![]() Demonic girlfriendA Story by Denis
It was an ordinary day for me until I got back from my lunch break. I walked back to my station at work and there she was, she was looking at laptop computers with a frustrated look on her face. I walked over to the register and hung my jacket on the chair; my co-worker obviously noticed her too, his eyes were glued to her like a thelve year old seeing his first pair of breasts. I asked why he hasnt gone over and asked if she needed any help but then I realized just like a twelve year old boy he was too nervous to talk to a beautiful woman.
I walked over to her and asked if she needed any help, she looked up at me with a huge smile on her face and my heart jumped into my throat. "Yes please! I have been staring at these two computers for the past twenty minutes and can't decide which one is better, I would have asked your friend over there but I get the feeling he might wet himself if i speak to him." I agreed with her and we both started laughing, her laugh was so beautiful it was like hearing an angel laugh. I asked her what she wanted to use the computer for and she explained that just wants something that lets her surf the web faster and something that could run games with out slowing down. I pointed her to the computer on the left and explained how this one would be the ideal laptop for what she needed. She seemed to be relieved to finally find the right computer, she thanked me and gave me a huge hug which made me take a big inhale of her perfume. I unlocked the case and grabbed her computer and walked her over to the register; which made my co-worker run away in fear she may speak to him. As I was ringing up her computer we continued to talk about different things, she told me her name was Gabriela and how she likes to play online games when she has downtime from her job as a secretary. We continued to talk even after she bought the computer before either of us realized it thirty minutes had past. She told me she had to run to meet up with her sister, we said good bye and for the next hald four or so I sat at the register thinking of her. A week went by and I still found myself thinking of her, I was starting to think I was nuts. A few more days went by and then there she was walking back into the store and my heart jumped back into my throat again. She walked up with a beautiful smile on her face and placed a computer bag onto the counter. "What can I do for you today,Gabriela?" Her smile went away and that same look of frustration came back to her face. "My computer keeps crashing on me everytime I try and play a game." I opened up her computer and turned it on; I started checking her system to see if anything was downloaded that could be causing the problem. After a couple minutes I found a program that was most likely the cause of the problem, I asked her to come around the counter so I can show her what the problem was. I got up and let her sit in my chair while I showed her the problem, as she sat down the fan on the counter blew her perfume into my face making my knees weak. I leaned on the counter for support; once I gained my balance again I showed her the program that was causing the issue. Once I removed it from her computer system I explained that she should regularly check incase something else gets downloaded. "Are you sure the problem is fixed now, it won't mess up everytime I run a game?" "Well let's check and see, what game were you running when it kept crashing?" She pointed me to the game and I started it to show her the problem was fixed. "Does it start to mess up as soon as you launch the game?" "No normally it's when I get to a certain area it starts to get laggy and crash on me." I told her to play the game just like she woul at home and go to the area where the game would start to lag. After a couple minutes I assumed the problem was fixed because her smile returned to her face. "Thank you so much, that's been pissing me off for a few days now I almost through my computer out of my window." She began to pack up her laptop and then asked how much she owed me for fixing the problem. "Don't worry about it you dont owe me anything." This seemed to make her really happy. "Wow thank you." She grabbed her bag and began to walk back around the counter but then she stopped and turned to me. "I still feel like I should repay you; I get off work early tomorrow what do you say we have dinner?" I looked at her for a moment not being able to muster up the words to say yes; which she must have taken as a bad sign. "Oh i'm sorry you must have a girlfriend or something." "No no i'm not dating anyone, yea i'll go to dinner with you." She seemed happy about my answer; she wrote down her number on a piece of paper and I did the same. "I get off at three tomorrow so i'll give you a call." She turned and walked towards the exit of the store. My knees felt weak again realizing what just happened and I fell back into my chair. For the rest of the day I was both excited and nervous about tomorrow night. The next day at work I kept checking the clock which