Just a few things:
1. There is no title as of yet. Thus, working title is the name of it at the moment. Although, that kind of fits the story in a way, so we'll see.
2. Also, this is a work in progress. I will post each chapter as I write it, but I may revise parts of old chapters as well. It's possible that you may have read of an event in one chapter that I have gone back and changed and it may affect the later outcome of the story as a whole.
3. This is probably one of the most ambitious bits of writing I have tried, and I am putting a lot of myself into it. It is kind of part of my fear of what I would end up as if I did in fact end up working one day in the 9-5 suburbia. With that, I would really love any critiquing and criticism (positive and negative). I want this to be as good as possible, and that cannot happen if mistakes are not fixed. If I don't see them, maybe you can, and it'll be all the better for it.
Thank you for reading and hopefully reviewing and please keep checking back for future chapters. They will take a while to write, so be patient.