![]() Chapter nineA Chapter by Deneru Yamada![]() This novel is about a college student whose fate is something she never expected which could change her life forever - that is, to investigate a crime scene that happened within her school.![]() Alicia's POV Time appeared to be unpredictably fast. Here I was, standing in the video shop's front desk waiting for customers to arrive, when my thoughts were still lingering from that catchy moment when Phin and I discovered that mysterious girl inside the UCLA premises about three days ago. That incident seemed to occupy my mind over and over again for the rest of the days. I can still recall the exact feeling that I had during that unexpected scene. My pair of chestnut eyes got fixated on the gorgeous mysterious girl sitting in a bench from afar. I squinted studying her recognizable features - dazzling porcelain skin, curvaceous body and flaxen perm hair which flowed smoothly with the dancing mild breeze. Seeing her for the third time wasn't a fantasy. What if my dream last time was a real omen? My body quivered slightly at the thought. Then I took this chance to see her eyes once more. I was right. Her eyes remained as cold and as dead as ever. My head was so preoccupied of her that I didn't notice Phin was trying his best to catch my attention. He probably labeled me names already, mustering his vexation for being ignored by me. Finally, he decided to tug my hand forceful enough for me to fall onto his strong-built body. I quickly managed to regain my senses and straightened up, leaning away from him. But still, his hand didn't break contact with mine. "What's the matter with you?!" I exclaimed, feeling giddy by the sudden collision he created just a few seconds ago. "I'm supposed to ask you that Ava." He responded with raised eyebrows. "Gosh Phin! Could you try to be more gentle with me?!" "I did my best but you never listened!" I flinched upon hearing Phin's raucous reply. Well, I should congratulate him for creating such ruckus in the middle of the crowd. Everyone near us halted and examined both of us in our heated argument. Conscious with his surroundings, he immediately pulled me away from this awkward scene. As we walked hand-in-hand along the hallway, I spoke. "Phin, that girl - " "I know." Phin said, interrupting me politely. "I'm honestly apprehensive about that." He looked at me wearily. "W-Why?" I inquired curiously. The way he's looking at me right now seemed all Greek to me. It took long before he answered me back. "I'm sure you're going to stalk her every now and then ... and I have this gut feeling that you might be in danger once you'll meddle in with that girl's business." He expressed with such genial look on his handsome face. I felt blood cascading through my cheeks and my heart palpitated for a while. I couldn't understand why I felt that. "D-Don't worry. I'll not put myself in trouble. I swear." I croaked, looking away from him trying to control my sudden embarrassment. "You should definitely swear that Ava. I don't want to see you hurt." I sighed and composed myself before nodding. "W-Why are you so worried about that? I can handle it myself. I'm not a child anymore." I whined, frowning. Gladly, his expression changed as he chuckled. "You're still a little kid for me, Ava. I couldn't trust you on your own, you know, which explains why I'm never letting go of this." He said pointing at our tangled hands. I scowled at him even more. He's really getting on my nerves for treating me like that! Screw the last portion of my memory. I really hated Phin for treating me like I'm so incapable in this competitive and dangerous world. He takes pleasure seeing me drive myself up the wall. I faceplamed and shook my head. How in the world did I survive being his childhood friend? Anyway, apart from those aggravating moments I had with Phin, I couldn't help myself from absorbing the memory of seeing that girl all over again. Not to mention that today's Friday and I was supposed to be glad for this hellish week's going to end, but I was deeply disturbed. Who on earth is that girl? What does she have to do with me? Am I her lost sister? Or her long lost relative? … That's crazy. My mind was so engrossed with these thoughts that I hardly perceived Janice's voice. "Alice, are you okay?" Janice asked. I turned seeing the concerned look on her face. "I'm perfectly fine Janice. I was just … spacing out. Sorry." I replied sheepishly. She squinted my face and then sighed. "Just let me know if something is bothering you, alright?" She looked at me doubtfully. I nodded as cheerfully as I can before she left. "She's so worried about you, Alice. You seemed to be not in yourself these past few days." Doris Brown, my workmate, uttered. My other workmates, Shelby Evans and Lilly Clark, were out as early as five in the afternoon to go strolling. They always love to do that. Doris and I aren't the typical shopping girls so to speak in this busy city of Los Angeles. "Oh, I see." I honestly felt sorry for making Janice worry a lot for me. I must not zone out at work. I should try harder this time. "So, is there something bothering you?" Doris inquired. She also seemed worried for me. Why am I acting so sluggishly nowadays? Where's my willpower now? "N-No Doris. " She scowled at me, unconvinced with what I just said, before I continued. "It's something very trivial so don't worry." I said plainly with