made the day just drag on. And then as soon as the clock struck three my cellphone went off. "Hello?" And then her voice came through the phone and I felt my knees go weak again. "Hey it's Gabriela." We started talking about our day and what time we wanted to get dinner. I told her that I get off at five and we can have dinner anytime after that. "Okay, how does six o'clock sound?" she asked. "That's perfect." I responded a little too eagerly. We continued to talk about different things and then all of a suddenI hear her say. "Oh my god!" I asked her what was wrong and then she told me to look at the clock, I turned to face the clock and that's when I realized what time it was. "I can't believe it's five o'clock already, i'll let you go so you can get home and stuff." We hung up shortly after and I got my things and headed home, when i got home i started getting ready. She texted me her address and said she was looking forward to tonight, making my heart speed up like a freight train. Before leaving I fed my dog and then headed out the door; realizing i should buy her some flowers I stopped at the store before getting to her place making me a couple minutes late. When I arrived at her apartment I rang the door bell and from inside I heard her yell. "It's open." I opened the door and started calling for her. A few moments later she came walking around the corner in a bathrobe. "I'm sorry my cat got hair all over my dress so I had to wash something really fast." 'It's okay, i'm in no hurry." She smiled and then her smile grew even bigger when she saw the flowers in my hand. "Are those for me?" She walked over and took the flowers from me and headed towards the kitchen. She took a big wiff of the flowers before places them into a giant cup that she filled with water. "Oh yeah um I don't have a vase to put them in." She said a little embarrassed, and then started to nervously laugh. "Do you want something to drink while we wait, I only have bottled water though I don't really go shopping much." "Water is fine." She handed me a bottle of water and then headed to check on her dress. A couple minutes passed before she finally returned. "Okay i'm finally ready." I turned to look at her and almost dropped my bottle of water; she was wearing a red dress that stopped mid thigh and showed enough cleavage to make a baby thirsty. "Wow you look....incredible." Her face lit up and she began to blush. "Thank you." Once she put on her high heels we finally left for the restaurant. We decided to go to this little italian restaurant a few minutes from her house since we both had a love for italian food. Once we got seated we began to tell eachother about ourselves. She told me she is originally from Texas but moved to New Orleans because she fell in love with the city after she came here on a family trip. "So enough about me; how did you get into the computer bussiness?" "I just have a love for electronics and once I graduated from college i decided to open my own store." "Wait you own that store?" she asked. I started to laugh. "Yeah I own this one and a smaller one near bourbon street." Apparently surprised by my she just looked at me with an amazed look on her face taking another sip of her wine. "Does it surprise you that i own my own store?" I asked almost laughing. "I just thought you were a regular employee since you were dressed just like everyone else and helping customers." "Yeah most of my employees are amazed by that too; I geuss they think i should be in the back eating donuts and yelling at people for screwing up." Our food finally arrived and we both stopped talking and began to eat our food. Our quietness didn't last long though; after taking a bite of her food she told me to try it. "It's so good, you're going to love it." She pushed her fork closer to my mouth giving me no option but to do as she asked. "Oh wow you're right that's amazing." "See I told you." After we finished our meal we continued talking for awhile before finally to leaving. Once back at her place she opened up a bottle of wine and poured us both a glass. "So I have a confession to make." she finally said after a moment of silence. "Okay?" I was curious as to what she was going to say. "I knew what was wrong with my computer when I brought it into your store." We sat there for a second just looking at eachother before she continued. "When I started playing online games I became very knowledgeable on computers and what causes them to mess up. I used my laptop as an excuse to see you again." Amazed by this I couldn't help myself from laughing, which caused her to start laughing. Once we got control of ourselves she leaned over and began kissing me, her lips were as soft as silk and made me want to keep kissing her. After a few moments things started to heat up and she climbed on top of my lap; eventually we both realized we needed to breathe. When we stopped we were both gasping for breath which caused us to start laughing again. We soon began to kiss again except this time more passionately like to lovers who haven't seen eachother in years. I started to caress her body running my hands up her thigh resting them on her hips. Realizing where things were headed she stopped us from going any further. 