatever." I did my perfect eye roll. She chuckled

"Just so you know Alice, fantasizing at times can make me feel better." She stated and I winced, frowning in slight disgust. I simply shook my head, convincing myself that I have to understand my weirdo best friend.

"Fine. Do whatever you want." I sighed. She laughed boisterously enough to fill the once silent room. Then she paused abruptly and spoke.

"Oh, that reminds me of something." She rushed towards her cabinet and rummaged for something which I do not know. After a brief moment, she took out two pieces of clothing which were neatly folded. She handed one to me.

"What's this for?" I slowly unfolded the clothing to reveal its design. It was a simple yet beautiful white shirt with an adorable heart shape in the middle bedecked with shimmering letters of the words best friends forever. I was deeply moved with Audrey's thoughtfulness. Her love for me is genuine just like how I feel for her.

"It's a mark of our friendship." She unfolded her shirt too and saw the same design as mine. She beamed widely.

"That's so sweet of you Audrey." Teary eyed, I hastily got up from my bed to hug her.

x x x

Afternoon came and I readied myself for this day's mission. Finally, that mysterious girl's identity will be revealed! The feeling's an unexplainable nail-biter and I couldn't let this excitement get off my mind. I bid a sincere good bye to my best friend (not to mention that I told her an impeccable excuse for going out with Doris this whole afternoon so as not to disclose my real intention) and headed my way to the dorm's lobby. That's where I met Doris.

"Thank you so much for going with me." I expressed truthfully.

"No problem." Doris said.

We walked quietly on our way to the Fine Arts building. Suddenly, Doris queried.

"I was just wondering. Why do you want to know who's this girl?" Oh boy, this was one of my most feared questions before I asked Doris to come with me now. But gladly, I've come up with a reason beforehand.

"I want to help a friend. He's, you know, sort of interested to know her and I'm helping him out." I replied with ease, trying to hide my guilt. Darn, how many times do I have to lie for the sake of this assiduous sleuthing?

"I see. That guy's a coy for asking you this favor."

"Y-Yeah." I croaked slightly fidgety, hoping she wouldn't question any further.

Thankfully, she remained silent after that conversation. Silence was awkward yet much more bearable than being caught lying. Oh please, spare me from that disaster. I know I'm such a bad liar since I easily fall off from where I stand. However, fortune is on my side now. At least I'm not at the verge of tripping off from the lies that I made within this day.

At long last, we made it to the Fine Arts building assembly hall. I scanned the area which seemed overly familiar to me, reminiscing the time when I was sleuthing that mysterious girl. The hall was populated. According to Doris, today's a special day for all the fine arts students. An important announcement will be made by the Fine Arts Club president. I'm also quite intrigued with what's that announcement going to be.

My thoughts caught guard blamelessly with my real purpose of coming here. Yes. I'm here to know that girl's name and finally end this strenuous unraveling. I quickly examined the crowd and saw a bunch of recognizable faces. Most of them held well-known visage to me yet unknown names whatsoever. After a long while, I managed to catch a glimpse of that mysterious girl resting on a railing not far from me. I noticed she was in deep thought and alone, again. Whenever I'd see her, she always seemed detached with her surroundings. Has she always been this desolate? How sad her life is if that's the case.

I tapped the Doris's shoulder just in time when I saw that girl. Doris turned to me and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Doris, I've found her."

"Really?! Where?!" She looked at me with much thrill.

"There." I guided Doris's vision with my finger pointing that mysterious girl. She gasped.

"H-Her?! That girl?" She squinted at me for a while.

"Yep." I answered, quite puzzled at her reaction.

"Alice, that girl is tremendously popular with boys."

"Well, that's obvious. She's drop dead gorgeous."

"However, she's notable of being an aloof." Doris's voice trailed.

"Oh, I see. That's quite evident. What's her name?"

"Barbara … Her name is Barbara Watson." Doris responded. At last, my mission is over. I nodded in relief.