ease. I'm aware she could sense that I'm hiding something from her, but knowing her, she wouldn't force me if I didn't want to talk about it. So she simply nodded and trusted me with those words. I thank these people for understanding what I've been through now even though they don't know anything at all. Minutes flew by until time was exactly six in the evening. Still, I waited for customers to arrive and normally do the routine of my job. All of a sudden, I saw from the glass window the figure of that mysterious girl. I had been desperate these days to know more about that woman and now's my chance! I stood up abruptly. Without thinking, I told my workmate "I'm sorry about this, Doris. I need to go now. I need to do something really important." Though stunned, Doris allowed me to go. She didn't question me any further and I was so glad with that. In a matter of seconds, I packed my things and urgently stormed out of my working place, heading towards the direction of that woman. Advancing my way through the busy streets, I hurried my pace so as to keep track of that mysterious girl. I felt like I was a part of a survival of the fittest scene where I acted the predator chasing my prey who happens to be that girl. I had to pass through the merciless vehicles ready to attack anything that's hindering them from passing through the open road. I never thought I'd have a hard time crossing the streets. How did this occur when I was so sure that I have already learned this perfectly back when I was still in my younger years? No time for dilly dally. I need to focus on that girl now, nothing else. After what took so long, I've finally managed to cross that relentless road. Looking around, I was momentarily overcome with fear that I have lost track of that girl. Thankfully, I spotted her after a brief while. She was heading towards the UCLA portal. Good Lord, this is now my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I must make the most out of it to unravel the conundrum behind that woman. I silently and stealthily followed that girl from behind as she entered the school portal. Examining her, she seemed not to have any idea that someone is stalking her by now. Gosh! I can't believe I'm doing this! Anyhow, I'd have to take the risk if I was truly serious about solving the mystery behind her so that I could eventually sleep in peace each night. After long crucial minutes of lurking, my quest to unraveling seemed almost at hand. I figured out that her destination's the building of fine arts. I was utterly mesmerized. Clearly, I had no idea that she belonged to the UCLA's College of Fine Arts. Curiosity overwhelmed me as I continued lurking her. For sure, whatever I'm going to discover afterwards will be a great reward after all my painstaking attention of stalking her. Upon entering the building, she proceeded to a hallway which appeared to be quite creepy for no one else was present except her and me. The hallway almost felt like an abandoned place. Secretly, I followed her walking like a cat and mustering all my courage for the sake of finding out the truth about this girl. She entered a room at the end of that hallway. I peeked at the backdoor of that room. She was gathering art materials to the center of the room. With her were different sets of colored paints, paint brushes and a large canvas placed in its canvas holder. Now, this is totally fascinating. She's not only a woman of beauty but also a woman of talent. She's an artist - a painter in particular. I watched her stroking magnificently in the canvas facing her. Her strokes were so smooth and flawless. I honestly envied her amazing talent in painting. Though I have a slight background in painting, I remained awestruck with the kind of talent she possessed. She painted a portrait of a man unknown to me. Wait. She could paint someone even without seeing the person?! Impressive! She's a real genius! However, the connection between her superb painting skills and her grieving cold eyes was absolutely unfathomable at this moment. After a long while, I decided to leave at once. I couldn't permit myself to be discovered by her. I might be accused as a perverted homosexual. Gross. So I quietly walked my way out of that dim hallway. If I'd have a phobia with the dark, I swear I'd faint right here and then. When I managed my way out of that spooky hallway, I bolted out of the building. That was scary indeed! Now, I was all alone. This was much scarier than what I had experienced a while ago. What if a perverted b*****d will come and attack me out of nowhere? Please Lord. Keep me away from that disaster. I crept as silently as I could in the middle of the dark vicinity of the Fine Arts building. At this time, a mind-boggling question was disturbing my thoughts. "Where am I?" I admit that being poor with sense of direction is one of my greatest weaknesses. Where was I when God showered the blessing of good directional sense? I sighed trying to compose myself one more time. I earnestly wished that Phin would come and rescue me now. Where's he when I needed him the most? Phineas's POV Relief swept throughout my senses when the varsity captain announced that today's practice would be over sooner than expected. He said he must attend an urgent appointment at seven in the evening so we were dismissed thirty minutes earlier. I headed straight to the video shop, wanting to surprise Ava. When I