'Wait we shouldn't, not that I don't want to it's just.." "We just met." "Yes exactly. I just want to take it slow." "Okay we can take it slow." She climbed off of my lap and sat next to me resting her head on my shoulder. My heart was racing not only from the intense kissing but from the realization that the girl I have been thinking about for the past week or so was just sitting on my lap attacking my lips with hers. Right then I knew I wanted to be with this girl for a long time. We started talking about our past relationships and she explained how her last boyfriend was an a*****e and she hasn't dated anyone since. Two bottles of wine later we ended up falling asleep on her sofa around midnight. The next morning I woke up to the smell of something burning, I walked into the kitchen and saw her attempting to cook breakfast. "I woke up early and thought you would be hungry; except i'm not that very good at cooking." I walked over and took the frying pan of the stove and dumped the burnt eggs into the trashcan. "How about we go get something that isn't burnt, I just need to run home and shower?" "Well I have some of my brothers clothes here if you don't feel like running all the way home; him and his wife stayed here a few weeks ago on vacation and he forgot some of his clothes here." "Yea that's fine." "Okay go ahead and take a shower and i'll go find the clothes." She showed me where her bathroom was and gave me a towel from the closet in the hallway. "The shampoo and everything is in the shower and there is a clean washcloth right there on the counter. So you go ahead and take a shower and get the clothes." Before leaving the bathroom we kissed and everything from lastnight came back to me; the way it felt when our lips touched like electricity. She smiled before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. I closed the door and started the shower before getting undressed; the hot water felt good on my skin but it started getting hotter the longer I stood under the water. not being able to take the scolding hot water any longer I quickly finished bathing then turned the shower off. Before I could grab the towel she gave me the door swung open; "Oh god i'm sorry". I quickly grabbed the towel and covered myself. "I'm sorry i should have knocked, heres the clothes i'll just be in the living room when you're done." Once she closed the door I dried off and got dressed in the clothes she gave me. When i walked into the living room she was sitting on the couch with here feet propped up on the table and her pet cat lying on her lap. I walked over and sat on the couch next to her. "Do the clothes fit?" she asked hoping to ignore what happen a few minutes prior. "They're a little big but they're fine." We spent the rest of the day hanging out at her place watching movies and getting to know eachother more. I found out she use to love riding dirt bikes and atv's and she also told me about how her parents had died and she lived with her grandmother for five years before going to college. For the next few weeks we spent almost everyday together and on the days we weren't together we were always texting and talking until three or four in the morning, even though we spent all this time together we never talked about if we were dating or not until one night when we had dinner with her brother and his wife. Her brother's wife Shannon asked how long we have been dating for and that's when we both realized all this time we never talked about it. After dinner Gabriela and I went back to her place and ended up talking about our relationship. "So tonight was nice, with my brother." She said after a little while of being at her place. "Yea his wife seemed to have brought up an interesting topic." "Yea it's strange that we never talked about it before." "Maybe it's time that we do; it's been a few weeks that we have been seeing eachother." She looked at me with a worried look on her face; she didn't say anything for a few moments. "Why do you look worried?" I asked. "This is the first relationship i've been in in a year and I don't know I geuss i'm just worried." "We've already been seeing eachother for awhile and it's been going great I don't think saying that we are dating is going to make things go bad." "You're right." she started to smile, the smile that made my heart jump and my knees weak. She leaned in and started kissing me. "Let's be together." she whispered in between kissess. I smiled and put my hand on her cheek pulling her face in closer to mine. Things started to heat up just like it did the first night we were together except this time neither of us was stopping. She started to moan softly in my ear as I kissed her neck; we started to undress eachotherand within seconds we were naked lying on the couch. I started kissing her body slowly moving from her neck; once I reached her belly button she grabbed my head and pulled me on top