![]() Undying LoveA Story by Denis
He entered the house, he was waiting for this moment; you see this wasnt just some average girl that he chose at random. This girl was a woman he knew very well; ten years ago he was supposed to marry this woman. On the night he was going to ask her to be his wife, he told her that he was going to take her to a very special place that she would never forget. It was arounf 9p when they finally reached their destination, he got out of the car and walked over to her door and opened it. She slowly stepped out of the car; he walked over to a picnic table that was quietly lit up by four candles that were placed in all four corners of the table, then a single candle placed in the middle. As she stepped out of the car he asked her to follow him, where he led her to the table and proceeded to ask her to take a seat.
Soon after he asked her to take a seat things started to change. She started to look irritated and angry; he asked her what was wrong and she just tried to blow it off and said "npthing". He decided that it was now or never and reached into his pocket where a square shaped object was sitting. He started to pull his hand out of his pocket with the square shaped object in his hand when he started to hear rustling in the bushes near by. He was already nervous so he just assumed it was his nerves that made him think there was something in the bushes, so he proceeded to pull out the box. He finally pulled the box out and looked up at her; "I know we have only been together for a year, but I feel like ive known you my entire life. Being your husband would make me the happiest man in the world, to be able to wake up every morning and see your face feels me with so much joy. Will you marry me?" He looked up at her with so much hope in his eyes; with all of this he completely forgot about the noise that was going on in the bushes. She stood up and started to move away from him; the noise in the bushes started getting louder and louder. And turned to see what it was, as he turned to face the noise he saw three figures jump from the bushes and crowd around him. After a brief moment he heard her start talking, "I really wish it wasn't you. I never thought when this day came that I would actually love the person." He looks up at her scared to death. "Whats going on?" She looks at him, her eyes starting to water. "Every couple of decades My people need to get propoer nourishment so as their queen I meet a man and then I get him alone and let my family feed upon him and then his family." His eyes started to water, he looked at her. He could barely recogninize her now. "We were going to get married and have children." "I know mi amor but it's complicated." He looks up at her and their eyes meet; her minions got closer and closer and before she could stop them they had already drained the blood from his body." His body fell to the ground and so did she, she knelt down next to him realizing what she had down. After centuries of luring men into her life in order to keep her coven alive; this time she fell in love. As she grabbed him to pull him close to her she could feel a slight pulse that was fading fast. She quickly bit her wrist until blood rushed from her veins then she shoved it into his mouth hoping that atleast some of her blood would make it into his system before he died. As she force fed him her blood his pulse grew weaker and weaker until there was no pulse; she quickly picked up his body and started digging a hole in the ground to place his body in it. As she covered his body in the dirt she hoped that some of her blood reached his system and started the transformation before he died. She wouldnt know if it worked or not for atleast two or three days; the venom is so unpredictable. One guy turned within an hour of being bitten but then a girl that was bitten last year around Halloween it took her almost a month to finally change. -3 months later- She eventually gave up on hoping that he would be transformed and started to get on with her life. It was exactly three months since his death when he finally started to get feeling back in his body. He wasnt sure what was going on except that he was in total darkness and couldnt see a damn thing. He eventually reached the surface and within just a few seconds he realized where he was. He was at the old town cemetary which was just 1/4 of the mile away from his house and 1/2 a mle away from his girlfriends house. He started to make his way towards his house to make sure that she didnt harm his family. When he reached his driveway he could hear laughter coming from the inside of his house. He quietly walked up to the front window and looked through it and saw his mom, dad, older sister, and younger sister all playing a board game at the kitchen table. It was a bitter sweet moment for him; he was happy to see that everyone wa alive and well but he was a bit saddend that they all didnt seem to care that he was gone. they were laughing as if just a few months ago they lost their brother and his parents lost their son. He quickly snuck away and headed towards his girlfriends house, when he reached her house it was completely quiet. There were no lights on or anything. He walked to the side of the house to her window like he had done so many times when he was alive. He slowiy climbed up the side of the house until he reached the second floor and hopped onto the roof near her window. He quietlly opened her window and crawled inside. He saw her lying there in her bed asleep; he slowly walked over to her and put his hands around her throat. As soon as his fingers touched her throat she walked up and in a quick flash she darted to the wall opposite the bed. When she realized who her attacker was she started to smile. "I was wondering when i'd see you again." She started to snicker. "What did you do to me?" he couldnt even look up at her, his body was starting to get hot with anger. "Well I turned you of course silly.You're just like me now." "I was going to ask you to marry me you pathetic s**t. And you betrayed me." Her demeanor changed now, she started to frown. "I'm sorry okay? I was suppose to just get close to you and then once I got close enough to you I was supposed to kill you so my clan can eat, I didnt know all this stuff was going to happen. I was suppose to kill you but I couldnt go through with it so I turned you, I couldnt bare the thought of living without you." He took a step back almost falling over into a chair that was in the corner next to the bed. "I was madly inlove with you then you betrayed me; now i'm supposed to believe this story that your telling me? You made me into....into this monster because you couldnt kill me? I crave blood; it took all of my strength not to kill this little old lady that was walking her dog down the street. Am I supposed to be greatfull or happy that you didnt kill me?" Her eyes started to water except it wasnt water that was coming out, it was a dark red color almost like blood. "What is that coming out of your eyes? Are your eyes bleeding?" "It's a part of my..well our condition, we dont cry tears, since we need blood to survive we cry blood since our bodies are so full of it. We dont sweat either but we dont sweat blood incase you were thinking that. He went there to kill the woman he loved for betraying him but now he found himself feeling sorry for her. He would have died for her when he was alive, now it turns out she couldnt stand spending eternity without him. *6 months later* After that night the two of them made up and he decided to give her a chance, because he knew if he was in her situation he would have done the same thing. Now instead of hating her, they hunt down the coven that she was a part of making sure that no one else has to go through what they went through. For him it's a huge struggle; he spends everyday trying to except what he is now, she's asked him over and over again to just except it and move on. He finds it hard to except that he is now a part of legend, a creature that people have feared fro centuries. One day he hopes to be able to except the fact that for the rest of eternity he is and will forever be a vampire..
© 2014 Denis |
Added on September 11, 2014 Last Updated on September 12, 2014 |