arrived at the shop, I looked around but got upset for I hadn't seen her. I was planning to treat her tonight but I was afraid this might turn out a failure. "Where's Ava?" I asked, exasperated. "She just went off at six o'clock Phin." Doris answered. "She said she has something important to do." "Didn't she say where she's heading?" "No unfortunately." "Okay then. I must go. Thanks." "Anytime." She beamed. I nodded courteously before bolting out of the video shop. I promptly decided to go to the girls' dormitory to check her there. Upon reaching the lobby of the girls' dormitory, I instantly called out for Ava. However, she wasn't in her room. All of a sudden, panic rose within my nerves. I was so frightened. What if something bad happened to her? I was pretty sure that at this time, she's messing up with her spying plans on that girl. Absentmindedly, I picked up my iphone inside my pocket. I was about to type my message for her when I called to mind that her phone wasn't functioning anymore. She didn't bother to buy a new one still. Damn that phone! Why wasn't it operating at critical times like this? I slid my iphone back in my pocket and calmly thought of what to do. When she returns, I swear I'll bring her to a mall and buy her a new phone! Growing impatient, I was moving back and forth near a couch inside the lobby. I couldn't think of any strategy on how to go about this. If I move out of this dorm, I don't know where to start looking for her in this enormous campus. Chances are so slim of finding her on my own. Besides, she might arrive here when I'm going out trying to find her. All in all, I'm left hesitatingly with the option of waiting for her inside this dormitory. How pathetic of me for not being able to do anything else. I went outside the lobby to get some fresh air. I inhaled and exhaled very deeply trying to alleviate my terrified emotions. Meanwhile, I saw a silhouette of a person a few strides away from where I was standing. When the person's figure was revealed from afar, I sighed in relief. Finally, after what took forever, Ava returned. Hastily, I rushed towards her and impulsively hugged her firmly. My tensed body gradually regained its normal state as I caressed her delicate body, smelled her sweet scent and touched her smooth hair. Just her mere presence appeased my thoughts and made my day complete. I could feel her body stiffen, breathing unevenly, as I hugged her without saying anything. She must have no idea how worried I was for her. Then slowly, we broke apart from that warm embrace. She gave me a quizzical expression as we stared each other. At last, she spoke. "What's wrong?" She inquired innocently. I winced and slightly felt irritated. "You didn't leave me any note, not even calls, as to where you wandered the past hour. I was so distressed thinking of what happened to you, and here you are, asking me what's wrong?!" I exclaimed uncontrollably. She didn't respond. Instead, she was gazing at me like she had deeply wronged and I could trace the guilt in her eyes. "Where have you been?" I asked, sounding like a parent to her. "P-Phin, I'm sorry. I-I was just "" She stopped for a while. "Sleuthing" I continued her sentence. She nodded sheepishly in agreement. I sighed. "Ava, you're really unstoppable, aren't you?" She looked at me without reacting and I continued. "Guess I couldn't change that side of you any longer." She looked down and didn't say anything. "Just promise me that from now on, you'd inform me everything about what's happening to you." She looked up to me at once and grinned warmly. "Okay." "Good. Now, what have you found out?" "Phin, that girl is a painter." She reported excitedly. "Really? How did you find out?" "I saw her enter the Fine Arts building. I followed her secretly and discovered her skills in painting. Phin, her talent is amazing!" She said happily. I shook my head. Man, I have a feeling Ava's stalking with that girl will never end. "So what do you plan to do now after knowing all these?" "Well, I was planning to get to know her better. I want to learn from her skills." She replied. Dang, I was right. "As long as you won't get yourself in trouble, I won't stop you." "Thank you so much, Phin." She smiled sincerely. I sighed once more. "By the way, what took you so long from returning here? Don't tell me you have been sleuthing for an hour?" "Uh … I-I almost got lost on my way here." She admitted sheepishly. I shook my head in disbelief. "See? That's precisely the reason why I don't trust you on your own, Ava." I stated pointedly with raised eyebrows. She frowned for a few seconds then sighed in defeat. "Alright Phin. I know." She muttered. Suddenly, I decided to grab her hand and pull her towards the parking lot. "H-Hey! Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere you'll know later." I replied, winking. "Let go of my hand." She commanded. "No, I won't." I responded, smirking. She pouted and scowled, knowing that she couldn't argue with me any longer. This scene seemed to be a déjà vu. © 2012 Deneru YamadaAuthor's Note
Added on December 23, 2012 Last Updated on December 29, 2012 Tags: detective fiction, mystery, crime, suspense, humor Author![]() Deneru YamadaAbout♥ I got this pen name Deneru 'cause I find it unique. It's just a name that came to my mind (I dunno how it got there). But it somehow tells my avid nature of Japanese anime. I am a certified J.. more..Writing