"What else do you know about her?"

"As far as I know, everyone always try to reach her but she seems to put a wall on herself. She's friendless and no one knows why she's acting that way." Doris glanced at her for a moment. I listened very intently as she continued. "But she's extremely talented in painting."

I nodded in agreement. Of course! Who would say that she isn't gifted? After seeing her work, I'd say she's an angel that came down from heaven for being such talented and beautiful.

"Barbara enrolled in this university last semester. Rumors say she originally studied in Princeton University but got transferred here due to unknown reasons. That's all I know." Doris stated. I honestly felt sorry for Barbara. She's probably having a difficult life. That explains why she's always wearing that dead cold look on her eyes.

"That's really sad to hear." I said sympathetically. "Thanks for informing me."

"Anytime Alice. Hope that guy's not going to withdraw from getting to know Barbara." Doris winked.

"Y-Yeah." I chuckled slightly nervous.

Gratefully, everyone's attention was called by the club president. I was saved from this difficult situation with his interruption. Thank goodness!

Listening to the president, Dylan Collins, I was greatly impressed. His supremacy was apparent in the way he speaks in front of his audience. No wonder he earned an ample respect from a lot of people. His announcement was in fact good news to everyone since their club will be hosting a university event entitled "The Arts Event" to be held a month from now. Not only fine arts students are permitted to join this contest, but most importantly, each student in this university has the privilege to participate in contests and activities provided by this major event. At Dylan's concluding remarks, he declared that all fine arts students must register in at least one activity to assist in the preparations. Everyone formed respective queues orderly at the president's command.

I, on the other hand, was left on my own in one corner of the hall, waiting for Doris to finish her registration. Least did I know that a duo of trendy girls was already approaching me.

"Hey." said one girl who possessed high pinkish cheekbones, curly long lashes, nut-brown eyes, slender tall body and fair skin.

"Hi." I replied with a bashful smile.

"Aren't you that girl who's always hanging out with the MVP of the basketball varsity, Phineas Jones?" asked the other girl who's rather short compared to the other one and held distinct features such as catchy hazel eyes, voluminous lashes, full lips, tan skin and voluptuous figure. I flinched at her question before I responded.

"Y-Yeah, I am."

"Aren't you having a hard time being with him?" queried the taller one. To tell the truth, I'm always having a hard time with Phin, but that matter is to be settled only between the two of us. There's just no way that I'd allow anybody else to intervene our privacy.

"No. Why should I?" I said slightly provoked.

"Well, we just heard some rumors about him." stated the taller one with a playful tone.

"What gossip did you hear about Phin?"

"You must be careful not to fall for him dear. He's a gay." expressed the shorter one.

"W-What?!" I gasped in disbelief. I've never heard such horrible regard from other people about my childhood friend.

"Haven't you heard about it? Oh, I see. You must be blinded by his façade already." said the taller girl. What the heck are they trying to do with Phin?! They're clearly destroying his name! I can't stand this any longer.

"Screw those lies about Phin, you morons! Do that once more and I'll make sure you'll never get to see this world again." I gritted my teeth as I spoke. The two girls slowly walked away from me, afraid of my fuming expression. How dare they do that?! They do not even know Phin that much and they still have the guts to spread those impertinent rumors?!

I sat on a nearby bench, trying to appease my staggering fury, as I waited for Doris's arrival.

© 2013 Deneru Yamada

Author's Note

Deneru Yamada
x x x This chapter is not meant to offend homosexuals. The main gist here is about someone being pinned of something he/she isn't. x x x

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Added on December 26, 2012
Last Updated on January 5, 2013
Tags: detective fiction, mystery, crime, suspense, humor


Deneru Yamada
Deneru Yamada

♥ I got this pen name Deneru 'cause I find it unique. It's just a name that came to my mind (I dunno how it got there). But it somehow tells my avid nature of Japanese anime. I am a certified J.. more..

Chapter one Chapter one

A Chapter by Deneru Yamada