of her. Her skin felt amazing against mine making me want her even more the longer our bodies were pressed together. Suddenly we heard a knock on the front door which made both of us jump. She quickly grabbed her dress and threw it on before answering the door; at the door was her neighbor asking us if we could keep it down. After a few more minutes Gabriela returned to the living room, her face was as red as an apple. "My neighbor explained that she could hear us having sex and wanted us to keep it down." We both looked at eachother and began laughing before we ran off to her bedroom, we turned the TV on before finsihing what we started in the living room. The next morning I woke up and just laid there next to her until she woke up. "Good morning." she said still half asleep. When she opened her eyes they were as black as midnight, and then w hen she blinked her eyes went back to normal. Shocked by what I just saw I jumped out of bed and screamed. "What the hell is wrong with your eyes?" She looked at me in pure fear before she started to answer. "There's something you should know about me..i'm not fully human so to speak." "What the hell do you mean you're not fully human, what are you?" "Just calm down and we can talk about this." I tried calming myself down which wasn't working too well but eventually i could control my breathing. "If you're not human then what are you?" She looked at me for a moment too nervous to speak and then she began. She went on to tell me that she was half demon, that when her mom got pregnant a demon possessed her dad and got her pregnant. I sat there not saying anything trying to comprehend everything she was telling me. "I know this is hard to understand but please believe me i've been wanting to tell you for awhile now, I just didn't know how." "And you didn't think to tell me before we slept together?" "This isn't something easy to talk about it's not like telling you I have six toes on one foot." "I need time to think about this, I need to go home." "Wait!" she yelled as I headed towards the bedroom door. "I need time to think about how the girl i'm inlove with is half demon." She just looked at me with an amazed look on her face. "You love me?" Not wanting to continue our conversation I left and went back to my place. When I got home I was greeted by my german shepherd Buddy. I went to the kitchen and turned on my coffee maker before going and sitting down on my couch. I sat there for awhile in silence just thinking and then Buddy started barking breaking me from thinking; I got up and made myself a cup of coffee before grabbng my laptop and took Buddy to the dog park at my apartment complex. I let Buddy loose and sat down at a picnic bench and started searching countless websites about demons. After some time I began to get frustrated so I grabbed Buddy and we went back to my apartment and spent the rest of the day lying on the couch watching TV. Over the next few days I didn't talk to Gabriela; she called me constantly and sent me just as many text messages. She sent messages saying how sorry she was and that she wanted to see me. After a few more days of this I finally decided to text her back; I told her to meet me at a coffee shop in town after she got off work. She agree and we decided to meet at five o'clock. She got there before I did; normally when I saw her my palms would sweat and my heart would race except this time all I could feel was fear. I sat down and for a few minutes we neither of us said anything we just looked at eachother; then she couldn't take the silence anymore. "I'm glad you finally decided to see me; i've been calling and texting you." "I know." "Is there anything that you want to know?" she asked nervously. "I've been doing research on ....demons." i said softly. "But i couldn't find anything about half demons." "My kind is very rare there's not much lore on us." "So what are you evil or work with the devil? Wow I feel dumb saying that out loud." "No i'm neither." she said trying to hold in her laughter. "Since i'm only half demon I still have my humanity so I know what's right and what's wrong, I do have powers though." "What do you mean pow.." Before I couldn't finish my cup of coffee began to lift off the table and then back down again. "What about the eye thing?" "That obviously comes from my demon side, I can control it most of the time. The times when I can't are in the morning when I wake up or when i'm really angry and also when I have an....orgasm." "So that's why you closed you eyes towards the end." "Yes." she started to blush in embarrassment. "I know this is a lot to take in but I don't want us to break up because of this; do you think that we can make this work?" I looked at her for a moment before responding. "This isn't something that can be worked out overnight, but i'm willing to give it a shot." "There's one more thing I should tell you; the ex boyfriend that i told you about that was an a*****e to me. It's more than that....i killed him."
© 2015 DenisAuthor's Note
Added on March 5, 2015 Last Updated on March 6, 2015 |